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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE X-FAMILY – Episode 3

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(Octavia and the Master)

Episode 3


By: Faith Lucky

Mica took Octavia away from the scene, far away to her room which she shared with one other lady.

As soon as they got in, she whacked the door close and stood face to face with her sister.

“Octavia” she called breathlessly and pulled her in a hug.
Oh! She’s been longing to do that.

Octavia sighed as she received the warm hug. She’s missed being in her sister’s arms.

They hugged for a long time before disengaging.

“How’ve you been? How’s dad?” She asked and Octavia nodded quickly.
“He’s fine”.

Mica smiled and took her bag and as she opened it, Octavia took out time to run her eyes round the room. It was a little small, but comfy.

“Where did you get this money?” Mica asked quickly as soon as she found the bundle in the bag.

“I stole it” she shrugged and Mica scoffed.

“Seriously? Why?” She asked.

“I….I needed some money to come here. I wasn’t having anything on me”. She replied in less than seconds.

Octavia was fond of talking fast, just like a weirdo.

Mica shook her head and threw the money in the bag, then kept it on the bed.

“You hungry?” She asked and Octavia shook her head at first, then nodded.

She chuckled and led her to sit on the bed, while she gets some food. And in the end, she returned with a pack of chocolate pops.

“Thank you”, Octavia mumbled as she collected it from her and started munching on it.

Mica sat on a small seat in front of the bed and watched her.

Octavia could tell Mica was changed and was now rough. She’s spent years with these guys, this illegal corporation and she knew her sister wouldn’t be the same again.

She knew the X-family pretty well.

There were a lot of people like her – people born with supernatural powers. They were sometimes, rejected by the society who saw them as weirdos and danger.
Most of them were mocked and treated awfully by the society, including the government.

So, gradually, the people with supernatural powers decided to form a union – a group – where they could be together, and work hand in hand as family. They called it – the X-family.

People with supernatural powers who were usually intimidated by the society, decided to join the group, so they could have a sense of belonging.

Everything was moving on well, but when the population became much, the group started splitting. So many of them went ahead to open their own groups, but they still remained under the X-family.

So, currently, there were lots of X-family clans around the world. Anytime, any day, wherever they met, they still gave each other respect, and consider themselves as one.

Although, they were enemies in the group, but the X-family had registered rules, which they had to keep. So, they were free to keep enemies, but they don’t break the rules.

Mica’s clan was one of the most powerful – the Khalid clan.

It was owned by the popular Master Khalid – under the influence of his late father.

The X-family, sometimes, turn out to be enemies of the government as some of the clans do illegal activities.

The Khalid clan was one of the worst.

They smuggled drugs,trafficking, top thieves, assassinations…name it. They were the worst and on the government’s top list.

Well, they didn’t care about the government because they had no plans of being in good terms with them.
And the government couldn’t attack them because….well, you should know. They weren’t just normal humans.

The last time the government had tried to attack them, it was fatal. Uncountable government properties were burnt down and destroyed. Many lives were lost. And since then, the government’s been scared of the Khalid clan in particular. They dread them.
Octavia didn’t know the full story, but she knew the Khalid clan was dangerous. .

“What’re you doing here, Octavia?’ Mica finally broke the long ensued silence after watching Octavia eat for a long time.

Octavia didn’t look at her,,although she was nervous.

“I….I want to stay here, Mica. I want to be a part of the X-family” she answered timidly.

“Why?” Mica’s voice was a whisper.

“Why would you leave home and come here, Octavia? I don’t understand”.

Octavia couldn’t say a word but just chewed slowly at her pops.

“You know what?” Mica scoffed.
“This isn’t happening. You’re going home as soon as you’re done”

She stood up and turned around.

“I’m staying, Mica!” Octavia also stood on her feet and Mica stopped walking.

When she turned to face her,,her eyes melted.

“Please…” She added.
“Don’t push me away”.

Mica scoffed and walked closer to her.

“You can’t stay here, Octavia. What is wrong with you? Before I left, I explained how dangerous this was”.

Octavia bent her head dolefully like a child who was being scolded.

“But everyone here is like me” she muttered, almost inaudibly.

“It doesn’t matter. There are a lot of people out there who are just like you and still living in their homes. Besides, the master won’t accept you. He’s rejected 12 people in the last two days. He doesn’t need a new member!”

“Just…just take me to him. I’ll prove myself to him and make him accept me”.

“I can’t do that!” She said angrily.
“Master Khalid isn’t someone you toil around with, and as a matter of fact, you need to leave before he comes back and finds you here.

“Besides, you told me you’ve always h@ťěd the X-family. You told me you’ve always disliked them.

“That night, when I’d wanted to leave, you tried so much to convince me out of it. So, why the sudden change of mind, Octavia? Why do you suddenly want to be a part of us?” She hushed, but Octavia kept her head bowed and didn’t say a word.

Oh d@mn it! Mica could sense it. There was something wrong.

“Where’s dad?” She asked, and Octavia, with her head still bowed, answered:
“He’s fine”.

“And Agatha?” That was their stepmother.

“Fine as well” came the reply.

‘So, why the f””k did you leave them? Why exactly are you here, Octavia? What’re you hiding from me?”

Octavia was almost shaking, but tried as much as possible not to show it.

“You can’t stay here, Octavia, you can’t survive it” she went on.

“Over here, we do a lot of terrible things. We steal, we fight, there’s bloodshed,||” she whispered the last part, her voice sounding so hoarse.

“We….we make use of our bodies, Octavia. We don’t know what dignity is anymore. We can get used at anytime, anywhere. All that matters is the game. Do you really think you can survive it?”

Mica’s words drove cold chills to Octavia’s spine. They scared her to the guts and made her feel like running away instantly. But, she couldn’t. She was scared of staying,and was scared of running away.

“Octavia!” Mica held her hand, awaiting her response.
And in a timid voice, her reply stood:

“I want to stay”.

Mica felt all her hope flying away as she let go of her hand. She scoffed and walked some steps away.

“What are you hiding from me?” She stood at a distance and asked.
“Why exactly do you wanna stay here?”

Octavia fisted her hands on both sides of her dress and didn’t say a word.

Immediately, the door went open without a sound and the two sisters turned to see who it was. One of the master’s close guards.

Mica’s heart skipped immediately as she knew what his presence meant. If he was around, it only meant Khalid was around as well.

“Mica” he called gruffly, still standing at the doorway.

His eyes drifted to Octavia.

“So, it is true” he stated.
“There’s indeed a stranger here”,,

There was silence, a deafening silence.

“Anyway, the Master’s back and requests her presence” he added and left.

Brought to you by Faith Lucky ✍️
Love you all???

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