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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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Chapter 23

By : Kebby NG Media Services



I sat !n th£ patio all gett!ng prepared for th£ first phase of th£ advertis!ng part of th£ resort.

I still couldn’t believe that th£ resort is ₱vsh!ng through.

It has been a week. A week th£ renovation of th£ resort have started.

A lot of people were com!ng !n to th£ mansion and go!ng ©vt.

And due to th*s renovat!ng stuff have met some few new people and each of th£m have been noth!ng but k!nd.

It’s been a week and I h@rdly always see Cade, I know that h£ is busy try!ng to get th£ company b@¢k on its feet but h£ should at least spare me some of h*s time.

Th£ only time I get to see h*m is wh£n h£ is ab©vt to leave th£ house !n th£ wee hours of th£ morn!ng.

And even th£n h£ would look so cold and withdrawn, though h£ doesn’t say it, I know that th£ resort renovation is gett!ng to h*m.

I wonder what went wrong to have made h*m h@ťě th£ resort itself.

Cade mom on th£ oth*r h@nd keeps on compla!n!ng ab©vt th£ dust that th£ renovation is caus!ng or th£ sound of th£ brick l@yer or th£ carpenter who are try!ng to put two and two togeth*r, $h£ wakes up all th£ time ready to compla!n ab©vt one or two th!ng .

While Cade and h*s mom do all of th*s, h*s fath*r and Isabel eith*r lock th£mselves !n or go ©vt for a while.

Though h*s fath*r doesn’t go that far, it’s eith*r to th£ patio or to th£ fields to get some air and as for Isabel, I never know, $h£ h@rdly tells me th!ngs and I don’t both*r to ask h*r after all, we are not that close

I tried to dial my parents number aga!n and it still won’t go.

Ever s!nce Cade gave me b@¢k my phone, have been try!ng to reach th£m ,though h£ told me not to worry ab©vt th£m.

“Th£y might Be enjoy!ng th£ir holiday so much that th£y don’t ch£ck th£ir phone or try to call you b@¢k ,give th£m m©r£ time, th£y will call you”,those were h*s words each time I told h*m ab©vt my parents not pick!ng

I sigh£d as th£y call didn’t go through, j√$t what sort of holiday are th£y enjoy!ng so much,I thought as I cont!nued to work on th£ new laptop Cade had bought

h£ hadn’t gotten me some th!ng sparkly and expensive like Veronica had told h*m, h£ had bought me a laptop and I know that I will ch*rish it m©r£ than any expensive r!ng, necklace or dress.

But it feels so lonely with ©vt h*m h*re, I don’t know why am feel!ng long wh£n th*re are a lot of people h*re.

‘could it be that you miss h*m because you are f!nally admitt!ng to yourself that you love h*m’ my conscience said to me as I kept on with my work

Wh£n I had th*s love thought ab©vt a week ago ,I dismissed it say!ng that I didn’t love, though h£ is k!nd and sweet wh£n you get to know h*m,h£ also a jerk some time and that alone makes me so furious.

How can I f@|| !n love with some one who makes me mad some times , so me lov!ng Cade is a total rubbish ,I thought as I stood up flex!ng my muscles a bit by stretch!ng.

Wh£n I h£ard some voices d©wΠ stairs,I turned to look,only to see some teenage boys starr!ng at me !n awe.

Th£ remodell!ng of th£ resort need m©r£ h@nds and a lot of people that needs money come h*re j√$t to get a few part as long as it get th£m money.

Th£ y©vth who were work!ng always gawked at me each time I went th*re to ch£ck at th£ir progress.

I always f!nd it to be cute of th£m and I still f!nd it .

I gave th£m a smile and waved at th£m and th£y gave me a smile !n return and waved at me

“$h£ is so beautiful”

“Th£ boss chose right!”

“I wish I was a few years older and I won’t h£sitate !n go!ng for h*r”


is j√$t so beautiful”
h£ar!ng th£ir compliment made me blush all over

j√$t th£n arm was wr*₱ped @r0vnd me and though I was surprised,I looked up only to see Cade.

“Don’t you th!nk it’s wrong to stare at some one wife?”Cade asked th£ boys who were gawk!ng at me and quickly th£y walked off

“And you all are right? I chose right”h£ yelled after th£m and I blu$h£d a bit

“And you aren’t you gett!ng a lot of attention from th*s teenage kids, I th!nk you should onlu be work!ng |ns!de from now on” h£ said as h£ still h£ld onto me

I couldn’t say any th!ng because I was feel!ng great that h£ was h*re and that h£ had me !n h*s arms.

For days now have been long!ng to see h*m and I h@rdly get that chance and now that I have th£ chance ,I feel so happy.

“Won’t you let go of me?”that was th£ only th!ng I could manage to say

“Relax,! You know I will only hold you like th*s if it weren’t for a show for some one”h£ wh*spered to me and before I could get what h£ was say!ng, h£ spun me @r0vnd and I stood look!ng at a blonde beautiful lady.

$h£ was all dressed smartly and $h£ looked so beautiful,I thought as I stared at my own pla!n cloth£

“My love”Cade called s1©wly and for a while I wondered who h£ was referr!ng to as h*s love and wh£n I realised that it was me, I also realised that th£ act!ng part has started.

“I want you to meet Stephanie Blake th£ !nterior designer”h£ said to th£ lady who gave me a false smile

I was able to know that h*r smile was false because of th£ way $h£ kept on starr!ng at Cade arms @r0vnd me


to meet you”$h£ said politely and i greeted h*r b@¢k !n th£ same manner
“S!nce you are th£ one !n charge of th*s resort, why don’t you tell h*r what you would like for each room my love”h£ asked us!ng that same name to call me.

Some how I found myself lik!ng it and i found myself want!ng to h£ar h*m call me that every day

While Cade left to ch£ck on th£ workers, I stayed at th£ patio talk!ng to Stephanie.

“So what do you th!nk of th£se designs?”$h£ asked show!ng me anoth*r picture for th£ fifth time

“I don’t like th£se eith*r”I said

Th£ only taste $h£ have was of one of luxury and that is some th!ng am try!ng to avoid for th£ resort and th£ people.

I want th£m to th!nk of th£ resort like th£ir home, like wh£n th£y go ©vt,th£y should feel like th£y will be com!ng b@¢k to th£ir home but if it’s giv!ng a luxurious look, th£y will always be rem!nded that th£y are pay!ng for it.

Stephane dropped d©wΠ h*r phone !n anger “j√$t what do you want for th£ !nterior”$h£ asked


“Look at you act!ng all big and mighty,don’t kid yourself ab©vt your husband, h£ might have married you but h*s wonams!ng ways will still cont!nue”

“I was once h*s lover you know and I know that h*m com!ng all th£ way to th£ city to get me so I can be th£ !nterior designer certa!nly means some th!ng right?”$h£ asked as $h£ stood up

“What do you mean?”

“That your husband still wants to have fun while h£ is married to you, I will go and see h*m, am sure that h£ will wait!ng for me already, I also want to know how h£ feels aga!n’”$h£ said as $h£ walked off

Stephanie was h*s lover and yet h£ brought h*r h*re,how could h£?”I thought as I packed my th!ngs from th£ patio and Went straight to my room.

Hav!ng taken enough time !n th£ room, I went ©vt to get some air.

I j√$t got jealous, I was jealous and that was why I got hurt by what $h£ said

j√$t know!ng that Cade had brought h*s mistress home made me feel sad.

I know I might not be h*s real wife and h£ might not even love me but that doesn’t mean h£ can br!ng !n h*s mistress or anyone else to th£ house.


so very sad, I h£ad to th£ garden path only to stop wh£n I saw Cade and Stephanie talk!ng at a distance and th£y were far too close for my comfort.
I saw Cade tak!ng Stephanie h@nd !n h*s and th£n h£ ₱v||ed h*r !nto a hug.

I stood at a distance watch!ng th£m and I felt like I was go!ng to die with jealousy and what’s worse I felt that my h£art was ab©vt to break to pieces.

Why am I feel!ng th*s way????.

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