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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE X-FAMILY – Episode 65

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By Faith Lucky

Episode 08.

Standing in front of Khalid’s room, the guard knocked and after sometime, Khalid’s voice replied:

“Let her in and leave”.

The guard opened the door and ushered the nervous Octavia in, while he shut the door afterwards and left.

Octavia’s hands were almost shaking beside her as she walked into the room and met Khalid in front of the window.

Smoke was emitting from his corner due to the pipe he smoked and at a point, they almost made Octavia choke.

She squeezed her eyes tight due to the smoke but when she felt Khalid turn to look at her, she quickly pushed them open.

“G…Good evening, Master” she greeted mildly, her heatt playing rhythmetical beats.

She couldn’t recall the last time she had been in this room, and having to be in it at this moment was really making her nervous.

“Octavia” he called gruffly as he left the window and started walking towards the table behind her.
Her eyes were glued to the floor the whole time as he walked past her and to the table, taking a bottle of wine from it.

“Some of my boys…had seen you entering an hospital earlier on today” he paused and decanted some of the wine into the glass.

Octavia’s eyes were already widened in shock, she could feel her lungs running dry.

What! What hospital?

Oh God!

Khalid dropped the bottle when he had gotten the quantity he wanted, and then turned around with the glass.

“What were you doing there?” He added.

He was leaning against the table, facing her and Octavia was grateful she was actually backing him. Else, she really wouldn’t know what to do.

“I…” Her mind scoured through for words.
She thought quickly for a perfect excuse, but ideas were seeming to run far from her.

“I’m… I’m sorry I mean… I was feeling kind of sick and needed medical attention”. She gulped hard.

Khalid’s brows arched a little.

“And Leo wasn’t there to help?” He asked and her heart resumed beating faster.

Oh God! There’s no way he could’ve known, right? How did the boys see them in the first place?

She ran her eyes on the floor, looking for what to say.

A part of her mind told her- tell him you’re pregnant. But the other part felt so scared – so scared she couldn’t explain it

“Octavia?” He called and his cold voice shook her a little.

“It’s…It’s kind of a female personal problem, Master” she swallowed hard. “I’m sorry, I just needed a more experienced medical personnel” she answered nervously and for a few seconds, Khalid didn’t say a word.
She could feel his eyes on her back.

“Turn around” he said curtly and she forced her legs to turn towards his direction.
But her eyes still couldn’t look at him as they stayed glued to the floor.

“What female problem?” He asked and all the blood in her body ran dry.

What?? Did he really had to make her face him before asking the question??

She was nervous and didn’t even know what to say. But when she felt his fierce eyes really boring into her, she concluded she had to come up with any excuse – anyone at all.

“It’s… Personal, Master. Please…” she said feebly

Please, she just wanted him to leave her alone.
Please, she just wanted him to quit the questions.
Please, she just wanted an end to this moment.

Yes, that was all she wanted.

Her hands turned into nervous fists beside her as she wished there was a way he could stop staring at her.

Khalid took a gulp from his fkas and dropped it on the table behind him.

Then, he moved towards the direction of Octavia and as he did that, she could feel her world crumbling.

What was he gonna do to her? Was he going to hit her? Or could it be possible he doesn’t believe her and wanted to force the truth out of her?


Her face displayed part of the worries she felt as he walked up behind her and touched her waist.

“Oh, Octavia..” his voice was a whisper, his breath mixed with a strawberry-like scent and that of a cigarette.

He moved his hand from her waist upwards to her ribs. Then lastly, they rested on her B-__-bs.

“It’s been a really long time, you know?”

Octavia shivered a little as he rolled her Ɲīpplë and pulled it to a certain point. She had to bit hard at her lower lip to prevent her from grunting.

“How have you been?” He asked against her neck and she gulped hard again.

“I’ve been… I’ve been fine, Master” she lied

Yes, she lied because she couldn’t remember being fine at all – without his touch and coupled with the fact she’s been sick.

He moved his hand from her b00bs and trailed them down to her waist, down to her legs. And with a tingling sensation, he lifted her short skirt slowly – up to her waist.

Oh God! Octavia could feel her heart beating more rapidly. He wasn’t trying to draw s*xual pleasures from her, right?

No, no, no. This wasn’t the right time for this. Although, she’s missed him so much and wanted badly to be touched by him again, but not this night. Not when she felt so weak and with a possibility she might start bleeding at anytime.

Hell no. It wasn’t the right time.

Khalid moved her skirt upwards until her transparent p@nt was exposed. He breathed against her neck as he moved his hand around her thighs – smoothingly.

Then slowly, he started taking down her p@nt.

“Master…” Octavia found herself calling, but he didn’t respond.

Oh d@mn? She wanted to tell him to stop. But how does she even do that in a way it doesn’t sound disrespectful?

She really couldn’t have s*x in that condition. She wasn’t strong enough.

Khalid pulled down her p@nt to a certain level and ripped the rest of the part off.

“Hah!” Octavia gasped in shock of how he had ripped it apart effortlessly.

His touch around he was melting her completely.

He moved his hand to her ćƖĩť0ris and rubbed it gently.

“Oh God…!” Octavia’s system was shaking as waves and waves of emotions niggled at her.

What he did to her…she couldn’t explain it. But his touch has always been so magical.

He fondled with it for sometime and finally, pushed a finger in.

“Ah” it was a light shriek.

She shut her eyes tight m

“Oh… please” her voice shook as he moved the finger in and out of her – slowly.

She searched her memories thoroughly. That was the first time he was doing that to her – fínģƐŕing her.

Khalid added another finger and she almost lost her balance.

“Oh…” She Mõ@ɲed out – painfully.

Her walls had been so tight since they hadn’t been used for a long time, and the rough th-ru_sts of his fingers were almost making her run mad – more like it was he first time.

He moved his other hand to her b00bs and caressed them gently while he worked the other roughly in her v@gina.

Her fisted hands loosened and she unconsciously moved them to his legs, gripping his leather trouser tight.

“Oh my… Please” she beMõ@ɲed, seriously having no idea she was holding him that way

Finally, Khalid slided his wet finger out and turned her around to face him.

Her face was crumpled up in pains, and she forced her eyes to stay glued to the floor.

“I need a long night from you, Octavia. Can satisfy me for that long?” He asked gruffly and Octavia’s eyes widened in shock.
This time around, she couldn’t stop herself from looking up at him.

“Master…” She called dazily, her head muddled up.

He wanted a long night from her? Absolutely no way that was possible.

Having a little s*x at the moment might ki|| her, not to mention a long night. It was clearly impossible.

“I’m… I’m sorry, Master. But I’m feeling really sick” she answered anxiously, taking her eyes back to the floor.

Khalid looked at her and scoffed. And in that authoritative tone of his, he said:

“You’ll need to manage, Octavia. Get on the bed”.
To Be Continued… . . .

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