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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE WRONG ALPHA – Episode 31 & 32

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🎩The Wrong Alpha 🔞


(…For Her Sake)

THEME: Big Bad Wolf!

BY Rosy Johnson.





She just stood there as though she was tuck between running far away and going into the room….

“J… Jax?” She called shocked to the bone.

What exactly happened to him? Did he kîll someone else? What’s going on? Where he trapped in a burning house?

She needed answers.

“Yeah, it’s me,” he replied.

there was no sense of humor in his voice, not even a little bit.

“what’s going on? What happened to you? Did you kîll someone?” She asked, watching him closely

She noticed his eyesleds twitched but it was for a brief moment.

Jax titled his head to the side without saying a word, recalling how those fire burnt him with Ty and others laughing at him as though he was a comedian.

He didn’t know how Isaac did it, or maybe because it was his motherland and they can’t kîll him.

All he knew was that his father together with Isaac and others came later this morning when the fire has dîêd down. He was so weak and tired, barely able to move his head.

“Release him,” was all he heard and the voice was none other than that of his father’s.

It’s obvious the man with continue to resnet him till his last breath.

“What happened?” Trista asked, cutting into his thoughts.

She was curious and he saw her curiosity in her eyes, he hadn’t mean to come over her but does he have a choice? He needed her to regain his lost strength and heal faster.

“I need help, I’m sure you can help me,” he shifted closer.

Her leg which was Stu inside the door was now outside when she took another step backwards.

Oh, gwad! Oh, gwad! Oh, gwad, where was her fearlessness? Had it gone out through the window?

Then again he was covered with fire burn, he looked like a half done barbecue.

“Jax…” She thrilled off when he stopped in front of her.

The only thing separating them was the doorway, she was outside while he was still inside.

Trista gulped emptiness, trying to find her voice. She wasn’t weak, she’d seen people dîê in their previous apartment, he can’t possibly take her life or will he?

That part of her that wanted him so much pushed and pushed, urging her to just go in there already but the other part with doubt and fears won’t let her.

“Jax heard you kîllêd someone, who was it and what happened to you?” She threw bunch of questions at him.

She saw a glimpse of guilt and pain in his eyes, the same look she’d seen the day he brought her home but this time it was quick gone.

He took a step forward so she quickly pushed her hand forward as if protesting.

“Stay back…”

“Can’t stay back, it’s time to mate,” he grunts, lust flashing in his emerald red eyes and she swear it lit up the room.

“Jax, did you kîll someone? I need answers, Someone,”

His eyes lit up but dîêd down again. There was something about him but she just couldn’t figure out what it was.

She knew he was hiding something but she just didn’t know what it was.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he cut her off, still not touching her.

Trista wasn’t just gonna take that, she didn’t forget the fact Ty called him a murdêrêr and he showed up at her place covered in burns and smelling like smoke

There is something he’s definitely not telling her and she needed to know so she folded her hand around her chest.

Jax took a step back as if retreating so she used that opportunity to come fully into the room, closing the door just a little bit.

“Someone called me Luna earlier and Ava said you out her up to something so explain yourself,” she said seriously, her eyes not leaving his.

Jax took in a deep breath, was it Bianca or Ava that has the blabber mouth?

He wasn’t sure but will find out once he mate her.

“As you already know I’m a werewolf and you’re my mate….”

“I didn’t say that, we don’t even like each other,” she objected instantly.

was he insane?

“You do not have a choice, you’re my mate….”

“Hey, I have the right to choose who I want to spend the rest of my life with and it can’t possibly be you and just cos you came in here all covered with fire burns doesn’t make you my….” She thrilled off as he appeared in front of her in a lightening speed.

How did he move so fast?

Trista gulped emptiness, the closeness was making her stomach twitching.

It’s not everyday that you have someone like him, a handsome playboy in your room while you have never in your life attract a normal guy.

He was hot, super hot and all of a sudden she wanted to feel his body.

She took a deep breath and slid her hand down his chest over his taut abs and down over the bolds beneath his lower abs until he went absolutely still, intense before her.

He pulled her closer to him, kicking the door shut with his feet. She scrambled backward, trying to put some distance between them.

the difference between fantasizing about something and actually doing it had just hit home for her with a sledgehammer.

Jax stalked after her, his chin lowered and canted forward in a predatory posture, his powerful body Moving lively and an exorably toward her.

he looked tight and coiled like a cat ready to pounce or a wolf ready to leap to the kîll. The expression in his glowing reddish eyes made her feel a lot like lunch or maybe a midnight snack.

“Jax, I think we need to talk about this and many other things,” she kept her eyes on him, afraid to blink when he had that look of intent etched across his angular features.

“No talking!” he growled.

his voice had lowered, becoming even rougher and deeper than she remembered.

like honey coated gravel!



Fredrick walked into the room, both hands in his trousers, he settled down in one of the couchs.

After laying on it, Fredrick rested his head on his jaw in thoughts.

Trista might have been human but he saw her trying to lift the blade, humans have never seen it…wait, does that mean she saw it?

Is she an obstacle? Should he just take her out of the way?

He pulled out his phone, making a quick phone call, the person on the other end picked up instantly.

“I sent you a picture, look into the girls profile and tell me everything about her,” he said, ending the call.

He needs to know if he’s to take her out or leave her.

Isaac came downstairs but walk right past him.

“Hey, Isaac wait!!” He sat up.

Isaac paused, glancing back at him.

“I don’t have much time…”

“It won’t take time, just keep Ava out of my way cos I might just wound her one of those days,” he warned seriously

Isaac glared at him from head to toe, was the guy high on drugs? Did he actually mean him? As in Fredrick dealing with Ava? This Fredrick or there was another one?

He will just wait for that day to come.

“I’m kinda busy right now,” Isaac walked out, meeting Ryan and Fredrick by the door, they exchange unfriendly glances but said nothing to each other.

It’s been the guy that went to scramble through their law and all, getting Jax released. If it wasn’t for his research Jax would still be under Ty’s grip and Ty wasn’t happy at all.

“What’s he doing here? Where is the bastard?” Ty asked, finally getting to Fredrick who smirked evilly

“I think the human girl is your mate and Jax knows about it, that’s why he’s trying to fûçk her first….”



Betty, Jade and Ruby was already in front of the supermarket waiting for Trista whom they have been calling but she’s not picking their calls

“Do you think she will come?” Betty asked, faking a smile to hide her other plans.

“She said she would when I asked her yesterday,” Jade replied.

“Maybe we should just go in, she will meet us in here,” Jade suggested, she ran her hand through her hair as if removing a hair strand.

He’d been trying to find the perfect time to tell Ruby about Isaac but Betty was always around

They made their way Into the supermarket and that was exactly when Jezebel and Maria came out.

A devilish smirk appeared on Jezebels face immediately she saw Ruby with Betty and Jade.

“Hello sister,” Jade Wave but Jezebel rolled her eyes.

Ruby’s eyes widened as she stared from Jezebel to Jade, they were nothing alike.

Jezebel was another version of herself in the bible while Jade was loving and caring. Even Betty was shocked.

“You two are sisters?” Betty asked, eyes wide.

“No and why do you care? You do that ask useless questions to prove that you’re useless,” Jezebel shoved her out of the way.

Betty staggered away and Jezebel hissed as she walked passed.

Ruby and Betty glared at Jade as if telling her to explain.

“She’s my little sister. We are twins actually but not identical,” Jade replied, she stared back.



“Too late for talking, time to mate,” Jax grunted

Trista almost tripped over her own feet when she stepped off the edge of the carpet and met the bear wood floor where it disappeared beneath the door.

Jax surge forward and pinned her against the unyielding wooden surface.

Trista yelped, her purse flew into a dark Corner, she tried to pull back but caught between Jax’s stony muscles and the closed hardwood door

Jax leaned forward and buried his face in her neck, his late night stubble rasping against her skin, his hot breath scalded her and the feel of his mouth against her flesh made her shiver.

when his lips parted and his teeth closed delicately over the tendon that ran from neck to shoulder, her shiver turned into a shudder and her panting turned into a whimper.

his rough tongue rasped her skin and he groaned

“the way you taste,” he growled again, his hands gripping her and pulling her tight against an erection as surprising as it was intimidating.

Restless fingers needed her hips.

“So sweet, so hot, want more!!”

“Oh gwad!” Trista’s head dropped back without her permission, bearing her throat to Jax’s hungry mouth.

her brain was telling her to scream, to run! to turn the d@mn doorknob and get the hêll out of there, but her hormones were telling her to stay, to beg, to wrap her legs around his waist and hold on for the Ride.

She didn’t know what to do? His touchs felt so good, so wonderful she didn’t want him to stop touching her

But then again if she let him then it will lead to sêx and she didn’t want to have sêx now…

she stood frozen against the door, trembling and panting, she felt an embarrassing dampness soaking through the thin cotton of her P@ŋtîēṣ.

“Mine, smell so good,” Jax grunted, nuzzling around her neck.

he ran his tongue up the soft white Curve and her muscles spasmed in a convulsive swallow…

With every word, his voice became more gutteral until she could barely understand what he was saying.

was he speaking English or some lupine language made up of rumbles and snarls, but in spite of herself, she understood the feel of his hands and his hardness, his hot hungry mouth.

his weight pinned her lower body to the door freeing his hands to explore her, she felt one glide over her ribs and clothes around her brêâst, roughly squeezing the soft mound. the other reached up to tangle in her hair angling her head for his convenience before he swoop down and claimed her mouth in a kiss.

he ate at her, nibbling and tugging and sucking on her lips until they parted then licking and teasing and taunting until they opened wider, his tongue plunged deep and took her.

“Jax!!” She Mõ@ɲed and he stole the sound and swallowed it, taking it into himself as he forced himself inside her.

Wanting to taste her all over.

truthfully she didn’t require much force, all Jax had to do was flick his tongue against the roof of her mouth and she opened wide and begged his tongue to enter her.

he th-ru_sted deep, over and over, in and out, in the primal rhythms of sêx, it drove her crazy.

the way he seemed determined to taste every inch of her mouth without allowing her to do the same.

she dreamed of this so many times and in all of those dreams her favorite part had been when she’d gotten to touch and taste him for herself.

if he was going to pleasure her to dêâth she intended to enjoy as much of the experience as she could. using one hand to tug at his creamy hair, she dislodged his mouth from one brêâst just long enough to guide it to the other.

he greeted her neglected nîpplè with a quick nip and a soothing pass of his rough velvet tongue before sûcking it deep into his mouth while widening her legs and teasing her entrance before gliding in a finger.

“Oh gwad!” She Mõ@ɲed, her head thrown backwards as she welcome ecstasy.

Trista felt every draw like a pulse between her legs, she knew Jax could feel it too when he began timing the th-ru_sts of his fingers to the clenching of her inner muscles..

Gwad! he was trying to kîll her, and she was desperate to feel more of him inside her.

she slid one hand down between their bodies, the soft heat of her palm met his busy fingers between her legs, ringing from him a soft growl, one that morphed into a breathless curse when her fingers closed carefully around his eager erection.

“Ohhhh..” Trista echoed the sound with a murmur of satisfaction, squeezing his thick shaft and savoring the smooth texture of his skin and the heavy solid feel of his arousal.

her fingers couldn’t quite close around him because her hands were very small and Jax was very huge, he filled her palm to overflowing and she wanted to know if he would fill her body the same way.

She drew her hand away with the intent of finding out but Jax punished her desertion with a sharp knit to her brêâst and a deep twisting th-ru_st of his fingers inside her…

“Jax!!! Oh mine!” She cried out and bucked against him.

Jax entire bodies stiffened and he pulled his mouth and hands away from her heated flesh, grasping her hips and shaking her until her eyes met his.

“I’m taking you now,” he bit out and the harsh spare urgency in his voice made her shutter

he lifted her hips higher until his erection parted her swollen flesh and pressed firmly against her entrance.

Trista saw the Savage need in his eyes and felt a wash of excitement instead of the fear she had half expected.

panting, she nodded with uneven jerky motions and pressed her forehead to his

“Take me, make me yours,” she whispered breathlessly, caressing his back as if trying to find his wound.

They one she’d forgotten the whole time.

His body has already healed and she was too distracted with their make out section that she didn’t notice.

But that wasn’t important right now, he wants to pleasure her and she’d gladly dîê a happy woman if he pleasured her to dêâth.

Jax’s fingers bit hard into her hips, lifted her briefly above him and then slammed her weight down to meet his viólent th-ru_st, his thick length tunnelled endlessly into her, forcing her muscles to stretch wide to accommodate his girth.

She gasped

Sensations overwhelmed her, she couldn’t decide if they consisted mainly of pleasure or pain but in this moment it didn’t matter, all that mattered was that he was inside her, th-ru_sting hard and trying to fit…

She felt a sizzling pain as he finally penetrated her with a viólent th-ru_st that hard her gasping painfully, hot and deep until he groaned to a halt, nudging roughly at her cërv|x.

She opened her mouth to scream but he swallowed her cries by closing his mouth over hers.

Jax waited and she gasped into his mouth, her mind whirling and her body protesting.

She needed a minute… just a minute to catch up with him, to adjust to his penetration and the unsettling feeling that something within her had changed the instant their bodies were joined.

Raising her hands against his shoulders, Trista fought hard to regain her breathe, her equilibrium, her identity.

she felt like her entire self had boiled down to the rippling glass of her body wrapped snugly around his.

She felt him began to move again…

“Wait!! Please!!” She begged with teary eyes.

though her eyelids had turned to heavy weights, she struggled to meet his gaze, to maintain that connection to reality, when everything around her had gone topsy-turvy in the dim light of her bedroom.

It was too much, she needed a break, she can’t take him, he was too much to what she’d expected…no she can’t!

Meanwhile Jax was finding it hard to breathe, the air was filled with her sweet, Rich Vanilla scent, It was intoxicating. He felt as though he was drinking in her scent instead of sniffing her.

She was all over the room and he bet within him that any of his kind outside the building must have perceived her.

It was just too much, she exploded like a time bômb.

He felt his animal leaped forward triumphantly, urging him to give way so the bêâst could mate her, claim her, take her over again, again until she begged him to stop

Except she was already begging even though they haven’t even started. He began the brûtal th-ru_st and she open her mouth to scream but he clasped his lips over hers, swallowing her pain and pleasure.

it was as if he’d swallowed her Joy.

“Please wait….”

His eyes flashed with an eerie glow, a glow that haunted her, a glow that she feared cos it promised so much unspoken words

“Too late!” He growled, th-ru_sting mercilessly inside her again, he felt her pûssy walls shock at the viôlênce, brûtal!!!



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