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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️⚜️⚜️?ALISHA’S REVENGE⚜️⚜️⚜️
⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️CHAPTER 24⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️
I glared at Alan touching my thigh. I feel so uncomfortable. Is this guy okay?

“Are you okay?” he asked.

I gently removed his hand with a fake smile “I’m fine.”

Alan sighed “I saw that you look depressed all of a sudden because of your boyfriend.”

I bent my head sadly. I feel like a cheap sl*t because of how Alex slept with me and I enjoyed it.

“It doesn’t look like you’re okay, should I cheer you up?” Alan asked.

I sniffed “It’s okay, I just need some space please.”

Alan sighed sadly “Fine, if you say so.” he stood up and walked away.

“Hey give me one bottle of orange soda.” I said to the bartender.

He placed the soda bottle on the counter in front of me and opened the bottle for me.

I took a sip from the orange soda and sighed again.

I took a deep breath feeling sad and guilty. What if Alex is saying the truth? I just don’t know what to do.

“Hey Ɓîtçh!” I heard the voice I don’t want to hear. Raynelle.

She’s still stained with the mud mess I made, looking angry and mad.

I don’t want to see her, she just annoys me a lot. I don’t want to cause another violent scene.

I feel like mending my ways that I use to deal with the bullies.

She approached me, collected my soda bottle and poured the soda on my hair.

I clenched my fist angrily trying to control my anger.

“Raynelle, please leave me alone.” I growled.

“Stop taking my place as the hot, segzy and cute girl that f_cks everyone’s life. You’re supposed to be a weak, sad and crying nerd that can’t stand up for herself. Just be that way and stop taking my place.” Raynelle yelled.

I scoffed “So you’re now jealous of me?” I scoffed again “Wow, I never knew that the most lovable beautiful bully is now jealous of me and making up lame words that I’m trying to steal her stupid spot.”

“Shut up Alisha!” Raynelle yelled “You’re not match for my place, so stop it.”

I rolled my eyes and mind my business “Just go away, Raynelle. It’s stupid talking to useless people like you.”

Wow! This girl really has guts to talk back at me. Just because everyone admired her today.

I seriously wants to ruin her mood and make her feel depressed and unworthy. Because she’s getting the best of me and I h@ťě it.

Everyone’s talking about her, how her stretch marks are hot and the way she swims are segzy. I can’t take it anymore.

I scoffed bitterly “You know, you are just a bull$h|t, you don’t belong here, you’re just a nerd trying to copy me.”

Alisha gave me a weird look “I can never ever be a pretending and f_cking bully like you, so stop saying rubbish.”

I scoffed “Rubbish? You’re rubbish. Your whole life is rubbish. The only rubbish that happened to be my sister is you! In fact you’re not even my sister!!!”

Wow, I’m not supposed to say that to Alisha. But what did I care?

Alisha frowned at me “What?”

“It’s good you’re even out of this house because you don’t belong there, you’re a not a part of the Anderson family.” I said.

Alisha was confused “What are you talking about?”

This news will spoil Alisha’s mood.

What’s Raynelle talking about? Even if she h@ťěs me doesn’t mean that we’re not blood sisters but not sisters by heart.

“We’re sharing the same mother and father so…” I shrugged.

I smirked “We’re not sharing the same mother, my mom is not your mother. You’re mother is that motherf_cking lowlife Tina.”

I stood up in shock “What?” I exclaimed.

“Your stupid Tina f_ck with dad behind my mom’s back just because of money, she got pregnant by mistake and gave birth to you. So you’re born by mistake which makes an illegitimate and bastard.” I explained.

What? No! It can’t be. Raynelle is lying. I can’t believe this. After all this years, I’m not even the real daughter. Born by mistake?

No wonder they are treating me and Tina like trash.

My eyes was soaked with tears. I’m totally speechless, I don’t know what to say.

Raynelle scoffed “You’re crying? You’re such a weak Ɓîtçhy nerd. I thought you’ve become a mighty and segzy Ally everyone’s talking but you’re just a weak bastard.”

I sat down feeling disappointed and heartbroken. I begin to weep bitterly thinking about what Raynelle just said.

Raynelle scoffed “So weak, you’re just like your mother. A weak stupid maid that doesn’t belong to this world. You and Tina are disgrace to womanhood and the world.”

I stood up angrily “Don’t you dare talk about Tina that way!!!” I cried.

She laughed and pushed me “Don’t you dare yell at me! You’re beneath me. I have the right to yell whenever I want to you. Stupid maid’s daughter that’s not meant to be born.”


Raynelle snickered “And Tina, she’s a poor gold digger, she also belong to this world. People like her aren’t supposed to be alive.”

My blood begin to boil than usual, I gave Raynelle a death glare.


“Tina is just a jerk, that is meant to be a useless nanny!”

I gritted my teeth angrily as I clenched my fist.


“Don’t you dare call my name, Alisha! You’re such a useless Ɓîtçh, you’re not an Anderson. You’re just a poor Cedric. Tina Cedric is the worst maid I ever seen.” Raynelle exclaimed.

“RAYNELLE!!!” I screamed.

Raynelle hot the table “Shut up slut! You’re even born from a dirty slut who deserves to be a motherf_cking lowlife dirty stupid insolence nanny…”

THAT’S IT!!!!!


I gave Raynelle a dirty slap expressing my great anger.

Raynelle gave me a shock look “Did you just slap me?”

“Say another word about Tina. You’ll regret it.” I snarled angrily.

Raynelle scoffed “Why shouldn’t I say the truth about Tina? She’s a useless idiot maid just like you… Ow!”

I grabbed her head and banged on the counter hard.

“Argh!” she cried.

“I h@ťě you, I just h@ťě you, you and Tina are just a burden in my life!” she cried.

I strangled her hit her on the counter and started punching her mercilessly.

“Alisha, stop!” the bartender tried to separate me and Raynelle but it didn’t work.

I kept punching Raynelle’s face like a boxer without caring.

“Alisha! Stop it!” Tania approached me and pulled me away from Raynelle forcefully. Tania held my arms.

“You need to stop this crazy attitude, violence isn’t the answer.” Tania said.

Raynelle fell on the ground bleeding in her nose. She glared at me “Daughter of a sl*tty stupid nanny.” she smirked.

I gritted my teeth angrily “Argh!” I screamed angrily as I squeezed Tania’s hand.

“Ow!!” Tania winced and I pushed her to the ground.

“Stay away!” I exclaimed at Tania.

Raynelle became scared as she stood up and was running away.

I gritted my teeth as I ran after her, she’s still running at the front till she reach where people are.

“Help! My sister is trying to ki|| me!” Raynelle yelled.

I carried a rock from the floor and threw it.

“Ouch!” Raynelle cried as the rock hit her and she fell.

Raynelle is totally weak. She’s bleed and crying.

I ran to her and carried her legs then drag her to the ocean. This really caught everyone’s attention. I dropped her legs.

I grabbed her hair tightly.

Raynelle glared at me “You can get arrested for this. Tina is a motherf*king maid.”

That’s it.

“Argh!” I begin to bang her head in the water close to the sand repeatedly and mercilessly.

Some people were trying to stop me but they couldn’t. Some people were hyping me to continue.

? Go Ɓîtçh!

? Beat her mercilessly.

? Alisha stop!

? Girl fight!

? Alisha stop!

? She’s hurting our mighty Raynelle!

? Alisha bring it on Ɓîtçh, Raynelle deserve to be beaten like that!

? I like that. Finish her!!!

? I can’t believe little sister is beating her big sister.

I kept hitting her head in the ocean as she’s crying and people are hyping me. I don’t even give a d@mn.

I got satisfied and tired of beating Raynelle, I became grumpy as I grabbed the weak girl’s hair tightly. She glared at me.

“Never ever in your motherf_cking life, talk any $h|t about Tina. No matter what.” I snarled and pushed her head away and she fell.

Just because I’m mad at Tina and confused. But that doesn’t mean that anyone should insult her. I can ki|| the person.

I stood up breathing heavily because of the running and beating. I noticed everyone’s quiet and starring at me.

? Wow, that hottie is insane!

? I h@ťě her now, she just beat the most beautiful girl in Trinity.

? I like her.

? I can’t believe that’s the nerdy Alisha.

? She’s crazy!

? I’m afraid of her but I have a crush on her.

I rolled my eyes as I wore my shirt properly and stormed off angrily. Ignoring everyone’s gossips, whispers and gasping.

I decided to walk home because I don’t want to talk to anyone even Carla or Alex. The person I wanna talk to is Tina. I have a lot of questions.

I left the beach and was trekking in the streets. A motorcycle stopped behind me.

He stood up and removed his helmet “Alisha.” Alex called.

I ignored him by walking away from him.

“Alisha!” He yelled.

I stopped but didn’t turn to him.

“Let’s go home.” He said panting.

“Leave me alone!” I cried as started walking.

“Let’s go home!” He yelled again.

I turned to him with tears in my eyes and cried “I can go home alone, just leave me…!!!!”

“Alisha!!!” Alex barked angrily and I became frightened.

I noticed Alisha’s scared because I yelled at her.

I felt guilty for venting my anger on Alisha.

“Please, let’s go home.” I pleaded softly.

Alisha gulped as she approached me and we sat on the motorbike.

I alighted the cycle and zoomed off.

I didn’t bother to talk to her throughout because I can feel she’s more angry and sad than before.

I wonder what’s going on. Maybe Raynelle told her something terrible. Something is really wrong with her.

We finally arrived at my house, we got off the bike and removed our helmets.

Alisha stormed off faster than usual. What’s going on?

I walked in and Elena grinned happily “Hey, Alisha, how’s the beach party?”

“Where’s Alex?” Mr Lincoln asked.

“Did you bring any chocolates?” Lexi asked.

I ignored everyone’s greetings in the living room and headed straight to Tina’s bedroom.

I took a deep breath as I’m starring at baby clothes Alisha’s wearing when she was born. I was the one who raised her but as a nanny.

I sat on my bed playing with her toys.

“Argh!” I screamed as someone barged in. It’s Alisha.

I sighed and smiled “Sweetie, you scared me. How’s beach?”

“Tell me it’s not true!!!” Alisha cried.

I frowned feeling confused “W… What are you talking about?”

“Just tell the truth!!! I want the truth!!!” she yelled.

I stood up and approached her, still confused and scared. “Alisha, what truth?”

Alisha scoffed “Who’s my real mother?”

My heart dropped feeling shocked.

I scoffed nervously “What are you talking about? Quin is your mom…”

“Liar!! Tell me what Raynelle told me is not true!!!” Alisha cried.

Raynelle, that spoilt brat.

I sighed sadly “Alisha…”

“Just tell me!!!”

Tears begin to drop from my eyes, I held Alisha’s hand. “Lemme explain.” I said softly.

I made her sit on my bed and took her tiny pink jumpsuit and gave her.

“What’s this?” She asked.

“Your baby clothes.” I replied.

Alisha frowned “No time to talk about baby things…!”

“I’ll explain everything.” I said.

I explained everything to Alisha and Alisha was speechless.

“So… You’re my real mother?” she asked with uncontrollable tears sliding down her cheeks.

I sniffed with a smile “Yes sweetie, I’m your mother.”

Alisha shook her head “You lied to me for all this years? We’ve been suffering from those jerks and you couldn’t even do anything but lie to me for good 16 years?”

I held her hand feeling sad “Alisha, I’m sorry.”

“Stay away from me!!!” She cried as she stood up.

“Alisha, I’m sorry, forgive me.” I cried.

“We’re family in the house and they treated you as a maid and lie to your own daughter, treat me like trash and you couldn’t even fight for your right?” Alisha sobbed.

I sniffed “Alisha…”

Alisha stormed out of the room and slammed the door angrily.

I sat on my bed and begin to weep bitterly.

I went to Alisha’s bedroom and knocked the door.

“Alisha? Please forgive me. I didn’t mean to.” I cried.

I sniffed “I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just did all this because I don’t wanna leave you. You’re my life. I’m sorry.” I sobbed.

I didn’t hear any response, not even a sniff. I opened the door and was surprised that it’s opened.

Alisha always lock the her bedroom door. I entered but she’s not in the room.

“Alisha?” I called but no one answered.

I checked the bathroom, she’s not there. I also checked the living room, guest rooms, kitchen, store room and other rooms in the mansion. She’s no where to be found.

I’m feeling worried. Where’s she?

I went to Alex “Alex, have you seen Alisha?”

He shook his head “No? Why?”

“I think she’s gone.” I said.

“What!” Alex exclaimed in shock.


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