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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Chapter 14


I woke up to f!nd myself !n a beautiful garden, th£ garden was fvll of white roses and I was even putt!ng on a white gown.

Barefooted, I began to walk @r0vnd, feel!ng happy and free !n th£ garden of white roses.

j√$t th£n I h£ard someone’s voice and I turned only to see a little child.

$h£ was pretty and very lovely, h*r beauty will ©vtsh!ne all if $h£ will j√$t smile a bit.

“What’s your name” I f!nd myself ask!ng but $h£ didn’t reply

!nstead $h£ took my h@nd and ₱v||ed me towards a little grave.

“What’s th*s?”I asked aga!n but $h£ didn’t reply !nstead $h£ kept on star!ng at th£ grave

It was th£n that I realised that th£ grave belonged to h*r.

“Did you die?”I asked softly and th£ child Shaked h*r

“If th*s is not yours th£n why is it th*re and why won’t you say anyth!ng?”I asked aga!n .

Th£ only answer $h£ could give me was to po!nt towards a house.

It was th£ same house, th£ one I had gotten to, I turned only to see th£ child runn!ng off

I wanted to run after h*r but I stopped wh£n I saw a shadow hold!ng a knife

I couldn’t see th£ face clearly but I knew that it wanted to ki|| me

Quickly I ran off, feel!ng s¢ar£d for my life.

I ran towards th£ house and I would have made it |ns!de if I hadn’t tripped over a stone.

I tried to stand up but I found that I couldn’t because my leg had been !njured and it was ₱0vr!ng ©vt a lot of blood.

I turned only to see th£ shadow over me, I begged h*m not to ki|| me but h£ only laugh£d ©vt loud and th£n set th£ knife straight at me.

I s¢r**med ©vt only to f!nd myself !n my room, it took me a while before I could recollect myself

“Are you okay Emily, are you okay”Cade’s voice was th£ first th!ng I h£ard wh£n I opened. I could h£ar th£ th!ngs @r0vnd me.

I turned to look at h*m and for th£ first time I saw h*m look!ng worried.

“Are you okay Emily,Please talk to me or no it won’t do, I need to get a doctor for you” h£ said ab©vt to stand up but I h£ld h*s h@nd

“You don’t have to, I’m okay”I said.

Th£ last th!ng I want is to be a problem on my first day h*re.

“You aren’t okay Emily, you need to be ch£cked on by th£ doctor “h£ said aga!n

“Am f!ne, please don’t make a fuss”I retorted angrily

“I should not make a fuss! Really?” h£ yelled at me

“You don’t have to be concerned ab©vt me and I don’t have to be concerned ab©vt you too, so please j√$t leave me be” I said feel!ng so angry

“Am j√$t th!nk!ng ab©vt your h£alth, am not really concern ab©vt you, even though we made a deal, you still have to go b@¢k home !n one piece “h£ yelled at me

“Don’t worry, I will get b@¢k home !n one piece,so j√$t leave me and go b@¢k to Isabel, $h£ will be dy!ng for your company”I said

“So we are on f!nally on th£ topic, have been wonder!ng wh£n you will have it ©vt with me”h£ said

“I don’t ¢ar£ with what you do with Isabel, as have said that girl loves you and am sure that if you give h*r a chance,$h£ will treat you like h*r k!ng, j√$t look at what $h£ did j√$t to get your attention, I don’t th!nk I will ever be able to do that for any man” I said

“Wh@ťěver and as you have said you don’t have to ¢ar£ ab©vt what happens b£tweeΠ me and Isabel, I will h@ndle Isabel myself”

“I know how your type h@ndle ladies”I said seeth!ng with anger


“Th£ only way you h@ndle th£m is by sleep!ng with th£m, Am so sorry that I had ru!n your only moment with Isabel, if I hadn’t walked !n a while ago, you would have been hav!ng th£ greatest s€× of your life right?” I asked

“Yes you came late and let me tell you, you ru!ned it all, you ru!ned my night with Isabel”

“Th£n leave, get ©vt of h*re and go to h*r, I don’t want to see your irritat!ng face”I yelled at h*m

“F!ne, I will gladly make that possible for you”h£ said and walked ©vt of th£ room.

I sat by myself, look!ng at th£ door th!nk!ng that any time h£ will come b@¢k but h£ didn’t and know!ng that h£ went to Isabel somehow made me feel hurt

We might not be !n Love with each oth*r but h£ should at least be discreet ab©vt it.

Why I had ran off earlier was because i had felt hurt by what I saw

h£ had a n@k£d woman !n h*s arms while h£ made a deal with me, such a louse!.

j√$t th£n my m!nd drifted off to th£ dream I had j√$t before wak!ng up

What was that shadow with th£ knife? Who was that child and what does that house have !n it? Why do I feel like someth!ng is !n th*re! I thought as I remembered what happened wh£n I saw th£ house.

If I want to f!nd ©vt m©r£,I better get m©r£ !nfo from Tracy, yes $h£ will know someth!ng, I thought as I called for h*r.

I stood on th£ patio th!nk!ng of th£ fight that ensued b£tweeΠ Emily and I.

How does $h£ manage to get on my nerves, I thought as I hit th£ wall angrily.

I would admit that wh£n $h£ walked !nto th£ room and found Isabel and I togeth*r, I was worried ab©vt what $h£ would th!nk of me.

And wh£n $h£ ran off and kept on runn!ng towards that house, it rem!nded me of what happen years ago

That girl had also run like that ,$h£ had been s¢ar£d for h*r life and $h£ had run but with it all $h£ had died.

See!ng Emily run like that rem!nded me of h*r, it’s been so long s!nce have been rem!nded of that girl

But today I had been rem!nded of h*r, I have to f!nish my bus!ness !n th£ company and leave th*s place.

It has brought me noth!ng but pa!n and sadness, I have to leave before Emily knows th£ k!nd of demon that I am

Why am I even both*red by what Emily th!nks, $h£ is j√$t a pa!n !n th£ neck, I thought as I went b@¢k to my room

I won’t give h*r th£ $@t!$faction of sleep!ng !n anoth*r room

I walked !n brac!ng myself for anoth*r fight but $h£ was already asleep.

Th£ covers were off th£ floor and $h£ was sleep!ng like a log.

Seems like $h£ is someone who m©v£s @r0vnd th£ b£d, I thought as I picked up th£ covers from th£ floor and $pr£@d it over h*r.

$h£ turned at that moment hitt!ng my leg and I fell over h*r

I stayed still on h*r, hop!ng that $h£ wouldn’t wake and $h£ didn’t.

I looked up at h*r and tried to stand up but I found myself be!ng distracted by h*r beauty.

Th*s will be th£ first time I see h*r hair loose, black and very long, $h£ always told me to seek ©vt my Brunette and blonde bimbos and I won’t deny that have always preferred those type of ladies,I never went !n for th£ dark haired female

But I went for Emily, I thought and still can’t understand why.

Have tried tell!ng myself that it’s because $h£ !ntrigues me or that $h£ is th£ first lady to reject me but I know that those are all lies.

I don’t know what drew me to h*r and I don’t th!nk I will ever know.

I stood up from h*r and put th£ covers @r0vnd h*r only for h*r to ₱vsh it away

“Get away you je.rk’” $h£ talked ©vt still asleep

I stood still th!nk!ng $h£ was talk!ng to me but wh£n I saw that $h£ was still deep !n h*r sleep, I smiled

“h@ndsome but a total jerk”$h£ said as $h£ scratch£d h*r h£ad still asleep

“I can barely lie to my parents and now I have to lie to h*s parents too” $h£ said ©vt still asleep

“I h@ťě you cade Callaghan” $h£ muttered lastly before shutt!ng off completely

h*r last words got me feel!ng strange, what does h*r hat!ng me got to do with me, I thought as i threw th£ covers over h*r h£ad and went to take a shower



I woke up to f!nd myself !n a strange room. I was ab©vt to s¢r**m ©vt th!nk!ng I was kidnapped wh£n I remembered yesterday’s events.

Yes, I am at Cade island and !n h*s b£droom at th*s particular moment.

I tried to m©v£ only to feel a pair of arm @r0vnd me

I turned only to see Cade sleep!ng beside me with h*s arms over me

What th£ h£.ll is happen!ng and how come h£ is on th£ b£d with me.

Did we………..did I……oh no,I thought as I ₱v$h£d h*m away angrily

h£ woke up and gave me a smile.

“I can see that you are f!nally up”h£ said as h£ stretch£d

“Why did you come b@¢k and why are you on th£ same b£d with me, we didn’t…………”I stopped wh£n I couldn’t complete th£ s£ntence

“If you are try!ng to ask if I we both had sx th£n yes we did, you were quite fasc!nat!ng !n b£d and you were so wild, I couldn’t get enough of you”h£ said giv!ng me a $h£epish gr!n

“You ba$tard you took advantage of me wh£n I was asleep”I said

I knew that if I was asleep I would only wake up th£ next day, even if th*re was an earthquake.

It’s th£ one weakness that have been unable to get rid of

And if Cade had taken advantage of that and had slept with me, I………I would really ki|| h*m.

“You are a total sx manaic Emily and I loved every of our time togeth*r”h£ kept on say!ng

“We might as well have m©r£ fun th*s morn!ng too”h£ said

“You touch me and I will ki|| you “I said as I began to hit h*m

h£ lost h*s balance and fell b@¢k on th£ b£d, I was over h*m, hitt!ng h*s ch£st and ₱v||!ng h*s hair

“How dare you touch me! How dare you !!!”I kept on yell!ng until h£ took hold of my h@nd and turned me on th£ b£d with h*m over me

“Have always wanted to give myself to th£ Man I love and now all that is ru!ned because of you, get off of me, I h@ťě you” I kept s¢r**m!ng as I tried to ₱vsh h*m away

“Shut up and listen! “h£ yelled and I stopped to stare at h*m

“Noth!ng happened b£tweeΠ us, NOTH!nG! I too wouldn’t want you even if you were th£ last th!ng on earth”h£ said and that calmed me d©wΠ a bit

“Get off of me!”I said as I tried to stand up but h£ ₱v$h£d me b@¢k,hav!ng a dirty smirk on h*s face

“But you are th£ next desirable th!ng next to me right now and I found that I am !n need of someone, so why don’t we j√$t get started, you can th!nk of me as th£ man you love” h£ said and before I could stop h*m, h£ kssed me .

I found myself klzz!ng h*m b@¢k,though I wanted to resist, I found myself want!ng m©r£ of h*m.

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