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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Chapter 45

By : Kebby NG Media Services


“Tell me, are you !nterested !n know!ng th£ secret I found ©vt?”my mom asked h*r and $h£ stared at me !n surprise

I never thought that Emily will f!nd ©vt th£ truth th*s way, If possible I never want h*r to remember th£ past because it has never brought any th!ng but pa!n !n all our lives, I have to stop my mom,I thought as I went towards th£m.

“Let’s leave Emily!”I said as I take h*r h@nd

“Why do you want to run away with h*r?”my mom asked mak!ng me m©r£ angry

“j√$t stop it mom! Don’t say it”I muttered that last part to h*r but $h£ didn’t listen to me.

“Your husband doesn’t want me to tell you but I have to, it’s some th!ng that I want answers from”$h£ said not listen!ng to me.

“Mom I……”

“You two are not married right?”$h£ asked and I stopped wh£n I h£ard what $h£ said

“What are you say!ng ma’am” Emily asked

“I thought you were m©r£ wiser than th*s”$h£ replied giv!ng th£ two of us a smile

“What are you try!ng to say mom?”

“Your fath*r will have to forgive me, h£ said that I shouldn’t say a th!ng but I j√$t can’t hold b@¢k, you two never got married, your marriage is fake,so are you two”$h£ said

“wh-_-re did you h£ar it from?” I asked

“I knew some th!ng was odd ab©vt th£ two of you so I made sure I got th£ !nvestigator to !nvestigate and h£ brought b@¢k th£ news that you two are not married, that it was all a lie” $h£ said.

“h£ is th£ one tell!ng you th£ lie”I said quickly

“Do you th!nk I don’t have prove, I do have prove, I can show it to you”$h£ said

“Stop it mom!”I said as I stared at h*r

“So are you go!ng to tell th£ truth now?”$h£ asked

“We aren’t married, is that th£ truth you want to know?”I asked

“I knew it, I knew $h£ was j√$t one of your mistress, j√$t so you wouldn’t marry Isabel, you brought !n th*s th!ng”$h£ yelled at Emily

I looked at Emily only to see h*r frightened,I took h*r h@nd and $h£ stared at me

“Watch what you say! I might not be married to h*r but I do love h*r”I said

“Love! How do you expect me to believe that, $h£ is j√$t some gold digger who accepted your offer for money”$h£ yelled at Emily

“Mom please leave Emily ©vt of it?”I said

“I won’t, I h@ťě h*r from th£ first day I set my eyes on h*r and now m©r£ than ever I h@ťě h*r m©r£”$h£ said mov!ng towards Emily but I ₱v$h£d h*r b@¢k

“Stop it mom ,you are frighten!ng h*r”I said

“I don’t ¢ar£, i h@ťě h*r, Its like am see!ng that woman once aga!n, it’s like I have to see that bch aga!n and it drives me crazy”$h£ yelled still starr!ng at Emily

I knew that $h£ wasn’t talk!ng ab©vt th£ fake marriage, $h£ was talk!ng ab©vt Emily moth*r, Stacey.

” Let’s go to th£ study mom, Emily go to th£ room, I will f!nd and meet you”I said and ₱v||!ng my mom,I walked h*r to th£ study and closed th£ door

“What’s your problem mom?”I asked

“My problem is that bch! I don’t want h*r h*re, take h*r away Cade, get h*r off th*s island”$h£ yelled at me

“I won’t mom?”I said


“I love h*r, I love Emily,even though we started as a lie, I now love h*r “I said

“Have you gone mad ! $h£ is th£ same girl you rappe years ago, do you th!nk $h£ will still stay with you if $h£ knows that you were th£ one who rapped h*r?”$h£ asked

“$h£ won’t ever know that Mom, I won’t let h*r know it and neith*r will I let you tell h*r th£ truth”I said and $h£ walked towards me ₱v||!ng Me by my lapel

“Are you crazy! Don’t you know what we had to do j√$t to keep every th!ng a secret and now that we know that $h£ is alive, $h£ has to be ki||ed”$h£ said

“I won’t let you touch h*r, $h£ has gone through a lot mom, $h£ wasn’t to be blamed for any th!ng but $h£ had to be dragged !nto it, $h£ has suffered enough, it’s time I make it up to h*r”I said and angrily $h£ gave me a slap


you know what I had to go through j√$t so th*s girl can get ©vt of my life, I have done a lot of th!ngs j√$t to keep you safe and now you want to keep that girl safe?”$h£ asked
“Yes I want to and stop say!ng you did it for me, you did it for your self ,you are noth!ng but a manipulator”I said

“Call me what ever you want but I know that i did it for you, I did it for you and I refuse that we keep that girl alive”$h£ said

“Don’t touch h*r mom,I mean it, I will always protect h*r and I will make sure you don’t succeed !n harm!ng h*r aga!n” I said and left th£ room feel!ng angry

$h£ ₱v||ed


I got to th£ room only to see Emily curled up on th£ b£d

I went to th£ b£d and sat on it, I could h£ar h*r cry!ng and want!ng to give h*r time to calm d©wΠ, I stayed quiet but wh£n $h£ wouldn’t stop,I l@yed on th£ b£d beside h*r and h£ld h*r to me.

“Why does your mom h@ťě me, have never done any th!ng to h*r”$h£ said as $h£ kept on cry!ng

“$h£ doesn’t h@ťě you,$h£ is j√$t annoyed that I want you !nstead of Isabel”I said

“Don’t you regret choos!ng me, you should have chos£n some one else”h£ said

“Why would I choose some one else, it’s you that I want and I wont ever regret my choice”I said as kssed h*r neck

“I don’t know what to th!nk aga!n Cade, I mean I never did any th!ng to deserve h*r to h@ťě me like th*s, yes $h£ might be angry ab©vt th£ marriage th!ng but that is all, $h£ should only be angry ab©vt th£ marriage stuff and it’s not that much of big deal, we now love each oth*r right, so th£n why does $h£ still look at me with so much hatred” $h£ said as $h£ kept on cry!ng h@rd


didn’t want h*r to keep on feel!ng th*s way, what can I do to make h*r forget th£ situation, j√$t th£n a thought pop !nto my h£ad.
“What do you th!nk ab©vt th£ two of us gett!ng Married for real th*s time”I said and that made h*r turn over.

$h£ kept on starr!ng at me as if $h£ couldn’t believe that I j√$t said to h*r


“I don’t want us to pretend any m©r£, you love me and I love you, I th!nk it’s time that we get married and become man and wife for real, with ©vt th£ deal or any th!ng hang!ng over our h£ad,what do you say ?”I asked and $h£ sat up to stare d©wΠ at me

“Don’t you want to?”I asked and s1©wly $h£ gave me a smile

“Why wouldn’t I want to,I love you Cade and I want to be your wife for th£ rest of my life”$h£ said as $h£ wiped off th£ tears and hugged me t!ghtly.

“Why don’t we go b@¢k to city and get married th*re”I offered

“But what ab©vt your family?”$h£ asked

“Th£y wouldnt come, you saw th£ way th£y are all act!ng now, if th£y should see how you behave, th£y will get really mad and say worse th!ngs ab©vt us,I don’t want our wedd!ng to be ru!ned by th£m and so I would have it !n th£ city with your parents as our witness, what do you say?”I asked aga!n and $h£ nodded gently.

“I wouldn’t be m©r£ happy and to know that I am go!ng to be married to you for real gives me so much joy, I love you Cade”$h£ muttered softly

“And I love you too, future Mrs Callaghan”I said and $h£ laugh ©vt

“It feels nice, I like th£ way it sound” $h£ said as $h£ hugged me t!ght aga!n.

Some how I felt bad than ever, $h£ wouldn’t like to know to that I had married h*r know!ng that I am th£ one who ru!n h*r life too.

Life is j√$t so unfair, I thought as I h£ld h*r t!ghtly !n my arms.

I sat on th£ b£d, try!ng to get !n touch with my parents for th£ last time.

Th£y have been on holiday and it should certa!nly be over for now,so wh-_-re could th£y be and why are th£y not answer!ng , I thought as I kept on wait!ng for th£ call to go through and wh£n it f!nally did, I was so happy.

“My darl!ng”my mom said as !nto th£ reciever

“h£llo Mom, you don’t know how long have been call!ng you two?”I said

“Sorry darl!ng but th£ island wh-_-re Cade took had no reception and you know us, we h@rdly ¢ar£ for our phones”$h£ said

“But you should know that I !n okwould want to call you, you should have turned on your phone some how”I said

“Am sorry my child,we j√$t got b@¢k home yesterday and i j√$t charged my phone”

“Okay, I called because I was worried and also to tell you that I will be com!ng home with Cade soon”

“What? But why?”

“I will expla!n every th!ng once we get th*re, Cade wants to round every th!ng up on Ca!n Island and I also want …….”

“What did you j√$t say?”

“That we want to round every th!ng up”I replied

“Not that? What did you call th£ name of th£ island you are stay!ng ?”$h£ asked

“Ca!n Island”I replied

“Oh no! Oh no,th*s can’t be happen!ng”$h£ said suddenly

“What’s wrong mom?”I asked feel!ng worried

“Get off that island Emily, get ©vt of it f*st”$h£ yelled.

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