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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️⚜️⚜️?ALISHA’S REVENGE⚜️⚜️⚜️
⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️CHAPTER 26⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️
“Alisha!” I yelled feeling worried and tired.

I seriously sweating and I’m breathing heavily but I can’t stop looking for my girlfriend.

I ran from one place to another searching for Alisha but I can’t find her.

What have I done to deserve this mess? Why’s Alisha acting this way? Did she know something that hurts her like this?

“Alisha!” I called again.

I’m not the only one looking for Alisha. My mom, my dad, Tina… Especially Tina.

I’m very furious and sad. How can this day get any worse?

I noticed thunder and lightning striking.

Great ?it’s about to rain and I don’t think it’s good for Alisha’s health.

I don’t know what to do, I just panicked and ran out of the mansion.

I couldn’t stop running and crying loudly.

I ran and ran far away from the mansion until I reached my favourite garden where I cry out my sorrows.

I sat on the floor and hugged my knees, panting heavily and still shedding tears.

My feelings are shattered. I don’t know whether I should be angry, happy, sad or heartbroken.

I’ve been living under one roof with my real mother all this year’s but I didn’t even know.

The wicked woman who I thought is even my mom is not my mom.

My favourite nanny is my own mom. I can’t believe this but I’m not surprised. Tina us always there for me.

But why can’t Tina… I mean mom tell me the truth all these years?

I’ve been living in a world of lies, bullying and hatred and Tina didn’t even bother to tell me anything. She also went through a lot but she still kept quiet.

I know it’s David and Quin that is controlling her.

I’ll show all of them. I’ll make sure I ruin all their lives. They ruined my mom’s life, ruined mine and I’ll make sure they’ll always suffer even after I die.

“Alisha.” I heard the annoying voice I don’t even want to hear. Tania.

I glared at her “What?”

The stupid girl looks frightened but still had to sit beside me and smiled at me.

I seriously need to apologize to Alisha for betraying her. I don’t want to fight with her.

I need to beg her so that we can be best friends again and I also want her to stop her revenge so that she won’t be in any trouble.

But she won’t listen to me until I tell her the truth.

I managed to find out Alisha’s missing and I know where she could be.

In the Royalville central garden, where Alisha and I cry and gist together when the Young Queens bullied us.

I went to the garden and saw the poor girl sitting on the floor crying.

I gulped in fear as I approached her while playing with my fingers feeling scared.

“Alisha.” I called.

“What did you want?” Alisha asked with a death glare.

“It’s about to rain and I think it’s a storm, you should go home.” I said to her.

“Go away.” she said.

I became scared because I’m afraid of Alisha but I have to face my fear just to make up with her.

I sighed as I sat beside her but didn’t move closer to her. “Look Alisha, I’m so so sorry for trying to sleep with your boyfriend but I swear it’s not Alex’s fault. It’s my fault.” I said.

Alisha scoffed “Oh yeah? What’s the motherf_cking proof?” she asked without a glance of me.

“I… I… Have a video of it.” I stammered as I brought out my phone.


I showed her the video of everything that happened. How I tricked Alex to come to my house and tried to sleep with him but he’s trying to run away.

Good thing I had camera that day in the living room, I want to capture that moment of me sleeping with Alex because I wanted to watch it everyday but I guess I’ll use it for another reason.

“What the…?” Alisha frowned feeling shocked.

I smiled because since Alisha knows the truth, she might forgive me and we become friends again.

“Go away.”

I frowned “What? Alisha I just showed you the…”

“Go away! From now henceforth, I don’t want to see you ever and ever again. You’re dead to me now.” Alisha snarled.

I stood up feeling annoyed “Are you kidding me? I just showed you a proof so that you’ll forgive your stupid boyfriend and we’ll make up and become besties again.”

Alisha stood up feeling annoyed “Besties? Besties?” she burst into laughter.

“After what you did, you want us to be besties.” Alisha scoffed “We can never be besties. Not even friends. Stay away from me or you want to be one of my revenge target.”

I clenched my fist “After all this years of friendship, you want to ruin it because of some stupid guy… Argh!” Alisha landed a huge slap on my face.

“Don’t you dare call my Alex a stupid guy.” she thr_@tened me and I became frightened.


“Go!” Alisha yelled and I yelped.

She was about to hit me but I ran away feeling scared. I can’t be friends with that crazy Ɓîtçh.

Alisha has changed a lot, she’s not the Alisha I know again.

I watched that coward Ɓîtçh running away and bursted into tears.

I can’t believe I’m such a fool even after what Alex told me the truth.

I h@ťěd Alex for something he didn’t do or didn’t had no idea.

I made him suffer after telling me what he went through. I’m such a jerk.

I sat on the floor crying silently.

Thinking about how I know the truth about me being an illegitimate child and an idiot.

A water dropped on my face, I noticed it’s going to rain in no time. There’s no stand or house nearby to stay under.

I don’t even care, I don’t know what to do, how should I made up with Alex?

It begin to rain heavily and I have no place to hide. It made all me body wet but I don’t even care.

I shed more tears feeling sad, I don’t deserve forgiveness from Alex. I don’t deserve anything because I don’t belong in this world. I’m an illegitimate child.

The rain fall made my tears invisible but I can’t stop crying.

The thunder and lightning strike as it’s rains heavily. Which made me more angry and weak.

I even deserve to die but I won’t I must complete my revenge plan before my death because what I’m going to do. I know I’m going to face the consequences.

I felt that my eyes are swollen because it feels heavy, I felt a huge headache, I’m freezing up in the rain, I felt very dizzy.

“Alisha!” I heard Alex’s voice but everywhere is blurry.

Even though it’s still raining like a storm I’m searching everywhere till I entered a random garden or park.

My phone rang a million times but I didn’t answer their calls. I know it’s my parents and Tina worried about me and Alisha.

I won’t go home till I find my Alisha. I don’t know where the f_ck…

I frowned as I saw a girl sitting on the floor crying, I can’t see her clearly due to the rainfall. I think it’s Alisha.

“Alisha!” I yelled.

I ran to her with a huge smile on my face, I bent and hugged her.

“I’m so happy I found you, don’t leave me again, please.” I said shedding tears.

I frowned as I noticed the girl is not breathing properly.

“Alisha?” I called.

I noticed she’s about to pass out, she smiled “Alex…? Is that you?”

“Oh no, Alisha you’re not okay.” I said.

She grinned feeling weak “Thank God, we’re together again. I love you.”

“You’re gonna be okay, you’re gonna be okay.” I said as I carried her in a bridal style and took the unconscious girl away.

I sat on the couch crying for an hour because I can’t find my daughter.

This is all my fault, I should have tell her the truth but because of a stupid deal.

David thr_@tened me not to tell anyone the truth not even my daughter now I’m facing the consequence.

Thunder and lightning sounded and I became more scared, Alisha and Alex is out there, I don’t…

All I need is my daughter, I don’t even know what to do.

“Tina.” Elena called as she sat beside me and gave me a hot cocoa tea because of the cold I got from the rain.

Alisha couldn’t survive that too. I’m very worried.

“You need to calm down…”

“How should I calm down? My daughter is out there, your son is out there in the storm, we don’t know where they are and you expect me to calm down.” I cried.

Elena sighed “I understand that, but they’re old enough to protect themselves, I know they’ll come back and they’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, sometimes Alex is an annoying problem we tried to solve ever since he was born but he’s still fine, just chill.” Lincoln added and his wife agreed.

I sniffed and nodded, acting like I agreed to calm down but I’m not inside.

The door was opened widely and Alex walked in carrying my unconscious daughter.

Oh no!

“Oh my God! Alisha?” Elena yelled as we stood up and approached her.

We carried her to her bedroom, Alex fell on the couch feeling tired and dizzy due to the rainfall, carrying Alisha and searching for her.

The family doctor arrived and treated the both of them and everyone went to sleep expect me.

I sat beside my daughter’s bed waiting for her to wake up. I won’t forgive myself if something happens to her.

At least they’ve found Alisha.

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