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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE WANTED CRIMINAL – Episode 34 & 35

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{A cop and a criminal!}

THEME;Bad girls obsession

Chapter 34✨35

Written by; Merit.N.










Those two girls he was once entangled with? Is back again in his life?

The little distraction in the room,made Cosima pick the gun which was on the floor, and without a second thought she pulled the trigger.

All eyes widened as the bullet took the least expected person.



“Mia!!!!”They all shouted with wide eye,expect Lady red who was smirking.

“The girl who leaked my identity huh? Is time to join your pathetic parents”Lady red smirked inwardly.

“Mia!!!!”Enrico shouted, running towards Mia who was slowly falling down,her hand on her bleeding stomach.

“No Mia!!”Corinna shouted, disengaging from Cosima’s body, going after Enrico too.

“Don’t dare come close!!”Enrico warned sternly, glaring at corinna who staggered back.



Enrico roughed his hair, pacing round the waiting room impatiently.

Gabriella was hugging her Mom,who was already awake,but she was in tears.

What would be the fate of the little girl? Why would she leave the room to begin with? What prompted her to coming out? She was asleep if she can clearly remember,so when and how did she wake up? Just why would she come out?

Gabriella sniffed back the snot, clinging tightly to her Mom.

Some minutes passed by and the doctor wasn’t still out, Enrico had to sit on the chair dejectedly,both hands placed on his head as he thought about his already messed up life! Just how did his life turn into a Mess? Just how??

The ER door creaked open, and the doctor walked out.

They’ll stood up at once, rushing to him.

“How is…”

“She slipped into coma!”He cut them off, making their eyes grow wide.



Corinna had bloodshot eyes,as she matched angrily towards the waiting room,were all the gang members was already waiting for her.

Now that she’s thinking about it,there’s a spy Among her gang members, cos what else defines all this? Cosima always on operation at where ever she wanted to operate on, knowing about she and Enrico, finding about his house? What’s the specific explanation to this?

🗣️”Good evening….”

“Get me the system!!”She cut them off,which got them all exchanging looks.

Enzo and sienna,who was in charge rushed and got a system for her,which she took hurriedly and sat down.

“I wonder what’s happening..”

“Boss lady seems furious..”Some of the gang members muttered silently.

Bang!! Corinna looked up and turned her gaze sharply to Enzo and sienna.

“Your job is to have an eye on everything that goes on, in and outside the villa,as long as the gang is concerned. So why can’t I find a thing?”As she spoke,she stood up and grabbed her gun.

Enzo and seinna had their faces fixed to the floor,as they couldn’t dare look her in the eye.

“What’s happening boss lady?”Fire asked and corinna smiled dryly, remembering the broken look on Enrico’s face earlier.

“There’s a spy Among us,and once I fish the person out,trust me to give you a painful and brutal death”Corinna uttered out with pure rage,mixed with broken heart.

She stormed out afterwards,not giving the gang members a chance to say a word to her.

After she left the meeting room,the next place she went to was her room,she opened the drawer and brought out a drive.

She took the laptop on her table and inserted the drive, smirking afterwards.

“You dare betray me huh? Just how much were you paid to stab me at my back? Trust me,you’re regretting this”She uttered and began tapping her manicured nails slowly,but dangerously on the keyboard,a devious plan, going on already in her dark mind.



Corinna who left the villa as early as possible,stood in front of the old house,a dangerous smirk on the corner of her lips as she knocked gently.

The door opened few minutes,and an old woman walked out.

“Greetings ma..”She greeted with a dangerous smile and the old woman raised a brow.

“How can I help you child?”She asked,staring at corinna from hair to toe.

Corinna only brought out her phone, after checking some certain things,she nodded before pocketing it back.

“You must be Chiara’s mom right?”Corinna asked and the lady began panicking.

“Hope nothing happened to my daughter? She’s the only….”

“She got into a accident ma’am. She’s currently admitted in the city hospital”She replied, grinning.

“Then let’s go!!”She muttered and made to walk out,but stopped immediately.

“My Jacket please”She uttered and rushed inside.

She came out almost immediately and left with corinna.



“We’ve been driving for hours my child,where is the hospital?”She couldn’t help but ask,cos she was getting sick worried.

“Almost there ma’am”Corinna uttered cheerfully, driving into the Villa.

She stopped the car and looked at the old woman.

“Cheer up ma’am,your daughter would be fine. Trust me”She assured, coming down from the car.

The old woman made to come out,when corinna stopped her.

“Uhmmmm,there’s something on your face ma’am,clean it with this”She said, handing the woman a white hanky which she foolishly took,the moment she took it close to her face,her eyes went shut immediately and she slumped into a Deep sleep.

“Let the game begin,dear betrayer!”



Hat sighed tiredly, sitting on the bed while dialing her mom’s number countlessly,but it wasn’t going through. She tossed the phone on the other side of the bed and made to stand up, but her phone dinged immediately and she took it.

It’s a message from corinna itself.

💌”Dead or alive? Meet me in the brutal room with in 2 seconds, each second you waste over there,she gets to suffer it!”

“Mom… Two seconds?”She shouted and dashed off manically.



The old lady was already chained to a chair,with corinna smoking aggressively when hat ran in.

“Mom…”She made to rush to her mom when a bullet met with her leg and she fell heavily to the floor, blood coming out through the shot area.

“I wanted to give you a brutal death but now,what is more painful is watching your mom die before you. How painful huh?”Corinna laughed eviliy, puffing out more smokes from her mouth,and hat began crawling to her with an leg, holding the bleeding one tightly.

“I’m sorry Boss lady,I.. I… Just don’t know how I got entangled with lady red to….”She was still talking when corinna cut her off.

“Lady red huh? What’s lady red gats to do with this?”She asked with a funny,but no funny smile.

“I’m not dumb boss lady,you already found out that I’m the spy…ahhhh”Her words got choked and was replaced with a painful wince when corinna threw a small knife her way, which met with her tummy.

“You’re talking too much lately, aren’t you?”She shot, walking towards her with an injection in her hand.

“I’m sorry….”

“Wait till I’m back!!!”Was all corinna uttered, before releasing the injection into her body.

Hat’s eyes rotated for a moment before she fell down again,both eyes closed.

With one more look at Mother and daughter, corinna stood straight,and dusted her cloth which had no dust on it, before walking out.



The house was all quiet and lonely,all Enrico was at home and he was preparing to go to work. He couldn’t go early cos of the situations of things,so he decided to go just now. His mom and sister already went to the hospital, hoping for the best.

The door was opened and corinna’s face came to view. She was fidgeting slowly as she walked to Him. Enrico stopped moving and began staring at her.

“I’m… I’m.. sorry”She muttered with a shaking voice and Enrico sighed, removing his hand from his pocket.

“I’m gonna quit my way,but please don’t be angry with me,I can’t stand it”she sniffed tearfully, fighting back her tears.

“You should have done that earlier corinna. Your name is in the wanted list,you’re wanted corinna… How do I do it huh? I’m going crazy right now,you should have…”He trailed off and roughed his hair,not knowing what to say or do.

“If you’re worried that my name is in the wanted list,then I’d go hand myself over to the cops,but please don’t be angry with me please”She begged, hugging Enrico tightly.

“I’d go, but please don’t push me away, don’t h@ťě me huh….”

“I never said I h@ťě you,did I?”Enrico cut her off and she broke the hug to stare at his face.


“I never h@ťěd you for once corinna,even back then in highschool…”He sighed.

“Back then in highschool?”Corinna asked.

“Let’s not bring back past memories,it hurts”Enrico told her and she nodded slowly.

“How is Mia?”

“She’s in coma”Enrico replied her and corinna’s jaw dropped.




“What should I help you with? You did say….”

“I need Cosima’s location. She’d pay for what she did to Mia and her parents”Enrico cut corinna off and she gulped.

“We’re in the same boat,if you wanna get Cosima arrested,I have to be arr…”

“Are you gonna help me or not?”Yet again, Enrico cut her off and she bite her bottom lips.

“I’d help,but it might be dangerous. She won’t be in her villa,buh at her hideout”Corinna uttered and Enrico nodded,he made to stand up when corinna pulled him back.

“The outcome might be dangerous”Corinna blurted out and Enrico scoffed.

“So far she’s put behind bars,ion give a f-__-k!!”Enrico spat and corinna nodded.

He’s acting stubborn, Cosima is not someone you’d arrest and doesn’t have to face any consequences,it might not be immediately,but definitely there’s a thing that comes after it, which won’t be good either.



Cosima was having a good time alone in her hideout,as the segz machine dildo drove in and out of her honeypot,her hands fixed on her both B-__-bs are she squeezed it, Mõ@ɲing senselessly to herself.

“f-__-k!!”She licked her lips, closing her eye’s tightly.

Even as the segz machine f-__-ked her wet hole,all she could imagine and see was Enrico f-__-king her,and she wasn’t ready to stop.

“$h|t!!!!!!”She muttered when her Com shot out, flowing to the floor.

This is the sixth time she’s cumming already,the floor and dildo was already covered with her Com.

She stood up and grabbed the dildo, pushing it into her mouth, and like a pro,she began sucking on it, licking off her Com herself.

Once the dildo was clean again, Cosima made to insert it back in her p@zzy when a siren blare,hit her ear.

“And now,what the f-__-k is up?”She asked, standing up straight and without bothering to put back her clothes,she walked out naked… In all her glory! St@rk naked!!!!

She opened the door and came face to face with Enrico who gasped out, before turning his back on her.

“Put on your clothes Cosima”Enrico said,his back on her and Cosima chuckled.

“Acting shy? You once drilled this p@zzy Yunno”She laughed, rubbing her fingers on her ćƖĩť! She’s still horny like mad and standing with Enrico,is making her go crazily insane.

“That was once Cosima”Enrico shot and Cosima chuckled.

“Well,it doesn’t make any difference or does it? Well, maybe not untill you slept with that Ɓîtçh!!”Cosima shot angrily and Enrico turned to her, glaring at her in the eye.

“Stop calling her a Ɓîtçh, she’s not!”Enrico retaliated and Cosima chuckled.

“Defending her? Aren’t you? She’s a f-__-king Ɓîtçh,she took you away from me,but now.. I’m back to take what is rightfully mine! And it’s you!!!”She uttered out and a heavy punch came her way.

“f-__-k!!”She staggered back, wiping the blood which came out through her nostril.

“I told you to stop calling her a Ɓîtçh! You’re the f-__-king Ɓîtçh,an imposter,motherf-__-ker!!!”As he spoke,he kept blessing her face with heavy punches, literally trying to destroy her face.

“She didn’t take me away from you to begin with. Or wait,you think I don’t know?”He asked, giving her a heavy punch again,not minding her naked state! She choose to be naked though,so why should he care?

“What the f-__-k are you saying huh?”For the first time ever, Cosima retaliated and gave Enrico a punch on his face too.

“That you imposed as corinna!! Back then I highschool,you knew how much I love corinna,it was her that I love.. but what did you do huh?”He fired, grabbing her naked Břě@šť, slapping her with it afterwards.

“The f-__-k!!”Cosima spat, raising her knee before giving him a ball breaking kick on the groin, making him Yelp in pain.

“So? But you played calm idíot! Who was to be blamed? You knew I wasn’t the girl you love so why the f-__-k did you date me huh?”She shouted, Kicking him again on the tummy,her Břě@šť dangling with her.

Enrico who was lying on the floor, grabbed her leg when she made to hit him again and she fell roughly to the floor,in a swift move he was already on top of her,her both hands pinned to the floor, while their eyes glared angrily.

“I’m here to make amends bastardo! But you’re always in for violence! Is that how bad you’ve turned huh?”Enrico asked and Cosima’s jaw dropped.

He was here to make amends? How?

“What.. what are you saying?”Cosima stuttered and Enrico smirked.

At least,this will be the easiest way to have the dummy arrested.

With that thought, Enrico probed in two fingers in her naked p@zzy!! Causing her to jerk up her @zz with wide eye.

“Let’s start afresh!”He spoke, moving his finger’s fastly in her p@zzy and Cosima Mõ@ɲed out senselessly.

The little fight they had already disappeared from her memory,and right now,all she could see was paradise. Yes,an earthly paradise that looks more like a heavenly paradise.

Her eyes flicked open when Enrico stopped his finger th-ru_st.

“Let’s go on a date”he blurted out and Cosima’s eyes widened.

“Really?”Out of foolishness and stupidity,she asked and Enrico nodded.

Without bothering to bath and wash off the Com off her body,she picked a dress,flunging it on her body. Let’s say she’s just too desperate,or even dumb! A love dumb@zz!

They both clinged hands and found their way to the exit.

“Don’t Move…”They both heard a voice from behind,after they already walked out of the exit and they turned, Enrico immediately pushed Cosima off.

“f-__-k!!!”She shouted with wide eye, staring at Enrico who smirked before turning to the other cops.

“She’s lady red,arrest her!!”

Cosima felt a sharp knife, sinking into her chest and shattering her heart into a trillion piece’s.

Did the man she love,and trusted just betray her? So this was a way of getting her arrested?

“You’re kidding aren’t you?”Cosima asked,and didn’t know when tears fell off from her eyes.

“That’s the best Cosima. Your cup and full and already overflowing”Enrico told her and yet again, Cosima felt like breaking down in tears.

“Cosima Marco.. You’re under arrest for all the atrocities you’ve committed,for the murder of the chancellor and his wife, attempted murder of Mia,to mention but a few. You have the right to remain silent,or anything you say or do would be used against you in the court law”

Cosima stretched forth her hand and they handcuffed her,which got Enrico furrowing his brow.

Though the cops that came for the arrest was much in number,but at least,he expected her to fight,and what did she just do? She surrendered herself willingly?

Cosima looked at Enrico with bloodshot eyes,the love and trust she had for him have suddenly been crashed,it has already been robbed off,just within an eye blink and right now,they just woke the sleeping devil in her.

This is going to be the beginning of their pain,the beginning of their chaos,she’s going to rob off the joy, happiness and everything they shared in their family,she’s going to rob them all off! Not giving them any reason so far to be happy about life! This is the beginning of war! The beginning of bloodshed,this is the beginning of their downfall.

It is going be the survival of the fittest!! She’s going ki|| with no remorse! They should await for her comeback, cos it’d be dangerous and a bloodbath!!

Cosima’s thought got interrupted,when she was pushed inside the police vehicle,and soon… They drove out of the hideout.


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