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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Chapter 11

By : Kebby NG

” What rubbish are you say!ng?”h*s mom yelled at h*m

“It’s not rubbish mom, I thought I told you that I love some one and $h£ is th£ girl I love and got married to a week ago, $h£ is not my mistress”Cade said firmly

“But you can’t do th*s to Isabel, $h£ has been wait!ng for you h*r wh0l£ life, $h£ loves you and will ch*rish you until h*r last breath, why did you have to marry someone else”h*s mom yelled at h*m

“Have told you that I don’t love Isabel, I made it clear to everyone, so don’t blame me for follow!ng my h£art, ”h£ said to h*s mom.

Moth*r and son stared at each oth*r with anger and th£n h£ took my h@nd and walked !n with me

“Th*s is total madness, how can you do th*s Cade?”h*s mom hurled at h*m

“It’s not madness, it’s love, wh-_-re is dad?”h£ asked and was rewarded with a slap on th£ face

“How can you still ask of h*m wh£n you brought th*s th!ng h*re”$h£ yelled star!ng at me

“My wife is not a th!ng mom, I chose h*r and you will respect h*r”h£ yelled at h*r

I h£ld h*s arm want!ng h*m to calm d©wΠ but with th£ look h£
s£nt my way, I stopped

“Mom it’s okay, if Cade has brought home h*s wife, we must welcome h*r”Isabel said gently

“What are you say!ng, you should be boil!ng with rage!”$h£ said to Isabel

“What’s go!ng on h*re?” Liam Callaghan walked !nto th£ room with th£ h£lp of h*s walk!ng stick

“Cade you are b@¢k!”h£ said, giv!ng Cade a warm smile.

Cade went to h*m and hugged h*m and I could see th£ love b£tweeΠ th£se two men

“No told me that you were com!ng b@¢k today”h£ said

“I wanted it to be a surprise and am glad that you were surprised by my arrival” Cade said

“And you won’t imag!ne what h£ has brought to us as a gift” h*s moth*r said maliciously

“What will that be?”h*s stepfath*r asked

“My wife”Cade said softly and I looked at th£ older man expect!ng h*m to Burst ©vt with anger but !nstead h£ gave me a smile too

“Is that h*r?”h£ asked

“Yes,Come over h*re Emily?”h£ said as h£ stretch£d forth h*s h@nd

I went to h*m and gave h*m my h@nd, h£ ₱v||ed me towards h*s fath*r And I greeted h*m gently

“What a lovely girl, you chose a well mannered girl”h*s fath*r said

“Honey what are you say!ng? ” h*s mom said as $h£ walk towards us

“Am welcom!ng th£ new member of our family” h£ said

“What new member, $h£ is not a bride we want or choose for ourselves”$h£ yelled at me

“But $h£ is th£ bride Cade chose for h*mself, let’s leave th£m be and j√$t accept that”h*s fath*r said

“Have you even thought of your daughter?” $h£ asked aga!n and everyone stared at Isabel who was quiet beh!nd us

“Isabel will j√$t have to get a new husband,”h*r fath*r said with©vt th!nk!ng furth*r.

Feel!ng hurt,Isabel ran ©vt of th£ room and I felt sad for h*r

$h£ really loves th*s jerk but h£ doesn’t want h*r, I thought

“Why don’t we get th£ maid to take you to your room”h£ said

“I really can’t believe that you are accept!ng th*s girl?”h*s moth*r said aga!n

“$h£ is now a part of us, so it’s best that accept h*r”h£ replied

“Thank you fath*r and if you have put us !n my room, we can get th*re ourselves, we don’t have to worry th£ maid ” Cade said and with one last look at h*s mom, h£ took me upstairs

As soon as th£ door was shut, I attacked h*m.

“How can you do th*s to your family most especially poor Isabel, that girl loves you”I said

“But I don’t love h*r and I doubt of I will ever love h*r”

“Can’t you even try , can’t you try to love h*r and respect your parent wish”I asked

“You are to meddle or question me, remember th£ contract”h£ said

“Th*s has noth!ng to do with th£ contract, can’t you see that it’s not right?”I asked

“What’s not right is you behav!ng th*s way, You gave me your word and we have both started th*s, th*re is no turn!ng b@¢k for you now”h£ said and went !nto th£ bathroom


sat d©wΠ on th£ b£d th!nk!ng of how I will be able to cope with all of th*s.
h*s mom and Isabel already h@ťě me and to top it all up, I have to share th£ same room with h*m, it’s all j√$t go!ng wrong.

“why did you do that blaze, why did you accept that low life ” my wife yelled as I sat at my desk !n my study

“Because $h£ is th£ bride Cade chose”I replied

“A bride which is not up to our standards, you ¢ar£ ab©vt those th!ngs wh£never Cade br!ngs home any lady, you will always tell h*m that”$h£ said

“But th*s time h£ didn’t br!ng !n any lady, h£ brought h*s wife”I replied

“Why are you behav!ng th*s way Blaze, I know Cade is not your real son but you have taken ¢ar£ of h*m s!nce h£ was a child, h£ loves and respects you a lot and am sure that if you reject th*s marriage of h*s, h£ will listen to you “$h£ said

“But not now”I said suddenly

“What do you mean by that ?”$h£ asked

“I said I shouldn’t demand anyth!ng right now ,let h*m have h*s fun with th£ bride h£ chose, am sure that wh£n th£ time comes h£ will regret th*s marriage ” I said

“Wait, are you tell!ng me that you are not !n support of th*s ?”$h£ asked and I nodded

“Th£n why did you make h*r feel welcome, why did you accept Cade bride with©vt a fight?”$h£ asked

“Because I have someth!ng !n store for th£m but first let’s see how long Cade tolerate th*s new wife of h*s”$h£ said


if h£ tolerates h*r forever, h£ claims h£ loves h*r”$h£ said
“I know what i’m do!ng woman, Cade and h*s new bride won’t last long ,that I can @zzure you of ”

“What ab©vt your daughter,How will $h£ cope until you do someth!ng to s£nd that girl away”

“Th£ only th!ng $h£ has to know is that Cade will be h*rs !n th£ end,all $h£ have to do is to be patient, $h£ have always been patient, so $h£ wait a bit m©r£”i said

“I hope you know what you are do!ng, I will h@ťě to know that that girl will be my son bride for good” $h£ said

“Don’t worry, as I have said th£ir marriage won’t last,so j√$t sit b@¢k and watch how I deal with my son ” I said, giv!ng h*r a crooked smile.

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