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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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🦋GENRE: Romance❤, Tragic 😭, Teenfic 👫
🔅Coward 🔅
I woke up in the Batson guestroom. Yeah, Chris’s mom allowed me to sleep in her house till Abuela finally allows me in.

I stood, took a quick shower, wore a black Burberry oversized shirt and my jeans skirt again, then left the bedroom.

I know Chris owns the shirt that I found on my bed and wore, but I have nothing else to wear.

I went downstairs to the dining room and kitchen combo. I met Aunt Milly, Chris’s mom cooking.

“Good morning, Mrs Batson.” I greeted.

She smiled as she’s holding a bowl of hot baked lasagna with mittens “Please, call me Aunt Milly.” She said as she kept the casserole on the counter.

“Should I help you with the cooking?” I asked.

“Don’t you have school?”

“My clothes are at Abuela’s house and she won’t let me in, and I can’t repeat clothes.” I stated putting my hands in my pockets.

“It’s okay, my son’s shirt looks good on you anyway.” She smiled.

“Thanks.” I blushed lightly.

Chris entered the kitchen “Good morning, mom.” He hugged his mom.

He looked surprised that I’m wearing his shirt. I have no other choice.

“Good morning my sweet mijo.” She kissed her son’s cheek and they disengaged.

He set his eyes on me nervously as his smile went down.

I blinked repeatedly, trying not to look at him or even think about him.

“So what’s for breakfast?” Chris sighed.

“I packed two slice of lasagna as your lunch, you’re gonna be late.” She gave us each brown small paper bag of lasagna.

“Thanks a lot, Mrs… I mean aunt Milly.” I giggled as I left the house to the front porch.

“Anna Leigh.” Chris approached him and I glared at him, he smiled timidly “Good morning.”

“What’s good about this morning?” I scoffed annoyingly.

He grinned “You know, the sunrise, you sleeping at my house, wearing my shirt and…”

I rolled my eyes, folding my arms.

“Look, I’m sorry for the other night, I was just trying to make you know that I also love you, but I took it too far.” He bent his head.

“What if something had happened to me? I also learned that you’re a womanizer, cheating on your girlfriend and I almost fell for it as a victim.” I yelled.

“Shhh, my mom might hear us.” He shushed me.


“Where were you yesterday?” He asked.

I can’t tell him that I was at Adam’s house, he’ll ki|| him. Especially giving him a b|__wj_b.

“None of your business…”

“Please, just tell me. I was really worried, your Abuela was so worried that’s why she’s mad that you couldn’t sleep in your house today.” He said.

“What are you two still doing here?” Aunt Milly came out, confused.

“Mom… I was… trying to convince Anna Leigh to drop her off. She just arrived last night and I don’t think it will be safe for her.” Chris lied.

His mom sighed “C’mon Anna Leigh, let him drop you, you’re going to the same school.”

I scoffed “Aunt Milly, I can take care of myself.”

“No, no sweetie, he’ll drop you and that’s final.” She proclaimed.

I glared at Chris who’s smiling mischievously as we entered his Camry and he drove off.

After washing the dishes, I started using rag to clean the dining table.

The door bell rang “Come in.” I said.

Sarah, Anna Leigh’s Abuela walked in with a white polythene bag “Buenas Dias, Sra Milly.”

I smiled as I dropped the rag on the table “Buenas dias, Mrs Montez.”

She sat down and I sat with her “I brought Anna’s clothes for school and cookies I made this morning.”

I grinned “Oh thank you, Mrs Montez, you shouldn’t have.”

“Anything for my future in-laws.” She smiled “So where’s Anna Leigh, her clothes…”

“I’m sorry but you’re a little late, she left recently with my son to school.” I said.

“Oh, I guess the two have been coming closer.” Abuela smiled.

“Yeah, she even wore my son’s shirt.” I teased.

“Woo, that’s so cute, my grand daughter is having a boyfriend for the first time.” Abuela squealed.

We’ve been trying to match Chris and Anna Leigh together because they’re perfect for each other but my son keeps messing up.

“I know, if it wasn’t for my son who has a girlfriend.” I sighed deeply.

“They need to break up soon.” Abuela said.

“I’ve been trying but everytime the rude spoilt girl keeps coming to my house and they’re always having segz, they’ll stop this time I promise.” I sighed “Chris has hurt Anna Leigh enough, they need to be together.”


We made awkward silence during the trip, he kept playing with the car wheel, handling it properly.

“Um…” He broke the silence “You haven’t answer my question.”

I sighed deeply “What question?”

“Where were you?” He asked.

I rolled my eyes “It’s none of your business, I already told you.”

I decided not to talk to him throughout the trip so I won’t spill the truth.

×Chad High School×
I opened the door, ignoring Chris as I walked into the school hallway.

I noticed everyone are starring at me, “Anna Leigh!” Stacy approached me.

“Good morning.” I greeted as we’re both walking down the hallway.

“Where did you actually sleep last night?” She asked.

I furrowed my eyes confusedly. How did she know?

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“Didn’t you see the picture you’re sister posted last night? It went totally viral.” She scoffed as she showed me a pic on her phone about me glaring at her while begging abuela to let me in last night.

“Julie.” I sneered angrily.

She’s really a problem. She even wrote on the caption that says ‘That face when you came home late and still don’t want to admit that you’re in deep trouble.’

“I can’t believe she’s did that.” I hissed angrily.

“Sorry about that, I have to get to class, bye.” Stacy left.

I went straight to my locker, opened and brought out my book.

“Anna Leigh?” I heard Adam’s voice.

I closed my locker and saw him beside my locker, smiling and waving at me.

“What did you want?” I asked angrily.

“Look, I’m really sorry about yesterday, I didn’t mean to hurt you like that.” He pleaded.

“You said what you said, that I’m a sl×t, right?” I scoffed.

“I didn’t say that, I just said you act like one…”

“What’s the difference?!” I exclaimed.

“I’m just trying to warn you.” He stepped closer to me, bent his head to look at me because I’m too short and he’s super tall.

“You can’t trust someone easily, I really regret putting it that way, okay? You know I’ll never hurt you.” He said in a husky voice.

His red kissable lips are calling me, his grey eyes are attractive.

Maybe I did the wrong thing being made at him “I’m sorry for getting angry at you. I also saw the pic, I’m sorry about that too.”

“It’s okay, I’m also sorry for saying mean things to you.” He whispered, hugging my waist, which makes my goosebumps raise.

“Hey!” Chris pushed Adam away “Stay away from our lockers.”

He glared at me as he opened his locker, took his book and slammed his locker, he also slammed mine and grabbed my wrist “Let’s go to class.”

“No, I’m not ready for class.” I removed my hand angrily.

“We’re gonna be late.” He scoffed.

“It’s 5 minutes early, we still have time, so go somewhere else.” Adam scoffed.

“I ain’t talking to you!” Chris yelled at Adam.

Everyone are peeking on us while passing. Some totally watching us, gossiping.

“Hey, stop creating a scene, people are watching.” I whispered angrily to Chris.

He laughed “Fine! Be with him, f×ck him and forget about me after sleeping in my house and wearing my shirt. B×tch!” He walked away angry.

I gulped bitterly, trying to ignore him “Adam…”

He walked off angrily too. Great, Chris has told him everything, now both of them are angry with me.

*Lunch Break*
I was walking down the cafeteria with my tray of food, looking for where to sit.

People kept starring at me, because of what Chris said earlier, it went all over the school, including the popular pic.

🚹 I knew she’s a sl×t with all her fake beauty.

🚹 Now she’s in trouble, I bet she’s still grounded.

🚺 Does she actually has two boyfriends?

🚹 Who cares?

I sighted Chris sitting alone. Should I meet him? But he’ll still snub me.

I went to an empty seat and sat alone, trying to enjoy my lasagna Aunt Milly made for me.

Jada approached me and squeezed the lasagna from my hand as it went messy all over my clothes and table.

“Enjoying the lasagna my boyfriend’s mom made for you?” She sneered.

“What did I do?” I asked.

She took my tray and poured all the food on all over my body and everyone gasped.

“That’s what you get from sleeping at my boyfriend’s house and wearing his shirt, and guess what? One day, he had crazy sweet segz with me wearing that shirt, his sperm was all over the shirt that day and you’re wearing it today. Have fun and stay away from my boyfriend.” She sneered as kicked my chair and left.

I gulped the pain from my heart which sinks into my stomach and tears dropped from my eyes.

Chris was just sitting there, starring at me, doing nothing.

I started having hiccups because I couldn’t hide the cry anymore, people are just laughing at me.

She stood and left the cafeteria. I’m such a f×cking coward that I couldn’t fight my girlfriend for her.

I stood and followed her into the hallway, I saw her entering the locker room. Oh no! I heard all what Jada said to Anna Leigh.

“Anna!” I tried to open the door but it’s locked “Anna, please don’t take off that shirt! I’m sorry.”

No response.

“Anna, please say something. I’m really sorry, just open the door.” I cried, hitting the door.

Passerbys are just starring weirdly at me.

Anna opened the door, wearing her orange gym tank top “Thanks for the shirt.” She shoved the shirt on my chest.

“Anna.” I held her hand “Come on, don’t treat me that way, I’m just trying to help. Don’t listen to Jada, she’s just a jealous jerk who ruins everything.”

“Why can’t you say it to her face?!” She exclaimed “Coward.”

That really got me. I’ve never yelled at my girlfriend before, like she’s my first.

Anna Leigh yanked her hand off and left without looking back.

I looked at the stupid shirt who ruins everything. Why did mom even give her this shirt? Jada wouldn’t have say anything.

I sniffed as I threw the shirt into the trash basket and walked off.

I brought out my phone and started texting Anna Leigh, apologizing.

“Brent please, delete that video.” I whispered in fear, walking down the hallway, talking to Brent on the phone.

“Don’t worry, I swear on my parents, I recorded the video only on your phone. I didn’t have it, I promise, by the way it was so good. Bye.” He hung up.

I hope he’s saying the truth, I wanted to delete the video but I accidentally clicked on the video, bumped into someone and our phones fell.

“Watch out, motherf×cker!” Chris pushed me angrily.

“Sorry.” I apologized even though we’re both at fault.

We bent at the same time and picked our phones. I was about to leave but realize this ain’t my phone.

Sh×t! This ain’t gonna be good.

What’s in the video?

May be an image of 1 person and text that says “Adam”

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