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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE WRONG ALPHA – Episode 17 & 18

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🎩The Wrong Alpha 🔞


(…For Her Sake)

THEME: Big Bad Wolf!

BY Rosy Johnson.




Eyes wide, and jaw dropped, nearly touching the ground as the person watched him, shocked to the core.

Jax was more than exposed, he didn’t know if he should be bitter or sad. She was the least of them all.

Trista on the other hand, didn’t say a single word, if shock was a person than its definitely her.

She just watched a werewolf shift right before her eyes, never in a million years will she believe that they were real if someone had told her about them.

Then again was this really real? Jax…. the boy she hâtêd just shifted to a giant werewolf! No, it can’t be real. She must be dreaming right?

“The fûçk you doing here?!” Jax snapped, his red eyes boring directly at her soul as if to rip life out of her. By Rosy Johnson

He didn’t know why his Beast was suddenly calm like a good boy, it was raging a few minutes ago but now it was surprisingly calm, it even allowed him to shift back just his head so he could speak.

He didn’t battle with it which was strange cos his beast is not a gentle being.

What was she?

“You better go outside and check before lashing out at me, as if you didn’t see me here first before barging in!!” Trista fired back, now pissed at him.

What does he think he was? The prince of Asia? She was in here doing her business when he just barged in breaking the lock and now he’s asking her irrelevant question. Didn’t he see her here when he came in? What sort of question was that?

And here she was thinking of how to thank him for saving her yesterday, what a Jackâss!

Jax glanced around, he wasn’t quite convinced so he downsized himself.

The process went smoothly and easily for him on like before.

Slowly he peeped outside, his gaze met with the sigh on the door so he quickly closed it back, leaning on it.

f-__-k it! He’d wanted to go into the male restroom, was he so blinded with tears that he didn’t see or check where he was going? An apology can make this right won’t it?

He won’t apologize anything!

By Rosy Johnson

But then again she was the only one that could tame the raging beast, it has happened before and now again. At fist he thought maybe his beast wanted to give him space but now he know his animal is always calm whenever she’s around but what he doesn’t know is what it was with her….

How was she connected to his beast? Goddess wasn’t f-__-king around when she punished him and he has suffered for centuries, accepting his fate just the way it is only for this one human to change everything

“Let me pass,” Trista said, shoving at him

She was supposed to be scared of him, she was supposed to tremble at his feet. He just shifted from a human to a beast right before her very eyes and she wasn’t even affected.

“I won’t do that,” Jax said, still standing by the door.

In a blink of colorful lights he shifted back into a man

“I see you’re done mourning,” she said

He swung his face to her face. How could she say that to him? Right! He’d cried when he came in.

Jax tried to keep his cool, if he wanted to have her around then he has to tame her so she could tame his beast and help him gain back control.

“you won’t tell anyone what you saw…”

“Sorry, my mom already knows,” she replied, cutting him off.

“I said you can’t tell someone!” jax grabbed her shoulders, his voice firm and serious as he stared her directly in the eyes.

He’d expected her to cower before him but she stood her ground, strange!

“I don’t keep things from my mother and she don’t keep things from me too. I will tell her what happened in here today and I can assure you that it will stay between the three of us,” she replied, slowly removing his hand from her shoulder. By Rosy Johnson!

“You don’t understand do you?” he asked and she raised her brows.

“Make me,”

“If your mother get’s any knowledge about us then I will be forced to take her down…”

“You will not harm her!!” she retorted, pushing him backwards. His back hit the door behind them.

Jax smirked.

“Better not tell her what happened here today and for the record, since you have seen me it means will we will do things together till am certain that you won’t gossip about my secrets….”

“I’m not saying with you if that’s what you’re insinuating,” she cut in.

Jax chuckled.

He just wanted her near but there’s no way he’s going to tell her that, his beast wanted her not him so he will simply use strategy and bring her around.

“You don’t have to come around, I will come but what I’m saying is that in case you’re doing wh@ťěver you so just know that someone is watching and that person is meeeeee!” he shifted out of the way, smirking at her as he said those words.

She did nothing wrong and he knows it but his entire pack was at risk just by her knowing what he was, if anyone gets a knowledge about them the humans will come for them.

She stood there staring at him, does he really think she was gonna bend to his rules? Obey his commands? He must be out of his mind! If he needed an obedient servant then he should get a dog cos there’s no way Trista Jacob will sell her freedom and bind with someone who invade her privacy and instead of apologizing he’s trying to intimidate her.

“You must think I’m very stupid, well then you’re welcome,” she began walking out but he ran after her.

“Do we have a deal here?” Jax asked, following her behind but she completely ignored him and walked out.

She met Jade and Ruby outside the door.

“What took you so long? It’s already sports time,” Jade asked, glaring back when the door opened agan and Jax walked out.

Both Ruby and Jade’s eyes widened and Jade slapped Trista playfully on her arm. By Rosy Johnson.

“Girl,” she teased.

“It’s not what you think,” Trista quickly shouted, her voice wasn’t clear.

She was still mad at Jax for thinking he could treat her just anyhow he pleased even after invading her privacy too many times. She hâtêd him this time around, he should just go and dîê.



Ty’s fist has already peeled off as he kept punching the wall.

He shifted back again, coming forward he punched the hard wall but it was as if he hit a brick. He heard his own bones shatters and pain rippled through him.

“Argh!! f-__-k!!” He cursed out in pain, stroking his right fist with the left one while waiting for it to heal.

Right from the first day he was made the alpha instead of Jax, he has been trying to get the blade but no matter how hard he punched the f-__-king wall nothing will happen.

The blade was just glued to the wall, it’s not like it was buried in it. In the eyes of humans it looked like a drawing but in any shifter’s eyes they could tell that it was the alpha blade

“YAAAAAAAH!!!” Ty punched the wall again infuriated but nothing happened.

“Rage is not your friend if you’re trying to get something that has been held by goddess herself,” the same person that came with him the last time said, but he wasn’t listening.

All he wanted was to get this over with, to end all this once and for all so he could go and claim trista… fûçk her and end Jax.

How dare that little shît? Just cos he has been so easy on him now made Jax challenge him, he was nothing! A piece of shît that’s exactly what Jax was and yet he has the audacity to speak to him in such manner

Ty punched the wall over and over again, unable to help himself, he was about punching it again when Ryan grabbed him from behind, pulling him away.

“You can’t be like this cos of a girl,” the same person said again.

“You now nothing!!” Ty spats, his hand on his waist as he paced back and forth enraged. “I know what to do,” he began waking away

By Rosy Johnson

The person glanced at Fredrick and Ryan who’s still around.

“Call me whenever he’s ready to try again,”



“I just saw Ruby walking in with that girl,” Maria delivered, she dropped her phone on the sink counter, washing her hand in the sink.

“She did,” the restroom door opened and Jezebel walked out.

“Yeah, gosh! I so much detaste that girl, I feel like kîllîng her,” Maria made a face.

“And that is what we should do, Get me Ruby after class, I need to teach her a lesson, seems like that one I did to her was little and give Betty a dollar bill,” Jezebel smirked dangerously, she washed her face, getting ready to put on her makeup when the next restroom door opened and Ava walked out.

Her face stone cold, her eyes lashes coated black, her hair black and green with a back jacket, giving her that ki||er vibe.

She didn’t bother to wash her hand as she walked out of the restroom.



Trista could be seen with Jade and Betty.

She saw Jax walking in stylishly and all the girls were going wild over him.

she rolled her eyes then hissed.

“Isn’t he so cute?” Betty asked by her left side. Her cheeks red like tomatoes.

“He is but he’s a fûçk boy, I will advice you to stay away from him,” Jade shrugged. Her gaze met Isaac but he wasn’t even looking at her so she sighed.

“Trista are you two dating?” Betty asked, tugging Trista’s dress. By Rosy Johnson.

“No and why would I date him?” She glared.

“Good, cos I want you to help me ask him out, have always had a huge crush on him,” Betty gushed, clapping hands together as if begging.

Trista was silent, deep down she was mad that Betty could ask her to do that, but then why was she mad? He wasn’t her boyfriend and he can fûçk anyone he wish so why did she care?

She frowned deeply.

Right, she didn’t care, she’s simple mad cos of what happened between them in the restroom.

She tried to convince herself.

She’d already accepted her fate but then Jezebel stepped out of the crowd, hugging Jax and pecking his lips.

Trista turned around and began walking away.

“Stûpîd idîot, he thinks he’s some God of Egypt or Demi-god,” she grumbled, walking away without destination.

“Gush, I hâte him so much!” She stormed her foot against the floor furiously.

All this while, Jade and Betty was calling her but she was lost in her own head.

She was mad but couldn’t pin point why she was mad…

She found her way to the rooftop, staring down at the city below. Both hands resting on the rails


She paused on her thought immediately after hearing her name then looked around but she didn’t see anyone, how strange!

She focus on what she was doing, trying to calm herself when she heard her name again, louder this time. By Rosy Johnson.

Trista swiftly turned, missing her step but a hand cycled around her waist, pulling her against a heard chest.

The sweet scent of jasmine hit her nostrils and she inhaled deeply.

“What are you doing out here?” She heard Jax voice, as if getting back to her sense, she pushed him away then adjust herself.

“You what are you doing here?” She folded her hand around her chest, squeezing up her face.

“The match is about to start, you might wanna come with me,” he said

He’d seen when she left the field. Though he couldn’t really tell why she left and choose to come here but he could tell that his beast was irritated by Jezebels kiss.

Why can’t the fûçking animal let him be? Right! He needed this one.

“Wh@ťěver,” Trista began walking away, crossing the Alpha blade she noticed it shine brightly, so bright that she wanted to touch

The drawing was beautiful, more than anything she has ever seen in the museum.

Now she was curious…..

Jax grabbed her wrist, pulling her with him.

She kept struggling and screaming, demanding that he released her but he didn’t give in to her demand.

They got to the sports Field and others was already with their partners.

Jezebel was Betty’s partner while Rubby was Jade’s partner. Isaac was Maria’s partner with so many others she didn’t know.

“Let go of me,” Trista finally snatched her hand from him, folding them around her chest.

“Listen, I’m trying to playing this game and win us a pedal so don’t fûçk with it…”

“Why not go fûçk with those girls you were busy kissing,” she rolled her eyes.

Jax smirked, she was jealous…. So she left cos Jezebel pecked him. But they aren’t even a things….

His beast howled with a warning tone, telling him to watch his tone so but Jax scoffed.

“You were jealous weren’t you,” he asked, teasing her.

“And why should I be? Ha! You that climbs everything with hole, have heard so much about you that I’m feed up and it even add to my resentment for you,” she rolled her eyes

Jax didn’t know what to say again.

“Will go warm up, hold my Jacket,” he said and took off his jacket, hanging it around her neck since she refused to take it.

She rolled her eyes.

Minutes after he left she glanced at the jacket, Unable to help herself Trista sniffed his jacket than close her eyes.

“Is this body scent or perfume? Nice,” she complimented, sniffing it again but another hand snatched the jacket from her

She glanced up only to see Ava staring daggers at her. By Rosy Johnson.

It’s obvious the girl wanted more from where the last one came from, she haven’t had enough.

“How dare you touch Jax’s jacket? Are you planning to stêâl it?” Ava snapped.

Gosh she hâte this human more than anything you can ever imagine, Jax was close to being hers but this human came and ruin everything.

“I’m asking you what are you doing with his Jacket? thîêf!!” Ava asked again, pushing Trista’s chest backwards.

Trista Scoffed

Some people just don’t know when to give up do she?

“Answer me thîêf!!” Ava raise her hand to smack her hard across the face but a deep strong voice echoed through the field.

Stopping everyone from what they were doing and focusing all their attention on the voice and to whom it was directed to.

The strength behind the spoken words was one no one wanted to mess with, it was so strong and powerful, leaving zero room for argument and commands everyone’s presence

Ava couldn’t move, couldn’t bring her hand down

“I Dare you to do what’s on your mind! What are you waiting for? Show us what’s on your mind!!!……”



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