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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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By : Kebby NG Media Services

“I think this dress will be perfect on me”

“Or maybe this red one……..I just don’t know which one to pick…..I wish to take the two, what do you think Emily! Which one will be good for the party tonight?”Gracie asked as she stood in front of the mirror checking out the clothes.

I didn’t answer her because I wasnt paying attention to her.i was lost in some thing that has been bothering me.

“Emily?Emily!” she called and I stared at her

“Where have you put your mind, have been talking to you about the clothe to wear to the party but you have not been putting your heart to it “she said

“Am sorry, am just thinking of some thing, I said

“You have always been thinking of one thing or another, it’s been bothering you and you won’t tell any one about it, well you might tell Cade about it but you never talk to us about any thing”She said softly and I turned to her

“It’s not that I don’t want to tell you, it’s just that I can’t tell you about it”I said softly

“Why can’t you?”

“It’s some thing private, when it’s the right time I will surely tell you but not now, things are not still clear yet and so I can’t talk about it”I said and she nodded

“Fine then, I will trust you on this, I will wait for you to tell me the truth but for now get that disturbing thought out of you and let’s focus on the party for tonight, it’s after all a party meant for us” she said as she pulled me to try on a dress.

Gracie is right! It’s a party for us all, I should be feeling excited right but some how am not feeling that way!

Why do I feel like some thing bad would happen tonight…………….


I was putting a last touch to get my self ready for the party when the bath room door open and Cade walked out, he whistled and walked towards me to wrap his arm around me

“Hey you will get me wet”I said as I tried to pull free.

“Stop making a fuss,I want to hold you and am not that wet”he muttered as he held me tight in his arms

“You are being a baby, won’t you be holding me tonight after the party, why are you suddenly acting this way?” I asked

“I don’t know why? All I know is that I want to hold you and I never want to let you go”he said and i smiled

“Fine then, hold me as much as you want “I said turning in his arms to face him

“If you are only interested in holding me, I have other things that am Interested in “I said and pulled him down to kiss him

When I finally let go, he was starring at me in a strange way

“What’s wrong Cade?”I asked and instead of answering me, he pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight

“Don’t ever leave me”he said softly

“I won’t ever leave you”I said holding him tight

“Stay close to me at the party okay!don’t you dare leave my side for a sec”He said and i nodded.

“You don’t have to act this way Cade, nothing bad will happen”I said trying to assure my self than to assure him

“Come here”he said as he hugged me close again

“I love you okay, never forget that!”he said

“I won’t “I replied .

We were still holding each other when there was a knock on the door .

“You should get dress, I will answer it”I said

“Don’t you dare leave with out me”he said

“I won’t and i still have to retouch my make up”I said and he nodded and went into the dressing room to get dressed.

“A package arrived for you Mrs Callaghan”A guard said as he gave me the box

“Really,thanks”I said as I took the box from him

Getting curious as to know what it’s in there, I opened the package, only to see pictures of myself.

“What’s this”I said taking it out to look at it properly.

It was all taken in the ranch and what’s worse I didn’t even know that it was being taken.

Just who is this? I thought as I went through the picture.

I saw a little note stuck under it and I opened it.

“You will be mine tonight”.

I threw the paper back into the Box, this will only be David doing, it can only be it, i thought as I stared at it.

“Are you still there Emily”Cade called from the room

“Yes I am”

Quickly I took the box and hid it behind a cupboard

“Are you set to go”Cade called as he walked into the room.

“Yes”I said nervously

“But you said you wanted to retouch your make up, why havent you done that?”He asked

“I …..I was just About to”I said taking the lip stick to apply it on my Lips.

“All set, shall we leave now?”I said and he nodded.

The party was in full swing when we arrived, Denise and Christopher being the perfect host, Isabel sulking to her self, Gracie and Micheal having fun with other guest and David, who stood at the bar with his dad.

As if sensing that I was starring him, he looked at me and gave me a smile.

Enough is enough, I won’t let David be a thr_@t to me again, this maddness has to stop, I thought as I went to greet some guest with Cade.

Cade took me every where he went that didn’t have the chance to talk to David.

“Love I need to use the rest room”I said

“I will accompany you”He said and i stopped him

“Don’t be funny! I will go by myself”I said softly


“Don’t worry, I will come back to you safe, just keep on with the party”I said to him and he nodded

I went to the rest room and I knew that with every move I made, David was watching, I knew that he was going to follow me.

So Instead of going to the rest room, I went out side and soon enough he sauntered after me .

“Why you following me ?”I said

“You wanted me to follow you out here, so I did”he said

“Fine then, so what I will tell you right now will be very brief, stay away from me, I love Cade and no matter what you do, you will never separate us, so stop with this maddness and leave me alone”I yelled at him

“Really? Are you really sure that I can’t do a thing to separate you two ?”he asked

“You can’t,you have been warned, stay away from me!”I said and began to head back in when he pulled me back

“You coming out here on your own made it so simple for me, I told you right! You will be mine and now watch how I separate you from Cade”He said and covering my mouth with his hand

I bit him hard and he let go, I was about running in when a car drove towards me, obstructing my path.

“What the he.ll are you doing David! Drug her already”Denise yelled at him and hearing that ,I began to run, only to be caught by him again

As soon as he caught hold of me, he put the hand Ker chief over my nose and though I struggled, i wasn’t a match for the drug.

“Sleep now my love, we are about to go some where far”

That was the last thing I heard before I lost consciousness.

I drove past the gate and out of the ranch and then I parked the car at a safe place .

No one will see me get out of the car , I thought as I got out of it

“What’s going on? Won’t you be taking us?” David asked

“Have done my part of the plan,now it’s all left to you to do the rest” I said

“But this was not the plan………”

“You will be leaving with her and we won’t see you ever again but I will be here and they might suspect me and it’s better if I don’t know where you will take her “i said

“Fine then,as you wish, i will get there on my own”he said as laid Emily in the car and came to the driver seat.

“Before you leave, you have to do some thing for me!”I said

“What?”he asked and i stared at him .

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