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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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🦋GENRE: Romance❤, Tragic 😭, Teenfic 👫
I decided not to visit him since he might seduce or try to ki|| me again, so I went straight to the Tiki Paradise.

It’s so empty since Rosa is not there and it’s almost midnight. That’s how I like it.

I sat at a bench feeling anxious of all that happened today. I’m pregnant and I don’t know the father and Rosa turns out to be my mom who I thought she’s dead.

Some footsteps approached me, I already know who it was.

“How do you know I’d be here?” I asked.

“Your mama used to love dancing and celebrating all the time.” Abuela cane and sat beside me “She always says she wants to have her own Tiki Paradise and I know her daughter loves those stuffs and her mother and I tried our best to forbid her from doing those dirty stuffs, I forced her to get married to my son to learn some morals, but she’s so stubborn.” She sneered.

Abuela smiled and shrugged “But when she had to leave everything for her dream, people might see her as selfish but with everything she went through, she had to leave you and I didn’t want to blame her.”

“What happened?” I asked.

“When she was pregnant, your father always beat her like a dog, I overlooked everything, allowing my son ruining her poor life, and that day she gave birth to you, she found him sleeping with another woman in their matrimonial home, he still beat him so she had to run away without you.

Then my son decided to take care of you till you’re ten, because he couldn’t handle the responsibility, he left you in the orphanage home and also ran away, that’s when I took you to my house and adopted you, Julie, pammy, Carlitos and Lucy went along so you won’t be alone, missing your parents. So you shouldn’t be mad at your mother.” She narrated.

“Then why didn’t you tell me all this while?” I sobbed.

“Because I don’t want you to end up like your mother, but I was too blind to see that Chris would treat you the same way your father treated your mother.”

I know Chris is like that but I have no choice but to stay with him.

“So I want you to go to your mother and allow her to apologize to you.”

I nodded, heeding to her advice, since my mom’s alive, I gotta accept her.

“Come on.” She stood “Let’s go home and meet your mother.”

We left the Tiki Paradise and went to my house.

I met my mom sitting on the bench at the balcony.

I was playing with my fingers, shredded enough tears, dried tears we’re on my face and my eyes was red, what if my daughter h@ťěs me?

“Mom?” I heard her voice.

I saw her standing with Abuela who’s smiling at me.

I stood “Annabella.” I hugged her, weeping more tears of joy „I thought, you’d h@ťě me so much.”

“I love you.” She sobbed.

“I love you too, mi bebe.” I sniffed hugging her tight.

“I have to get back to the hotel to check the other kids.” Mom-in-law said.

“Thank you.” I mouthed silently to her and she smiled and left.

I hugged my child again “I promise I’ll be the best mom you’d ever ask for.”

Her phone beeped, she checked and ignored. I knew it had to be Adam.

“You should answer that, he needs you.” I smiled.

She disengaged from the hug and frowned at me “What?”

I shrugged „You two are really meant to be together. He needs you and you need him.”

“Are you insane?! Mom?” She exclaimed “He almost ki||ed me and I have a boyfriend.”

“Chris is useless and you need a correct guy to take care of your baby.” I yelled.

“What if he isn’t the actual father, he’d be taking care of someone that isn’t his and if I’m lying like that, it would be cruel.” I sneered.

“I’m not saying you should lie, okay? Just let him back into your life, you know he has suffered a lot because of you.” She said.

Is she okay? I should go back to that betrayer, that wicked man?

I scoffed as tears are filled in my eyes “He suffered a lot? Mom? I was kidnapped by his family, got beaten up and tortured and then they dumped me in the middle of nowhere, I got pregnant and had a miscarriage at the age of 15.”

“Then watched him getting married to someone else, he made me suffer at work, and you’re saying I should go back to him?” She cried and laughed “Wow mom, you’re the best mother in the world, thanks alot.” She stormed off angrily.

“Anna Leigh…” I tried to call her but it’s too later.

“Great.” I sighed and sat down “He h@ťěs me again.”

I arrived at the address Adam gave me, he was dressed in blue silky two set pyjamas and his long hair free.

I just had to listen to what mom said, maybe there’s a good chance. I don’t know why I obey her.

I entered the empty aquarium where just beautiful fishes, he sat on a bench right in front of the glasses.

I gulped in fear as I stepped closer to him slowly without him noticing.

“I told you, you don’t have to be afraid.” He said without looking at me.

How did he know I’m here? I notice my reflection on the glass. Oh.

I gulped again as I sat at the edge of the bench he’s sitting so I can be ready to escape.

“I thought you’d never come to see me.” He expressed, with his head bent.

“I’m sorry I didn’t come early, I was busy at home.” I lied.

He bit his lip “Do you know why I was really mean to you?”

I rolled my eyes.

“Because I didn’t want to lose you.” He finally set his magical eyes on me “I thought if I keep begging you and try to explain things to you, you’ll never understand and forgive me.”

“Is that why you almost ki||ed me?” I scoffed bitterly.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you that way, look I know you see me as a psychopath, I know, I was so violent at you that I almost ki||ed you, that’s why I gave you space for the past three weeks and see a therapist.” He sobbed.

He knelt in front of me, resting on my laps, shedding multiple tears “I don’t want lose your again, I’m such an idiot. You’re the only reason I’m breathing in this world, please don’t take that away from me.”


How did I let him know that I’m pregnant? I don’t know if he might be the father and I don’t want to be anyone’s burden.

He stood up,holding my hand “I love you, Anna Leigh, I still love you and I’ll always love you.” He cried.

I stood and he kissed my lips, he broke the kiss and he hugged me immediately, I smiled feeling more comfortable with this cuddle.

I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen “Argh!” I cried, holding it.

Adam pulled from the hug in fear “Annabella?”

“No, no, no, not again, please.” I sobbed in fear.

“Are you okay?” He asked, putting my arm around his shoulders.

I don’t want to go through this again, that’s why I don’t wanna get pregnant now.

“I knew I’m not ready for this, Ow!!” I cried loudly.

“Oh My f×cking…! Lemme get to the hospital.” He carried me in a bridal style and brought me out of the aquarium and brought me into his black Audi.

I drove restlessly fast as I could the more she cries “No, please!”

“We’re almost there, okay?” I said, pressing the throttle to speed faster.

My heart was beating faster and sweating as I overtake different cars successfully.

I parked my car at the parking lot of the hospital, brought her out of the car in a bridal style and took her inside the building.

“Argh!” She cried.

“Help! My girlfriend is in pain!” I shouted as some nurse came with stretcher and lay Anna Leigh on it as they took her inside the emergency room.

I started pacing around in the waiting room feeling worried.

The doctor came out, I stood in front of him “Doctor, what’s wrong with her?”

“Are you sure you took care of your girlfriend and her baby? Her womb is really fragile.” He said.

Wait, what?



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