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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE WANTED CRIMINAL – Episode 30 & 31

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They both fell heavily on the couch,their eyes making contact.

“You got me?”He asked and Corinna shook her head immediately.

“No,I mean you’re handsome”She replied instead and Enrico smiled,his eyes finally fixed on her lips.

“And you’re beautiful too”he uttered out, and Corinna’s cheek burnt immediately, turning to pepper red.

“Really?”She blushed, pouting her lips cutely.

“M…hmmmm”he nodded and Corinna smiled, wrapping his arms round his neck.

“Those lips… They’re calling me”Enrico muttered and before Corinna could say a word,he smashed his lips on hers hungrily.



Corinna’s eyes widened madly,as Enrico kept devouring her lips,she quickly poked his forehead, pushing him back lightly and he pouted.

“What are you doing huh?”She fired drowsily, blinking her lashes cutely and Enrico sighed.

“It called me”He pointed her lips and corinna’s hands immediately flew to her mouth,she covered it securely with her palms.

“It did?”She asked and Enrico nodded, Corinna could only shake her head,her eyes slowly closing on its own.

Her head fell on Enrico’s shoulder,her eyes finally shut as she drifted off to sleep.

Enrico pouted drowsily, roughing her hair while blinking.

“Couldn’t tell her hmmm!”He uttered sadly, before placing his head on her shoulder too, falling asleep immediately.



Gabriella threw the lollipop in her mouth,then began humming a song as she walked towards their classroom when Romeo blocked her path.

“Studying hard baby girl?”He asked and Gabriella smirked.

“Trust me not to open my book till the d@mn test is over”she replied and Romeo slapped his forehead annoyingly before grabbing Gabriella’s hand.

“Ahh! Let go!”She shouted, struggling to break free from his grip but Romeo kept pulling her with him, going towards the rooftop.

“I swear Romanic, I’mma breaking your Head”She thr_@tened, hoping for him to release her with that but…

“I’m used to that. Do your worse now”Romeo replied her, finally climbing the rooftop with her,where they met Sofia already seated with piles of books and snacks.

“Arancini!!!”Gabriella shouted, rushing towards the snack which was on the table,but Sofia quickly grabbed it, glaring at her.

Arancini is an Italian snack made with Deep-fried Rice balls that are often filled with meat, cheese and vegetables.

“Arancini!!!! That’s the only thing you’re good in. Foodie!!”Sofia scoffed and Gabriella pouted, while Romeo chuckled before sitting down.

“Why do you h@ťě studying huh?”Romeo asked calmly and she huffed.

“It sulks”She replied and Sofia shook her head, clearly not pleased with Gabriella’s attitude.

Why won’t she study?

“Okay.. but eating and gossiping never sulks huh?”he retorted and she grinned mischievously.

“Well it doesn’t. It’s enjoyment on its own”She replied and Romeo pulled her down, forcing her to sit.

“You’re studying today and that’s a must”Romeo uttered with so much authority in his voice and Gabriella rolled eye.

He’s really behaving like an elder bro right now,huh? She scoffed inwardly,then looked at Sofia.

“Can I have the Arancini first??”




Bob could be spotted, holding the rails of the bridge as he stared into the deep water,a stick of cigar in-between his lips.

For some days now,he haven’t set his eyes on Corinna and that’s getting him worried. He wasn’t worried cos of her safety,but cos he knew,she was with the cop.

He scoffed angrily,still smoking like his life depended on it.

“Why must it be him huh? A cop Corinna! A cop!!”He fired,threwing the cigar in the water.

He rubbed his temples, thinking of the possible way to deal with the cop. He needed a hand, someone to help if he eventually gets an idea,but who was to help huh? No one.

He scoffed angrily and brought out another stick,then began smoking afterwards.

“There must be a way, really”




“Push higher Ďïčk!!”Corinna kept shouting happily as Enrico pushed the swing.

Actually,since Enrico is still haven’t resumed work,he decided to take Corinna to an amusement park. Having fun isn’t bad or is it? The city has been calm and quiet lately, and that gave the people a little hope.

Why wouldn’t the city be calm? When the person that wrecks havoc is busy, playing lovey dovey lately?

They should probably enjoy the quietness for now,till she’s back!

Enrico frowned deeply when Corinna called him Ďïčk,he wanted to push her really high as his payback but seeing her hearty laughter,got him restraining and he couldn’t help but chuckle.

Corinna’s eyes widened when she saw a Man, carrying some Cotton Candy.

“Ahh, Cotton candy?”She squealed, jumping down happily from the swing.

“Such a baby”Enrico chuckled, folding his hands under his chest then after which she trailed behind her.

“Yes,two mister”Corinna grinned, and the Man gave her the cotton candy.

She took it and made to turn,when she bumped into Enrico,who was standing right behind her.

“Ahhh!”She almost fell down,when Enrico grabbed her waist, pulling her to himself.

“You both make a great couple”The vendor Man chirped smiley before walking away.

“Did you hear that? He said we’d make a great couple”Corinna grinned and Enrico smiled.

“Hmmmm!!”He hummed as they both began walking around the park,the cotton candy in their hands.

Lady red who have been watching them as this while from where she hid,stood up angrily.

“It’s either I act now or lose him forever!!”She scrowled and stormed out furiously.



Cosima hit her hands angrily on the car Bonet,after trying Sebastiano’s line for the umpteenth time.

“The f-__-k? Is he seriously bouncing my calls??”She half yelled, trying his number again and he picked up.

📞”Why the f-__-k aren’t you picking up huh?”She yelled out to him. Her voice very loud with her heart beats madly.

She was obviously burning in rage and it looks like it was gonna consume her soon.

📞”Bring it down gal. You don’t own me,so you have to right so far to raise your voice at me!”Sebastiano retorted with a huff, puffing out smokes from his mouth while we paced round his room slowly.

Cosima who was almost exploding cos of how angry and frustrated she was,found herself calming down slowly.

📞”When should the plan be executed? I want it to be tonight”Cosima said and Sebastiano scoffed.

📞”You’re rushing too much. Haven’t I told you?”He asked knowingly with a smile and Cosima roughed her hair.

📞”What the f-__-k are you saying?”She asked, trying so hard not to burst out.

📞”I’m not interested in your d@mn plan”he replied her and before Cosima could reply,the call got disconnected right on her ear.

“His guts!!!!”She shouted, Kicking her car tyres angrily, venting out her frustration on the poor tyre,who was still under the harsh sunny weather.

“What’s wrong with her?”Bob who was walking down the street couldn’t help but wonder what was going on with the lady,whose back was on him as she kept kicking her cars tyre angrily.

Taking slow strides,he began walking towards her,but gasped when he saw her face clearly.

“Boss lady!!”He screamed out absentmindedly, not until he saw her face clearly, which got her low gasp erupting his thick throat.

It was her lookalike.

He sighed and made a turn, ignoring her as he began walking back.

If he had knew that somehow, Cosima was interested in the cop,they both could have worked together,but being ignorant of that,he walked away completely.

“d@mn! I have no choice than doing what I know Best! Impersonation!!”She smirked and hopped back in her car, driving off roughly.



“Today was fun, really”Corinna squealed and Gabriella chuckled.

“I trust my bro to be a badass!”Gabriella laughed, having the ice cream which they got for her.

“Haven’t seen Mia since we came back,where is she?”Corinna couldn’t help but ask, noticing that she wasn’t in sight.

For the past days,she and Mia got quite along and that’s one of the greatest thing, making her happy.

Note~Mia was able to decipher Corinna and Cosima.

“Oh Yes,she’s sleeping already”Gabriella replied and looked at the time.

“Have some annoying assignment to tackle,I swear my friend’s or will I say enemies will fry me alive once I fail the assignment”She said, even though with the tone of her voice,one could easily know that she’s angry with the so called assignment.

“I got your covered. Show them what you gat baby”Corinna urged and Gabriella scoffed.

“Not like I have a choice”She muttered with an eye roll and stood up.

“Nightie!”She winked and Corinna chuckled, responding to her.

Few minutes after she left,Corinna stood up and began walking round the room.

“Are you gonna spend an hour over there? Get the f-__-k out!”She couldn’t help but scream out her lungs,as she hit the bathroom door.

“Ďïčk is busy gal. Don’t Disturb me”Enrico’s voice came out from the bathroom and Corinna sighed.

He’s been there for minutes, freaking minutes. What’s he doing?

She huffed and continued her walk, slowly observing the room which she failed to observe since days.

She stopped,when she saw a picture hanged on the wall and her heart quickened.

Heart pounding loudly,legs shaking so badly,she began walking towards the picture and just as her hands made contact with the picture,she froze and her eyes widened.

The bathroom door pushed open and Enrico walked out.

“Who.. who is he?”She stuttered out and Enrico blinked.


“The guy in the picture”She said again, hoping earnestly for it not to be Him.

But her words crashed totally and hot tears rolled down her cheeks,when Enrico blurted it out.

“I’m the one!”

“No!!!”She only could scream, dashing out of the room in tears.

Enrico who was confused about what was happening,went after her.

And just as they both descended the stairs,the entrance door pushed open and Cosima walked in.

Everyone’s eyes went wide,but the wider of all eyes was Enrico’s.

What the hell was happening?


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