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Friday, October 18, 2024
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⚜️⚜️⚜️?ALISHA’S REVENGE⚜️⚜️⚜️
⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️CHAPTER 9⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️
“Guys, we have to make Olly meet Lydia.”I said to Carla and Tania sitting beside me still in the canteen.

“But Olly is not real, we just made him up, how are supposed to find an Olly?” Tania asked.

Carla smirked “Don’t worry, I got a guy that will soon graduate from college next week, he’s kinda a pervert but I know you’ll handle him. His name is Josh.”

I smiled “Okay, where is he?”

Carla checked her phone “He said that he’s outside the canteen.”

I nodded as I stood up and walk out of the canteen.

I stood outside looking for Jos or what’s his name?

I saw a brunette bearded man smiling at me which made me uncomfortable, he approached me.

“Hey, are you Alisha? Carla sent me.” he asked.

“Yeah, come with me.” I said as he followed me to the side of the canteen so that no one can see us.

“I’m Josh.” he stretched his hand for hand shake.

I scoffed “No, I’m not shaking those hands.”

Josh chuckled.

“So here’s the plan, you’ll soon meet a brunette girl named Lydia, act like her boyfriend and your name is Olly.” I explained.

Josh smirked “Can’t I act like your boyfriend, I mean you’re beautiful.”

I cringed feeling irritated “Pervert…” I muttered.

I sighted Lydia walking into the restaurant “Oh, there’s the girl I’m talking about.”

Josh scoffed “Yeah she’s cute but you’re cuter.”

“Dude, just shut up and listen to me.” I snapped angrily and Josh became a little scared.

“Lemme have your phone.” I said and Josh gave me his phone.

Josh said “The pass code is Nisha, my ex-girlfriend, we…”

“Don’t care.” I cut him off as I opened the phone.

“So you wanna give me your number?” Josh asked.

I glared at him “No.”

I enter Facebook and logged into the Olly’s account and I gave Josh his phone.

“I logged into the Olly’s account, make sure you nailed the acting.” I said.

“Yeah but I can I get in return?” Josh asked.

“Dude, we’ve paid you $5000, what else do you want?” I asked angrily.

“Two rounds segz from you.” Josh retorted.

I cringed in disgust “Ew! You know what, never mind, I’ll just look for another guy to be an actor.” I said as I was about to walk away.

“Whoa, babe! I’m just joking, I’m sorry.” Josh apologized.

I sighed “Just stick with the plan okay? And take off that college ID lanyard.”

Joshnodded as he removed his lanyard and put it in his pocket “Okay, what else?”

I smirked devilishly.

This guy is totally ugly and disgusting, I can’t believe I was dating this frog on Facebook thinking that he’s cute and rich.

Great, I’ve put myself in trouble.

“I’m so happy to see you, you look beautiful than the picture.” Olly said.

I rolled my eyes “Thanks.”

“Would you like something to eat? I’ll pay.” Olly asked.

I fake smiled “I’m not hungry.”

Olly smirked as he moved closer to me which is totally making feel super uncomfortable and disgusted.

“This is so amazing. You, me, alone in this restaurant.” Olly said.

I cringed because he has a bad breath, I feel like puking.

I stood up angrily “Look dude, I can’t believe you’re so ugly and dis…”

“Hold on.” Olly said as he received a phone call.

Olly ? Hello…

Olly? Yeah, how much did my company earned?…

Olly? $10 million?

Wait… What?

Olly? That’s amazing, and how much was the last profit?

Olly ? $18million? That’s amazing, I’ll check my phone for the alert message.

Olly hung up the phone and was checking something on it. I sat beside him to confirm if the profit is true.

Holy Mother of my mother!!! It’s true.

Credit alerts of $10million and $18million! No way!

Do Olly is super rich, now I love this guy.

My first boyfriend, not cute but super rich. I like it.

I smiled trying to flirt with him “So do you want some super quiet time?” I asked and held his hand.

Olly smirked at me “Yes.”

“So tell me about yourself.” I said.

Olly shrugged “Okay, my full name is Olive George, I’m 19 years old, I’m the CEO of Olly Oil Company, in short, OOC. I’m one of the richest CEO in Royalville.”

I gasped in surprise “You’re super rich.”

Olly nodded “Yeah… Oh, sorry I forgot to lock my car.” he brought out a small remote and pressed the button.

The latest Porsche sounded from outside. Don’t tell me that’s Olly’s car. It’s expensive.

“Babe, can we go inside my hotel room to have spend some quality time together?” Olly asked.

I nodded desperately “Yes, please.” I grinned happily as Olly held my hand and we walked out of the canteen.

Carla, Tania and I came out of our hiding spot as Josh and Lydia walked out of canteen.

“They’re gone.” Tania grinned.


“Our plan is working.” we all squealed.

“Hey, I checked Cassie’s boyfriend Facebook account and found out that his 20 ex-girlfriends are still on his friend list.” Carla whispered to me.

Olly and I entered his large and luxurious bedroom, even than us the young queens.

I don’t care if Olly is not cute and he looks very older than his age but I don’t care, he’s super rich.

Olly pulled me closer to him and hugged me tightly “Now I love this moment.”

I smiled “Yeah, me too.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and we kissed passionately.

We pulled away after two minutes of making out.

“I got something for you.” Olly said as he brought out an expensive diamond necklace.

“Awwww.” I smiled.

He wore the necklace on my neck and we kissed again.

We disconnect and Olly caressed my face “Now, strip for me.”

My smile faded away, I don’t feel good about this.


“You said that you can’t wait for you to strip for me, don’t you lie to me.” Olly said.

I sighed “I know but…”

“I’ll pay you $80,000.” Olly said.

“Okay, I’ll strip for you.” I said desperately.

Olly smirked as he use his phone to transferred the $80,000 to me.

Olly lay down on the bed and played a music on his mp3 speaker. He played WAP by cardi b and Megan thee stallion.

I sighed as I took off my clothes showing off my red bikinis revealing my butt cheeks and cleavages.

I sighed as I climbed the bed and stood over Olly, bent and started twerking.

I noticed Olly brought out his phone and was videoing me.

I stopped “What are you doing?”

“It’s okay, I won’t show anyone, I just want to cherish this beautiful moment.” Olly said and I smiled.

“Okay.” I continue to strip for him.

After stripping for Olly for 10 minutes, I wore my clothes back. Olly and I walked out of the bedroom and went back to the concert.

I can’t wait to tell Raynelle and Cassie about me and Olly.

*Back to the concert*
We went back to the concert, Olly and I were holding our hands together.

I texted Raynelle and Cassie about us and they were happy for me.

It’s really crowdy in here, the BTS are gone, now it’s the upcoming artist from our school performing. I don’t even care about them.

The crowd became much and more noisier. I’m sick of this.

“Hey Olly, let’s go…” I noticed Olly’s gone.

“Olly?!” I called. “Olly?! Olly?!” I kept calling him but I can’t find him in the crowd.

I noticed people are starring at me and gossiping about me.

? I know that she’s a slut but a stripper?

? I can’t believe I wanted to be a lesbian because of her, she hurt my feelings.

? She’s a young stripper.

? She’s hot.

? She has a big @zz.

? What a slutty Ɓîtçh.

? Ew!

? She’s such a prostitute.

What are people talking about? What are they saying?

“Lydia!” Cassie approached me and I smiled.

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked.

“Have you seen the strip video your so-called boyfriend posted on Facebook? It went super viral.” Cassie said.

I frowned “What? Let me see.” Cassie gave me her phone showing me the viral video of me twerking for Olly.

Oh no!! How could he? Olly betrayed me!!! He just ruined my life.

People were laughing at me, I can’t take this anymore.

“Lydia!” Cassie held my hand feeling worried.

I yanked my hand and ran away as people are shouting ‘Slut’ ‘Stripper’, they’re even throwing their underwear at me.

This is the worst night of my life.

I ran into the empty canteen and sat there alone crying bitterly.

I can’t believe I stripped for an ugly guy I just met because of money.

I removed the diamond necklace, Olly gave me and noticed it’s not even a real diamond. Just a worthless stone.

I checked my phone for the money Olly sent me. Wait it’s not a bank alert. It’s a f_ck you emoji ???

So I’ve been fooled, Olly is not even rich for God sake. I’m such a fool.

What ify mom finds out? What will my mom say? Oh God!

“Where is that little brat?” my stomach tightened up as I heard her voice.

“There she is.” she said as she walked in with Mrs Habib and principal Alia.

I stood up shedding tears “Mom, I swear I don’t…” she landed a big hot slap on my face.

I placed my hand on the cheek she slapped me, still crying.

“How could you do this to me? You’re my only daughter and you brought bad name into my life.” mom yelled with tears on her face.

“Mom, I’m so sorry.” I cried.

“You’re such a big disgrace to my family and my life, this is not how I trained you. From now henceforth, you’re no longer my daughter.” my mom declared.

I became shocked of what my mom said “What?” I went on my knees “Mom please don’t do this to me.” I cried as I held her clothes begging her.

“Mrs Mark, I’m so sorry about your daughter please pardon her, don’t disown her.” principal Alia said and I agreed with her.

“Please mom.” I begged and my mom glared at me.

“Wh@ťěver.” she said as I smiled as I hugged my mom.

“Don’t you dare touch me, you dirty brat.” my mom pushed me away.

“Where’s that boy that posted the video?” my mom asked.

“He’s a 19 years old freshman from Black Diamond college, his name is Olive George, he told me that he’s super rich,he scammed me and posted my video all over social media.” I explained.

“Show him to me.” my mom said as we left the canteen.

We found Raynelle and Cassie on the way but my mother h@ťěd them so badly. They were following me as I was looking for Olly.

I couldn’t find him but I finally found him in a canteen laughing with his friends.

“Mom, there he is.” I pointed to him.

“You scoundrel!!” My mom approached him and gave a dirty slap.

“Ow! What did I do?” Olly cried.

“You idiot just ruined my friend’s life.” Raynelle yelled.

“How could you?” Cassie added.

“What are you talking about?” Olly said acting innocent.

I scoffed “Does this looks familiar?” I said as I showed him my strip video.

Olly shook his head “No, I don’t think so.”

“Quit acting like an innocent dork.” Raynelle said.

“I can’t believe you have the guts.” Cassie said.

“Girls shut up! Let me handle this.” my mom said and turned to Olly.

“So Olly, my daughter told me that you’re a 19 years old freshman, you’re rich and you filmed her while she’s stripping.” my mom said.

Olly’s eyes went wide “What are you guys talking about? My name is not Olly.”

“What?!” All of us exclaimed.

“Yeah, my name is Joshua Wilson, I’m 29 years old and I’m about to graduate from college and I’m a middle class and I have a girlfriend, so I don’t have time to make other girls strip for me,I love my girlfriend, Nisha.” Olly lied.

I shook my head feeling heartbroken and hurt. I can’t believe this?

“He’s lying.” Cassie yelled.

“He’s faking.” Raynelle added.

“Let me see your College ID lanyard.” my mom said and Olly gave her his lanyard.

We all checked it and it’s true. His name is not Olly, it’s Josh. He’s 29 years old and he’ll soon graduate from college.

So I’ve been fooled this whole time? I can’t believe this!!

“But what about his Facebook, check his Facebook.” Raynelle said.

My mom collected his phone and checked his account, he’ll soon be bursted.

My mom glared at me “There’s no Olly’s account here, there’s only one account and that’s Josh Will.

“But mom…”

“Ma I think you’re daughter is doing this because she didn’t want to be in trouble alone, she also want the innocent people to be punished.” Josh said

I gave a weird look.

My mom believed Olly… I mean Josh. She glared at me.

“You’re in deep trouble young lady.” my mom said and grabbed my wrist tightly.

“Ow! Mom, I swear that’s him.” I cried.

“I’m sorry son for trying to punish you for something that’s not your fault.” my mom apologized and she pulled me away.

“From now on, Lydia no longer goes to this Trinity School again and hang out with those bad influence girls again.” my mom declared to the principal.

I cried loudly as my mom pushed me into her car and she entered and drove off.

My life is ruined.

I entered my hotel bedroom alone and started laughing like a maniac and fell on my bed.

This is my craziest plan that has work, so worth it.

Lydia is defeated. One down, two more to go. Next up, Cassie.

I know what to do.


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