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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE WANTED CRIMINAL – Episode 28 & 29

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{A cop and a criminal!}

THEME;Bad girls obsession

Chapter 28✨29

Written by; Merit.N.










“I’ll stay,you don’t have to cry cos of that”Enrico uttered, kissing her tears,but the tears didn’t stop flowing.

How was he to know that wasn’t the reason she’s crying? She’s scared!! Really scared of losing him and the tears wouldn’t stop flowing either.

“Can you stop with the tears? It hurts”Enrico said, wiping her tears.

Corinna kept staring at Enrico,her lips parting slowly till she uttered out the least expected words.

“I love you…”



The moment those words escaped her throat,her lips quivered nervously while Enrico felt his heart sinking Deep in his stomach.

This wasn’t what he expected right? It happened really fast or was it just to him? He smiled lightly and pulled her into his arm’s, stroking her hair gently like a kid.

“You have to calm down huh?”He uttered,still stroking her hair.

Corinna bite her lips very hard, finding solace in his arms, somehow she felt so relieved and hoped for the best,who knows… He might be feeling same too, but doesn’t wanna show it. Just who knows???



Sebastiano threw the fourth stick of cigar in the ashtray,then grabbed his hair tight.

His mind flashed back to his conversation with Cosima hours ago and he sighed, placing his hand on his jaw as he remembered each word.


“Did you get my message a week ago?”She asked again, smiling wickedly cos of the look on Sebastiano’s face.

He’d definitely give in to her plan, really!!!

“So what have you got?”Sebastiano asked dryly, folding his hands under his chest and Cosima chuckled.

“Like I said,I’m Corinna’s lookalike and messing with the cops head would be alot easy or don’t you think?”She smiled crankily and Sebastiano huffed.

“I have limited time gal and it’d be better you waste none”He snorted angrily and that got Cosima chuckling hard.

“Take a chill pill Seb okay? All we have to do is work together in other to get what we want!! I know how much you love Corinna. Yes,it’s f-__-king true that you both was once f-__-kmates,but I know you.. you’ve always got a thing for her, and leaving a mere cop to have her ain’t ya thing”Cosima jibbed with a smile and Sebastiano heaved.

She was sure making a point!!

“So what should we do?”Sebastiano finally asked after a long silence and Cosima clapped her palms,a deep smirk on her face.

“Let’s play a little game”She laughed and Sebastiano smirked.

“By a little game,You mean you’re going to his house as Corinna?”Sebastiano asked slowly and Cosima chuckled.

“I’m going as Cosima. That’s the name I told him,the dummy wasn’t fast enough to tell him her name,so I beat her to it”She laughed and Sebastiano chuckled.

“So what’s my own part in the game?”

“We both knows how Corinna can be right? She’d definitely keep visiting the cop even if I’m there,and that only means one thing for us. Game over!!!”

“So all you have to do is kidnap her,so she wouldn’t be able to come back ever again. Kidnap her and disappear from this country”She laughed and the hands which Sebastiano folded under his chest,got disengaged on a slow motion and the next second.

“Are you insane??”He screamed and Cosima laughed.

“In or not?”She retorted, stretching forth her hand and Sebastiano drove his fingers in his hair, pulling it angrily.


“Is she kidding me? I should kidnap Corinna? That’s like digging my own grave!!”

“Yes,I know that I love her,but risking my life wouldn’t be a good idea. I mean,I have my grandma to take care of,so why would I ki|| myself when I’m still Young? To hell with her lame idea, I’d find another Way. Sebastiano never gives up anyways”He muttered, gulping down the remaining shot in his Glass.



Sienna chuckled sadly and threw the fourth stone in the water, both legs in the cold water while the night breeze blew her long hair backwards.

The stars matching in it’s number up in the sky.

“Cooling off ya mind?”She heard a voice behind her, and without being told who he was,she already knew him by his voice.


“Why are you here? What do you want?”Sienna asked,her back on him.

Enzo only shrugged before sitting down beside her.

“Came to cool my mind off,just like you’re doing”He uttered with a smile and sienna nodded before standing up,she made to leave when Enzo grabbed her hand… Stopping her from going further.

“What do you want from me?”She snapped angrily.

“I want us to talk”he replied her, standing up slowly while still holding her hand.

“Talk about what exactly huh? That you pretend to h@ťě me in front of the members and start bugging me behind?”She fired, finally jerking off her hand from his grip.

“Can I talk?”Enzo tried talking but sienna scoffed,her eyes showing nothing but pains.

“I get it that am not beautiful,but can you stop? Everyone in the gang h@ťěs me. I guess that’s my fate,so leave me alone”She shot again and Enzo sighed.


“Don’t dare call my name. Stay the hell away from me”She retorted and ran off.

“f-__-k!!”Enzo could only mutter, watching her run off from his sight.

His hand flew to his head and he dipped his fingers in his hair, roughing it frustratedly.



“Tada!!”Corinna shouted happily, showing Enrico the glass of drink and his eyes widened.

It was one of the hard drinks in Italy,a strong alcohol drink to be precise.

Absinthe drink, it’s alcohol content is around 55-75%.

“The f-__-k?”Enrico shouted unbelievablely, staring at the drink in her hand and Corinna only smirked.

“How did you get that?”

“Let’s watch movies”She replied, totally ignoring his question.

“O..Kay!!”He replied slowly and Corinna giggled,grabbing his hand.

They left the room afterwards.

Few minutes later,they both were already seated down on the couch in the living room,with Enrico holding the remote.

“What’s your speciality?”Enrico asked and Corinna made a funny face.

“Horror”She replied and Enrico gasped.


“Ho… Rror!”Corinna completed it for him and he could feel his heart beating so much against his ribbicage.

“Ow..ow..”He began stuttering and Corinna laughed.

“You’re still a boy I guess,so over to you. What should we watch?”She asked him instead and Enrico sighed in relief, before sitting well.

“Let’s watch actions”He smirked and Corinna nodded.

“Then let’s do it!”She laughed and poured the drink in their different glass,she took one and gave Enrico one,after which they clicked glass.

30 minutes later~

Corinna was already sitting on the floor, drinking the 7th glass of drink, same as Enrico and their eyes was feeling drowsy already.

They both turned and their eyes hooked,they began laughing hard.

“It got you! For real”Corinna laughed, pointing her finger at Enrico who smiled drunkenly.

“Did you?”Enrico leaned closer,their faces just an inch away.

Their lips was literally close and they could feel the breeze,coming from their nose.

“Move back!!”Corinna retorted,poking his forehead in a funny way.

“Urrrgh!! That hurts”Enrico said,his eyes all red and Corinna made a puppy face.

“Does it really hurt? I’m sorry then”She muttered and began crying.

It was obvious that alcohol was in work.

Enrico leaned and hugged her, while Corinna kept crying funnily on his shoulder.

“Stop crying huh? You beat me but I’m saying sorry, that’s unfair”Enrico said and Corinna lifted her head from his shoulder.

“Ahahh. I only poked your forehead,did I beat you? I didn’t,why making me feel sad?”She broke down in tears and Enrico slapped his forehead.

He grabbed the drink and poured for himself and her, before passing her glass to her.

“Have more huh?”He nudged at her and Corinna wipes her tears, taking the glass of drink slowly from him.

“Can I?”She smiled and Enrico nodded like a kid.

“You’re the best!!”She laughed but frowned immediately.

“You’re worst!!”She spat and Enrico’s eyes widened.

“Huh? What did I do again?”He asked and Corinna gulped the drink before laughing.

She stood up,still laughing manically.

“I got you again. Hahaha!!”She laughed, jumping up and Enrico grabbed her hand.

They both fell heavily on the couch,their eyes making contact.

“You got me?”He asked and Corinna shook her head immediately.

“No,I mean you’re handsome”She replied instead and Enrico smiled,his eyes finally fixed on her lips.

“And you’re beautiful too”he uttered out, and Corinna’s cheek burnt immediately, turning to pepper red.

“Really?”She blushed, pouting her lips cutely.

“M…hmmmm”he nodded and Corinna smiled, wrapping his arms round his neck.

“Those lips… They’re calling me”Enrico muttered and before Corinna could say a word,he smashed his lips on hers hungrily.


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