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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Chapter 27

By : Kebby NG Media Services


“We are all eager to know Emily, tell us what happened dur!ng your wedd!ng “$h£ said aga!n wh£n it was tak!ng long for me to answer,

“Our wedd!ng day has noth!ng to do with you mom, so stop both*r!ng my wife with your questions” Cade said

“It’s not a bad th!ng to want to know ab©vt th£ wedd!ng day of my only son, you don’t th!nk it’s wrong right?” $h£ asked starr!ng at me

“But it’s like you are try!ng to cover some th!ng up Cade, you not want!ng to tell your mom ab©vt your wedd!ng certa!nly means you are hid!ng some th!ng “Isabel added

If I don’t say some th!ng th£y will guess th£ truth, I thought, as I quickly thought of some th!ng

“We have noth!ng to hide, our wedd!ng had a normal wedd!ng, it was love at first sight for us , Cade and I knew that we were th£ one for each oth*r and so we got married, it was a court wedd!ng and we had done every th!ng legally, you have no reason to doubt our marriage because we both love each oth*r, I love my husband a lot” I added that last part mean!ng every word and I didn’t see th£ question!ng look Cade had briefly s£nt my way.

“But …………”

“Denise I th!nk your question is enough, Remember that we are at th£ d!nner table and we have a guest and Emily have answered your question, so it’s enough” Cade fath*r said to h*s wife and $h£ focused on h*r meal.

While every one retired to th£ lounge to have coffee and des**t, I had excused myself and went up to our room.

Why did I say that? I thought as I walked !nto th£ room.

If Cade is smart h£ will guess that what I had said a while ago is true

What am I go!ng to do now? I thought as I paced th£ room.

It had been a mistake to f@|| for h*m, should I call what I did a while ago a mistake too.

j√$t th£n I h£ard foot steps and I knew that it had to be Cade.

What am I go!ng to say? What should I do?

Th£ door opened to reveal Stephanie, $h£ gave a smile as $h£ walked !nto th£ room

“What are you do!ng h*re?” I asked

“To know if what you said d©wΠ th*re a while ago is th£ truth?”$h£ replied cooly

“It’s none of your bus!ness, so get ©vt ” I yelled at h*r

“It’s true, you do love h*m” $h£ said as wh£n I didn’t reply $h£ began laugh!ng

“You are such a fool, all h£ made with you was a deal, how could you have f@||en for h*m?” $h£ asked

“What! You know ab©vt th£ deal?” I asked

“I know every th!ng Emily, Cade and I aren’t j√$t lovers, we share th!ngs with each oth*r”

“I can’t believe h£ told you ab©vt th£ deal we made “I said still shocked by what Stephanie j√$t revealed to me

“Well h£ told me and I th!nk you j√$t made a very terrible mistake”$h£ said

“What mistake?”

“You revealed to Cade that you are !n love with h*m, Cade doesn’t want love !n a relationship, h£ always make it clear to every woman h£ b£ds, am sure that h£ did th£ same with you but you be!ng gullible you had to f@|| for h*m”

“Yes I did f@|| for h*m, so what? am not ask!ng h*m to love me !n return”

“Stop kidd!ng your self Emily, Some one !n love always wi$h£s to be loved b@¢k and you also feel th£ same, why else would you be both*red ab©vt my pres£nce, you were jealous wh£n you saw Cade and I a while ago, admit it “$h£ said

“Yes I was jealous, It hurt to see th£ man I love parad!ng with h*s mistress” I said

“Am glad you said that because Cade will believe me now,I was right after all” $h£ said starr!ng at th£ door way

I turned to see Cade stand!ng by th£ door starr!ng at me,

“I told you right? Emily loves you and $h£ has forgotten th£ deal you made with h*r” Stephanie said as $h£ went to h*m,


please leave us alone” h£ said and $h£ gave me an evil glare before walk!ng off.
As soon as th£ door was shut I began to talk only to be silenced by th£ angry look on h*s face

“I had told you not to f@|| !n love with me” h£ began s1©wly

“Wh£n you said you h@ťěd me , I was f!ne with it but now that you say you love me, I don’t th!nk that I can be f!ne with it” h£ added

“It’s not some th!ng I planned Cade”I said softly

“And why would you tell Stephanie ab©vt th£ deal we made”I added

“Th£ deal and Stephanie doesn’t matter right now, what matters is that you have feel!ngs for me”h£ yelled at h*r

“Th£y are my feel!ngs,I will know what to do with it, I won’t burden you with it, so you don’t have to worry”I replied

“Let’s call th*s off!”h£ said suddenly.

“Call what off?”

“Th£ deal,I will s£nd you b@¢k to th£ states and we will go b@¢k to our normal lives”h£ said.

“What ab©vt your parent? What are you go!ng to tell every one “I asked

“Leave that to me Emily, j√$t pack your stuff and get ready to Leave tomorrow” h£ said as h£ turned to leave and quickly I blocked h*s path.

“Why Cade? What happened that turned you to a man whose h£art is as h@rd as a stone?, why do you shy away from love? Does it have to do with what happened !n th£ past?”I asked and angrily h£ ₱v||ed me by th£ arm and ₱v$h£d me to th£ wall

“You really want to know! You really want to know why? Well I will tell you, Am a monster, a monster who doesn’t deserve to be loved or to be happy”


did some th!ng bad to someone, I ru!ned h*r life, am not th£ man you th!nk I am, am not a sa!nt, am evil itself ,would you still love me know!ng all th*s”h£ said with so much pa!n !n h*s voice.
I knew that what happened !n th£ past certa!nly ru!ned h*m as much as it ru!ned th£ person h£ was talk!ng ab©vt.

Gently I touch£d h*s face and h£ m©v£d away from me,

“You don’t j√$t get it right! am not some one you or any b©dy can love, I had choos£n you to do th*s because I thought that you were m©r£ practical, S!nce you didn’t f@|| for my money, you certa!nly wouldn’t f@|| me but I judged wrongly th*s time”

“As I have said earlier, you should pack your stuff and be ready to leave “h£ said and th£n left th£ room.

I sat on th£ b£d feel!ng hurt, For th£ second time I have f@||en !n love j√$t to be hurt aga!n,life is j√$t so unfair…………..


I stood on th£ field,tak!ng !n th£ air to h£lp calm me a bit.

f@||!ng !n love is not meant for me, it’s not someth!ng I can ever have because of what happened !n th£ past.

Ever s!nce that th!ng happened ten years ago I have never been th£ same, have always been haunted by what I did.

I Have never been happy and each time I try to br!ng th£ thought of what I did to that poor girl comes b@¢k to haunt me and ever s!nce th£n have made it a rule to myself and also to all my mistress that love is not for me.

It’s one of th£ reason why I keep reject!ng Isabel and I had chos£n Emily because $h£ seemed to be some one practical but $h£ had to f@|| for me too.

$h£ had to let h*r h£art go weak with lov!ng a guy like me, I didn’t tell h*r th£ wh0l£ truth b@¢k th*re because some how I was s¢ar£d by what h*r reaction would be , am sure that if I had told h*r th£ truth $h£ would have h@ťěd me on sight but I didnt and what’s worst I feel bad s£nd!ng h*r away.

I feel hurt know!ng that I had forced h*r h*re and also hurt for hav!ng to s£nd h*r away.

If any of my mistress were to f@|| for me, I always s£nd th£m away with ©vt feel!ng any th!ng but with Emily, I feel different, like a part of me will be leav!ng with h*r and am sure that it will hurt a lot and I don’t even know why? I don’t know why th£ thought of Emily leav!ng hurts me a lot.

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