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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE WRONG ALPHA – Episode 33 & 34

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🎩The Wrong Alpha 🔞


(…For Her Sake)

THEME: Big Bad Wolf!

BY Rosy Johnson.





“Too late,” he growled, th-ru_sting mercilessly inside her he could swear he felt her pûssy walls vibrate.

With her back pressed hard against the door, he began to move within her to a relentless driving rhythm.

Trista couldn’t do nothing else but cling to his shoulders and let him Conquer her like a foreign Empire.

He pounded into her, fast and steady and she struggled to decide if she loved it or h@ťěd it…

She’d thought she knew what sêx was but Jaxon Black was showing her she had no clue as he kept lunging deeper Insider her, more than she had thought possible.

His corded muscles bunching and shifting against her.

This man… no! this werewolf seemed entente on teaching her that what she’d thought of as sêx had as much in common with this urgent primal act as a chihuahua had in common with a lupine.

His hands shifted to her âss and tugged more, he rumbled his lips, drawing back in a snorl.

“Oh, Jax!!!”

“Take more!! more!!” He howled

Gwad! she could barely take what he was already giving her, how could there possibly be more?

Trista shook her head, unable to speak. fighting for each ragged breath she managed to draw into her starving lungs.

“More!!” Jax insisted and his demand became an order, the hand on her âss tightened and pushed while the other moved to her stomach, th-ru_sting between their heaving bodies…

One strong finger hooked beneath the soft flesh of her mound and pulled. The movement forced her hips upward, tilting her pelvis and changing the angle of their joining until she felt him slide impossibly deeper inside her.

“Jax!!!” Trista sobbed at the feel of another inch of silk covered Steel gliding home.

his penetration budded against her cêrvix, nudged her darkest corners and now she could feel his pêlvis grinding between her legs, feel his hips against hers and a new heavier impact.

Finally, he had buried his whole length in her and he filled her so deeply she tasted his th-ru_sts in the back of her throat.

“Jax, I can’t keep up,” she cried out or maybe it was a plea of protest.

He completely ignored her, it was as though he wasn’t there anymore except he was but was lost in his hunger to claim her.

Pinning her against the door now hot and Slick from their sweaty bodies, he took her, her heart hilting inside her with each th-ru_st making her muscles ripple and contract on each entrance, collapse and yearn on each withdrawal.

She felt the pain fade away and she began to feel the pleasure within, she wanted desperately to th-ru_st back against him but her position made it impossible.

he controlled her every movement, holding her still and open for his powerful th-ru_sts.

She’d never felt anything so Savage and so amazingly good.

“Oh mine!*



“Fûçkêry fûçkêrson!!!”

The tension built inside her until she sobbed for release.

She wanted to scream but she couldn’t hardly breathe, he’d taken all her energies and is still taking them.

he bent his knees for leverage th-ru_st, high and hard inside her and Trista’s world dissolved in an endless pulsing climâx, her body clamped tight around him, milking him with slick wet muscles until Jax slammed her back against the door and roared.

Fingers gripping, muscles clenching, he crushed her between the hardwood with his hard body while he emptied himself inside her, hot, heavy spurts.

She melted around him, clinging to his waist and his shoulders with the last of her strength, her breath sawed in and out of her lungs on ragged gasps, her muscles felt like melted pudding and they trembled under the least little exertion.

if not for the solid door behind her and Jax’s heavy weight in front of her, she would have trickled to the floor and laying there for at least a week.

Jax starred at her wondering where he got the strength, his hands caught her bûtt and held her in place while he crossed the room with three long strides.

he tumbled her onto the bed with a thud in the middle of the Silk covered mattress, she blinked and grunted while Jax settled his weight on top of her.

He heaved a rough sigh and buried his face in the crook of her neck his tongue lapping the salt from her skin with lazy strokes.

He rolled to the side, taking her lump body with him…

He knew he was rough on her and he couldn’t help it, he was fîghtîng his inner bêâst and fîghtîng for control over himself, it was just too much that he has to let his body take over while he fought his bêâst to stay calm.

If he had let the bêâst take over, the animal was gonna destroy her.

Jax pulled her tighter against him, kissing her hair before stroking her back up and down.

“Sorry,” he whispered

“I hâte you!” She murmured, her voice barely audible.

He sat up straighter, his elbow pressed against the bed for support. Jax stared at her closed eyes wondering if she meant what she said or not.

“You don’t mean that….”

“I do, I hâte you so much, you’re cruel and bad, I will bite off your ears and make soup with them,” she bashed her lashes cutely.

He removed a hair strand from her face, a lit smile touching his lips.

She has no idea what she had done to him, others came and go but she got him captived, she could kîll him cos he was at her mercy now.

How could she even hâte him?

“You don’t mean that,” he pecked her lips, thrilling to her cheeks before kissing her nose then her eyesleds….

“Jax who did you kîll?” She asked,

He quickly withdraw back and she opened her eyes to look at him.

In his emerald red eyes she saw the same flash of guilt and pain. It was impossible to tell cos it always flashes and go away

If you don’t look closely you won’t see it.

“No one….”

“Don’t lîê to me,” she cut him off sharply

“Don’t wanna talk about it,” his voice switched from gently to grumpy.

He didn’t want to go through that pain right now, that pain that had him suffering for years. Pain that tore and break him, pain that made him who he was today

He refused to go back to those days and think about it let alone saying it out. No!


“You don’t no nothing so let it be that way!!!” He snapped, he felt his inner bêâst howl in disapproval but he didn’t give a shît.

He said he wasn’t gonna talk about it and that is how it will be!

Trista was silent, she was already too weak to move but her curious was gathering things up.

“You come in here and say I was your mate and you fûçk me till my legs hurt and at the end I thought I meant something to you but turns out I’m just like others girls you fûçk on daily bases,” she said, then close her eyes.

She got him, what was the point of mating if they can’t stay true to each other? He might be hurting inside but she was his mate and if he doesn’t tell her so who will he tell?

Jax lick his lips.

“I….” He gulped emptiness, staring down at the bed before lifting his gaze to met hers.

“Forget it, you have fûçked me just like you wanted so just go,” she rolled her eyes, turning to the side

Now that pissed him off, what does she mean by that? She was more than just fûçk. She was his d@mn it!!

But then again she might hâte him too if she gets the clue of what he did, he didn’t want her to him. Everyone already does and he knows she only says word she doesn’t mean but hâting him for real?

He can’t leave with that!

“It’s not about the fûçk okay! Other women came and go and I slept with them cos it was the only thing that kept my raging bêâst calm. You have heard of my reputation and that’s because my inner bêâst love the female body and if I refuse, the bêâst will destroy me…”

“I bet it loves dead bodies too,” she scoffed “Who did you kîll Jaxon Black?”

“You’re pissing me off,” Jax went down the bed and shifted into a small red wolf and jump out through the window.



Trista haven’t checked her email or messages, she haven’t even been to the group chat to know the lasted.

She’d just been all by herself and moody, Diana didn’t fail to notice but each time she ask, Trista will just brush it off.

Diana was sipping coffee in the dining table while waiting for her to finish when she saw Trista descending the stairs, she didn’t look bright and she just knew something was wrong and she wish her baby with just say it.

Trista sat next to her but still didn’t say anything.

She’d trying not to remember Jax but is it possible to forget the Guy that took your vîrgînity and never call or text you?

She was a disappointed, if she tell her mother the woman is gonna throw a tantrum, her father had left them and now this? It’s been two days already and he haven’t called or anything.

She felt a warm hand enclosed hers on the table then she looked up to meet her mother’s gaze.

“You alright?” Diana asked softly.

“How did you meet my Dad?” Trista asked Instead, she didn’t know where that question was coming from but she already asked anyway

She could tell her mother’s eyelid twitched but it was just for a slight second.

Wow, she will give herself the credit of reading people’s reactions really fast.

“I emm… I met him through a friend’s friend,” Diana replied, taking a sip from her coffee then wrapped both hands around the coffee mug.

“How old were you?”

“I was young, very young and pretty and…”

“And he told you he loved you?” Trista cut in

Diana who was about to take another sip sat down her mug.

“No, I told him,” she replied simply.

“Cos he was nice to you?” Trista raised her brows


“So you didn’t care if he loved you back? You just did it with him cos of what you felt and not what he felt and then I came and he disappeared?” Trista asked That doesn’t make sense to her

“Well,” Diana crossed and uncrossed her legs, checking her wristwatch.

She needed this to end so she could get to work.

“I told him I liked him and he was nice to me and he said he liked me too, I didn’t know him too well. I only know his name was Jacob. We became close and we had sêx, when I learned about you, I told him but he suddenly disappeared, I never saw or heard of him again,” Diana Explained

She doesn’t know why her daughter was asking but I guess the girl deserve to know who her father is after all.

Trista has always taken interest in learning about her father’s favourite.

“So did you check with this friends friend…”

“As a Matter of fact I did, honey I was in junior high and carrying a baby, I needed the father to help me. When I ask his friend, I was told the name he gaze me never existed and that my friends disappeared too after a couple of days. Now would you mind telling me why you have been moody?” Diana asked the last part as a question after explaining.

She didn’t know how much Trista has discovered or whether to tell her daughter that her father was a strange man.

She’d discovered at the last minute and he disappeared, should she just tell her the reason she heals was cos her father wasn’t actually what she ‘Diana’ thought he was at first?

No, that will bring trouble, her daughter was a normal girl and nothing more, she might have been broken when he disappeared and the cops told her he was dêâd but couldn’t provide his body

While her family thought he ran away cos she was a minor and he was a grown âss man and that’s probably a felony considering he was 17 or maybe 18 at that time.

She just didn’t know and didn’t ask cos he was nice to her.

“Is that all you wanted?” Diana asked softly.

Trista gulped emptiness then lowered her head, she lifted her gaze to met her mother’s then she opened her mouth but no words came out.

Diana was silent, just studying her.

“Mom, I had sêx on Saturday,” Trista said with her eyes closed tightly, hands clutched tight by her side

By the time she opened them again her mother was just staring at her, her expression blank.

Okay, the woman was freaking her out, was that bad? She knew it was bad. They’d agreed to wait until after marriage that’s after she’s done with school, but now she did it

Oh, gwad! She’s such a disappointed isn’t she?

“Mom,” she called softly

Diana still didn’t say a word, she just sat there staring at her.

Trista stood up, pacing to the stairs and back.

“Say something!!” She shouted, her face turning blue

Okay, maybe she never liked it when her mother is going on about her day and all that, but she needed the woman to say a fûçking word right now.

Fûçk her! She was fûçkêrson!!! Fûçkêry fûçkêrson!!! Trista Jacob is a fûçkêrson who’s end up like her mother, get knocked up

The only difference is that she’s not pregnant but Jax has disappeared just like her Dad did.

“I knew you were gonna be mad, I’m such an idiot, I shouldn’t have told you…”

“No! No! No! Who said that? Who said you shouldn’t tell me? Him? And by the way him who?” Diana suddenly screamed, cutting her off.

“It’s just me saying it,”

“Oh baby, don’t say that, we don’t hide things in this house….”

“But you’re not saying anything and it’s freaking me out, I Know you’re gonna get mad and I’m a bad child but I couldn’t help it and… Mom….,” she wipe the tears that came rolling down her cheeks.

“Say something please,”

Diana exhale

“I was just processing it….”

“Well then hence the urgency!”

“Okay, okay!” Diana raised both hands

Trista nodded awkwardly and settled back down.

“Did he use protection?” That was the only word the woman could find useful at that moment.

Safety was all that matters.

“Emm…” Trista’s eyes rotated in her head


“Get in the car now!!”

“That is an order!!” She took her coffee mug, walking over to the couch where she took her suit jacket.

The doorbell ranged and Trista glanced over at her mother who shrugged as though she wasn’t expecting so Trista walked over and opened the door without asking who it was.

She frown her brows at the person standing on their doorstep.

“Excuse me who are you?” She asked, still holding the doorknob

Maybe the person got the wrong address and ended up in their house.

When she didn’t get a response she Wave her hand over the person face but the shattering glass behind her made her turn swiftly only to see her mother frozen in place.



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