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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Devina sat on her throne, something had been worrying her for a while; she sighed and looked at the sorcerer reverend.

“Is there any way Lucifer could ever lose his powers?” She posed the question. The sorcerer gave her a long look before asking.

“Why do you feel this way?” Devina stood up and proceeded towards the sorcerer reverend.

“Why does he need a portal to get to hell?” Devina inquired, causing the reverend to gasp.

“He is Lucifer, he can travel to Earth whenever he wants without a portal; why does it need one now?” Devina asked curiously.

“Perhaps because he brought Princess Deva along with him,” the sorcerer concluded.

“No, he is Lucifer, remember, and he can take a hundred people without flinching, so…. why is this…?” She paused before looking at the sorcerer and smiling.

“There is only one way to find out,” she replies, laughing devilishly.


“This is your daughter, uh?” Devina inquired, and Latakia responded by nodding.

“Hmm, is this what you intend to use to replace my daughter?” Devina’s eyes widened in terror.

Latakia looked at his daughter and nodded.

“The spell will give her the shapes and looks, my queen,” the sorcerer reverend stated.

” well from my point of view, it seems like the spell isn’t going to work” Devina remarked.

” why? My queen” lLatakiaasked. Devina scoffed and headed towards Sare.

“My daughter has everything, including beauty, shapes, and knowledge, but it appears that your daughter is missing a lot of things,” Devina explains. Then she touched Sare’s face.

“Your chin is too chubby, your hair is too blonde, you are too tall, too tiny, and…” Devina paused before sighing.

“The spell will work, my queen,” the sorcerer reverend stated. Devina stared at Latakia and then at Sare.

“Does she understand what she needs to do?” Devina asked.

“Yes, my queen,” Latakia responded.

“You are not your daughter, Latakia,” Devina remarked, still giggling in her head due to his moniker.

“Yes, my queen,” Sare responded.

“Paula there is going to teach you everything she knows about Deva, so do not ruin this plan,” Devin warned firmly.

“I will not, my queen,” Sare answered, bowing her head.

“Good,” Devina smiled to herself. Lucifer will be astonished when he finally reaches her hands. She is going to torture him till he submits to her and begs for mercy!!!!!


I am not sure why I was smiling like a girl who had recently gotten her crush to like her back, but I was.

Lucifer approached me and then stood in front of me.

Marvan, who appeared to be terrified, swiftly shook it.

“Maybe if you had not blinded her, this would not have happened,” Marvan muttered as he moved closer to Lucifer. This guy really got the nerves.

My hands came into contact with Lucifer’s, and I gripped them fiercely.

“Tell Devina that she does not want to end up on my bad side completely,” Lucifer remarked before turning to walk away with me, but when Marvan did next, I knew he had entered the wrong part of Lucifer.

My jaw expanded as melted ice cream rolled down Lucifer’s cheeks. No, he did not just do that. Lucifer grumbled as he walked to meet Marvan, then grasped him tightly on his neck, beginning to choke him, before using Marvan’s back to smash the nearby table into pieces.

I knew Marvan would most likely sustain a bone damage, since damnn. I can hardly believe I ever liked that jerk.

Lucifer turned to glance at me before holding my hands, I went behind him as we proceeded to the elevator.

I sat calmly on the couch, waiting patiently for Lucifer. Before leaving, he gave me a bizarre warning to stay here and not go away.

The aroma of his cologne caused me to turn around. He was dressed in sweatpants and without a shirt. Is this guy out of his mind?

“Why did you leave the room?” He inquired without any emotion.

“I did not leave the hotel,” I explained, but he became increasingly furious.

“I asked you a question, Deva.” I grinned when my name came out of his mouth, it sounded so beautiful.

My gaze was drawn to his powerful figure, how it flexed every time he moved, and his abs were extraordinary.

“I do not need to repeat myself,” he declared. Then put on some clothing.

“Umm, I was looking for you,” I replied.

“Looking for me?” “Am I a child? He asks, frowning even more deeply.

“I am not a child either,” I spit out.

“But you act like one”. I rolled my eyes at his comments.

“You act more like a child, and with everything we do, you start acting distant, as if we did not just do something big or…” I hesitated and sighed.

“Deva, those are just…… it is not a thing okay, it is something adults do to satisfy themselves.” He spoke. I discreetly glanced at him. Why do his words hurt when I do not even like him?

Or, do I?

“See Deva, we need to talk……”

“Well f-__-k you!” I screamed, cutting him short. He was taken aback by my outburst, but I did not care. Instead, I walked to my room and locked the door loudly.

“Stupid, useless, and wicked, ahhhhhh,” I screamed in fury before smashing a nearby couch. I winced in pain before collapsing on the ground.

When tears began to roll down my cheeks, I had to convince myself that it was because I had banged my leg on the couch, but the pain was coming from my heart rather than my leg.

I want to convince myself that I do not like Lucifer, but I can not anymore.

He is just so perfect, what is there not to like, although he is never sweet except when we…… you know.

My cheeks turned red again; what the heck is wrong with me?

I lay on my bed before taking out my phone.

I looked at the search box; I knew what I was typing made me appear desperate, but I was desperate at the time.

‘HOW DO YOU GET A COLD-HEARTED GUY TO LIKE YOU?’ I typed and eagerly waited for the answers. The results appeared nearly instantly.

Avoid giving the impression that you are desperate. Resist the urge to chase him, and remain unaffected when he appears chilly.

Giving space can be the most effective method to communicate.

Flip the hot and cold guy game…

Understand that you are not the problem. …

Confront, back off, and move on or pleasure him.

I read the last word, pleasure him? How?.

‘ HOW TO PLEASURE A MAN’ I searched.

Sensual touches and caresses.

Kissing and lip-biting.

Exploration of erogenous zones (e.g., neck, chest, ears).

Oral stimulation.

Variations in segzual positions.

Mutual satisfaction and communication

I gasped and taped the video that was below it.

It was practically identical to the video from yesterday, except that this time it was the female who was pleasuring the man.

What she was doing to the man was called a b|__wj_b and it’s when a woman sucks on a guy’s ‘Ďïčk’ they call it. Oh, it’s like what he did to me.

I smiled and then searched for what to do more.

I searched for the perfect outfit before taking a bath.

He believes he is brilliant, but I am smarter.

Rule no 1

Make sure he doesn’t get to touch you back when you’re pleasing him. This will make him frustrated and want more.

Rule no 2

You’re pleasing him so don’t get too turned on

Rule no 3

Make him beg……

Rule on 4

Leave him horny.

I smiled when Lucifer knocked on my door.

” Dinner is ready,” he whispers before going away. Jerk.

I headed to the dining area, where Lucifer was already seated, he did not turn back as usual, so I sat opposite him.

His attention shifted to me, and I heard him gasp.

“What the f-__-k are you wearing?” he demanded angrily.

“clothes,” I replied, then grabbed a fork and began eating.

“This is not funny, Deva,” he says. He stood up from his seat and approached me.

“Go change,” he says while standing in front of me.

“Mmmmm, what other sentence can I use besides no?” I inquired, and he sneered.

“Yes,” he said before taking my hands. The sensation of his fingertips on my skin made my hair rise, giving me goosebumps.

I grinned and stood up, then softly touched his chest.

“What is this, Deva?” he asks, pushing my hands away from his chest.

“Nothing really,” I answered, placing my hands back on his chest. He gazed at my eyes with confusion.

I softly licked my lips before walking to my room.

My heart was racing as I made my way to my room. I can not believe I just left Lucifer speechless.

When Lucifer burst in, I instantly straightened myself out.

“I know what you are doing, Deva,” he says, leaning closer to me.

“And I swear I know how to play that game better than you do,” he continued, drawing closer to me. Okay, this was not what I had planned.

” game? What game?” I asked with a smirk.

“You know what it is, Deva,” he replies, eagerly taking my lips in his.

He lifted me and I wrapped my legs around his torso.

“Why are you making things difficult for me? He asked, then took my lips back into his.

I taste the wine on his lips. He kisses me gently at first and then, as if he’s reaching for something more, he pushes me against the wall and kisses me harder. His lips are warm and so soft- his hair brushes against my face. I try to focus.

His mouth, coupled with the way his hand is sliding down my arm, is all too much. So much. Good much. So good. I just whimpered. As soon as the sound leaves my mouth, he’s pressing me harder against the wall. His left hand is caressing my cheek and his right hand is gripping me by the waist, pulling me against him.

“Okay…. This is disgusting” I instantly pulled away from the kiss to notice Maze standing at the room’s entrance. I nudged Lucifer’s hands, causing him to drop me.

“Oh, I told Hades I should not come now, but he disagreed, and now I have ruined the fun,” she groaned.

“Where is the portal?” Lucifer questioned, his voice quickening.

“Oh, I brought it here,” she responds with a smile. Lucifer grimaced.

“Do not tell me you could do that since then,” he replies angrily.

Maze rolled her eyes before walking towards me.

“d@mn, you look hot,” she says as she hugs me.

” I have missed you,” she says. I grinned before hugging her back.

“Me, too.”

We heard Lucifer groan, prompting us to withdraw from the hug.

” we will leave tomorrow” Lucifer said and was about to leave the room.

“No,” Maze replied, causing him to pause abruptly.

“No?” lucifer asked.

“We found a witch in the palace yesterday,” Maze explained.

“How is that even possible?” Lucifer questioned but sighed.

“Devina just keeps trying, did you ki|| the witch?” lucifer asked making me frown.

“ki|| the witch?” why?” I asked, already irritated.

“Yes, the witch should be executed immediately,” he replies.

“No, they are my kind,” I replied, but Lucifer simply sneered.

” Then your kinds are disgusting”.


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