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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE WANTED CRIMINAL – Episode 36 & 37

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{A cop and a criminal!}

THEME;Bad girls obsession

Chapter 36✨37

Written by; Merit.N.










It is going be the survival of the fittest!! She’s going ki|| with no remorse! They should await for her comeback, cos it’d be dangerous and a bloodbath!!

Cosima’s thought got interrupted,when she was pushed inside the police vehicle,and soon… They drove out of the hideout.



After the arrest of lady red, Enrico decided to visit the hospital.

Gently and steadily,he pushed the door to Mia’s ward opened and a heavy sigh escaped his lips, watching as her two lashes gummed together,she wasn’t moving at all and there’s lots of pipes and machines,connected to her.

“Justice have been got for you! And I’d make sure that she rots in jail”He uttered with pure rage, roughing her silky hair.

He was already close to her.

He pulled out a stool and sat beside her, staring at her face. His mind suddenly weavered back to how Cosima surrendered herself willingly,it almost got him bothered but he quickly waved it off.

“She knew there wasn’t any escape for her, surrendering was the best!”He shrugged.




“The f-__-k!!!!”Giana shouted with wide eye,not believing what she was seeing in the TV.

(For those that have forgotten, Giana is one of lady red gang members,she’s her right hand to be precise and Giana’s twin brother is also a member, Giacomo,that’s his name)

Her boss has been arrested? How? When? How is that even possible huh? She blinked repeatedly,her eyes bulging out of its socket, refusing to close.

She grabbed her phone on the table and stood up from the couch,and like someone being chased,she dashed out of the room.



“Ahhhh! My head hurts.. huh?”Hat’s Mom wiggled her brow, seeing the environment and room she was in. She squinted her brow again,when she saw someone lying beside her, while bleeding from the shot leg. Taking a closer look at her,she screamed out shockingly.

“Chiara!!!”She screamed out hat’s name. Thankfully her mouth wasn’t gagged,so she was able to scream.

“My daughter.. No! Someone help us!! Anyone in here?”She called for help, trying to go meet her daughter,or at least touch her,but it was totally impossible since she was chained to a chair.

“Chiara! My baby…”She stopped talking,when she heard a clicking sound, More like someone was approaching. With racing and palpitating heart,she became still while staring at the door, waiting for whoever it was to come in,and in a slow motion,the door opened and the devil herself Walked in.

Dressed in her attire! All black,with her scary mask!

“No!! No!! Who are you? Don’t come close!! No!!!!”She kept screaming, but corinna paid deaf ears to her as she continued walking to her in a slow but dangerous motion,her heels making clicking sound behind her as she walked.

“Phew…. Time to wake up”She uttered underneath her breath, walking towards hat.

“Don’t touch my daughter.. No… No!!!!”

She bent to her level and yet again,she brought out an injection and sank it on her neck, releasing the whole fluid down her system!

After some minutes,Hat opened her eyes slowly,but was greeted by the excruciating pain from her shot leg,but remembering her Mom was in there,and the possiblity of what the boss lady could have done to her,she sat up immediately,only to see Corinna smiling at her! A dangerous smile at that!!

“Boss lady…”She couldn’t help but call out, corinna only smirked. Though her face was hidden under the mask,but you’d know she was smirking!

Without much delay, corinna threw a knife to hat.

“Chiara…”Hat’s Mom called yet again,not understanding what was happening.

Why was her daughter calling the devil incarnate boss? Or wait,did her own daughter abduct her? Have she forgotten she’s her Mom? She already suffered so much for this kid,was that her repay?

“At each question I ask,your Mom finger goes off! You’re cutting it off yourself”Corinna blew and both eyes widened,the knife fell from hat’s grip and she found herself kneeling down already.

“Spare my Mom boss lady,you can ki|| me,but leave my Mom out of this. I beg of you!!”She began rubbing her palms together, pleading with corinna to spare her Mom.

But will the devil listen huh?

“Telling me what to do isn’t it?”Corinna fired, releasing a bullet which took the old woman left hand.



Both shouted respectively and corinna threw the gun up and caught it almost immediately, aiming at the old woman skull.

“At each question,her finger goes off or watch me blow off her skull!!!”She thr_@tened with so much authority in her voice, sending shivers don the spine of her captives! Hat felt a liquid, running down between her thighs and she looked down at herself,only to find out that she already peed on herself.

“Chiara,what’s happening? Why calling this lady your boss?”Out of curiosity,she bugged hat with question,who began crying.

“I work for her Mom,but trust me I never thought things would….”

“Why did you choose to betray me?”Corinna cut hat off,and the knife began shaking terribly in hat’s hand.

The gun was still pointed at her Mom’s skull and she not cutting off her finger, would mean watching her Mom die! Is just the fingers right? She’d be alive after the torture isn’t it? Then she better do it,than watch her Mom die!!

With determination and eyes filled with so much guilt,hat crawled to her Mom and raised the knife, cutting off her first finger at a go.




The interrogation officer looked at Cosima in the eye, wondering why she was smiling at a time like this! What was so funny? Or is there something on his face? All this bothered him,as he made to ask her the next question.

Cosima was seated before him, dressed in a prisoner’s outfit,both hands cuffed to the Front,she was looking unbothered as she answered each question casually,with a smile.

Thankfully,she already read her Miranda rights,which informed her of her rights to remain silent and to have an attorney present.

The private/interrogation room door opened and Enrico walked in,hands folded at his back as he approached them.

“She’s not ready to speak up”the officer reported to Enrico who nodded before sitting down.

“I’d take care of things myself”Enrico told him and he nodded again, stepping out for Enrico to take over.

“All your associates…. We need their location”Enrico continued from were the first cop stopped,Cosima only smiled More, before coughing out slowly.

“I guess I’m the wanted,leave them out of this”She said and rolled her tongue in her mouth.

“You work with them,which makes them wanted too!!”Enrico retorted, hitting his palms hard on the table,but Cosima did not blink, neither did she flinch.

“Like I said,leave them out of this!!!”

“Are you accepting you Murdered the chancellor’s family…”Enrico was still talking when Cosima cut him off.

“It wasn’t I! Corinna did!!”

“Shut the f-__-k up! There’s an evidence that shows you’re the one”

“Then why asking? I and corinna have same face,which makes everything difficult! It wasn’t I who murdered the chancellor’s family!”

“You’re saying you’re not? Mia is hallucinating or she wasn’t sure? The chancellor called out your name before dying! What’s your say in that?”

“Obviously a little misunderstanding. He took corinna for me”

“You’re tasting my patience Cosima!!!”

“You betrayed my trust,love!”Cosima blurted out with a smile and Enrico furrowed his brow.

How was she talking about love and trust? When she’s been interrogated cos of her crimes?

“Don’t dare call me love. I’d never be a criminals love”he shot with rage and Cosima smiled dryly. A smile which gradually turned into a smirk.

“Is corinna any difference? She’s the havoc wrecker itself”She chuckled and exhaled.

“Leave corinna out of this!!”

“Wow… A cop defending a criminal! Am envious of this love, seriously!!”Cosima faked tears and Enrico scoffed loudly before standing up.

“Yunno,I’m making sure you rot here! What’s the use of the interrogation? You committed all the crimes and you’re serving the punishment! Your attorney can’t even save you!!!”Enrico told her angrily and she shrugged.

“How is Mia?”

The heck!! What the f-__-k was wrong with her? She’s not bothered at all? She’s asking about the girl? The same girl she shot?

Without sparing her any glance or giving her a reply, Enrico walked out, slamming the door hard.

“It’s a matter of a day, tomorrow will be bloody”Cosima smirked.



Giana turned her gaze from one member to another,they all were seated in a room. She had a very serious and mean look on her face as her eyes travelled from one soul to another.

“Like y’all know,boss has been arrested! And it’s our duty to ensure her freedom”Giana said, breaking the long and awkward silence in the room.

“We’re breaking into the prison”She blurted out and all the gang members sat properly,their ears itching to hear the plan.

“But first,we need to prepare and get ourselves ready! Prison break is not easy,but we are doing it no matter what”

“First we have to assess the security of the prison, including the layout of the building,the number of guards and the security systems in place. And for that to be possible,we need to hack into the station”

“After that is done,then we proceed with the next step,which is to form a plan of action”She concluded with a Deep breath and they’ll nodded.

“When is the day of the break? The time too!”Giacomo asked.

“Tomorrow night,9PM”She replied his question.

“We have all of today to prepare,get our supplies ready and get ready to strike”She continued and smirked More.

“But there’s another important part of the game”she uttered, gaining the curious eyes of the members to turn to her.

“Which is?”A member asked.

“The girl at the hospital!!”



“Arrrrrggggggggggh!!!”She screamed out painfully,as her finger met with the floor, blood pumping out immediately.

But the more painful part of it was watching her daughter cut off her finger,how could the child be so heartless to her Mom? Just the thought of that alone,made tears trickle down her cheeks.

“I’m Sorry Mom…”Hat cried, shaking her head continuously.

“Of all person to align with,you choose my greatest enemy and rival,why her?”Just as the question was escaping corinna’s throat,another finger of the woman left her hand and more blood came out.

“Chiara!!!”Her Mom cried out unbelievably.

Still yet, another question continued,each question going out with her finger. It continued like that,till all the ten fingers on her both hands got cut,by now her blood already began to create a puddle, the knife itself was filled with blood and hat was crying,the old woman was only breathing heavily as she was left with no finger!!!

“Now.. that… that.. I’ve cut off.. her fingers,let her go… I beg of you”Hat begged,but corinna’s smirk only deepened.

“And you think am letting her go?”She asked and hat began crying hard, begging her to let her Mom go,but her eyes grew wide when….


The bullet rammed into the woman’s head, shattering her skull.

“No!!! Mom!! No!!!!!!!! You can’t die cos of my sin!!!!! Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”Hat literally began crying out rivers,but her Mom skull have already been shattered, which means she’s gone,no remedy to that.

“You love her huh? Eishhh! You shouldn’t have messed with me to begin with,now answer all my questions correctly”

“For how long have you been working for lady red?”

“I’ve…I’ve… Been working for her years before I joined your gang”She replied, while still crying. Her eyes fixed on her dead Mom.

She was literally cussing herself for ki||ing her Mom. It was all her fault.

“Which means you were never part of the gang? How cool. You must have known so much about lady red and I want you to spew all you know about her”

“I swear,I know nothing about her… I swear with my… Arrrrrrghhhhhh!!”Her screams filled the room when a bullet took her chest, making her eyes widened.

“So pathetic!! Tell me all I need to know,at least,it’s gonna be your way of saying sorry!!”

“I… I… Was literally feeling guilty…. Before this happened…. But thinking about it…. You… You don’t… Deserve to live!!! You’re a dev….”Her words got cut when another bullet took her forehead,her blood flowed and she fell with a loud thud, dying with wide eye.

“In your next pathetic life, we’d never cross path,cos I’ll be ki||ing you again!!! $cvms!!!!”



Cosima sat on the bare floor,knees probed up as she held it with both hands.

“Stop calling her a Ɓîtçh, she’s not!”

“I told you to stop calling her a Ɓîtçh! You’re the f-__-king Ɓîtçh,an imposter,motherf-__-ker!!!”

“She didn’t take me away from you to begin with.Or wait,you think I don’t know?”

“That you imposed as corinna!! Back then In highschool,you knew how much I love corinna,it was her that I love.. but what did you do huh?”

Cosima kicked her legs angrily on the floor, reminiscing about Enrico’s word’s.

She balled her fist tightly, while gritting her teeth.

When she couldn’t take it,she stood up angrily and placed her left hand on her chest,a little engine sound,so low was heard and a blue light appeared on her chest, rotating slowly.

“Boss…”Giana’s voice came out and Cosima smiled.

She actually made a contact to Giana,and right now,they both can hear each other.

“Plans changed! I need to get out tonight. Are y’all set?”

“We are ready Boss”Giana replied.

“Good then,come get me out!!!!”she told her and Giana gave her a reply,the blue light went off almost immediately and Cosima smirked deviously.

“I can’t spend another night here! I freaking can’t!! I still need to teach them all a lesson. I’m not sparing any,not even Enrico. They’ll must taste my wrath!!”

“Tonight is gonna be bloody!!!”


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