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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE X-FAMILY – Episode 37

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Episode 37

By Faith Lucky

Octavia stood up from the chair where she sat immediately, crying profusely.

The Master was gone. He had gone back to sleep. He was…dead.

Tears streaked her face as she stared at his still body. She couldn’t do it.

Oh! Mica warned her. She had only ended up ki.lling the Master faster – the same way she ki.lled her mother. Why was she so cursed, huh? Why?

She turned around and scurried out of the room immediately, ignoring the guards at the door.

“Didn’t you say Becca asked you to wait?” One of the guards asked, but she didn’t even turn to look at any of them as she just continued scuttling away.

She took the stairs, ran and finally got out of the block and fortunately for her, she found Mica waiting for her at the same spot she said she’d be waiting.

“Octavia?” She called lowly, frightened by her tears.

Oh! Please, she didn’t want to hear it. Why was she crying?

“I’m sorry” Octavia whimpered, her sight blinded by tears.

“I’m sorry, Mica. I couldn’t do it. I ki.lled him” she fell onto her shoulders immediately, but Mica couldn’t even hold her as she was too shocked from the news.


“I ki.lled him. I couldn’t keep him awake. Oh! I ki.lled him” she wept more, soaking Mic’s shirt with tears.

She couldn’t recall the last time she’d cried that much. It was just too much for her.

Mica was still too shocked to speak or hold her as she just stood like a statue and let her cry on her shoulders.

There had been droplets of rain already and immediately, it increased and started pouring heavily. But the two sisters stood there, their bodies in contact and they didn’t move.

“Octavia!” They heard a thick voice and Mica turned to see it was Moscow, together with some boys.

His eyes were blazing as he stood under a shelter, not far from them.

Oh! Sht. He was awake!

He had a whip with him and looked like he was ready to ki.ll someone. And with that same expression, he marched into the rain, towards them.

“Mosocw…” Mica called as Octavia moved away from her shoulders.

“Get on your knees, Octavia” he gritted.

“Hey! Moscow, stop it. You wanna pu.nish someone, then pu.nish me. I’m the one you want” Mica tried getting in the way, but he pushed her away, although she didn’t fall.

“On your knees, Octavia!” He growled and pushed her and she landed on her knees immediately.

The sound of the rain was battling with the sound of the voices. So, they had to yell

“Moscow, stop it. I’m the one you want! I’m the one who attacked you and tied you up. So, pu.nish me. Keep her out of this!” Mica yellled.

“I have no business with you, Mica! So, stay out of my way. You’re tbe one who offended me, but she’s the one I’ll pu.nish. So, stay away!!” He roared and lifted the wh.ip to hit Octavia, but Mica stopped him.

“I can’t let you do this” she shook her head as she held his hand.

Immediately, the boys with him rushed to her and tried pulling her away, but she made to fight.

“Mica!” Another voice called and they turned to see it was Draco.

She felt a little relief as she ran to him.

“Draco please!” Her voice was desperate.
“Tell him to stop, please. He can pu.nish me if he wants to. But not now”.

She felt her relationship with Draco could save the moment, but she was wrong.

“He told me what happened, Mica. And he has every right to punish her. So, stay away” Draco answered, his voice a little icy.

Well, no matter what, they still had certain rules in the clan which couldn’t be overstepped.

Other members of the clan had already come out as well, standing under shades to watch the mini drama. Some of them watched from their windows.

Tho, they couldn’t hear a thing due to the rain, but the actions explained it all.

Mica turned to look at Octavia and more boys were already surrounding Moscow. And at that point, she knew there was nothing she could do. It was above her limits.

Moscow lifted the whip and landed it on Octavia’s back and she screamed.

For the first time in years, Mica found tears strolling down her cheeks and quickly, she turned around, unable to watch the sight.

Mosocw lifted the wh.ip again, landed it on her and repeated the process.

He wh.ipped her repeatedly and so, she felt her $kin tea.ring up.

“No..!” She whimpered, her hands on the floor as she knelt.

Her tears got mixed with the rain as she felt so many ago.nizing – so many pa.ins she couldn’t comprehend.

The de.ath of the Master?

Or the wh.ip she was receiving?

Moscow groaned as he wh.ipped her with all pleasure and it got to a point, her knees became too weak to support her. So, she fell on the floor.


Becca sat in front of the bed as soon as she returned and took Khalid’s hand into hers.

She stared into his face, admiring the charming looks.

Oh! He was growing so cold. He was looking more pale. She was losing him!

She took his palm to her lips and pecked it. What would she do without him huh? How can she just lose him so easily?

She bent her head in ago.ny.

She could feel something happening outside, there was a commotion and she could hear it, despite the rain. But she was too concerned about Khalid to go check it out. So, she just remained there and reminiscinced on his hands, her head bowed.

Suddenly, she heard a sound – a grunt. And she lifted her head slowly to find the Master”s eyes open.


Her eyes widened in shock as his hands fell from hers.

“Khalid!!” She almost screamed.

Goodness! He was awake!

She was confused, excited. didn’t know what to think.

“Khalid..! Khalid! Can you hear me?!” She stuttered his name as the young Master’s eyes fluttered open.

Oh!! Becca felt her heart jumping in her chest.

She stood up immediately and ran to the door, her entire body shaking.

She opened it and met the guards there

“Get Leo! Get Leo! Now! The Master’s awake!! She screamed at them and they all scurried off in both surprise and confusion.

She ran back to the room and found Khalid trying to leave the bed.

“Khalid! What’re you doing? Khalid?!”

He felt dazed, his head aching.

Blur memories kept flashing into his head, he couldn’t understand what was going on.

But one thing he could remember vividly was seeing Octavia in his room.

“Khalid!” Becca called and held him as he tried standing up.

“What’re you doing?”

“What’s happening out there?” He asked, his hands on his forehead.

One could tell how confused he was from his voice.

“What’re you… What’re you talking about? Khalid…” Becca was paranoid.
He wasn’t acting normal.

He forcefully left the bed and started towards the window and of course, Becca followed him.

She was confused. What was going on with him?

“Khalid!” She called, but he didn’t turn to look at her as he finally got to the window and opened the curtains.

And there he found a lady on the floor, in the middle of the rain, being wh.ipped to uncons¢iousness.

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