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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE WRONG ALPHA – Episode 9 & 10

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“How dare you touch what is mine!” with a roar that shook the walls, he slammed his fist into his Alpha’s jaw and….

Everyone gasped

“What are you doing?” Trista snatched her hand from him, pushing back his chest but he stood his ground.

She grabbed Ty’s hand and headed out the door and he rushed after them but she pushed her hand forward, in a gesture that warned him to stay back.

“You kîllêd her! You watched her dîê son of a Ɓîtçh! You kîllêd her!!” those words rang in his head, bringing him back to his sense.

Turns out all this was his illusion. He’d imagined all of it.

“You kîllêd her!! you were there and you watched her dîê! Murdêrêr! You kîllêd her!!!” those words echoed in his head again.

His head began to spin like a roller coaster.

Jax stood to his feet, forcing himself to look around and when he did, he noticed thousands if not hundreds of thousands of eyes staring at him as if he has lost his mind

Guess his bêâst haven’t fully formed.

“You kîllêd her!!” those awful words came again and this time he couldn’t help it, his was holding on by a thread and any moment from now he was gonna shift.

Jax took off.

“Mûrdêrer! You kîllêd her deny it I dare you!!” those words came again and again, boring into his soul and stêâling every life in him.

As he run he could feel his body shifting, he could feel the bêâst taking over. For years he has lived with this torture, this pain that is driving him insane. But now it was too much, it double, thr_@tening to take his life away.

Jax leaped over the school fence, landing on the other side but he didn’t stop running.

By the time he got himself he was under a huge tree, curled up like a little cat, gently tears sliding down her eyes as he stay there, wishing and hoping no human will find him again.

“You kîllêd her! What did she ever do to you? Murdêrêr! You kîllêd her!!” Was the last thing he heard before everything went blank.



Diana was making dinner while Trista lean on the counter watching her.

“So, how was school today? You like it?” she asked, walking over to the oven, she put on a bakery glove before opening the oven and pulling out the bakery pan filled with cupcakes

“Hmmm yummy, mummy,” Trista hummed, walking over to her, hunger in her eyes.

“Not yet done,” Diana pushed the cupcakes back inside the oven, shutting the door.

Trista frowned.

Her mother totally ignore her, she walked over to the table and began chopping the onions.

Trista had insisted she cooked spaghetti so the woman is making it.

“How was school?” Diana asked again, getting her attention.

She was still staring at the oven.

“Well,” Trista picked up a carrot, she washed it in the small basin on the table before taking a bite.

“It was cool except for this guy that claims he knows everything, I hâte him,” she rolled her eyes, taking another bite.


“Mom, it’s not like that,” Trista frowned deeply and Diana chuckled.

“I didn’t say anything, but I sure know you hâte him..”

“I do,”

“Of course, you do….”

“Mom!!” Trista frowned deeply and her mother burst out laughing, she slowly looking up at Trista’s face only to noticed the big frown

“Come on, it’s no biggie,” Diana nudged her and both women laughed.

“How was your day at work?” Trista asked.

“Well, my day was awesome except for my boss who asked me to shave him,” Diana replied, walking over to the gas cooker, she bent over and brought out a sauce pan then sat it on top of the gas then lit the fire.

“Really? Juicy gossip, tell me about it,” Trista gushed, rushing to her mother’s side.

“Did you shave him?”

“No,” Diana made a disgusting face and Trista giggled

“Why not?” she asked, watching her mother put little amount of vegetable oil on the pan before sprinkling half spoon of salt then reached for the white onions. She poured it into the pan and began to stir.

“It was… ewe baby, it was gross,” Diana made a disgusting face, still stirring the onions and waiting for it to turn light brown.

“What, where exactly are we talking about? Down there? Is he hitting on you?” she asked but Diana slapped her arm playfully and they both laughed.

“Tell me,”

“His back,”

“Well, soon he will ask you to…. you know…”

“No way baby, he won’t do that and I don’t like him, he’s not my type,” Diana lowered the light of her cooking, picking up the freshly slice tomatoes and pouring it directly into her cooking pan then she began to stir.

“No one is ever your type, you keep saying that, why not date someone and be happy…”

“Hey, I’m happy, I just didn’t date those men cos I didn’t like the way they looked at you,” Diana quickly cut in, she reached for the tin tomatoes and took it, reaching for a spoon but Trista picked it up and handed it to her.

She scoop out two spoonful of tin tomatoes, adding them to her cooking oil then sat down the tin. Trista began packing while her mother kept cooking.

“You keep saying that,” Trista murmured, she knew her mother too well. The woman have never dated anyone since she was little, at least none that she know of.

She had way too many men lurking around her, I mean, she was young and pretty it’s not really their fault, some times people mistake them as sisters. Her mother was really young when she had her and she have seen her reject so many men.

It’s either they were staring at her (the daughter) or her mother didn’t like the way they looked at her yet again, even the other guy she was so sure her mother liked the woman never dated him cos the way he looked at Trista her mother didn’t like it.


“Baby, I’m not gonna date any man that will look at you as a woman and not a daughter, NO!!” Diana said, taking the bowl of water Trista passed to her.

“But mom…”

“Can we just talk about my new boss and leave the past in the past?” Diana cut her off and she sighed.

They can just continue on the topic some other time but right now, I guess she has to move on.

“Fine, just tell me about the shaving,” Trista said, now cleaning the top of the counter

“I prefer not to talk about it,”

“Why not?”

“Cos it’s gross, and by the way it was his back. He looked like a werewolf combined with bar-harms,” the two women burst out laughing.

“So you didn’t shave him,”

“Not yet, ewe, so gross,”

“Mom, how about tomorrow when he reminds you of it then ask him for a raise, a raise that it so high it will make the hairs on his back stand straight,” Trista suggested

Diana narrowed her gaze at her.

“You think that will work?”

“Just try it,”

The doorbell ranged and Trista went to check who it was, still laughing.



“What are you wearing?” Jezebel asked, staring disgustingly at Ruby.

She was wearing a long skirt with a long sleeve blouse which stopped right on her foot.

“Girl, geez!” Maria Exclaimed.

“What is wrong with my dress?” Ruby asked, raising the edge of her skirt so they could take a good look at her.

“Everything is wrong with it,” Jezebel spoke first before Maria picked up a dress from the table, handing it over to her.

“Guys will f-__-k anything with hole but you’re not one of them,” she pushed the dress in Ruby’s hand “Change into something better and meet us outside,” she added, she walked over to the couch and picked up her purse, Jezebel was already waiting by the door when she joined her.

Ruby opened the dress than gasped out loud.

“this is a mosquito net?” she glanced at her friends, returning her gaze to the dress.

“Yeah, catch something in it. Look girl, if you’re not going to dress like us then I don’t know why you’re with us in first place, I can’t have you ruin this party for me with your lack of style cos I have been waiting for it,” Jezebel said seriously.

The doorbell ranged and Maria went over and check it, minutes later she returned with an envelope in her hand.

“Here’s what you asked for,” she handed it over to Jezebel who opened it, a cruel smile appeared on her face immediately.

“Here, I’m ready,” Ruby rushed out from the room after changing into the dress given to her by her friends.

Both Jezebel and Maria scanned her from head to toe with satisfaction.

“Let’s to,”



“This is your street? This place is mostly filled with rich people,” Betty said, looking around the neighbourhood.

“How about we go all get some ice cream at the pack?” Jade suggested.

Trista actually told them her home address after school today, they’d said they will come to be sure it’s truly her home address and here they were.

“We can do that but I can’t eat any,” Trista replied, forcing a smile.

“Why not?” Jade made a sad face.

“My mom…”

“Mummy’s girl,” Betty glared hard at her as though she just said something bad.

“I’m not…. okay, maybe I am but she said I shouldn’t consume too much of it and I already had enough for the week,” Trista replied.

Betty hulfed at her and Jade nudged her shoulder.

“Don’t be like that, maybe her mother has her reasons….”

“What else if not for her not to be fat,” Betty rolled her eyes “gush I h@ťě controlling Moms, they are freaks, I bet she won’t even let you get a boyfriend but she will go around f-__-king boys your age…”

“Hey, don’t speak of my mother like that!” Trista suddenly snapped, cutting her off.

Betty flinched, she quickly put on a fake smile

“I think I went over board, I apologize,” she said calmly this time.

Those h@ťěd that were in her eyes were all gone, replayed by calm.

Jade glanced at Trista before returning her gaze to Betty but said nothing.

“Come on, I didn’t mean it that way,” Betty added, hugging her tightly.

Trista finally sighed.

“fine, but don’t talk to her like that again,”

“I won’t I cross my heart,” Betty said, doing the cross sigh and Trista smiled again.

“So, there’s a party at my place are you two coming?” Jade asked happily, wishing they could just say yes.

From the corner of Trista’s eyes, she saw a girl walking toward her… the same girl she had seen on the hallway with that annoying guy but this time she was with just one of the guys

“Ava,” Betty murmured, clasping her hand over her mouth.

“Where is he?” Ava said immediately she got to them and Trista frowned confused.

“Where is who?” she glanced at Isaac who is still coming from behind before returning her gaze to Ava once more.

“The red fluffy wolf, were is he? He was with you at school today but now we can’t even find him. Where did you hide him?” Ava demanded, pushing Trista’s chest backwards.

Trista staggered

“If you touch me again…”

“You will do what?” Ava shoved her chest back again.

“Huh! What will you do? Where is my pet thîêf!” Ava spats.

Almost immediately she was rewarded with a slap.

She gasped, clasping her hand on her burning check, eye wide in shock. It wasn’t just her cos Betty and Jade had their hands covering their mouths in shock too.

“I can be many things but thîëf Is not one of them!!” Trista fired back, standing up to her.

Ava began laughing, she laughed so heard they all became confused cos they didn’t know the reason for her laughter.

“Tell me you don’t know where my pet is?” she said, slowly walking towards Trista.

“Okay, I think you should back down now, you’re looking for trouble,” Jade said, stepping forward but Ava shoved her out of the way, she fell on her bûtt.

Ava’s eyes turned blood red. She was going feral with just one thought at the back of her mind. KÎLL!

Trista took a step backward and Ava took two forward, Trista was about to take another step when Ava’s claws dug into her neck, pulling blood

“Gwad!!!” Betty screamed “Let her go!!”

Trista could feel the idiots nails digging into her skin, she wasn’t with the pet, in fact she haven’t even seen him since it ran off so why is this girl holding her neck?

“Let her go!!” Issac bellowed, rushing towards them.

Trista know she had to do something, she wasn’t raise to let another girl bûlly her, if her mother hears of this she will sure throw a tantrum.

“Ava, I said let go!!” Isaac yelled almost close, with his animal sense he could tell that Ava has gone feral.

That bridge between human and beast and if nothing is done she’s gonna kîll the human.

“Leave her alone,” Betty shouted fearfully, unable to get close

“I said, where is that small little Wolf?” Ava rasped, tightening her grip around her neck.

“And I said, I have no idea where it is!” Trista replied through gritted teeth, reaching for Ava’s head with both hands, she held it tight then sank her tooth to her ear.

“Argh!!! Psychopath! Let me go!” Ava quickly let go of her neck, trying to get Trista off her but she held tight.

She’d come back from her feral wh@ťěver…

“Let me go! My ear….. That hurts…. I will kîll you! Let me go!! Argh!!! My ear! My ear!! Don’t bite it off!!” Tears came out of her eyes.

Finally she succeeded in pushing Trista away but a chunk of ear was stuck in Trista’s teeth, as if that wasn’t enough, Trista attacked her again but this time was wasn’t lucky enough cos she met her nîpplês.

“ARGH!!!! Please! Don’t bite It off…. No… I swear I will never come near you again! No please… Isaac help me, my nîpplè!! My nîpplè! It hurts!! Argh! She’s a psychopath! Somebody help me! Trista please…..”

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵

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