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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE WOMAN FOR ME – Episode 5

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🌹The woman For Me 😘


πŸ’™ WRITTEN & EDITED BY Anita obi 🌹




I couldn’t believed who just badged in..that little witch 😳
How could she badged in like that…

Mum, what’s uncle Henry doing on dad’s bed” she asked while Henry and I quickly dressed up”

I rushed to her immediately and dragged her into the room.

Sharon.. listen to me… uncle Henry was trying to fix something on the bed for me.. that’s all okay ” I said worriedly”

But you were necked mum.. sorry to ask, are you cheating on dad?” She asked getting me shocked”

” Where on earth did she learn all this from”

” Henry quickly rushed to her to explain because if he doesn’t and Sharon tells this to Romeo..we are both doomed because Henry is Romeo’s best friend why I’m Romero’s wife to be”

Listen to me daddy’s princess, actually your mum wasn’t feeling too I came to check her temperature” Henry said ”

But uncle Henry, you’re not a doctor..what do you know about people’s health,my teacher taught me that only doctors treat patient” she said bending her head while I shouted at her”

Will you shut your mouth? Is it because I’m speaking calmly with you? Listen to me Sharon..if you ever let your father know this..then I’ll use this cutlery on your hand and slice you into pieces did you hear me” I asked angrily while she began to cry”

I’m talking to you Sharon..did you hear what I just said?” I asked again while she nodded”

Yes mum..I heard you” she said crying”

Still on our way to the bar i work…

I can’t believe I’m late again…my boss will be very mad at me.. I’m wondering the brand of dictionary he’ll speak from this time.

Hey..what are you thinking about ” the rich guy asked smiling”

Nothing more than you…” I said while he smiled ”

You mean you’ve been thinking about me? What for.. don’t tell me you’re falling for me” he said driving while I hissed”

You’re talking nonsense young man,what I meant was that ever since I met you I’ve been going to work late…it seems you’re one of those person’s that want me to loss my job…hey don’t you ever think of what you just said okay..I can’t fall for you, you’re not my type ” I said facing the other way while I heard him saying”

Same here.. beside I have someone already, she’s the mother of my beautiful princess…and I love her so much ” he said while I turned to him and said”

Who cares… listen..I also have someone I love…I gave birth to a daughter for him too ,but unfortunately our daughter died..but we’re still together and we’ll get married soon” I said back smiling.. seems I’m not only good at going to work late but lies too”

Interesting..I wish you both good luck ” he said smiling and driving”


We arrived at our bar and he stopped the car…we saw my boss standing by the entrance of the bar with a big note book in his hands…my ears should get ready to be murdered by English.

Miss please leave my car” he said not taking even a glance at me”

Leave your car? This is my car okay.. listen you have to come out with me and explain why I’m late to my boss..I don’t want to be fired because of you” I said”

Really, is that what you want? Fine I’ll go to him now and explained everything to him.. I’ll tell him you fought with the boss and he has rejected your request ” he said rushing out ”

” Oh no..he shouldn’t say that to my boss”

” I rushed out immediately and rushed to him holding his hand begging”

ERM.. car boy… please don’t say that to him okay.. I’ll treat you to dinner tonight..I promise to buy wh@Ε₯Δ›ver you want.. please just tell him I spoke to you well and you’ve accepted our request.. please handsome ” I said holding his hand while he was walking very fast smiling with his hand in his pocket ”

” We got closer to my boss and saw him opening the note book as soon as we got closer to him”

Boss.. I’m back” I said while he looked at the two of us smiling ”

” He closed the note book and began to walk slowly and slowly to me.. before I could say a word he landed the Rich guy a slap😳”

What! Why did you slap me.. have you lost it?” The guy asked angrily with his hand on his cheek”

So it’s because of you she dudetriously came back late..I said it..from the very first day I saw you two lying and holding hands together..I knew they was something extravantanti going on with you guys..but does that stops you from doing your jobs” my boss asked Angrily while I cut in”

Boss.. please I’m very sorry.. please don’t speak harshly to him.. he’s actually the boss ,I mean the CEO of Croma company ” i said while the not book fell off from his hands ”

What did you say?” He asked in shocks ”

You know what you two.. I’m tired of all this.. first it was you that fought me in my your boss slapped me.. listen..take this so call package back..I don’t want to see any of you close to me again.. nonsense” the Rich guy said angrily and drove out with his car”

” My boss was still in shocks when I decided to go into the bar and he stopped me”

Where did you think you’re going to Shinar, because of you we’ve lose a great opportunity of promoting our bar” he said angrily ”

” Why is he trying to blame only me for what just happened..he slapped him too didn’t he”

Boss please I’m very sorry” I said while he handed back the package to me saying ”

You better start looking for him..make sure he accepts our request..I don’t care how you’re going to do this” he said ”

But boss..what if I don’t find him in his company.. where on earth do you want me to find him.. please boss can you do this yourself ” I said while he shouted at me”

If you don’t make this work then you’ll be fired..” he said angrily leaving while I sat on the ground tiredly”

This is so annoying..I haven’t rested since I met that we ended up fighting our helper..what should I do now.. he’s really mad at me .

After work I went back home..

Today’s drama was far too much..

Right now I’m on the dinning with my best friend Henry..

We’ve been waiting for Bella and Sharon to meet us downstairs..I wonder what’s keeping them.


She was about fighting me when I grabbed her to land on my body and our lips clicked together..

She tried taking them off but I held her back looking straight into her eyes


I felt Henry tapping me while I regained myself immediately.

Hey.. what’s with you.. you’ve been silent ” he asked smiling”

Nothing.. just thinking about work ” I said” must be thinking about a woman and that can only be Bella.. seems your love for her is growing everyday ” he said”

You won’t get better stop talking..and let’s start eating since the girls are still upstairs ” I said”

Or are you still thinking about the girl you R@PΒ£D years ago” he asked while I looked at him”

Henry please don’t remind me of that,I really feel guilty everytime I think about that day.. it’s all your fault” I said eating ”

All my fault? Why..of course not..I saw her sitting beside the road and I asked her to come over to the house we lived before..I never knew you were going to rape her ,I was just trying to help the girl” he said ” knew I was did that in purpose” I said ”

So are you trying to say that any man that gets drunks begins to rape girls” he said laughing ”

Silly, after eating go back to your house..I really do not have your time” I said while we saw Bella and Sharon coming ”

” For the first time I saw Bella holding Sharon’s hand and helping her to come downstairs ”

We are here” Bella said smiling while Sharon rushed to me and held my hand ”

Daddy..I want to tell you something” she said while Bella and Henry stood up at a time saying ”

Let Daddy eat Sharon” they said at a time ”

Common guys let my princess be,go on my dear..tell me what you want to say” I said while she was about saying but suddenly we heard the doorbell ringing ”

Honey,are you expecting anyone” I asked but she said no”

” I rushed to the door and opened the door….I saw the crazy girl 😳”

Shinar.. it’s youπŸ˜ƒhow are you” I asked almost holding her hands when I remembered bella was home ”

You’re happy to see me?” She asked surprisingly ”

Please come in” I said while she came in and Sharon rushed to her immediately and hugged her”

Crazy miss you came” Sharon said happily when suddenly I saw Henry and Shinar looking at each other in shocks 😳”

Shinar began to walk closer and closer to the dinning looking at Henry in shocks”

It’s really you” Shinar said in shocks”

It’s you..oh no.. it’s really you” Henry said getting the rest of us confused”



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