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Friday, October 18, 2024
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⚜️⚜️⚜️?ALISHA’S REVENGE⚜️⚜️⚜️
⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️CHAPTER 28⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️
Immediately we finished our exams, everyone ran out celebrating and squealing.

“Yay!” Carla and I squealed out of the class as we finished our paper.

“I can’t believe we’re done with high school.” Carla said happily.

“I know, right? Bye bye 12th grade.” I said proudly.

“Can’t wait for our application reports.” Carla said.

“Me too, I’m nervous but for now, let’s be happy and celebrate.” Carla said and we ran to the school field.

After school, some girls were having an after school party but I didn’t attend.

I have something else to attend to, I entered my Sienna and drove off. This is gonna be fun.

I was in my room, on my bed, buried my face in my pillow, crying loudly and uncontrollable.

I can’t believe Evan is using me for segz, I believed him, I gave him my body not caring he’s way older than me.

What am I going to do with this baby? It’s going to ruin my life.

I stood up from my bed and sniffed, I checked myself in the mirror.

I look terrible, my makeup is smudged up, my hair is totally messy, I look like a trash monster.

I sighted my pregnancy report paper on my makeup table, I took it and sat on my bed.

I sniffed “What am I gonna do? What should I do with you? I’m messed up.” I cried softly.

“Raynelle!!!” I heard dad’s angry voice.

I quickly hide the paper under my pillow and wiped my tears.

He barged in my room feeling furious, holding a letter.

My mom came in “David, you need to calm down.”

“How should I calm down?” Dad vented on mom.

“It’s not her fault.” mom said.

“Really? It’s not her fault that she has been missing class for the past few weeks?” my dad yelled.

What? How did he know about this? I’m doomed.

“How did you know?” I asked.

Dad glared at me “Is that what you’re supposed to say? Fine, you wanna know? Your vice principal called and told me you’ve been missing class and always getting in detention. You’re acting like you’re sister, in fact Alisha is way better than you.”

“Don’t say that David, Alisha is worst than Raynelle, she ran away just because of some boyfriend.” mom said.

“At least she’s always in class and now she’s gonna graduate.” my dad half yelled.

Mom became furious “If you want your other bastard daughter, why can’t you meet her and abandon your favourite daughter?”

“I’m not abandoning anyone, just tell me where you’ve always been missing classes!” Dad vented.

I bent my head feeling sad, I can’t let my parents to know where I’ve been or else I’m finished.

“Tell me!” dad yelled and I bursted into tears.

“I never expect this from you Raynelle, you’re my favorite daughter, the only daughter I cared about.” dad sobbed.

I noticed mom’s frowning and she’s feeling suspicious as she sighted my pillow where I hide the pregnancy paper. Oh no!

“Raynelle, what’s that?” she asked.

I quickly sat on the pillow “Um… Nothing.” I giggled nervously.

Mom pushed me and quickly removed the paper, she checked it and was shocked “Oh My God!” she exclaimed.

“What?” dad collected the paper and checked it and mom’s glaring at me.

“You’re pregnant?” mom asked.

“Mom, I… I can explain… Argh!” I screamed as my mom landed me a hot slap.

“How did this happened?” mom asked.

My eyes is totally soaked with tears “Mom… Dad… I’m sorry…”

“Shut up!” Dad barked “I’m embarrassed of you and it’s all your fault!” he yelled at mom.

“My fault? I’m not the one who gave her pregnant.” my mom said.

“You’re the one who has being spoiling her and teaching her how to h@ťě my sweet daughter.” dad yelled.

“Since when did Alisha became your sweet daughter? You’re also teaching Raynelle to h@ťě Alisha.” my mom said.

“Who’s responsible for this?” my dad asked.

I’m bent my head feeling embarrassed, I sniffed.

“Answer Me!!!” dad exploded.

“Evan Ricks.” I cried.

“Well, we will see that Avan Ricky and he’ll rot in jail for ruining my daughter.” my mom said.

“No!” dad exclaimed.

“Why? Is it because of your stupid reputation? None of this would have happened if you care way too much about your reputation even than your family!” my mom said.

My mom and dad kept bickering at each other, I slowly sneaked out of the bedroom and ran to the garage.

I entered dad’s Camry and drove off to somewhere I don’t know.

This is the worst day of my life.

I was in the car with Alex and we’re few blocks away from the Anderson mansion.

I’m dressed like Raynelle, since we some how look alike, so I added some makeup and freckles and fixed my hair and wear some sl*tty outfit.

Alex chuckled “You look exactly your sister.”

“Ew, don’t say that.” I cringed at Alex.

We watched Raynelle driving out of the car, luckily she didn’t see us.

Alex sighed “I don’t know about this Alisha, you can get…”

I rolled my eyes at Alex “Hey! Since you’ve tried it and you didn’t get caught, why can’t I do it?” I asked.

“I’m just worried, can’t you just think of another easier plan? It’s kinda risky.” Alex said.

“Oh but it’s not when you’re doing it.” I said sarcastically.

Alex sighed again “I’m just worried about you.”

I smiled “It’s okay, I’ll be fine, just cover for me, okay?” I kissed his cheek.

I wore white protective gloves, held the black plastic bag and came out of the car.

I watched Alisha walking into the Anderson’s mansion with the cocaine bag.

Alisha is really crazier than I thought, like me.

Immediately after school, she texted me to meet her, then told me to call that Pedro guy for illegal drugs.

I was confused until she told me her insane plan. I tried to talk to her about this but she won’t listen.

I’m seriously scared but who can blame her? Raynelle made her a monster.

I entered the hallway with a smile as I was checking out the place.

Wow, this house, it’s been long, my worst nightmare. I h@ťě this place.

I just have to stick with the plan.

I walked into Raynelle’s bedroom.

“You’re the worst father!” Quin stormed out of the bedroom angrily.

“And you’re the worst mother!” dad yelled as he came out.

He glared at me and I became nervous. I hope he didn’t recognized me.

“You’re a disgrace to the Anderson generation, Raynelle.” He said and walked away.

Phew, thank God he didn’t notice me.

I scoffed. What did Raynelle do? What ever it is, at least they know the true colour of their daughter.

I don’t even wanna know what happened.

I entered the bedroom and sighted a paper on the bed, I checked it and was surprised. Raynelle is pregnant?

No wonder they’re mad at her.

I kept the paper where I found it.

I opened Raynelle’s pink backpack and kept the cocaine drug in it.

I took a deep breath as I walked out of her bedroom. I went down stairs and saw Quin weeping bitterly.

Awww, what a disappointment. Raynelle you’ve ruined your mother. They deserve it.

“I h@ťě you Raynelle!” Quin cried.

“Put it on a T-shirt!” I retorted as I walked out of the house.

“Come back here, young lady!” she yelled.

“Stop me!” I yelled and ran and entered Alex’s car.

“You’re back already?” he asked.

“Duh, let’s go.” I said as I buckled up my seat belt.

“What happened?” Alex asked.

“I’ll explain later, just go.” I said and Alex drove off fast.


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