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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE X-FAMILY – Episode 93

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THE X-FAMILY Story by Faith Lucky (Octavia and the Master)

Episode 36.

Octavia sniffled from time to time as he carried her on his back until they’d gotten to the car.

“Wow! What a weight!” Khalid chuckled after placing her on the floor.

Then, he turned towards the car and confirmed how damaged it was.

“Oh! Octavia, I hope we can get this fixed” he mumbled as went round to the driver’s seat and got in.

Octavia just watched him quietly, trying so hard to fight the tears cause she really didn’t want to break down in front of him – not anymore.

Khalid started the engines, but they stopped almost immediately as they were unable to move the car.

He gave it another try, but the same thing happened. Then, another try and finally, it stabled.

He got hold of the sterling and controlled it and he breathed out in relief when he was able to move the car away from the tree, although the front was slightly damaged.

He opened the door for Octavia who sniffed again before walking in and in a few seconds, they were back on the road.


“Draco?” Mica called as she walked into the room, her boots making some light sounds.

The room was quiet and she figured his roommate wasn’t in. But Draco himself should be in because he had told her so

Shortly, she heard some running water from the bathroom and walked towards it.

“Draco?” She called. “Are you there?”

“Yeah, Mica. I’ll be there soon”. She heard him reply and took in a deep breath.
The water stopped running immediately.

Uh…. Maybe she should just leave.

“You know what…” She turned back to the door.
“I’ll just check up on you later. Bye”

And she was about turning around to walk away when the door suddenly opened and it was Draco, coming out with just a towel around his manly waist.


“Yeah, I’m done already. What’s up?” He asked as he waved his wet front hair aside.

Mica’s eyes unavoidably went to his waist being covered by his towel, but she quickly took her gaze away.

“I actually wanted to give you this” she proffered what she held in her hand to him and he collected it.
It was actually a disc he’d asked for.

“Okay, thanks” Draco told her and she turned around to leave.

“Won’t you be staying longer?” He asked and she stopped walking.

“I… don’t think so. I actually have somethings to do” she shrugged

Well, the thing is – she wasn’t comfortable seeing him in that state.

“Well, I think I need some company. We could play the discs together” Draco moved closer to her.

“This isn’t the first time you’ll be seeing a guy n@ked, Mica. Besides, I’m not even nãked”.
Whaat?? Mica’s eyes dilmmed. How can he say tht to her??

If she was the extremely shy type, she’d have lowered her gaze to the floor immediately, but she didnt.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Draco” she rolled her eyes. “I’m only leaving because I have things to do”.

But personally, something in her guts really wanted to have this guy. Well, Maybe because…it’s been kind of long she had sêx since she hasn’t been going on mission that’d require the use of her body. Somehow, she needed someone to screw her.

Urgh! d@mn it Mica! What is wrong with her??

“Things like what?” Draco asked with a smirk and just then, a knock interrupted the conversation.
Thank goodness!

“Who’s it?” Draco lifted his eyes to the door and asked and it opened immediately, revealing Moscow.

Moscow twitched a little at the position he’d found Draco and Mica in, but that wasn’t the major problem.

“We have a big problem, Draco” Mosocw said from the door, the look on his face confirming his words.

“What problem?” Deaco asked as he walked forward to meet him.
Mica had also turned around, wondering what it was.

“I think Khalid might be in trouble”.


Khalid stepped out of his car with Octavia and two boys showed up immediately.

“Master Khalid, please you need to come with us. The leaders wants you in the hall” one of the boys said and Khalid arched a brow.

“Why?” He asked.

“We can’t tell, Master. But you need to come with Octavia as well” another replied and Octavia flinched.

Whaaat??? With her as well????
Good lord! What could’vr happened??

She looked at Khalid, but there wasn’t a positive reaction from him.

For God’s sake! Could it be possible someone had reported them already??

God! No! No, please!

Khalid shut the doors of the car and beckoned on Octavia to follow them, and she did. Then, they walked to the hall together with the boys.
The hall was almost a Iong journey from there but finally, they got in and the whole time, Octavia had been extremely nervous. Why would the leaders be calling for both of them?? The hell! It couldn’t be a coincidence!

Her mind was beating rapidly as they walked into the hall and indeed, the leaders were there – about four of them together with some younger boys who were obviously guards.. And their faces and statures were really scary for Octavia.

“Khalid” one of them called when they got close and stood in front of them.

“Greetings, Supreme” Khalid said with his head lowered a little and Octavia figured she had to do same
But before she could get the words out of her mouth, one of them spoke up.

“We’ve received reports about you breaking the rules, Khalid” he said.
“Who’s this lady?”

Oh God! Octavia was almost peeing on her pãnts. It was true!! Someone indeed reported them! Khalid was going to get into so much trouble!!

God, no!

Her eyes were already glistening with tears as she kept her gaze fixed on the floor. She’ll never be able to forgive herself if he gets disqualified. God! Please…!

Khalid paused and lookedat Octavia, then at the leader who’d asked the question.

“She’s pregnant for me” he finally said and Octavia almost let out a whimper.
She badly wished something would change their minds. She couldn’t watch him getting disqualified.

“Pregnant?” One of the men asked with a crumpled look.
“Yes, it’s true” the third one replied, like he could sense the baby. “She is pregnant”.

There was silence for a few seconds.

“I’d taken out for check up because it’s having some complications” Khalid further said and Octavia was amazed at how calm he sounded – like he wasn’t being bothered by it or anything.

Well, that was just the kind of personality Khalid had. He might look cool from the outside, but inside, he was in pains.

“I see” one of them scribbled soemthing down in a book.

“Well, we received further reports that you had been intimate with her a while ago. What do you have to defend that?” The first man asked, but Khalid didn’t reply.

Goodness! Octavia’s heart summersaulted in her chest. How on Earth can he defend that?? Why does this have to happen??

“Khalid?” Another called and Khalid looked up at him and gave a shocking reply:

“I had issues with my girlfriend and broke up with her. I asked her to get her things and leave my room, but she wouldn’t listen. She walked out of the room without her bags and since she left, I decided to send for my new girlfriend which is the lady beside me”.


Octavia let out a light gasp.
To Be Continued… . . .

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