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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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” I have something to ask you. No jokes, just be sincere about it okay??” Nathaniel said, as him and henry walked out of their suite. Henry turned to look balefully at him.

They are on their way to the cafeteria. It was lunch break, so they want to get some snacks.

” Yes i promise. $h00t!!”

” Does my lips look like it’s been invested by worms??” Nathaniel leaned closer, and henry laughed so hard until he teared up.

” Holy $h|t. Who said that to you??” Henry chuckled loudly, annoying nathaniel the more.

He didn’t realize that nathaniel was standing so close to him. As soon as he turned to face him, their lips met, both their eyes widened.

Autumn was walking through the empty hallway with her hands in her pants pocket. She was standing there in all glory, frowning at no one in particular.

Her pupils dilated at the scene before her, and she didn’t waste time in bringing out her phone. She took several pictures of them and smirked evíly when she was done.

” Now have got you!!” She muttered, before tip-toeing out of there.

” Hey. You….are…. Why did you do that??” Henry stuttered as he cleaned his lips with his hands. He feels so uncomfortable right now.

Nathaniel palmed his face, and balled his wrist tightly. Like TF just happened??.

” You’re crázy. It wasn’t intentional okay??. Am sorry” He muttered, before hastening his steps. Before henry could say *jack*, he was already out of sight.



Chelsea was walking to a customer’s table with a drink in her hand, when she slipped and poured the whole content on the man’s body.

” What the héll!! Are you blind or something??. Is that how your manager goes about employing clumsy people??” The man yelled, already furious.

” Am so sorry about this sir. She’s a newbie.” Mr. McDonald apologized as the man paid for the drink, and stormed out of the shop.

Chelsea heaved a sigh and turned to apologise to her boss, but a slap was what followed.

” How dare you make one of my important customers leave like that. Do you want to get fired??”

” Am deeply sorry sir” Chelsea apologized and bowed, fixing her gaze on the floor.

The door opened, and a young gorgeous guy stepped in. The girls around fainted immediately, while some stared lústfully showering him with comments.

?️ Gaaaaaaawd!!! He’s so f-__-kiñg hot.

?️ Is he an alien or something??. He’s definitely not human.

?️ The lips for me. My only wish right now is to have a taste of it.

?️ How can someone be so handsome??.

?️ Someone should please stand behind me, just in case i pass out from being blinded by his beauty.

” Anyway. Another customer just walked in, so go attend to him. Mess things up again, and you’ll surely leave here without any pay” Mr. McDonald half yelled and walked back into the kitchen.

Lake was about to take the third step into the restaurant, when a strong lavender scent hit his nose.

He stopped immediately, sniffing the air, he closed his eyes.

” Excuse me, may i help you with something??” A tiny, melodious, small angelic voice said behind him, and his eyes opened immediately.

He turned back slowly, and his eyes widened when he saw an angel.

He couldn’t blink or move, his eyes refused to itch and his legs refused to move.

She’s perfection if it was a human.

From her beautiful dark hair to her cute baby brows, her naturally long lashes and her small red lips, her pretty tight gown, her babyish skin, her pure white fingernails like an infant’s, her ki||er smile which showcased her cute set of teeth!.

Saliva left his mouth immediately, his throat dried up!.

She’s illegally adorable!.

” Excuse me?” She said again, and her séxy voice made every single hair on his head stand.

Lake wasn’t even hearing her, he’s in his own world of fantasy already.

A customer bumped into him, making him fall on his knees.

” Did i just…..fall in love?”


Nathaniel and Henry…???.

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