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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE WANTED CRIMINAL – Episode 12 & 13

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{A cop and a criminal!}

THEME;Bad girls obsession

Chapter 12✨13

Written by; Merit.N.








They both turned at once,only to see Enrico
staring at them blankly,his two hands folded
under his chest.

Enrico’s eyes went wide when he saw the
person’s face.

Corinna weaved happily to him,from where she
was standing and Enrico roughed his hair in

“$h|t!!!”He only muttered, staring at her




“Why are you here?”Enrico asked, folding his
two hands under his chest.

“I…I…I…”Corinna quivered,not knowing the right
word to use or say,the truth is that she actually
trailed him,she just wanted to see him, nothing

But how was she to tell him? She’s helplessly

“Start talking!!”Enrico shouted angrily, slowly
loosing his self control.

Corinna bite her bottom lips very hard,her face
buried on the floor as she held the hem of her
clothes tightly,the water droplets trickling down
from it.

“I…I…”She trailed off again,tears slowly misting
in her eyes.

She only wanted to see him?! But now,he was
quireing her as if she was a criminal? Wait,did
she say as if? She’s a criminal of course,but she
did nothing this time,only wanted to see his
face! That’s cos she missed him badly. It’s like
she’s gotten so much addicted to his face,that
she can’t stay without setting her eyes on him.

She held the hem of her clothes tighter,
breathing lowly as she began feeling feverish,
The wet cloth has already stayed too long on
her,she needed to change into something dry,
but instead,she’s standing before him like a
thief,being quired by the master.

“I..was scared of staying alone”She blurted out
before realizing what she said.

What the heck was f-__-king wrong with her? Isn’t
this stupidity? First,she shot herself cos she
wanted to see him,now she’s in his house? Has
she gone crazy or craziness her taken over her?
It’s been two days already that she hadn’t go on
any operation? Operation she makes sure to go
daily? Isn’t the young cop gradually becoming
her weakness? No! She’s not gonna be weak! To
hell with love! She spat inwardly,but it began

What exactly was this feeling? Love? Stupidity?
Infatuation? Obsession? Or craziness?Those
wild thoughts kept going in her dark mind.

“I’ve heard enough! I guess I’ll stop with the
craziness”She muttered inwardly with

The only thing in her mind,was running out and
never to return. How can she possibly be in love
with a worst enemy? That’s digging her own
grave! It’s not gonna work out.

“I’m sorry for all the disturbance and thanks for
all you’ve done for me”Corinna muttered,even as
she said those words,she could feel her voice
shaking and her heart breaking already.

Was she really going to do that? Giving up so

Enrico gave her no reply,and Corinna bite her
bottom lips and began walking out,her head still
buried on the floor.

She was almost at the door,when she felt a
warm hand on her cold arm.

Her heart sank into her stomach and she began
feeling hot inside. She gulped emptiness,
without turning to look at him.

Enrico said no word to her,he only pulled her
back and made her sit on the bed.

He went over to the closet and picked out a
pajamas which he threw to her afterwards.

“Get changed,I’ll be back”Was all he uttered
without sparing her a glance,then walked out

Corinna exhaled loudly, holding the pajamas to
herself tightly, while looking at the door.

“Why so cold?”She muttered sadly, biting her
bottom lips momentarily.


The black tinted car, pulled to a rough halt
under the heavy rain pour, close to an Alley,an
old building at each sides.

Andrea whined down the window, looking out
through the rain. He had a stick of cigar in
between his lips as he dialed a number.

He was still at the call,when a man in his early
50s came out from one of the buildings,he had
an umbrella over his head.

“Oh…eccolo!(Oh…there he is!)”He said in Italian,
pointing at Andrea who saw him too.

Andrea opened his car door and came out,then
walked in with the man…few seconds he walked
in, another car parked close to his.

“Pensavi che il capo avesse detto che la merce
sarebbe arrivata stasera?(Thought boss said
the goods would be arriving tonight?)”One of
the men in the car asked.

“Andrea ci sta lavorando, ha la fiducia di gestire
la cosa!(Andrea is on it, he’s trusted to handle
it!)”Another replied.

“Allora perché siamo qui?(Then why are we
here?)”He asked again.

“Smettila di comportarti come un idiota!!(Stop
acting like a dummy dude!!)”He snapped at him.



“Thanks”Corinna muttered softly,after gulping
down the hot coffee.

She already changed into the pajamas and was
currently sitting down on the bed, though still
shaking slowly cos of the cold.

Enrico gave her no reply,as he took the coffee
cup from her, staring blankly at her.

“What exactly do you want from me? Why
stalking me?”He questioned, looking at her

“I just said I was scared”She bite her bottom lips
and Enrico sighed before placing the glass on
the table nearby,then he leaned closer and held
her two shoulders, making sure to look at her
directly in the eye.

Their eyes locked for a moment,with both of
them not saying anything, Corinna’s heartbeat
skyrocketed and she could feel the insane
sensations burning in her,she wanted to smash
her lips hungrily on his, savaging his lips till he
runs out of breathe and pleades with her to
stop,but she couldn’t muster the courage,she
only kept looking at his lips which was tempting
and calling.

“Have I seen her before?”Enrico couldn’t help but

This is the first time he’s actually taking a
clearer look at her face, and now that he is this
close to her,her face reminds him of someone
but he can’t point exactly at who the person

“I don’t know why you’re stalking me,but you’re
giving me every f-__-king reason to suspect
you!”He uttered and Corinna gulped,still feeling
the hot sensations.

“I..mean no harm,I’m just scared of staying
alone tonight,but I’ll go if you’re really not
comfortable with me. Already told you I’m not
lady red,what would I be doing here if I was her?
Why would I do that? I understand that we look
alike,but is it really my fault? What do you want
me to do,so you can trust me huh?”Corinna
asked at a time, breathing heavily.

“Why do you want my trust? Do you perhaps like
me? Cos there’s no other reason you would be
acting strange if you don’t love me”Enrico
muttered,his face close to hers that Corinna felt
it difficult to breath,her heart which was racing
crazily wasn’t helping matters, cos it was
literally trying to explode.

Corinna wanted to reply him,but Enrico beat her
to it.

“If by any chance,you have any freaking thing
for me,just ki|| it now that it is just developing,
cos it won’t work. Your face reminds me of the
second wanted criminal in the wanted list and I
can’t stand it”He muttered h@ťěfully and Corinna
swallowed hard.

If only he knew how much effect his words have
on her! If only he knew,he wouldn’t be this
harsh! He should try and talk to her,even if it’s
just once!!

She was still thinking hard,when she heard the
door closing loudly.

Enrico just left!!!

“He’s making me trip effortlessly! Watch how I
make you mine”Corinna muttered,and sighed
out almost immediately.



Enrico sighed loudly,after putting on something
cool and comfortable. He went over to the
window,then stood and began watching the rain
pour freely.

“Dad! I’m sorry that this is taking much time
than I expected,but I’ll make sure to bring them
down. That’s a promise”He uttered sadly,the
rain hitting loudly on the roof.

He stood there for over twenty minutes, smiling
and at the same time, muttering inaudible

He was still standing when he heard a soft
knock on the door.

“I’m not ready for your nagging Gabriella, go to
bed”He shouted, without bothering to go check
whoever it was, knocking on the door.

“It’s me!”Corinna’s voice was heard and Enrico
sighed dejectedly.

“Can’t I have my privacy? I already told you….”

“Stop talking and open the d@mn door
Ďïčk!!”Corinna shouted, taking Enrico by

She has finally gotten her voice back? Shouting
at him,in his own mansion? Oh! Her nerves.

“I’mma going to shout if you don’t open
up!!”Corinna thr_@tened and Enrico roughed his
hair, before opening his door.

“A….”Corinna made to scream, when Enrico
covered her mouth with his palms, pushing her
inside before locking the door.

“What are you doing here?”Enrico asked.

“It’s that the only thing you’re good at? Asking
what I’m doing here? I’m hungry Ďïčk!!”Corinna
snapped and Enrico chuckled.

“You’re hungry? Do I look like a food?”He asked.

“A perfect meal,that’s what you’re”Corinna
smirked and Enrico scoffed.

“I should have known you’re a p@zzy”he retorted.

“I’m serious Ďïčk! I’m hungry, can’t you be gentle
for once? Why making me feel bad for looking
like lady red? I’m not the creator,so stop treating
me badly. Would you?”She was already at the
verge of tears,when she said those words.

“Bruh!”Enrico heard Gabriella’s voice from the
door and his eyes went wide, without a
hesitation,he quickly pushed Corinna on the
bed,his palm on her mouth while their eyes

“Bruh!!”Gabriella knocked on the door.

“Shh!”He whispered to her and Corinna nodded

“Bruh!! Open the door!!”Gabriella shouted,
banging on the door this time.

“Can you produce a Mõ@ɲ?”Enrico whispered
and Corinna shook her head negatively.

“What do you mean by no?”He almost yelled,but
whispered instead.

“I can’t bring out a Mõ@ɲ”Corinna uttered slowly.

“I’mma breaking the door bruh!!”Gabriella

“f-__-king let out a Mõ@ɲ”Enrico said and Corinna
shook her head,still adamant.

“Make me Mõ@ɲ instead”Corinna smirked and
Enrico’s eyes went round in shock.

What the f-__-k was this little devil spewing? He
should make her Mõ@ɲ? Is she insane!?

“Bruh you think locking the door will stop me
from ranting or saying my mind?”

Enrico who wasn’t ready for Gabriella’s
tantrum’s exhaled loudly, before dipping his
hand in Corinna’s chest,he grabbed her right
B-__-bs and Corinna’s eyes went round in shock,
hot liquids began trickling out from her *V* and
she could feel herself getting insanely wet by
just his touch,it was just a touch!! How deep
have she fallen for this dude? She was still
staring at Enrico with wide eye,mouth agape
and her heart racing,when Enrico gave her
Ɲīpplës an electrifying pinch.

Her eyeballs rolled in it’s socket and a Mõ@ɲ left
her lips immediately. Enrico smirked, and began
circling her Ɲīpplës,with his fingers causing
more Mõ@ɲs to leave her mouth. He gave it
another hard pinch and she Mõ@ɲed out loudly
this time.



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