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Friday, October 18, 2024
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The Virgin Street Girl ? ?

Episode 22

Final Episode ✍

Written by: Frank The Writer

❌Do Not Copy or Repost ❌

I was helpless inside Lisa’s car and I wondered where they were driving to at that time of the night. My feet were frozen, and my exposed legs were shaking. My spine was so tensed with the amount of shivers I had.
They continued to drive down the lonely street. Only the sound of the car could be heard. I could faintly hear the sound of barking dogs from the neighborhood.

After about ten minutes drive, the car finally halted.
“Here’s okay. What do you think?” I overheard someone say? It sounded more like Lisa’s voice.
“Yes. I think there is better. Open the back door,” came the second voice.
That was the last thing I heard before someone grabbed me on my leg. I felt another hand on my both hands. I had been lying unconsciously in the back seat of the car.
Why is Lisa treating me like this? I thought she likes me.
They dragged me down on the floor. I lay helplessly by side of the tarred road.

“Please, don’t leave me here,” I beckoned in a teary voice.
“In your next world, you will never betray someone like me,” I heard Lisa say.
“I never betrayed you. It was Cyndy who forced herself on me.”
“Shut up! You chose her over me. You went for the highest bidder right?”


“Please, don’t leave me here. My stomach hurts,” I cried out.
“Call Cyndy to help you.”

The next I heard was the sound of the car as it screeched on the road. That was the last I remembered.

Woke up in a hospital bed feeling fine, yet no idea who brought me there.
“Where am I?”
“Hospital. You were brought in last night by a good Samaritan. You got poisoned as well.” Said the doctor who stood by my side when my eyes opened.
“Please, how much damage did it cause in my system?” I asked, sobbing.
“Well, you’re not entirely messed up. It could have been worse than this if you weren’t rushed in on time. Don’t worry, you are good.”


Just then, someone walked into the ward.
“Here’s the good Samaritan who saved your life,” the doctor walked out as soon as he said that.
My eyes fell on the young-looking chubby man dressed in long sleeves shirt and plain trousers. He was probably in his thirties or thereabouts. He had cute dimples.
“How are you doing my dear? You were unconscious last night when I drove past the lonely road.”
Tears trickled down my cheeks immediately.
“Oh! Please, you don’t have to do this. Wipe your tears.” He walked closer to the bed.
“Thank you so much for saving my life. I know I would have long gone if not for you.”

“I really feel like God put me there at that time,” he said and paused. I guess he wanted me to be late last night, he added.
“Thank you, sir. God bless you for saving my life.”
“It’s okay my dear. You should be thanking God who put me there at that time. What really happened? By the way, I’m Bernard. And you?”
“I’m Jane.”
“Jane, what really happened? Who dumped you there? A man? I mean, it’s strange and I haven’t been in this kind of position before.” He uttered in one breath.
“Um, it’s actually a long story sir,” I replied shyly.

“A long story? Hope you weren’t involved in a crime. Because at some point I thought of endangering myself by assisting you. Who knows what…”
“No, sir. You are safe. I had no criminal record.”
“It’s okay my dear.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“You have not been off my mind one moment since I picked you there. God got a plan for you. He keeps telling me to make sure you are saved entirely,” he continued.

Long story short, Bernard settled my hospital bills and drove me home to meet Chucks and my mom who have been worried about me. And throughout the time he drove me in his car, I opened up to him about my past life.

Mom was relieved on seeing her only daughter again. She thanked Bernard after he narrated to her how he saved my life. I couldn’t be happier reuniting with my family.
Bernard happened to be a man of God. He sat us down and we talked. My mom was just like, “Thank you, Lord.” That was the first thing he said after Bernard narrated my ordeal. My mom acknowledged and thanked him for caring enough to stop and help. It made an enormous difference.
“I don’t like the word Hero,” Bernard said after I called him a hero for saving my life.

He went on to say that I’d have to undergo a deliverance session to rescind the mark on my neck or else, I would remain a part of Cyndy and her cult. He also said I would have to let go of all the ill-gotten money I had made from Cyndy which was in my bank accounts. A hard one to take but my mom was determined to fulfill everything he said.

Just like Bernard suggested, I withdrew the whole money and it was given out to motherless home babies and orphanages within the neighborhood. I wouldn’t say it was easy but Bernard cautioned that the aftermath effect would be more dangerous if I decide to keep the money.

We did the needful and I went down to zero, financially. I had no phone too. Lisa made away with my phone that very night she poisoned me. Everything took a bad turn. But Bernard never abandoned us thereafter. He started up a restaurant business for my mom so that we could survive there. Yet our daily consumption was ki||ing the small business. We even adjusted our spending just to fit in.

Chucks was still pushing his music career but nothing was forthcoming. He started doing menial jobs while I helped mom in her restaurant business. It was there I met a man who always come to preach the word of God and in the end, he would always share a small pamphlet that emphasized more hope in God.
I read a lot of stories from the pamphlet on how people’s stories changed. Stories of hope, love, and faith. With time, those stories and testimonies began to germinate seeds in my heart. I saw myself turning to God. My mom always says if there is a man to pray to, there is God to answer.

I fasted, prayed, and read the Bible. I knew I had committed atrocities before God and man but I really had high hopes and faith in God that one day everything will be okay. But sadly, it seemed God wasn’t even hearing my prayers and things got worsened.

My mom fell ill and was diagnosed with an ulcer, Břě@šť cancer, and high blood pressure. We needed money urgently for treatment and the little we had wasn’t enough. My mom was in several debt. Cooperative and other loans he had taken. We couldn’t call on Bernard because we felt he had done enough already.
I prayed to God to heal my mom. If there was anybody who deserve to die, it should be me. I fasted and prayed just so God would heal her. I had faith in Him.


A month later, she left Chucks and I. She died in my very hands and I couldn’t be more shattered all my life. I felt a part of me was gone. Chucks and I cried out our eyes. He later called Bernard with his phone.
He came the following day and he blamed us for keep in things away from him. He said he could have backed us up with prayers and funds.

My mom was the foundation of my hope. She would tell us, “once you choose Hope, anything is possible.” After her demise, I didn’t lose hope but I lost a bit of my faith in God. People said there is a reason for everything that happens but I couldn’t see the blessing and purpose of losing my beloved mom. They said life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, but it’s about learning to dance in the rain.

Chucks and I took courage and moved on. He had finished high school, so we both did other menial jobs to survive. Debtors were still coming after my mom’s burial. Suffering, pain, hunger, and stress became our companions. Life went on like that for my brother and I. Though I still had hope that things would turn around for good.

Then one day, Chucks came home with heart-thrilling and amazing news. Maybe the best news we have heard in a very long time. He said a friend of his asked that he come over to Dubai and stay with him. He promised he was going to take care of his travel expenses. Leo was Chucks childhood friend who happened to travel out with his family when he was just 12. Leo was all grown up and looked older than his age; more mature and healthy.

Unfortunately, tragedy struck two weeks later. It was another heavy disaster; Chucks was involved in a fatal accident that claimed his life. I almost died of heartache when I received the news. Why would it be this time he was about to leave the country? I couldn’t understand why God allow my entire family wipe away in a short time. If anyone deserves to die, it should be me.

At that point in my life, I lost hope and faith in God. I questioned his existence. Bernard came consoling me, saying I shouldn’t worry and that God knows the best. If only he knew how much I h@ťěd that line. Maybe I should have remained with Cyndy and lived the worst life than watching my family wiped out.
Bernard adopted me to live with his family after the demise of my only brother. My life never remained the same. I was shattered to some extent. No parent, no siblings. Life was that unfair to me. I do wonder why Bernard and his family still prayed to God when it was obvious He doesn’t listen to prayers.

I also couldn’t further my studies anymore. There was no fund for that. I became a salesgirl and started earning monthly. I was that beautiful girl with a good shape and a dazzling body. I had several boys in the neighborhood who wanted to have close relationships with me but I couldn’t stoop low for any of them.
Bernard didn’t also give me chance to mingle with them. Instead, he turned my face back to God. He began to tutor me spiritually. He said I was the next prey for the devil and that I should be on alert or else, my family lineage would be a thing of the past. His words brought nothing but fear. He helped me return to my maker.

Gradually, I went back to God, but this time I didn’t pray that God should bless me but I prayed that he should forgive my sins and preserve my soul to serve him. I started evangelism and with time, I began to win souls for Christ with my true life stories; how God changed my life and kept me despite my past life. There was this inner joy I felt within.

In December of that very year, Bernard’s younger brother, Fred came back from Uk to celebrate the festive season with Bernard and his family. He came purposely for Christmas and New Year holidays. We eventually got along and in no time, Fred showed interest. I was just twenty-one and he was thirty. I had thought Bernard would share my past life with his brother, and probably that would discourage him from wh@ťěver he had for me. But I was wrong, he did no such thing. He allowed the chemistry between Fred and I to flourish.

As I’m writing this story to you, Fred and I have celebrated two years of togetherness; a long-distance relationship that turned my life around for good. This year November, we will walk down the aisle. Plans and preparation have been made and I will be joining him to live in the UK after our wedding here in Nigeria.
I don’t know why my life had several turns but I’m ever grateful I had chance to make amends.

_The End_

© Frank The Writer

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