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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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I bolted upright in bed, gasping for breath as the echoes of my nightmare still reverberated in my mind. The specter of the unknown assailant haunted me even in wakefulness, his menacing presence lingering like a dark shadow.

“Stay away!” I screamed into the void, my voice cracking with fear, though I knew it was futile. He was relentless in his pursuit, an ominous figure shrouded in darkness, his intentions veiled in mystery.

“You can’t run away from me, darling. You are mine,” his chilling words echoed in my ears, sending shivers down my spine as I struggled to escape his grasp.

The sensation of his icy touch lingered, a phantom memory etched into my skin as if his fingers had left physical scars. I winced, half expecting to see blood staining my flesh, but it was only a lingering phantom of the terror that had gripped me moments before.

“Ahhhhhhhh!” I cried out, my heart racing, as I snapped back to reality, the remnants of the nightmare fading like wisps of smoke in the morning light.

“It was just a dream,” I reassured myself, though the residual fear still clung to me like a suffocating cloak.

“Deva Deva, are you okay?” A voice cut through the haze of my thoughts, drawing my attention to the figure seated beside me. He was a striking presence, his features obscured by a veil of mystery, yet there was an undeniable allure to him that both intrigued and unsettled me.

“I’m fine,” I replied, forcing a smile as I attempted to shake off the lingering unease. But beneath the facade of composure, questions swirled in my mind like a tempestuous storm.

“Who are you?” I asked, my curiosity piqued yet wary of the stranger’s intentions. His name, Lucifer, sparked no recognition within me, though there was a nagging sense of familiarity that I couldn’t quite place.

“It’s me, Lucifer,” he answered, his voice carrying a weight of significance that left me more confused than before. Who was this enigmatic figure, and what connection did he have to me?

“Hi, Lucifer,” I greeted tentatively, though the uncertainty still lingered like a shadow cast upon my thoughts.

But before I could delve further into the mysteries that surrounded me, a sudden pang of longing swept over me, a desperate yearning to seek solace in the familiar embrace of my mother or grandmother.

“Can I see my mother, please?” I requested, the words tumbling from my lips before I could fully comprehend their significance.

“Your mother?” Lucifer’s tone shifted, laced with a hint of venom that sent a chill down my spine. His reaction only served to heighten my unease, fueling the growing sense of dread that gnawed at my insides.

“Or my grandmother,” I amended quickly, grasping at the fleeting tendrils of memory that danced just beyond my reach.

” Healer,” Lucifer called, his voice commanding and authoritative, a stark contrast to the gentleness he had displayed moments before. The sudden shift in demeanor left me wondering about his true identity and role in this strange world.

I scanned the room, taking in the varied expressions of the individuals around me, each bearing their own unique aura of mystique and intrigue.

“I am Lauren, your best friend,” a voice broke through the silence, drawing my attention to a young woman who claimed a familiarity that eluded me. How could she be my best friend when her face held no place in my fractured memories?

“Can I see Paula and Darianna, please?” I requested, the names slipping from my lips with a sense of urgency born from a deep-seated need for connection in this unfamiliar landscape.

“Paula is dead, okay,” a woman stated bluntly, her words striking like a thunderbolt, shattering the fragile illusion of normalcy that I had clung to.

“Maze, stop,” a man interjected, his voice tinged with exasperation as he addressed the woman who had spoken so callously.

“I mean Paula, P-A-U-L-A,” I spelled out, desperately clinging to the hope that there had been a misunderstanding, that my dear friend was still alive and well.

“My handmaid, Aka my best friend,” I clarified, seeking solace in the familiar bond that had anchored me through the trials of my past.

“Perhaps we should refrain from further discussions,” the hot guy from earlier suggested, his words carrying a note of caution as he sought to quell the rising tension in the room.

“The Healer said she lost her memories, but not completely though, which means she will regain them with time,” he explained, shedding light on the enigma of my fragmented past. Lost memories… Was it possible that they spoke of me?

“I need food, please,” I interjected, the rumble of hunger.

But as the weight of my request hung in the air, unanswered and unacknowledged.

“Can I see Marvan at least?” I pleaded desperately, hoping for some sense of familiarity in this bewildering situation.

“You can’t see him. He’s not the one who loves you,” the hot guy exclaimed, a hint of hurt evident in his voice.

“Loves me? We’re supposed to be married,” I insisted, but his response was dismissive, accompanied by an eye roll.

“My lord, please be patient with her. She’s suffering from amnesia,” the other guy, who had been defending me, intervened.

“I know, I know,” he murmured in response, giving me one last glance before exiting the room.

Left with Lauren and the defending guy, I felt a mix of confusion and frustration swirling inside me.

“I’ll get you some food,” Lauren offered before leaving the room.

“My name is Hades,” the defending guy introduced himself with a warm smile. I returned the smile, still trying to process everything.

“I understand this is overwhelming, but those people in the room earlier are now our new family,” he explained gently.

His words left me speechless. A new family? What did he mean by that?

“So, let me get this straight. I went to bed last night, and now I wake up to find out I’ve lost my memory, I have a new family, and I’m not marrying Marvan anymore. Is that what you’re telling me?” I voiced my frustrations, feeling increasingly overwhelmed by the unfolding drama.

“I know it’s a lot to take in, but your mother is no longer here, and your plans with Marvan have changed,” Hades replied, trying to comfort me.

“And Paula… she’s… she’s dead. She had a baby…” he continued, his voice trailing off.

“Wait, is this some kind of story? Where did my mother go? Why am I not marrying Marvan? And why is Paula… dead?” My voice faltered as I struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

“That’s what happened. The healer advised us not to give you all the details at once. You need to remember them gradually,” Hades explained gently, reaching out to hold my hand for support.

“And Lucifer… he was the one you were really fond of” he added before quietly leaving the room.

Lucifer? The hot guy? Did I really like him? The realization hit me like a tidal wave, adding another layer of confusion to the already tangled web of emotions. Everything felt so surreal, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was much more to this story than what I was being told.

Somewhere in DEVONA……..

Devina coughed harshly, struggling to catch her breath as she fled the oppressive confines of the palace. Her escape had been daring, but necessary. The news of the queen’s wickedness had spread like wildfire, forcing Devina to lay low and seek refuge in the shadows of her kingdom.

It was imperative that she remained hidden, for Devina was not only a queen but also a target.

Hours passed before a trusted sorcerer approached with urgent news.

“I have good news for you, my queen,” the sorcerer began, his voice laced with a mixture of concern and relief. Devina met his gaze, her expression betraying a glimmer of hope amidst the turmoil that plagued her mind.

“It is said that princess Deva has lost her memories,” the sorcerer continued, “She remembers nothing beyond the time when you and Her resided together in the palace, alongside your mother, and her impending marriage to Marvin.”

A surge of excitement coursed through Devina’s veins at the revelation. A chance to reclaim what was rightfully hers had presented itself, albeit under unexpected circumstances. She smiled to herself, silently contemplating the possibilities that lay ahead. Turning her attention back to the sorcerer, Devina sought reassurance,

“Are you certain of this?”

The sorcerer nodded solemnly, confirming Devina’s hopes and solidifying her resolve. With a sense of purpose renewed, Devina began to formulate a plan. She knew that Lucifer and others would be fiercely protective of Deva, complicating her mission to reclaim her identity. Stealth and cunning would be her allies as she plotted her return to the palace and her rightful place on the throne.

As Devina contemplated her next move, she pondered the complexities of the task before her. The wicked queen’s influence still loomed large, casting a shadow over the kingdom and its people. Devina understood the risks involved but remained undeterred in her quest to restore order and justice to her realm.

With determination burning bright in her eyes, Devina embarked on a journey fraught with danger and uncertainty. She knew that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges, but she also knew that she possessed the strength and resilience to overcome them. The fate of her kingdom hung in the balance, and Devina was ready to face wh@ťěver trials awaited her in her quest for redemption and restoration.


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