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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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TRICKED – Episode 13

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[Hearts got involved]

GENRE: Office Romance

Written by; Racheal A.





Chapter 13

Dr Lawrence stood beside Nathan with his hands in his pockets as he stared down at Erik who was lying on his bed and had his tired eyes opened. His face looked pale also.

He just finished applying the necessary medications on Erik.

Nathan had come to check up on Erik around six am in the morning like he always did and found him groaning in pain. He also noticed his temperature had risen and immediately sent for Dr Lawrence.

“Punk,you refused to pick my calls when I tried checking up on you”Dr Lawrence said.

“Is this really the time for you to start nagging?” Erik muttered.

“Even your sick state doesn’t stop you from speaking that way?”

“What way?”Erik asked with a frown

“Irreverently”Dr Lawrence said “Are you ever going to change?” He chuckled.

Dr Lawrence was a close friend of Erik’s father and knew Erik ever since he was a little kid.

“I’ll go check up on the maids and see if breakfast is ready” Nathan said and left the room.

Dr Lawrence grabbed a seat and sat down.

He sighed as he looked down at Erik

“You had the nightmare again?”He asked.

Erik’s nightmare was usually the cause of the illness he was having presently and Dr Lawrence was aware of that.

Erik sighed.

“Things got worse with Ivy this time?” He asked but Erik gave no response. “Erik” He berated.

Erik sighed and placed his hand on his forehead frustratedly.

“Yes… I don’t know,I just… She’s giving me these signs in our relationship… Red flags and I’m…”

“Do you want me to help you speak to her?”

“No” Erik shook his head

“Don’t keep hurting yourself” Dr Lawrence said “Tell Ivy you’re not okay with how your relationship is going or break up with her”

“You know I can’t do that”

“Why? Because you love her or because you’re scared of being lonely again?”

Erik swallowed and looked away.

“About your nightmare,I understand that you only have it once in a while and only when it’s triggered but don’t you think it’s high time you saw a therapist?”

“Cut the crap”Erik muttered.

“I have one I can recommend to you”

“I’m not interested” Erik said.

Dr Lawrence sighed.

He checked the time on his wristwatch.

“I should get going now”He said”Make sure to eat, don’t stress yourself out and don’t overthink. Also, don’t hesitate to call me if you need me”He said again.

Erik looked up at him without saying anything.

Dr Lawrence exhaled before turning to leave.

He met Nathan by the door.

“You’re leaving already?”Nathan asked

Dr Lawrence nodded.

“Make sure eats and rest well”He said

“I’ll be sure to do that”Nathan nodded

Dr Lawrence smiled before finally leaving.

Nathan walked in to meet Erik.

Kiara came out Erik’s office after dropping some documents on his desk.

She checked the time on her phone.

“Why hasn’t he arrived yet?”She muttered as she sat on her chair.

“Mr Erik?”Ken asked.

She nodded.

“I don’t know…”Ken muttered and glanced at Erik’s desk “Have you tried calling him?’Ken asked.

“No” She shook her head.

“Call him since you’re so worried about him”

“I’m not worried about him” She said.

“Okay…. But, regardless,you should still call him. He’s not the type to come late to work”

“Why should I be the one to call him? Can’t you?” She muttered.

“You’re the PA”He shrugged.

She sighed

He chuckled “Just call him” He said.

“Wait,What am I going to say to him when he picks up” She asked as she dialed his number.

Ken looked up from what he was doing.

“Oh,he just picked the call” She said and quickly placed the phone on her ear.

“Mr Erik”She said

“It’s Nathan, Mr Erik is asleep”Nathan responded.

“Asleep”She said in a surprised tone

“He’s….Not feeling too well”


“You had something you wanted to say to him?”

“I… Just wanted to check up on him seeing he had not arrived at his office yet”

“I’ll let him know you asked of him”

“No,you don’t have to…”She paused when Nathan hanged up the call.

“So,what did he say?”Ken asked.

“Mr Nathan was the one who picked the call. He told me Mr Erik isn’t feeling too well”

“Well,he won’t be coming to the office today, that’s for sure”Ken said “Too bad, tomorrow’s the board’s meeting and he hasn’t reviewed and put his signature on the reports you gathered from the departments managers.”

“He’s going to need them for the board meeting” Kiara said.

“He can’t take the reports to the board meeting unless he reviews and signs them and the board meeting isn’t going to go well if he doesn’t go with the reports and the necessary documents” Ken shook his head and went back to what he was doing.

Kiara folded her lips

“By the way,”She said “Shouldn’t we go check up on him?” She asked.

“Yeah,we will”Ken nodded.

“When?”Kiara asked.

“What time do you want us to go?” He asked

“I think now would be best so we can take the reports with us and give it to him so he can work on it. That way he’ll be able to meet up and provide them at the board meeting”

“That’s… Actually a great idea”Ken smiled.

“I’ll get a bag where we can put the documents”He stood.

Kiara smiled and also stood.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been here”Ken said as he walked into the sitting room with Kiara who smiled as she sighted Erik’s rabbit.

She walked to it and stoked its head with her index finger.

“It still surprises me that Mr Erik owns a rabbit as a pet”Ken said.

“Why?”She turned to face him.

“Well, considering his personality,the animal I expected him to own as a pet was a cat”

She laughed.

“True”She muttered and he chuckled.

“Come on, let’s go see Mr Erik”Ken said

“Shouldn’t we wait for Mr Nathan?”Kiara asked


“So he’ll show us the way to Mr Erik’s room”

“I know where his room his. I’ve been here a few times so I kinda know my way around”He smiled.

Kiara followed Ken as he led the way to Erik’s room.

They got there within a few seconds and the door was opened by Nathan after Ken knocked on it once.

“Good afternoon sir”Kiara greeted while Ken bowed slightly.

Nathan smiled “Come in. He’s awake already”He said.

Ken and Kiara walked in.

They met Erik sitting up on his bed with his back rested against a pillow.

They walked past a mini sitting room in his room before getting to him.

They greeted him.

Nathan went to sit on a couch after closing the door.

Erik stared at Kiara and Ken with a blank expression on his face.

“Um…Mr Nathan told us you weren’t feeling too well so we came to check up on you”Ken said

“I don’t suppose that’s a gift for me”He said dryly, looking down at the bag Ken was holding.

“No sir”Ken shook his head.

Erik raised his head to look at Kiara.

“It contains the reports I gathered from all the departments managers. You’re yet to review and sign them”Kiara said.

Erik sighed.

“The board meeting is tomorrow,I totally forgot about that” He muttered.

Kiara looked down at Erik. She noticed his face looked pale.

Was his illness that serious?

“Um…”She cleared her throat.

Erik looked up at her.

“I wanted to ask if you’ve received treatment already”She said. “Your face looks…Pale” She muttered.

“Thanks for the compliment” He said sarcastically.

“I didn’t mean it that way,I was just…”

“He’s been treated already”Nathan said from where he was seated.

Kiara turned to look at Nathan while Erik kept eyes fixated on Kiara.

He knew she asked the question out of concern but chose to respond to her that way.

She was the first aside from Dr Lawrence and Nathan that would show concern to him in such way before and despite how harsh he usually spoke to her she still felt concerned about his health.

It did make him a bit happy that she was concerned about him but he wouldn’t show it.

“I have to get back to the office now,I have some work to do” Ken said “I hope you get well soon sir” He said again. “Bye” He said to Kiara before leaving.

Kiara couldn’t leave with Ken because she had to stay with Erik and assist him with the reports.

“Open the bag” He said to her.


Kiara sat on a couch in Erik’s mini sitting room while Erik sat on his bed.

Both had several documents in front of them.

Erik was reviewing and signing while Kiara was collating. She also assisted Erik with reviewing the reports.

Nathan who had left Erik’s room moments ago returned with two maids who bought Erik and Kiara’s lunch.

“Make sure to eat,you only ate little in the morning” Nathan said to Erik

“And you too”Nathan said to Kiara. “You’ve been working all day” He said before leaving with the maids.

Kiara turned to glance at Erik.

He made no attempt to touch his food and was engrossed in what he was doing.

She stood and walked to him.

“You should eat, I’ll help with the reviews of these ones until you’re done” She said.

She had actually felt worried that he was working in his sick state.

“I don’t have an appetite” He muttered not looking at her.

“But Mr Nathan said…”

“I paid no attention to what he said”He raised his head to look at her.

“Return to what you were doing and eat if you’re hungry already”He faced what he was doing again.

Kiara sighed and walked back to the couch.

Her phone rang immediately she sat.

Daphne was written on the screen of her phone.

She ignored the call though it kept ringing.

She brought out the photo Daphne gave to her two days ago. The one containing her parents.

She stared at it

“We should visit that place,it looks amazing” Daphne’s voice replayed in her head.

She sighed.

She touched the tower in the photo. She also wanted to visit that place with Daphne but right now,she was still angry with Daphne.

She dropped the photo and went back to work.

She touched her neck which was beginning to ache her but still focused on what she was doing.

She had to assist Erik in working on all of the reports so he would be able to provide them at the board meeting the next day.

Erik raised his head to look at Kiara. He could only see the side of her face as a result of how the couch was placed but he could also see that she kept on working instead of eating.

He had expected her to be eating since she’s been working non-stop and would be feeling tired already.

<10:30 PM>

Erik held his right shoulder and massaged it, yawning tiredly as he did.

He turned,wondering how Kiara was doing.

She must be tired as well.

He walked to her when he didn’t see her face in sight and met her asleep already.

She looked really tired.

She didn’t touch her lunch and dinner either.

“She did turn out to be an hardworking assistant” He thought as he stared at her and smiled as he remembered how concerned she was about him earlier and offered to assist him review the reports so he could eat.

He wanted to wake her knowing she should be on her way home but he stopped and went to bring out a blanket from his closet instead.

He covered her with it.

He stood,gazing at her tired but cute sleepy face.

“Clumsy but hardworking”He said “Cute” He muttered with a smile.


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