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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE WRONG ALPHA – Episode 13 & 14

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🎩The Wrong Alpha 🔞


(…For Her Sake)

THEME: Big Bad Wolf!

BY Rosy Johnson.



Have decided to turn a blind eye on the low requirements, complete my requirements if you want tomorrow’s episode!



Trista returned to the spot she left Ruby but no one was there, she glanced around wondering why Ruby had walked off like that. She’d accepted the offer when she told her about the jacket so why did she leave without taking it?

She shrugged still clutching unto the jacket as she made her way into the building. Smokes from boys and girls lingered in the air as she tired to find her way.

Someone suddenly bumped into her and she staggered but the person was fast to hold her before she could hit the ground.

“Sorry,” the guy said like a gently man, she flashes a smile

“It’s okay,” she replied and continue her walk

The whole place was so crowed that she found it hard locating her friends, she’s not really the party girl.

Disadvantage of having a mom who can’t keep a job and is always moving from one city to the other.

No friends, no parties

“Hey, you came,” Betty said, smiling brightly.

Trista’s face bimmed brightly as she spread her arms, welcoming Betty in a friendly hug.

finally she found someone she knows.

“Where is Jade? This place is so hug and crowded,” Trista said, scanning the whole place with her eye

“We have been waiting? What took you so long?” Betty replied, she took a drink from a guy passing by then handed it to Trista but she shoved it back, a smile on her face.

“I promise my mom I won’t drink,” she said, still maintaining the smile on her face.

“Come on, it’s just a shot,”

“No, I don’t like breaking promises,” she shook her head negatively

Betty reluctantly dropped the drink on a table, faking a smile.

She just didn’t like how Trista made everything about her mom, like she’s the only one who has a mother! Mom’s girl.

“So, why are you late?” Betty asked, trying to quench the awkward silence

“Oh, Jax came by,” Trista replied simply

Betty’s eyes flashed with jealousy but she quickly replaced it with a fake smile

“He did? Are you two dating now?” she asked

Trista waved a dismissive hand.

“No way, he just came cos of our project together and he even dropped me off,” Trista looked around the passageway.

They are currently leaving the party hall which confused her, Jade had invited her to this party and Betty is taking her to a different direction, why is that?

“He did? That’s so sweet of him,” Betty gushed

“Where is this place?” Trista couldn’t help but asked

It was getting dark in this side of the building and there weren’t much people around, it was mostly boys and girls fûçking by the corner while some was smoking.

“Oh, Jade asked me to bring you here,” Betty replied

Trista was silent, following her behind. Betty opened a door then gestured for Trista to go in and she did, before Betty could enter a guy called her from the hallway so she stopped to know who it was.

“Jade,” Trista called, walking fully into the room, it was dark except for the light coming from the candle lights neatly placed on the table. There was a king size bed dominating the whole room, curtains by the window and a flower pot near the door.

Trista was still admiring the beauty of the room when the door suddenly closed, she swiftly turned, meeting six strange men she’d never seen before.



Jezebel returned to the room, scanning Ruby’s currently condition with her eyes then a cruel smirk appeared on her lips

“I tried to warn you,” she said, her voice holding no hint of emotions at all.

She walked over to the bed, staring at her friend who’s stank naked, her body filled with red marks and cûm

“If you want to keep being my friend that means my enemies are gonna be your enemies,” she said, she lowered herself to the size of the bed then scoop some spêrm into her palm, licking it off her hand.

“Uhhh, this taste good and is good for the health,” she scooped another one, licking it off too.

“Get up and freshen up, a new dress will be brought to you soon,” Jezebel added, she stood and walked out of the room

Ruby didn’t move, didn’t speak, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Jezebel was her friend, how could she do this to her? Memories of what does boys did to her, how they ripped her dress apart, touching her all over as if she was a general meal placed on a tray for everyone to have their taste.

She glanced down at her chest, her nîpplês were reddish, her thigh filled with red marks, her lips was still swollen from their forceful kisses.

She needs to make a decision.



“Hey, Betty where is Trista?” Jade asked, walking over to her just as she came out from the direction of the other building.

Betty froze for just a brief moment, she quickly rocovered, putting a hug smile on her face.

“You haven’t seen her?” she asked, eyes wide and the smile disappearing.

Jade glanced at her.

“No, you told me you were gonna find her and bring her over to me and the others,” Jade looked back to where two other girls where seated.

“Oh my god, I was with her but then she said Jax called her and asked me to wait for a few moment,” Betty lied

“We better look for her,” Jade began walking away but Betty pulled her back.

Jade raised her brows in confusion, if Trista was in trouble they should be looking for her and alert security so why is Betty stopping her.

“I think she’s with Jax, they are having a good time together and wouldn’t want to be bothered,” Betty said

Jade glanced at her not yet convinced.

“Oh, come on, you know how all these things works, we are teenagers with needs,” Betty added, Jade nodded as if getting it all together.

“You’re right, let’s get going the others are waiting,”



“I’m warning you, don’t come any closer,” Trista said, shifting backwards.

The boys exchanged glances, bursting out into a historical laughter.

“Chill Mommy’s girl, no one is coming to save you,” the one who looks like their leader said, he reached to grab her hand but she flinched away. Her heart pounding in her chest.

At this moment she wished cute puppy could come and pull their hair and then bite them so they could leave her alone. She didn’t want to image what they had in store for her, it will be terrible.

How could they be laughing at her as if she was some kind of toy they are playing with?

“I mean it, don’t come any closer!” Trista screamed when another person grasped her hand, she snatched her hand away, running to the other end of the room and the boys laughed.

She was supposed to meet her friends here, she’s supposed to be with Betty and Jade so where did Betty go? Oh, Betty place come quick.

She said a little prayer in her mind, she’d heard of råpe but have never experience it and she wasn’t ready to…..

“Come here,” one of the boys finally got to her and grabbed her hand, pulling her forcefully to him, she felt his hard cøçk through the fabric of his trouser and fear rushed into her in a wave of heat.

In a quest of desperation, she reached for the candle standing on a table near them, grabbing it with her left hand then dropped it on the floor just near the curtains and before they could know it


“Fûçk! shît!” the one who was holding her quickly let go of her.

Others ran forwards as they tried to take quench the fire, another guy came over with a bucket of water he got from the bathroom, pouring it all over the floor

“Why did you have to do that?” the one who happens to be their leader asked, glaring back but Trista wasn’t in the room with them anymore.

All they’d wanted to do was have fun, she was gonna enjoy it too. Everyone was gonna get what they desire but she ruined everything, what a sick psychopath.

“Get her!!” he ordered.

Two of his boys rushed out instantly, Trista was already at the far end when she heard footsteps approaching, hot and fast, her heartbeat doubled,

“Oh, my cute puppy please save me,” she mumbled, running as fast as her legs could carry her.

She didn’t know why she wanted the puppy but she just did, maybe it was because of what he’d done to Ty that made her have faith in him, she just wanted her cute little puppy to be her hero

“Over there!” she heard her captors voice from behind and increased her pace

Trista took a turn but a hand suddenly dragged her into an unknown room and shut the door behind, clasping large palms over her mouth with their body pressed together. She began struggling with the person but his grip was iron tight.



“You don’t go around harassing people Ava, you don’t do that,” Jax said from the driver’s side.

Isaac just finished narrating what happened between Ava and Trista hoping Jax would go and clear her memories from that event.

“I didn’t, I simply asked her where you were and she refused to say anything…”

“And your hand went to her neck,” Isaac said, it was so clear that he was still pissed at her.

“So, what if I tried to teach her a little lesson? she should know her place and how to stay away from other people’s property,” she rolled her eyes.

“I am not your property and stay away from my affairs, I won’t say it again Ava,” Jax rough tone came on almost immediately.

Ouch, that hurts. Ava couldn’t believe he was taking that humans side instead of hers, she has been with him from the beginning and this was how he repay her.

This is all Trista’s fault!

“I was just looking out for you…”

“You’re not my mother so stop it! I won’t be so nice next time,” Jax finally get off the car

His target just went into the restaurant five feet away.

“I believe you get what you wanted now? This is just a warning and next time might be punishment,” Isaac said, also getting off the car.

Ava rolled her eyes, there is nothing they will do for her to stay away from Jax and let a common human have him, the human might be the one to tame his raging beast but that wasn’t in anyway her business. She came first, she has always been there for him through thick and thin and yet he never run to her in time of need.

Just cos she’s a low rank shifter don’t make the human higher than her. If Jax isn’t going to look at her like a woman then she’s going to take that human out of the picture, she can’t suffer all these years just for a human to take what belongs to her.

“ I believe you now why he’s called the big bad wolf, he don’t just waste his offenders, he goes for generations and clears the lineage,” Isaac said as if reading her thoughts.

He began walking over to Jax, ready to capture their target and deal with the fûçking guy, how dare Zach attack Jax? Who gave the stupid order?



“Hey, hey it’s me Ty,” Ty said, wishing Trista could calm down and luckily she did, just after hearing his voice.

“Ty,” she called, her voice coated with relief.

”Yeah, it’s me. I want to help you cos I figure you needed help,” he said, removing his hand from her mouth.

Trista bashed her lashes in the darkness, he was her saviour, her super hero and she was busy calling the cute puppy. Animals don’t really make good hero’s, do they?

She held her chest as she tried to catch her breath, what would have happened if those boys had their way with her? She didn’t want to imagine….

“I wan to fûçk you,” Ty suddenly said when he felt she should have rested enough, Trista swung her gaze to his face shocked at the out bust.

The moonlight coming in through the window illuminating the whole room.

she didn’t hear him correctly, she might be hearing things after experiencing that from those boys, her brain is definitely playing tricks on her.

“I want to have my cøçk buried deep inside you, right here and now,” Ty said again, unable to help himself.

He just couldn’t keep it at bay anymore, letting it out was gonna help besides he’s not a guy of too much talks and patience, so having his way with her was his interest and he’s gonna do it.

He’d seen when Betty brought her to this part of the building, he followed them but kept his distance, after seeing those boys go into that room he was preparing to follow them and deal with them for trying to have her before him when he overhead their conversation

When she ran out he knew this was the chance he couldn’t miss for anything in this world.

“Pardon,” Trista let out in total bewilderment.


“I said I want to fûçk you, didn’t you hear it the fist time?” Ty asked, no woman has ever turned him down, in fact, they throw themselves at him, jumping in his bed even when he doesn’t need them, always flying around him like flies

He wasn’t a guy that speaks much or go around wooing women, they come for him, and he always means business, fûçk and go nothing else. They never said no… hêll, they loved his bed and the way he always goes straight to the point.

The viral girl intrigued him and Fredrick is waiting in line to have her too, he knew he was lusting after her so fûçking her was gonna get her off his mind and she will be done with.

“Are you high?” Trista asked surprising him

Such guts, what was it about her?

“I’m not, I just want to fûçk you and I want to do it now, so kindly take off your dress turn around and hold the wall, I would love to take you from behind,” he replied

“Well, I’m not gonna do that,” Trista said, her voice coated with so much rage that she could hardly contain.

Saying that, she tried to leave but he grabbed her arm, pulling her back to her previous position.

“What did you say?” Ty asked surprised at her responds

“Get your filthy hands off me!” she snatched her hand from his hold, but he was fast to grab her again as if he didn’t want to let go.

One would think she was holding his life pipe.

She had no idea as she struggled, the more she tired to release herself from his hold the tighter his grip got, the more she resisted him the more hunger he got for her taste.

He slid his hand around her waist, pulling her closer to him and that was it, he’d fûçking crossed his boundaries and Trista wasn’t having it. The next thing he knew was a hard palm connecting to his cheek, hard and strong.

He could swear he saw stars dancing in front of his eyes.

Ty couldn’t believe it as he let go of her and Trista slide to the side, out of his grip. never In a million years will he believe that someone let alone a woman could slap him. He was the ruling alpha, his own father the ex-alpha have never hit him, his mother the ex-Luna has never touched him inappropriately let alone raising her hand at him.

But she just did. She fûçking slapped him… she did!

The slap stung like the bite of bees but he wasn’t infuriated, instead he was intrigued to know where and how she got her guts? There was something about her and he wanted to know what it was.

She’s different!

“Fûçk, Fûçkêry! fûçkêrson!! Have you lost you d@mn mind?!” Trista spats, her face reddish with rage.

“I want to talk, do you mind?” he said gently this time.

“I do mind, I don’t want to speak to you ever again!” Trista made to leave but he grabbed her hand, puling her back to him

She began struggling to free his hold on her but his grip was iron tight.

“I wanna talk….”

“I don’t want to speak to you!!” Trista continues to struggle with him, all she wanted was to leave but he just won’t let her go “Let me go!!”

“Unless you listen to me, forget what I said before and let’s just talk,”

“I don’t want to speak to you ever again, don’t you get it? You’re just as fûckery as you look, fûkerson!!!”

“Is that even a word…..”

“Let go of me!!!!”




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