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Friday, October 18, 2024
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⚜️⚜️⚜️?ALISHA’S REVENGE⚜️⚜️⚜️
⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️SEMIFINALE 2⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️
Sorry guys, I don’t really know how to write court case chapter, also I really want to start my next story quickly.

So I’m not going to write the full detail part about the court investigation, but just read it. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

Alisha lose the case, she was jailed for 20 years imprisonment. Alex got betrothed to his high school crush and they had kids.

Raynelle became single forever but gave birth to a baby boy.

You’ll read the full story.

Poor Alisha, she just went to far and it’s not good. I’m even angry that Alex moved on quickly, just like that. It’s too painful. I even pity Tina. Poor mom.

During the court case was not that easy, in fact it’s very very hard.

Alex was there, mom was there, Elena was there, Lincoln, dad, Quin, Cassie, Lydia, Tania, Carla, some other Trinity School girls were there and some other people.

The court case made me very scared and anxious but I acted brave and confident. But it’s still making me so afraid that my heart started beating faster especially when the lawyer asked me a lot of questions like:

Lawyer: Where were you during the incident?

Me: (At the witness table) I don’t know, I just came back home after my own family threw me out few weeks ago just because I have a boyfriend. I have no idea what I’ve done to them and all they’ve done for me is to bring pain into my mom and my life.

Lawyer: Hmmm, is that why you put the cocaine in Raynelle’s bag.

Me: Dude, I just said that I just came back home and met Raynelle wondering around the house, how the f_ck am I going to plant that drug into her bag?

Lawyer: Where was daughter, before the incident?

Tina: She and Alex went to Starbucks as a date and they came back 5:00 sharp, during the evening and in ten minutes, she was in her bedroom watching movies that’s when David came to pick up his daughter that he disowned.

Lawyer: Are you sure, she went to Starbucks?

Alex: Tina is saying the truth, in fact check out the picture we took during our hang out. (Brought out his phone and showed lawyer and the judge the ppictures of him and Alisha)

Alex Lawyer: Hmmm, this shows that when you took the pictures was 4:30 to 4:36, that means she didn’t have the time to even put the cocaine in Raynelle’s bag.

Lawyer: Why would you lie to your sister?

Raynelle: I swear, I’m not lying *Sighs sadly* when I was being yelled at by my and they’re blaming each other from ruining me so I ran out of the room and drove around the streets, when I came back I wanted to pack my stuff and move to another country, that’s when I saw drugs in my bag.

Lawyer: Really?

Raynelle: Yes, and when I thought that drugs came from some guy named Pedro and the code is I think 136CA2.

Lawyer: Seriously, how did you know the guy selling the drug and the code?

Raynelle: I… I…

Lawyer: Your honour, looks like Raynelle is not saying the truth even when she vowed to say the truth.

Raynelle: *yells* I swear, I’m saying the…!!

Judge: Silence!! Continue lawyer Ted (Alex’s lawyer)

Lawyer: Thank you your honour, as I was saying. I found some evidence of this crime but you don’t mind, may I continue asking the witnesses questions?

Judge: Go on.

Lawyer: So Mrs Anderson, Where was your daughter during the incident?

Quin: my husband and I were yelling at each other because of what Raynelle did, and I don’t think Raynelle actually left the bedroom till we’re done quarreling. I went straight to the dining room and was crying for like ten minutes that’s when I saw Raynelle living the house disrespectfully.

Lawyer: What’s the quarreling about?

Quin: That useless girl secretly had a sugar daddy even when we told her not to have any boyfriend and she still got pregnant, I blamed that so called Mayor of Royalville for spoiling my daughter and impregnating some cheap girl band even brought her to our house.

Alisha: Excuse me!!! My mother is not cheap, You’re cheap!!!

Judge: *Bang his gavel* Silence!!!!

Carla: Fine, I’ve always h@ťě that Ɓîtçh ever since I came to Trinity and I know Alisha as a nerd who always wanted to fight for her right but I don’t think she’s behind those nonsense thing Raynelle said.

Tania: I know Alisha since middle school, we were best friends, she always stand up for me and ended up being bullied because of me, Raynelle and her friends always bully me and Alisha so Alisha got this idea of the revenge plan and still invited me. I got scared because Alisha is going to far so I leave the revenge stuff but I never knew she would stoop so low.

I know Alisha can frame her sister because she’s a monster.

(Alisha glares at Tania whose smirking)

Alisha: They’re always treating me and my mom like a trash, I don’t know why, the lied to me for my whole life till I found out that I’m not even Quin’s daughter. Raynelle, Cassie and Lydia even bully me in school like a toy, every day. So one day I decided to plot a revenge.

Lawyer: That you framed your sister?

Alisha: Let me finish.

Judge: Go on.

Alisha: Fine, I was the one who faked a boyfriend and made Lydia strip for an unknown guy, I was the one who snitched on Cassie by telling her abusive brother that she has a boyfriend, and I also beat the hell out of Raynelle, even made her fall for her condom prank but that was it. I stopped the revenge, I would never ever frame my sister. I’m not a monster.

Lawyer: hmmm.

Alisha: And Tania, remember the time you peed on your pants after being a fool. You even believed her and you became friends, then she pranked you, we’ve been friends, you said we were friends then why are you accusing me of something I had no idea? Is it a crime to have a sister?

(Everyone insulted Tania and she was humiliated, Alisha smirked for her satisfaction)

Girl: Raynelle made everyone think that she’s a good girl and Alisha as the terrible girl, we’re fools believing her even after she bullies us a lot.

* Another girl at the witness table: I’m so sorry Alisha, you’re not a bad person, in fact you’re a good girl, you changed our school, you become crazy and crazily changed Trinity School for good.

Mrs Habib: I’m not surprised Raynelle hide the cocaine in her bag and still framed Alisha, because everyday she do bad things, bullying other students and that useless principal still covers for her and punished her innocent sister.

Lawyer: Alright judge, here are the evidence as promised, we checked the security footage of the Mayor David Anderson’s mansion.

(Turns on the projector and showed everyone how Raynelle (Alisha) walks in after the parents quarreling and hides the cocaine in the bag. Everyone thinks it’s Raynelle even Raynelle was surprised.)

(People begin to whisper, murmur and gossip)

Judge: (bangs the gavel) Order! Order! (Everyone was quiet) After seeing this video made me realize that Raynelle is the main suspect.

Raynelle: What?!

Judge: Silence!!! Now I’ll make the final judgement, Alisha Anderson is declared innocent. You’re free. (Alex, his family, Tina and Alisha celebrates secretly) Raynelle Anderson, you’re now sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.

Raynelle: What? No please, I can prove that I’m innocent!!

Judge: Silence!!! Mrs Alia, you’re also sentenced to 10 years house arrest for putting a huge number of students in danger by the bully. (Principal Alia cries) and that’s the end of the court case.


Everyone stands up and leaves the court.

I decided to go to my those Anderson’s house and ?

They bought me a lot of designer clothes, shoes, jewelries and other expensive stuffs.

“Alisha, I love you so much even than my own daughter.” Quin said.

I smiled “Thanks mom.”

Idiot! You think I’m stupid, after all this years of treating me and my mom like slaves, now your daughter is jailed, you now love me.

“Alisha, you’re the best daughter I ever had!” dad said.

“Awww, daddy..” I pouted as I hugged him.

What a stupid bunch of Ɓîtçhes, thinking that I love them back.

See what I’ll do to the both of you.

I sneak into the secret room where dad hide the diamond, I took a pic of the diamond and the pass code.

I posted it on an unknown account in Instagram and typed the location. This diamond must be stolen in few hours.

Quin and I were watching TV in the living room. We’re thinking about adopting a girl and we’ll love her as our daughter.

At least Alisha will feel sister’s love. I don’t love Raynelle again.

Alisha is at school celebrating her graduation, we didn’t bother to attend because of the humiliation Raynelle had given us.

The channel changed to news channel and we saw a news reporter with Alisha.

I noticed Alisha is giving her classmates the clothes, shoes and expensive stuffs we bought for her for free. What? This girl is also bringing shame to my life.

News reporter: So Alisha, why are you giving away all the stuffs your parents bought for you?

Alisha: Because I don’t give a f_cking d@mn about them, and I don’t need those junks. I asked them that I want this stuff like 6 years ago and now I don’t need them, they’re just buying those junk.

News reporter: How did you feel giving away free stuffs your parents bought for you?

Alisha: Goooood!!!! Also, don’t call them my parents, Quin is not my real mother and my own father disabled me so…

Quin and I covered our face due to the embarrassment.

The door was knocked, we answered, it was police officers.

“Mayor Anderson, you’re under arrest for not watching the diamond properly.”


“Someone stole the diamond last night.” he said.

After giving away the expensive stuffs, Alex and I went straight to the airport and entered his dad’s private jet.

The airplane took off and we flew to Canada. Since I can’t be arrested there.

“So how are you gonna be going back to Royalville because of college?” I asked Alex.

He shrugged “Don’t worry, I’m no more a student of that college.”

“What? Why?” I asked in shock.

“Because, I gained admission to Seneca college with you, I wanna spend more time with you.” Alex said as he kissed my head.

I smiled “Awww, you’re so sweet. I love you.”

“I love you too.” he said and we kissed passionately.

He pulled away “Promise one thing.”


“You’re never ever commit a crime because of revenge again.” Alex said.

“I promise I’ll never commit any crime.” I said truthfully and we kissed again.

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