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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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. 🌹╓┈♔◦☓◦☙◦♔◦☙◦☓◦♔┈╖🌹
🦋GENRE: Romance❤, Tragic 😭, Teenfic 👫
♨️Stay Away From Him♨️
I startled to feel someone kissing my cheeks repeatedly while I was asleep.

“Adam, stop it.” I blushed as I opened my eyes to see my prince Charming.

“Wakey wakey, Teddy Bear.” He said in his husky voice, wearing a blue robe “Time for breakfast.”

I grinned happily as I sat up right with a stretch and yawn “Good morning.”

“Close your delicious oranges or I might get h×rny again.” He smirked and entered the kitchen.

I noticed my two b××bs was exposed, I quickly covered it with the duvet. Yes we had s×x again last night.

I wore my grey robe and stood from my bed and went to the kitchen.

“You made breakfast?” I asked as I saw garnished noodles with coconut juice arranged on the table.

He nodded “Yes baby, I decided to be the girlfriend material today, so sit and enjoy your meal.” He pulled out a chair.

I giggled as I sat down and ate out of the noodles with a fork “Mmm, yummy. Where did you get this?”

“I said I made it myself!” He exclaimed.

I gave him a suspicious look “You sure?”

He smiled as he sat down “Haha, very funny.” We both ate our breakfast.

Later, we took our bath together but nothing happened, we wore matching yellow Gucci hoodies and ripped skinny jeans with black all star sneakers.

We wore our backpacks and left the apartment building, entered his car and he drove off.

*Chad High School*
We arrived at school and we walked into the school hallway as people are hailing us. Girls are drooling over Adam which is making me jealous. I feel like punching their stupid faces.

Chris was starring at me, looking lonely for the first time, because he broke up with Jada. I feel sad for him but I’m taken.

“I’ll be right back.”

“Me too.” We gave each a peck on the lips as we went to our various lockers.

I acted like Chris is not there as I opened my locker and took my book, the closed it, turned to walk away.

“Your grandma is sick.” He spoke.

My eyes widened and I turned to him “What? You’re lying”

He shrugged “I can’t play with your Abuela’s health. She has helped my family a lot. She’s really sick, in fact she’s in the hospital right now.”

I dropped my book in shock and tears fell from my eyes.

I feel he’s saying the truth because his eyes are totally red. I know he loves my Abuela so much as his grandma, he doesn’t joke about her too.

“What have I done?” I sobbed.

“It’s not your fault, I know I shouldn’t be telling you this but it’s your grandma.” He sighed.

“I have to go, I have to check on her.” I cried.

“You can’t leave the school now, the whole doors are locked till after school.” He said, sniffing.

“Annie, what’s wrong?” Adam approached us as Anna Leigh hugged him immediately, crying.

I rolled my eyes with jealousy but it’s not the time now. Abuela Frida is really sick and it’s critical. We don’t know how to pay for the medical bills.

I left their presence and hide in the janitor’s closet, I sat on the floor and burst into tears. If I lose Anna Leigh, I don’t want to witness anyone’s death right now.

*Bell rings*
We’re all in class, Adam’s comforting me as teacher’s explaining stuffs, I couldn’t listen at all.

Couldn’t stop thinking about my Abuela. It’s all my fault, I shouldn’t have left home. I should have stayed with her and she’ll not get sick. Maybe, she’s ill because I ran away. I’m such a prodigal ungrateful fool.

*After School*
I entered Adam’s car, told him about my grandma and he drove off, restlessly to save my grandma.

We arrived at the hospital and I ran to the room where grandma is, we entered and saw Abuela on the bed, sleeping with oxygen mask on. Chris was sitting beside her bed.

I burst into tears as Adam hugged me “She’s not that old to die, she’s just 60 this year.”

“Shhh, everything will be alright, just calm down and have faith.” He caressed my face and kissed my forehead.

Aunt Milly walked in “Anna Leigh?”

“Aunt Milly.” I hugged her, shedding more tears, she patted my head “It’s okay, sweetie. She’ll be fine.”

The doctor walked in “Excuse me, but you can’t stay in here, please leave this area.”

“Is something wrong with my grandma?” I asked.

“She’s been sick three days ago, and fainted this morning.” Aunt Milly explained.

“Oh My God!” I gasped.

“Don’t worry, she’ll be fine, she just felt dizzy out of worry and fever. She’ll soon regain consciousness, all she needs right now is air, so please leave.” The doctor explained.

I nodded as we all left the emergency room, I sat down in the waiting room, feeling guilty that I caused sickness into my grandma.

Adam sat beside me and held my thigh “Hear what the doctor said? Everything is gonna be fine.”

I smiled at him “Am I a bad person? I ran away from home.”

“That doesn’t makes you a bad person.” He scoffed “Fine, you left without telling anyone but you had your reasons. I don’t blame you, at all.” He hugged me.

I rested on his chest “You’re so comforting.” I sniffed.

“Anything for my Teddy Bear” He hugged me tighter, patting my hair.

After some minutes, a nurse came out “Which one of you is the patient’s relative?” He asked.

“Me!” I stood immediately “I’m her granddaughter.”

She nodded “Okay, get this medicine’s for her at the pharmacy outside, the prescription is written, keep it safe.” She stretched a paper to me.

I nodded as I collected the paper and left the everyone in the waiting room.

I went out of the hospital building straight to the nearest pharmacy.

From the back seat of my Porsche, I watched how that b×tch is leaving the hospital and entering some pharmacy store.

I tracked Adam to this place, I know he’d be there.

“Are you sure this is the place, madam? We’re at an hospital.” My driver said.

“Yes and shut up.” I snapped.

My plan to get rid of that girl dangerous so I have to warn her before displaying my plan.

I came out of the car and stormed angrily towards her.

“Thank you.” I greeted after buying the medicines.

I turned to leave the place when someone pushed me intentionally.

“Hey! Watch where you’re going, Nonna.” A familiar Asian girl pouted.

“Sorry.” I apologized even though it’s not my fault.

She stepped closer to me with a death glare “You will be. Remember me?”

I tried to remember where I’ve seen her but I can’t recollect, she only looks familiar.

I shook my head “Not really.”

“I’m Adam’s girlfriend, Hira.” She reminded.

“Ohhh.” I gasped as I remembered her “No, you’re not, I’m his girlfriend.” I argued.

She scoffed too with a light smirk “You don’t know who I am.”

“Yes, I know. Adam told me you’re his ex-girlfriend who cheated with his brother for money.” She spoke with audacity.

“Shut the f×ck up.” I shoved her cheeks “Stay away from Adam. I’m warning you. He’s mine and mine alone.”

“How would Chance feel if he hears these?” I managed to talk.

“I don’t care.” She shrugged “I don’t want him, can’t stand him, just his wealth. I only love Adam, so make few distance away from him. Or else.”

She pushed my face away and slapped the medicines off my hand and scattered on the ground.

She smirked “Last warning, b×tch.” She turned and walked away like a model.

I bent and started picking the medicines. How can a pretty girl like her be that heartless?

“Lemme help you.” Adam bent and started helping me to pick the medicines.

“Where did you come from?” I asked.

“I heard what Hira said to you earlier, don’t listen to her.” He help me pack up the medicines into the nylon bag and we both stood.

“She’s just bluffing, don’t need to worry yourself.” He shrugged.

I smiled as I pinched his cheek gently “I knew I could count on you.” I hugged him tightly.

“C’mon, let’s go inside.” Adam held my hand “But first, gimme a kiss.”

I hugged his neck and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips.

I was in the car watching them kissing and going inside the hospital, I clenched my fist angrily. I feel like going to that b×tch and stab her stupid face multiple times.

I took my iPhone and dialled a number “Hello, nab her now, make sure she’s there alive.” I smirked evilly.

“Let’s go, driver.” I commanded and he drove off.

*Some Hours Later*
I was sitting behind Abuela’s sickbed as she’s sleeping, I kept patting her forehead since she likes it.

Adam walked in and sat beside me “How is she?”

“The doctor said after her medicines, she’ll be okay, and going to be discharged today or tomorrow morning.” I explained “But I prefer today, so she’ll be so comfortable at home.”

I sighed deeply “So I… Um have to go home with her till she recovers.”

He smiled, looking sad. I know, it’s really hard for me to say but Abuela need someone to take care of her.

He nodded “Fine, that’s okay, she needs someone.”

“You can come to my place sometimes.” I smiled.

We gave each other an eye contact and he smirked “They’re so many people in your house. If I come, a lot they’re gonna see.” He moved his face closer to mine.

My face heated up as I hit his chest “Stop, my grandma’s here.”

“So? She’s sleeping.” He whispered.

I blushed lightly. He’s such a cute bad boi. I know he’s serious.

Minutes later, Abuela woke up, Adam paid the hospital bills, the doctor discharged her, we arranged our stuffs and left the hospital through Adam’s car. Chris didn’t follow us, he went by taxi.

I dialled my goons number “Hello madam.” He answered.

“Have you done the job?” I asked.

“Not yet, madam. People are with her.” He replied.

“Find a way to get her fast!” I yelled and hung up.

“Haven’t they got her yet?” She asked me.

“No!” I shouted angrily “But they must.”

We finally arrived home and we came out of his car. Chris also arrived at the same time and they went home.

“Thanks you so much for helping us, Mijo.” Abuela smiled.

Adam scoffed “It’s the least I can do for you, grandma.”

She smiled at me “I see you really took care of my nieta.” She nudged my arm playfully.

I bent my head with a blush.

“Don’t break her heart, because she really went against me.” She slapped my shoulders.

“Abuela, I’m sorry.” I whined.

Adam couldn’t stop smirking at me. My face was already hot.

“I’mma get going, see you at school.” He kissed my cheek.

“Bye.” I waved as he winked at me and drove off.

Abuela shook her head “Niña descarriada, you’re grounded.”

I rolled my eyes with a giggle “Okay, grandma, just get some rest.”

We entered the house, inside the living room “Abuela!! Anna Leigh!!” All my little siblings hugged me and grandma, to my surprise.

“Mi pequeño dulce.” Abuela hugged them back.

“You guys missed me?” I scoffed.

“Yes, Anna Leigh.” Lucy hugged and rested her head on my stomach, which warmth my heart.


“Yeah, I thought you left us for good because we’re all troublemakers.” Carlitos said.

“Yeah, I don’t regret being your troublemaker but I miss you.” Pammy said.

Julie folded her arms, looking unconcerned “Yeah, I’m not a troublemaker and I don’t care if I am.”

I raised an eyebrow at her.

She rolled her eyes, trying not to smile “I guess I’ve kinda missed you a little tiny bit.”

I hugged them again, smiling happily, feeling like I’m have a family.

“Don’t you miss your abuela?” Grandma asked, acting angry.

“C’mon abuela, you’ve been gone for just few hours.” Pammy scoffed.

“I guess it’s chancla time.” She removed her slippers.

We hugged ourselves for protection “We miss you so much, Abuela.” We laughed nervously.

“Go to sleep.” She snapped and everyone went their various rooms.

I followed Abuela to her bedroom and tucked her in to sleep “Good night, Abuela.” I kissed her forehead, stood to leave but she held my hand.

“Go to him, stay with him.” She said.

I frowned as I sat back “Abuela, what are you talking about?”

“I’ve always thought you’d be happy with Chris since you liked him. But no likes is compared to love, I accept your relationship with Adam because I know you love Adam, you really miss him and he misses you. I heard your conversation that you wanna stay with me. He really loves you so you should go to him.” She said.

“But Abuela…”

“I know but it’s the first time I’ve seen you so happy and it touched my heart. You should be with Adam, he’ll take care of you and don’t worry, your siblings and I will always be there for you.” Grandma said.

“But who’s gonna take care of you?” I asked.

She smiled “Aunt Milly and her son is there for me, Julie, Pammy, Carlitos and Lucy are also there. I’ll be just fine, okay?”

I nodded and hugged her “I love you Abuela.”

“I love you, Mi Amor.”

I disengaged and left her bedroom. I entered the living room.

“Bring us our niece!” Lucy shouted and everyone waved.

I scoffed “You sickos!”

I left the house, walking down the road, waiting for taxi but I didn’t see any.

I dialled Adam’s number but it switched off. How am I going to get there?

I noticed a dark figure approaching me which creeped me out. I started walking faster as it’s following me.

“Stay away from me!” I cried as I started running.

He started cackling, chasing me down the street.

“Help!!” I shouted.

A car came out of nowhere and hit me, I fell, got dizzy and blacked out.

Ahh! 😧

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