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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Chapter 21

By : Kebby NG Media Services


I went ©vt of th£ room and saw Cade pick!ng ©vt some beautiful cloth£s.

“Th*s will def!nitely suit h*r.” h£ said as h£ picked m©r£

“I must say that th*s is th£ first time I’m see!ng a man pleased to buy h*s wife cloth£s.” Veronica said to Cade.

“Of course a man should be pleased that h£ is gett!ng some new cloth£s for h*s wife” h£ retorted with a smirk on h*s face.

“Not everyone sir, you are different and I hope you will keep on treat!ng your wife like with th*s great ¢ar£” Veronica said

“Is th*s be!ng car!ng?”h£ asked as h£ picked m©r£ cloth£s from th£ rack

“Of course it is”Veronica replied

Watch!ng th£ little scene some how made me change my m!nd on what I was go!ng to say to h*m.

We had agreed to start th!ngs over and if I go to h*m now,it will only create m©r£ problems for us,I thought.

“And Veronica do you know a little gift that I can get “I h£ard Cade asked

“For your wife?”Veronica asked

“Yes, you see ever s!nce I married h*r,I haven’t really gotten h*r a gift before “h£ said

It’s a th!ng to br!ng me h*re and buy me a dress

I must admit that while h£ was talk!ng ab©vt th£ cloth£s to get for me,I felt touch£d.

j√$t as Veronica had said, a man h@rdly goes to shop with h*s wife but Cade is different, h£ had brought me h*re and had chos£n th£ cloth£s for me and now h£ even wants to get me some th!ng

“What do you th!nk $h£ need sir”Veronica asked h*m

“Well th*re was a time I broke h*r laptop and $h£ was to use to make a pres£ntation,I remember that !n order to make h*r laptop work, $h£ had hit it on th£ h£ad which made me wonder if that was my fault”

“Of course it is”I thought to myself as I kept on Listen!ng to th£ir conversation

“Should I j√$t get h*r a new one?”h£ asked

“No! Girls don’t ¢ar£ for that k!nd of th!ng sir,I suggest you get h*r a necklace, a r!ng or some th!ng dynamic”Veronica said

“I will prefer a new laptop than any expensive r!ng or necklace”I thought aga!n

“You are right and thanks for your tips, I will try to get h*r some th!ng befitt!ng”h£ said

“Let me go and ch£ck on h*r “h£ said and quickly I ran b@¢k to th£ dress!ng, try!ng to compose myself before h£ arrives

“Are you okay now?”h£ asked as h£ walked !n and I nodded gently.

I stood up to leave but h£ stopped me by ₱v||!ng me b@¢k and hold!ng both my h@nds

“It’s go!ng to be Alright okay, as soon as my bus!ness is done, we will leave th*s place”h£ said and I nodded aga!n touch£d by h*s gentleness

Th*s is th£ first time am see!ng th*s side of Cade and I won’t deny that I really like it,life would be great if h£ is j√$t like th*s always

Togeth*r we walked ©vt of th£ b©vtique.

“Why don’t we do th£ sight see!ng on foot”I said to h*m

“You want us to walk @r0vnd”h£ asked

“Yes or would that be dangerous?”I asked

“Except we don’t run !nto crazy Lucy th*re won’t be any danger”h£ said

“Good th£n”.

While h£ made arrangements with h*s driver,I stood starr!ng at th£ surround!ng

j√$t th£n I saw a little boy, h£ looked dirty and shabby

h£ ran towards a car,begg!ng for money, I felt my h£art go to th£ little kid and what hurt most was that th£ person h£ was begg!ng, shoved h*m away and th£n drove h*s car off

Quickly I ran to th£ little kid and h£lped h*m up

“Are you okay?”I asked as I cleaned h*s b©dy with my h@ndkerchief

“Yes”th£ boy said as h£ tried to hold b@¢k th£ tears !n h*s eyes

“What’s go!ng on” Cade said as h£ came towards us

“h£ had been begg!ng for money and was shoved off by th£ person !n th£ car “I said

“But why is h£ begg!ng?”Cade asked

“For my mom, $h£ is sick right now and because $h£ doesn’t have a job, $h£ stayed home treat!ng h*rself with th£ little $h£ had but !nstead of h*r to get well, $h£ is j√$t gett!ng worse”Th£ boy said as h£ cried h@rd


didn’t th£y take h*r to th£ hospital, bills are free for those that can’t pay”Cade said
“We did go but th£y told us that bills are now be!ng collected” h£ said

“But That’s impossible, th£ Ca!n island hospital have always been free for th£ use of th£ people on th£ island” h£ said

“That’s a lie, every th!ng changed, that man Cade Callaghan changed it” th£ boy said and I stared at Cade

“Why do you say that?”I asked

“Th£y are th£ leader yet th£y let th£ poor suffer, ever s!nce my mom lost h*r job, we have been suffer!ng, my mom and th£ oth*rs that had suffered from th£ loss of th£ir job wrote letters th*s Cade Callahan but h£ never replied, th£y waited for months and wh£n th*re was no response th£y all gave up” h£ said sadly

“Now my mom is sick and I don’t know if $h£ will survive or not”h£ said softly

“Matth£w come h*re, your mom,it’s your mom!”a lady said as $h£ yelled for th£ little boy

“Let me go”h£ said as h£ ran after th£ lady and i went after h*m too

I didn’t know why but all I knew was that I had to h£lp th£ little boy, not even Cade call could stop me.

We got to a little house and I stopped wh£n I saw th£ moth*r on th£ b£d,look!ng so pale and almost lifeless.

“Mommy please stay strong! I will get th£ money for you ” Matth£w said as h£ knelt !n front of h*r

“Plea……take….¢ar£…..of….my…….son”th£ sick lady said look!ng at th£ woman that had come to call h*m earlier

“No Clarise you will be th£ one to take ¢ar£ of your child yourself” th£ lady said hold!ng h*r h@nd


did $h£ end up like th*s?”I found myself ask!ng
“Ever s!nce we lost our job,we have been f!nd!ng it h@rd to cope and th£n Clarise caught th*s flu and s!nce th£ hospital system changed and we didn’t have th£ specified money th£y asked for, we began to get any drugs, ch£ap one at that but $h£ never got well and it only made h*r worse”Th£ lady said

“We need to get h*r to th£ hospital”I said

“But it’s very expensive, we can’t afford it”Th£ lady said

“It is better than h*r dy!ng”I said and j√$t th£ some men walked !n and judg!ng by those cloth£s, th£y are paramedics.

Quickly th£y took over, tak!ng th£ sick woman and putt!ng h*r safe !n th£ ambulance with th£ lady and Matth£w with h*r.

“Get h*r to th£ hospital and tell th£ management th*re that $h£ was s£nt by me”h£ said h@ndl!ng th£ situation with ¢ar£.

As soon as th£ ambulance left,h£ turned to look at me

“You shouldn’t have ran off like that”h£ said

“Am sorry, I was j√$t th!nk!ng of little Matth£w”I said

“h£ is go!ng to be f!ne now and am sure that with th£ right treatment h*s mom too will be f!ne”h£ said

“But Cade th*s is an issue, why are th*re poor people on an island wh-_-re th*re is enough work”I asked

“It’s one of th£ reasons why I came b@¢k “h£ said

“Our company h*re suffered from bankruptcy,we are still try!ng to figure what caused it, th£ bankruptcy have made a lot of people jobless”h£ said

“I can understand that part but what ab©vt th£ free hospital turn!ng !nto a private one wh-_-re th£ poor have to pay before be!ng treated”

“Well that is some th!ng I will have to ask my mom”h£ said look!ng so angry

“Tell me what you will do to h£lp th£se poor people?”i asked

“I can’t do any th!ng for th£ time be!ng, we still have a long way to go”h£ said

“What ab©vt what i told you”I said


“Th£ resort, if we br!ng it b@¢k aga!n th£n it will open doors for th£se people, th£y will be able to work and support th£ir family”I said

“Have told you No! We aren’t do!ng that, I will figure ©vt a way “h£ said and walked off look!ng angry

We got b@¢k to th£ mansion only to meet h*s parents !n th£ sitt!ng room

Cade moth*r expression still got me feel!ng unwelcome but th£ re@zzur!ng smile h*s fath*r s£nt my way made me feel m©r£ than welcome


glad I saw you h*re mom!”Cade said
“What happen! It looks like you are ab©vt to question me”$h£ said

“Why did you change th£ hospital policy, you knew very well that it’s meant to be free” h£ said

“How did you f!nd ©vt?”$h£ asked

“Was it never meant for me to f!nd ©vt?” h£ asked and wh£n $h£ didn’t answer h£ cont!nued

“Because of you,th£ poor sick people will rath*r stay at home and treat th£mselves than to go to a hospital to get proper ¢ar£, I know that th*re is an issue on ground but that doesn’t mean we should let th£ people of Ca!n island suffer for it “I said

“Th£n do some th!ng Cade, do some th!ng to stop th*s bankruptcy”h*s fath*r said

“Am giv!ng it my all dad”

“Not enough, I was th£ one who asked your mom to change th£ hospital policy”

“You what ?”

“Yes I did it and that’s because we didn’t have enough cash flow!ng !n, I didn’t want to both*r you with some th!ng trivial and you left th*s city Island not even want!ng to come b@¢k to ch£ck on th£ company h*re, our neglect!ng caused th£ company d©wΠ f@|| and so we must f!nd a way to get it b@¢k on its feet” h£ said

A way th£ only only way th*re is what have suggested to Cade

But h£ keeps on refus!ng but I doubt if h*s fath*r will refuse

“I know of a way that can get you ©vt of your bankruptcy”I said to th£m and th£ three looked at me at th£ same time.

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