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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️⚜️⚜️?ALISHA’S REVENGE⚜️⚜️⚜️
⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️CHAPTER 5⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️
I woke with a huge headache, everywhere is white but blurry. Am I in heaven? But it’s smells like drugs and hospital. I think I’m in a hospital.

Everywhere was clear. Yep, I’m in a hospital. There’s a female doctor checking some documents beside me.

I noticed that I’m wearing an oxygen mask and I’m connected with drips and there are bandages wrapped on my head, my arms and my neck is wrapped up with cervical collar.

I think I was in a coma.

What happened? I remember, Raynelle, Cassie and Lydia almost beat me to death. But how long was I unconscious?

“Oh!” I winced.

“Be careful, Alisha.” the doctor said.

I can’t breathe properly so I slowly removed the oxygen and took a deep breath.

“Fresh air.” I smiled.

Doctor sat beside me “How are you feeling?”

I shrugged “A little tired and weak.”

The doctor nodded “Okay, lemme perform some checkups on you.”

“Okay, doctor.” I nodded.

The doctor perform some checkups on me.

“So doctor, how am I feeling?” I asked.

“You’re totally fine and healthy surprisingly. Thank God, But you just have to buy some drugs and you need to wear the cervical collar for like two weeks so that you’ll be healed quickly.” doctor said.

I nodded.

“Where are my parents and sister?” I asked.

“Raynelle went to hang out with her with her friends while your parents traveled last week for a business trip but your nanny has been staying with you,I’ll inform her that you’re awake.” the doctor said and walked out.

Tina walked in feeling worried “Alisha, how are you feeling?” she asked as she hugged me.

At least someone cares about me.

“I’m fine, Tina.” I said.

“Please don’t leave me like that again, don’t scare me, you mean so much to me, how did this happened?” Tina asked.

“I got hit by a fast bus.” I lied.

Tina hugged me again “Poor girl, I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you.”

I smiled “It’s okay Tina, I’m fine. The doctor said that I’m totally fine, I’ll be discharged tomorrow.”

Tina shedded tears of joy “I love you sweetie, you’re like my only daughter.”

“You’re like a mother to me, I love you too, I wish you’re my mom.” I smiled.

Tina grinned and hugged me tightly and disengaged.

“So where’s my parents and Raynelle?” I asked.

Tina sighed sadly “Your mom is at work, your father is in Chicago and your sister went to hang out with her friends, they’re not the one who even paid for the hospital bills.”

“Then who did?” I asked.

“Some black college guy helped you paid for the hospital bills, I thought you know him.” Tina said.

I frowned, which black guy? I hardly know any boys in my life. The only male I know is my father and my three cousins. And they’re white and 12, 13 and 15 years old. Children.

I shook my head negatively “No, I don’t know him.”

“He’s name is Alex MC… Something I forgot.”

Who’s Alex?

“No, still don’t know him at all.” I shook my head.

“Okay.” Tina shrugged.

Wow, so those motherf-__-kers left their unconscious daughter for 1 good week? Raynelle and her Ɓîtçhes are almost ki||ed me and her wicked family didn’t even show up or paid for my hospital bills.

They want me dead, right? But they’re dead to me now.

I must have my revenge. I’m tired of being good and a nerd.

Carla’s right, I’m have to be a badass Ɓîtçh, not only stand up for myself, I must ruin their lives.

I smirked devilishly.

“Alisha? Are you okay?” My nanny asked.

I glanced at her and nodded “Yeah.”

?? ??? ????????
I was sitting on the bed, Tina is already asleep on the couch close to me still watching the news.

I saw my parents and sister on TV, talking to the interviewer about me being injured.

My sister was shedding crocodile tears, so as my parents.

Mom? ? ???’? ??????? ?? ???????? ?? ?? ??? ????????, ?? ?????? ????????.

Dad? ? ??????? ?????? ?? ???? ? ????? ????????.

Raynelle ? ??? ???? ?????? ? ???? ???, ? ???’? ??????? ???’? ?????? ???? ??.


Interviewer? ??????? ??? ???

Raynelle? *???????* ???? ????, ? ??? ??????? ???? ?????, ???? ??? ???? ?? ?? ??? ????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ????????.

I can’t believe this! Is this a dream?

Interviewer? ??? ???? ?? ???? ??????????? ?? ???? ????? ??????’? ???????.

Raynelle? *???????* ???? ???????????.

Interviewer? ?????? ?? ???? ? ???? ??????? ??? ??…

Raynelle? ??! ??????, ???? ??????? ???, ???’? ???? ??????? ??????? ?’? ?? ??????? ?????????, ??? ???’? ????? ???.

Raynelle? ??? ???’?? ??? ???? ?????, ?’? ???? ????? ???? ??? ??? ???? ???? ? ????????? ????????? ????????.

Mom? ? ????, ?’? ????? ?? ?? ????????? ????????.

Dad? ?? ???? ????????, ?’? ????? ?????.

They all laughed and cackled.
So my own biological family want me dead, Wow!

Those people are dead to me, I must have my revenge, I will make them suffer like they did to me, I won’t show them mercy.

I clenched my fist as I removed my cervical collar bandage and threw it away. I don’t care if I’m still injured.

The anger in me have healed my physical pain.

I must have my revenge.

I love my acting, I’m such a wonderful actress.

This news interview was my idea, so that no one would investigate and sue me to court.

I don’t care wh@ťěver happens to Alisha, as long as I’m don’t pay any consequences.

I got discharged from the hospital and Tina and I got home by taxi.

I walked into the house and saw my evil family starring at me.

I rolled my eyes and was about to walk in.

“Ahem!” my dad cleared his throat “aren’t you supposed to greet your family?”

I gave them a death glare and gave Raynelle a f-__-k you sign, Raynelle became puzzled.

I walked away and went upstairs to my bedroom, I locked my door and sat on my bed and think about my first revenge plan.

I sat on my bed and texted Tania the eight times, she didn’t even reply. I dialled her number but she didn’t pick up. I wonder why.

Yeah, Tina bought a new infinix phone for me this morning before we left the hospital. I love that woman.

I texted Carla that I need her for my revenge plan. I saw Salim’s text.

Salim ✉️ Hi, are you okay? How’s your body? How are you feeling?

Alisha ✉️ I’m fine, why?

Salim ✉️ Why? I saw you on the floor, you almost died, without you I’m nothing.

Alisha ✉️ What? Are you the one that took me to the hospital and paid for my bills.


Alisha ✉️ I heard that the person that helped me was black and young. Who are you?

Salim ✉️ I can explain…

Alisha ✉️ Go on…

✉️????? ???? ???✉️

Who’s this Salim? I don’t think he’s an old man. I don’t think he’s even an Arabian. I think he’s pretending but why?

I shrugged it off because all what I wanna think about is the revenge, I put my phone in my backpack.

I went to the bathroom, took my bath, came out and wore my sewed up uniform.

Carried my backpack and went straight to school.

Everyone begin to stare at me as I walked into the school, they’re looking at me like I’m actually a murder trying to ki|| my sister.

I didn’t even care and I won’t let that affect me. I don’t have time to prove myself to fools.

I sighted Tania and I went to meet her.

“Hi.” I grinned and she gave me a glare.

I was confused “What’s wrong? Why are you avoiding me?”

Tania shrugged “Because I found out that you have a sugar daddy on Facebook and I kinda believe what Raynelle said on the news, maybe that’s why she had been bullying you because you’re always jealous of your innocent sister.” she said and walked away.

I’m kinda hurt by what Tania said but I don’t really care.

I was walking down the hallway then I passed a classroom.

“We have to the whole class and let Alisha take the blame again.” I stopped when I heard Cassie’s voice.

“Yeah, I brought the itchy powder so we pour them on everyone’s chairs except Alisha’s chair, so that everyone will think it’s Alisha.” Lydia said.

I scoffed silently, so those Ɓîtçhes are still trying to bully me again. I’ll show them. I won’t let them do this to me. I must distract them.

Raynelle giggled “I just love to bully that stupid nerd.”

“Let’s do this.” Cassie squealed.

I sighted s bully picking on a nerd.
I took a brick from my backpack.

As Raynelle collected the itchy powder and was poured the itchy powder, I threw the brick at the bully.

“Argh!!!” the bully screamed and fell.

I hid behind the door as Raynelle and her friends ran out of the class to see what’s going on.

I sneak into the class and took the itchy powder, I poured them on Raynelle, Cassie and Lydia’s chair.

I poured the remaining powder outside the window, then I poured my all face powder inside the itchy powder box and I returned it to the table where I found it.

I quickly sneak out of the class and went to the bathroom.

After Cassie, Lydia and I were done laughing at the Mabel that got hit by a brick. We went back to the classroom.

“Mabel is so dumb.” Cassie laughed.

“Yeah, I don’t even know who threw that brick.” Lydia added.

“I love that person that threw that brick.” I laughed.

“So let’s get back to the prank stuff.” I said as I took the powder box and poured the itchy powder on everyone’s seats except Alisha’s seat, this will be fun.

I hid the box in Alisha’s backpack.

I smirked and gave each of my friends an hi-five and walked out of the class.

I smirked as I watched my Alisha changed.

I was watching her all along. I don’t even know that she has a sick turn.

I’m just so mad because she didn’t invite me to her plan, I have to help her still.

I watched Raynelle and her backup morons leaving the class so I sneaked into the class and removed the itchy powder box and hid it in Raynelle’s pinkish backpack and walked out of the class.

All of us walked into the class and took our seats.

I smirked at Alisha, I was expecting her to be scared but she smirked and winked at me and sat down.

Hmmm, weird…

Well she just winked at me for nothing because she’ll soon get into trouble.

I can’t wait for everyone to start crying but they’re supposed to start crying now. Why’s my butt itchy?

I noticed Lydia and Cassie gently scratching their butts, this is so embarrassing so I can’t scratch my butt in front of everybody.

So I have to hold it in. Mrs Habib walked in and was teaching us.

No one is still scratching and crying but my butt is ki||ing me.

I grabbed my table tightly. SO ITCHY!!!!!

Did I mistakenly pour the powder on my chair? I don’t think so.

Then who did?

“I can’t take it anymore!!!” Cassie cried and stood up and opened her skirt and was scratching it.

Everyone gasped.

“Me too!!” Lydia cried too and did the same.

Everyone gasped again.

Well since they’re scratching their butts, I stood up and took off my skirt and started scratching my @zz even in front of everyone.

Everyone begin to laugh and take pictures.

I still didn’t stop “Lydia how did this happened??!!!” I yelled.

“You’re the one who poured the itchy powder on everyone’s chair!!!” Lydia retorted.

“How is that even affecting us?!!! It’s supposed to be everyone!!! Not us!!!” Cassie yelled.

“I don’t even know!!!” I screamed.

We kept scratching our butts but stopped as we just realized that we said the truth in front of everyone and even worst, Mrs Habib.

Mrs Habib smiled “Three of you, to NY office.” she grabbed our hands and pulled the three of us out of the office.

Few minutes later, Cassie, Lydia and I were in the vice-principal office, three of us are starring at Mrs Habib.

“You guys are to prank the classroom and frame Alisha, right?” Mrs Habib asked.

None of didn’t reply her, that woman doesn’t even like us and doesn’t give a d@mn about what the principal said.

Mrs Habib scoffed “So that means Alisha is innocent about her pranking people, today you’re exposed and I’ll expose you in front of the principal.”

I smirked “I would like to watch you do that because the principal won’t even do anything.”

“But I will.” Mrs Habib smirked “You three have to be a janitor for one week and you have to participate in the upcoming anti-bullying show tomorrow.”

My eyes went wide “What?! You can’t let me do that.”

Mrs Habib shrugged “I already did.” she smirked.

I gave her a glare and sighed.

Minutes later, the three of us were dressed in janitor’s green jumpsuit uniform and was cleaning the bathroom.

Everyone was laughing at us and it’s really embarrassing.

My eyes are soaked with tears, I can’t believe this.

I entered the bathroom stall and wanted to wash the toilet but there’s poop all over the water closet.

It stinks that I threw up in the WC. I came out angrily “Can’t any of you girls use the bathroom properly?”

Everyone burst into laughter.

I was sitting on the floor in the hallway writing my diary.

Everyone begin to laugh and make fun of the Stinky Young Queens walking out of the bathroom with bathroom bucket and mop.

I couldn’t help but to laugh at them, I can’t believe my test plan worked for the first time.

Well Cassie, Lydia, Raynelle, this is just a warming up plan, the first revenge plan is coming. So be prepared.

I smirked devilishly.


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