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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE WANTED CRIMINAL – Episode 26 & 27

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{A cop and a criminal!}

THEME;Bad girls obsession

Chapter 26✨27

Written by; Merit.N.









He was f-__-king imagining it to be Corinna. Has it gotten to that? This is crazy.

“I’m fine”He replied hurriedly.

“You’re blocking the way with your car,park well please”She told him before walking out, Enrico sighed while roughing his hair.

Few minutes later,he drove out.



Corinna who have been peeking from the window,sat down dejectedly on the sofa the moment Enrico’s car drove out of the environment.

“What is wrong with me? Don’t you think this is getting too much huh?”She scolded herself and bite her bottom lips.

Her mind suddenly weavered back to years ago, during her highschool day’s and she sighed, grabbing her hair tight.

Back then,she and Cosima was best friends and a guy tore them apart,what more now that they are enemies? What’d happen? Cosima,being Cosima won’t leave any stone unturned, she’d make sure to have Enrico to herself, which is definitely gonna lead to war.

“Arrrrgh!!!”She slumped on the couch, kicking her legs in the air angrily.



Enrico exhaled,after sipping the warm coffee. He kept the cup of coffee on the table,then picked up a file,but kept it back almost immediately.

He stood up from his swivel chair and removed his cop uniform,then hanged it on his chair armrest before going over to his window,he parted the curtain and heaved again.

He’d totally lost concentration,no matter how much and how hard he wants to concentrate,he still finds himself zooming off to the imagination world.

His door creaked open and he turned swiftly.

“Sir, someone is here to see you. According to him,it is important”The junior cop reported and Enrico dipped his hands in his pocket.

“Let him in”Enrico told him, grabbing his uniform to put on.

Few minutes later, Andrea walked in.

“Have a sit”Enrico pointed to him and Andrea sat down slowly.

“So what do I owe you?”Enrico asked, tapping his index finger slowly on his desk.

“I can help you. Just a little cash and I’ll spill the beans”Andrea smirked, while Enrico kept staring at him icily.

What was he sprouting?

“Are you here for a fun game? Which bean are you tryna spill?”Enrico retorted uninterestingly and Andrea smirked.

He brought out a picture and placed it on Enrico’s desk.

“You know her don’t know? And bringing her down is your priority isn’t it?”Andrea asked and Enrico scoffed.

“And how do I owe you a reply?”He retorted.

“Well,that’s cos I can be of help. Like I said, just the cash and boom… You’d catch her without much stress cos she’s…”Andrea stopped talking and chuckled.

“My mouth, running too much already”Andrea grinned and looked at Enrico.

“If ya interested,call me. This is my business card”he added, dropping the card on the table and stood up.

“I’ll be expecting ya call though”He winked and walked out. Enrico scoffed loudly, grabbing the card he tore it into pieces.

“Is he insane? He isn’t a cop, neither is he a detective so what the f-__-k is he upto? Obviously a gold digger,he looks like one”he rolled eye and began staring at the picture.

His hand went to the table and he found himself picking it up.




Gabriella stood on the line, waiting patiently for the person before her to be attended to,so that she can take hers and go back to class,when Sofia walked up to her.

“Have been looking everywhere for you”Sofia said, trying to grab her hand but Gabriella jerked it off.

“Wanna get a coffee first, please”She rolled eye.

“Something spicy is happening in grade 11″Sofia jibbed and Gabriella turned to her.

“What’s happening?”She asked and Sofia cleared her throat before explaining,after which they ran out afterwards.



Enrico walked out of the apartment slowly, getting tired already. He’s been coming there for the past one week,but the door is always locked and Corinna wasn’t in sight.

He brought out his phone, while walking slowly towards his car when someone called his name from behind. The moment he turned,his eyes glistened happily at who he saw. Corinna was there, staring at him and he almost hugged her,but he restrained himself and frowned instead.

“Where have you been?”He found himself asking. Corinna only grabbed his hand and walked inside the apartment.

She pushed him immediately against the wall and smashed her lips on his, Enrico responded immediately, without making any attempt to push her off. It was as if the anger building in him got washed off just by her lips on his,and there was nothing he was thinking of other than kissing her back in the same pace and intensity. He really needed this,he needed her lips. He’ve been craving madly for it for the past one week and if he doesn’t kiss her back,he might go crazy.

He grabbed her back, hugging her tightly to himself while their lips danced against each other,it was obvious they both f-__-king missed the feeling and they weren’t ready to stop anytime soon.

Corinna held unto the hem of Enrico’s cloth as she felt her legs growing weak and wobbling,she might fall down any moment. The kiss was getting more and more intensified,their body and soul craving for more,it was as if the more they kissed,the more their body sparkled and asked for more,none was ready to stop.

Subconsciously, Enrico’s hands left her back and greased her @zz,causing a low Mõ@ɲ to erupt Corinna’s mouth.

The Mõ@ɲ which escaped Corinna’s mouth added more fire in Enrico’s system and he found himself going insanely hot,he pushed her more closer to himself and bite her bottom lips.

“Enrico…”She Mõ@ɲed out again and Enrico began pushing her towards the couch,they both sat down on it, while still in the kiss.

“I.. I missed you”Corinna breathed out heavily Admist the hot kiss and Enrico broke the kiss.

They began staring at each other,their hearts pounding loudly on their chest. Corinna bite her bottom lips and looked away, shyness taking over from her. Enrico took his hand to her chin and turned her face to him,he began running his thumb on her swollen lips, maintaining the eye lock with her and Corinna could feel her liquid dripping down her legs, she’s crazily horny.

“I missed you too”Enrico said for the first time and tears of joy, escaped Corinna’s eyes.

She immediately reconnected their lips.



Gabriella stopped on her track’s,the moment she and Sofia ran into grade 11 classroom.

A grade 11 student,a boy to be precise was kneeling before Romeo who had a long cane in his hand,ready to lash on him.

“Is that a spicy show? This is bullying”Gabriella shouted and Sofia smirked.

“Nah,it ain’t. That f-__-king boy tried raping his classmate”Sofia pointed and that was when Gabriella saw the girl,whose uniform was torn and she was weeping lowly.

“Gawd!!”Gabriella rushed to Romeo and grabbed his arm.

“You can’t do this Romeo,you really can’t”Gabriella uttered, stopping him from hitting the boy with the cane on his hand.

“This boy needs to be dealt with, he’s this Young and already have the mindset to rape? What more can he do if he grows up? He’d definitely go into porn industry”He snorted angrily, glaring at the boy whose head was down.

“You shouldn’t take laws into ya hand. I get you’re the senior,but taking them to the authorities is the best”Gabriella cautioned and Romeo exhaled.

“Stop crying dear,the school head will deal with him. Trust me”Sofia patted the girl,who was sniffing occasionally.



Corinna bite her lips shyly, while preparing the spaghetti Alla carbonara Meal, Enrico’s hands was folded under his chest as he watch her cook.

“Aren’t you going to work?”She asked softly,her face glued on the pot and Enrico shrugged before walking to her.

He lifted her off the floor and Corinna gasped,he placed her on the counter and stood in-between her thighs.

“I took a leave. So no work today”He replied her with a smile, brushing his lips slightly on hers.

“Oh”She bite her bottom lips and looked away, Enrico turned her face to him and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear,then began staring at her. Corinna heaved and began looking at her nails.

“Why acting shy huh?”He chuckled, rubbing her cheeks with his left thumb.

“I’m not shy”she pouted,still playing with her fingers and Enrico grinned.

“Then why aren’t you looking at me?”He asked again and Corinna looked up slowly,but tore her gaze away immediately from Enrico the moment their eyes made contact.

“Okay!! She’s really shy”Enrico laughed and Corinna looked up to him.

“I’m not!!”She insisted and Enrico nodded.

“I know you’re not,ya obviously brave huh? Look me in the eye then”He smirked and she clamped her lips together, rolling eyes.

Enrico chuckled and held her shoulder, rubbing it slowly with his palms while Corinna kept biting her lips, suppressing the silly Mõ@ɲ which was trying to escape her throat.

Do he have any idea what those hands are doing to her now? She’d obviously lose it if he continues doing that to her,she turned and made to talk,when Enrico beat her to it.

“What are you doing to me?”Enrico asked and Corinna looked at him.


“You won’t understand”Enrico sighed,then roughed her hair with a smile.

“Continue cooking”He muttered, bringing her down from the counter.

Corinna looked at him and he shrugged with a smile, nudging at her to face what she was doing.

“I hope you’d forgive me,once you find out my true identity”Corinna thought, looking at Enrico sadly,who went to take a water from the fridge.



Sebastiano walked out from the restaurant with Andrea,when lady red walked up to him.

“Hey?”She waved, blocking their way, causing a Deep frown to appear on Sebastiano’s face.

“Do I know you?”He retorted and lady red chuckled before looking at Andrea.

“Can I have a word with ya boss if you don’t mind?”she asked calmly and Sebastiano gave Andrea a look,which he understood before walking few feets away from them, giving them the privacy they want.

“Tell me you imposter,what business I have with you”He uttered, folding his hands under his chest and lady red chuckled.

“I’m not an imposter. Let’s say,am Corinna’s lookalike and biggest enemy. I’m Cosima, known as lady red,the second most wanted criminal in Italy,the one her picture appeared on the screen,months ago”Lady red introduced and Sebastiano gasped.

“Did you get my message a week ago?”She asked again, smiling wickedly cos of the look on Sebastiano’s face.

He’d definitely give in to her plan, really!!!



“Are you really going? It’s late seriously”Corinna pouted,the moment Enrico told her he was going.

“Late you say? It’s just 6PM and everywhere is still clear, so what are you saying?”Enrico chuckled, dipping his hand in his pocket and Corinna pouted again.

“Come here”He pulled her into his arm’s and Corinna smiled, wrapping her arms round his body, while sniffing his scent.

Today is one of her best days,if there is. She spent the whole of today with her crush, laughing and making memories. Isn’t this what anyone in her shoe could ask of? She was still in thought of that,when it hit her mind that Enrico was out in search of her too.

What’d happen when things gets out? What’d happen when her biggest secret comes out? Just the thought of that alone, made her heart sank Deep in her stomach and she hugged him more tighter,as if he was gonna escape from her if she hugged him less, almost choking him that Enrico felt it difficult to breath cos of the tightness of the hug.

“Are you okay?”Enrico had to ask, wondering why she was hugging him so tight.

“Please don’t go,stay for tonight”She whimpered, smuggling more closer to him and Enrico chuckled.

“Have been here since morning, isn’t that enough?”He asked and Corinna broke the hug, staring deep in his eyes.

The urge to suddenly tell him of her true identity flashed her mind and she opened her mouth to speak,but no word formed in her brain.

Her other side was feeling guilty, pushing her to let it all out,but then the remaining part of her,wants her to keep shut. What’d if she loses him for real after him knowing about her identify? He have become her addiction and she can’t imagine a day without him,she really can’t leave without him.

Hot tears began streaming her eyes just at the thought of losing him forever. She really can’t survive,she won’t.

Enrico raised her brow,the moment he saw those tears, trickling down her cheeks.

“You’re crying?”He furrowed his brow, touching her cheeks with his thumb but Corinna’s tears kept flowing the more she kept hooking eyes with him.

“I’ll stay,you don’t have to cry cos of that”Enrico uttered, kissing her tears,but the tears didn’t stop flowing.

How was he to know that wasn’t the reason she’s crying? She’s scared!! Really scared of losing him and the tears wouldn’t stop flowing either.

“Can you stop with the tears? It hurts”Enrico said, wiping her tears.

Corinna kept staring at Enrico,her lips parting slowly till she uttered out the least expected words.

“I love you…”


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