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HomeTRUE LOVETRUE LOVE - Episode 1 & 2

TRUE LOVE – Episode 1 & 2

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LOVE ❤️💛
( Idols😍In🎤My😘Heart… )

GENRE: Musical Romance

Naomi Cindy. B.



In the midst of numerous K-pop singers in S-Korea, an upcoming band found itself struggling for recognition, but all it got was constant rejection, so it’s always the underdog.

The band name is TRUE LOVE, an intergender band of two males and three females.

Jazzy_ The leader, lead vocal and male visual

Rhapsody_ Main vocal

Freddy_ Main rapper and lead dancer

Piper_ Main dancer and lead rapper

Lyric_ Maknae, vocalist and the female visual.

Though they’ve got the needed visuals, choreography and voices, but what’s the use when no one is ready to listen to their songs, attend their concerts or watch their shows?

They’re always the subject of ridicule by popular bands, they’re h@ťěd and tagged ‘washed up Idols”

But despite it all, they never gave up, always hoping for a day to rise in the industry.

After the the twentieth failed show, something happened which made the leader (Jazzy) try to commit suicide, but he was saved by a girl.

Who’s she???

What exactly initiated his suicide?

Wanna know what the future holds for TRUE LOVE?

Will they ever rise to stardom?

And also… Are you in for the unending romance, love triangles, fights, rivalry and series of dramas between the idols?

Then join this interesting ride.


LOVE ❤️💛
( Idols😍In🎤My😘Heart… )

Naomi Cindy. B.


★ CHAPTER 1&2 ★


Biscotti idols show happens just once a year, and of the over fifty kpop shows happening in Korea yearly, it ranks third, so any band who gets recognized in the show will definitely hit the jackpot that night.

The time is exactly 8PM, and the crowd of fans in the hall were already insanely excited, everyone obviously can’t wait to see their favorite band on stage.

👥 You came too?

👥 Of course who’d miss this show?

👥 I bought the ticket with my pocket money, had to save it for three months!

👥 I had to cry like crazy and refuse to eat for a night before my dad considered getting me the ticket!

👥 I’m just too proud to be here! I didn’t get to buy the ticket last year so I couldn’t see my Kang Daniel!

👥 Really? You didn’t attend last year?

👥 I swear it and I almost died!

👥 Kang Daniel was a total babe last year, how much more would his handsomeness glow this year? I can’t wait!

👥 You’re here for Kang Daniel too?

👥 Of course! Who else rules the K-pop world if not him!

Yeah, he really rules. Kang Daniel is the leader of the most popular boy band in Korea called H.O.T, a six membered band who shakes the kpop world presently.

The six members are total eye candies, breathtaking and hot like their band name, but Daniel’s handsomeness overshadowed them all, so he’s the most popular member who successfully planted his name on every lip in Seoul and beyond.

The usual tattling, gists and excitement was still going on in the crowd when the multicolored stage lights suddenly came on, and everyone focused immediately.

“Hotter than fire!!!”

The usual intro of H.O.T boomed so loud in the speakers…

👥 Hotter than hell!!!

Their crazy fans screamed, almost shaking the hall to crumbles as they appeared on stage eventually.

👥 OMG Kang Daniel!!!

👥 I love you!!!

👥 Look my way or I’d die!!!

👥 You’re my future I swear it!

👥 Big babies!!!

They’re all rocking white stage outfits and black masks, but immediately they got to the stage, the masks fell automatically, revealing six flaming hot faces, but that wasn’t the end.

Kang Daniel took off his shirt completely and threw it in the air before starting to sing.

👥 H.O.T!!!!!!!!!



Manager Kim opened the door, and the moment he stepped in, all the members of TRUE LOVE stood, looking so tensed in their different stage outfits.

“Manager Kim? How come you’re here” Jazzy said surprisingly, and even though he wasn’t smiling, his dimples stood out on his cheeks.

“I was just restless, yunno how much effort I pulled before I was able to get you guys on this show, so please, no f-__-k ups” Manager Kim replied.

“We’ll try our best as usual. We always try our best, we’ve always been doing that” Rhapsody replied, flipping her long hair.

“I know that, but yunno what I’m talking about, you guys failed 19 shows already and this is the twentieth, if this fails too then it’s over” Manager Kim replied.

“H.O.T didn’t attend the show, did they?” Lyric asked, adjusting her earrings.

“Of course they did! They’re on stage right now and they’re taking the spotlight as usual, that’s why you guys have to give your best when you get out there!” Manager Kim said.

“TRUE LOVE, you guys will be the last to perform tonight, the numbers got rearranged” a lady director came in, handing Jazzy a tag.

“Last to perform? You mean number 40? How come we went from 10 to 40?” Freddy said, widening his eyes.

“Unfair, why always us?” Piper said a little bit angry.

“Blame the top directors” the lady replied and left.

“What the hell!” Freddy smirked.

“The most important is the performance, the number you perform with is meaningless, just don’t burn it” Manager Kim said and left the room.

“Gawd, this is frustrating, now I’m losing hope for real” Rhapsody said, and Jazzy held her shoulders which are bare cos she’s wearing an armless crop top. She’s his girlfriend actually, everyone knows they’re dating.

“Calm down, breathe in and out” he said, and she did, then he smiled and hugged her.

“I don’t feel too good” she whispered, hugging him back.

“Let’s just get it done with first, please” he replied, and she nodded on his shoulder.

He broke the hug and kissed her forehead.

“I love you”

“I love you too” she forced a smile, and Jazzy finally faced the others to meet them staring.

“You think she’s the only one who needs the hug?” Freddy said, rolling his eyes.

“Are you jealous?” Jazzy laughed.

“Don’t even start” Freddy smiled.

“Gosh, I’m so nervous right now” Lyric said, fanning herself with her hands.

Piper got some calming pills and dropped them on her palm.

“What are they?” She asked with two blinks.

“Calming pills, swallow them” Piper replied.

“Aww, gomawo eonni (thanks big sis)” Lyric smiled before swallowing.

“Now let’s do this, one” Jazzy placed an hand forward.

“Two” Rhapsody placed her hand on it.

“Three” Freddy followed.

“Four” Lyric mounted her hand too.

“Five, let’s do this!” Piper placed last.

“Fighting!” They chorused and smiled at each other.

“TRUE LOVE!, It’s your time now!” The lady came back again, and they all faced the door.

“Already? Aren’t we supposed to be forty?” Jazzy replied.

“Your manager pulled some strings apparently, the stage is yours now” the lady said, and their panicking increased as they walked out of the room together.

Jazzy, Rhapsody and Freddy in the front since it’s a slim corridor, then Lyric and Piper at the back.

They stepped into the background, and their hearts began racing so much, every single one of them.

No single scream or cheer from anyone in the crowd as they came out of the background to the main stage.

Their red and white lights came on, shinning on them as they took positions and portable microphones attached to their ears.

They haven’t even started singing when someone began laughing in the crowd, and that distracted them.

Before they knew it, another person from the crowd began laughing, then everyone joined in the laughter, obviously laughing at them.

“Why the f-__-k is Jazzy wearing a dress from last year? Are you guys that poor?” Someone shouted, and Jazzy folded his fists so tight.

“I think Lyric should do something about her teeth, she resembles a rabbit!” Another one screamed, and the laughter increased as Lyric began crying instantly.

“Piper you should keep doing bangs, your forehead is worse!” Another scream came.

“Rhapsody looks like my grandma in her 50’s!” Another person laughed.

“Freddy looks bad with the blue hair!!”

👥 Get away from the stage y’all!

👥 Washed up idols!

👥 Don’t you guys see other bands?

👥 How come you guys get worse everyday?

👥 Leave the stage for better people please!

👥 We don’t want you guys!

👥 We don’t want TRUE LOVE!

👥 Leave losers!!!

The screams from h@ťěrs got louder and louder, and a keg of juice suddenly flew from the crowd to the stage, coming straight for Rhapsody’s face.

Jazzy quickly blocked her, and the whole thing landed on his shirt, soaking him completely, but it didn’t end.

More kegs of juice and papers kept flying to them, and guards had to intervene

Like five of them rushed in to escort them out of stage.

👥 Y’all should leave music, go fishing instead!!!

The h@ťěful yells of the crowd could still be heard as they got back to their dressing room.

Everyone of them had tears in their eyes except Jazzy who had to act strong as the leader.

“Yunno what?” Rhapsody said, and they all turned their tearful eyes to her.

“I’m outta this shitty band!” She smirked, and their eyes widened.

“Rhapsody!” Piper shouted shockingly.

“What!!! Haven’t I tried enough? We’ve debuted for a year now but no single concert cos no one attends, no successful show and no single fan!!! Why did we even debut? We’ve only released one album and it didn’t even get up to two hundred views on YouTube!! We didn’t sell a single one!!! Last year everyone left the hall immediately we stepped in, and this year the hatred even increased, they stoned us with trash and you expect me to stay? No I’m done! I’m f-__-king done!!!” Rhapsody yelled.

“You can’t be done, you can’t say that, you’re the main vocal, babe” Jazzy held her hands, but she broke free from him immediately.

“I’m not only done with the band, I’m done with you too!” She snapped.

“What!” His eyes widened.

“Yes! I’m breaking up with you here and now!” Rhapsody shouted.

“Rhapsody are you insane? What the f-__-k are you doing!” Freddy yelled.

“Don’t shout at me! I’m done for real” she rolled eyes and stormed out of the room.

“Rhapsody!” Jazzy ran after her immediately, and Freddy laughed like a maniac before rushing after her too.

Piper followed, and Lyric sat on the ground, backing the wall as she kept crying so much, soaking her outfit.

“They said I have the teeth of a rabbit!!! How could you say that to a human!!!”


Rhapsody was already gone when Jazzy got to the back of the hall, and immediately he saw that, he tried to breathe out, but it was impossible, his breath came shakily, and he barely felt it.

He quickly held his chest and started staggering around, sweating as blood came out his nose. He was already gasping for breath with tears in his red eyes when Freddy got to him.

“Jazzy!” He held him, and immediately he saw his face…

“The attack? Piper get a nylon!” He shouted at Piper who was just rushing out too.

“He got the attack again?” Piper’s eyes widened, and she quickly went for a nylon lying nearby.

She came back with it, and Freddy placed it on Jazzy’s mouth.

“Try to breathe” he said, and Jazzy finally inhaled and exhaled into the nylon, calming slowly.

“Where the hell is Rhapsody?” Piper said.

“She’s gone” Freddy replied, and her eyes widened.

“Don’t tell me she really meant the trash she said”

Jazzy finally calmed and stood, but before they could say a word, he rushed to the road.

“Jazzy stop right there!” Freddy ran after him with Piper.

“Jazzy!” Piper shouted as Jazzy stopped a taxi

Before they could get to him, he got in and left.

“Get the car! we need to follow him before he tries something funny!” Piper told Freddy, and he quickly rushed to the parking lot.


Jazzy came down from the taxi in front of the tallest building in the neighborhood, BB skyscraper.

He rushed in and didn’t bother to use the elevator.

His eyes were turning on their own as he climbed the stairs fast.

The juice stain is still on his white shirt and cargo pants, then the blood on his nose and tears on his face. He looks like a total mess.

He was almost at the verge of death when he got to the top , and the cold night breeze hit his face, blowing his hair too.

He sighted the edge and walked there. He pulled off his white shoes and climbed it.

The ground from there is so scary, but who cares anyways? He’s here for death, and it’d happen.

He cried more when he remembered how he had loved music from childhood, and how he left his poor parents in the countryside just to come here for music.

He was lucky to train under Rainbow entertainment with the rest of the band for two years, and he was so happy when he got to be the leader.

He had hoped for a green grass after debut, but things got even worse.

TRUE LOVE became irrelevant and the most h@ťěd K-pop band ever, and now the twentieth show failed too? Rhapsody broke up with him too!

She was the first member to join him in training before Freddy, then Lyric and Piper, and he could still remember their first kiss when he asked her out on the day they debuted.

A great whirlwind threw his head into tumbles immediately he began thinking about it, and he cried more as he moved his feet closer to the edge.

He’d just end it once and for all, he has no purpose in life anyways.

He closed his eyes as tears slipped out again, and he made to jump…

“No!!!!!!!” A tiny female voice screamed from behind, and he opened his eyes slowly.

He has never heard the voice before, so it sounded unfamiliar. It’s probably someone who doesn’t even know what he’s passing through presently.

He didn’t bother to look back at her, he only closed his eyes back…

“No!!!!! Don’t jump!… please!!!” The voice screamed again, but he smiled sadly and did it…

He jumped.


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