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The ⬅️
Vampires ?‍♂️
World ?

Subtle: Two world, two lives

Theme; His Bride

By: Ghaniyah.M?

➡️ Chapter 47 ⬅️

>The War (1)<

The next morning Damon was in his room chatting with Gold, Wendy had a sound outside the Palace. They immediately ran out of the room to check what was happening outside, then they saw the soldiers with their swords, Damon immediately ran inside back to take the sword, then pointed it at the soldiers, someone chuckled, he stared at the person far away, the person walked closer to him, it turned out to be Vesper and Drusilla.

“Are you scared?” Vesper asked with a smile.

“Why should I be scared of you? Who are you?” Damon said and gave Gold an eye to show his mom.

Immediately Vesper saw his mom, he became very angry and scared at the same time because he thought Damon was gonna ki|| his mom if he didn’t give him the Tiger Tally.

“What? Don’t you dare hurt her… I will give you the Tiger Tally” Vesper said, pointing the Tiger Tally to him.

“Bring it” Damon muttered.

Drusilla knocked Vesper out and collected the Tiger Tally, he ordered two soldiers to take him back then asked the rest of the soldiers to fight. Damon and Gold brought out their swords and ordered their guards to fight with them, they all fought together. Drusilla was about to stab Gold when Damon fling his sword at him and kicked him, Drusilla fell down groaning in pain, one of the soldiers immediately helped him up, he backed flipped then pointed his sword at Damon again.

“Do you think I will lose easily?” He smiled.

They begin to fight again, Drusilla ran toward him with speed, he swung his sword and hit his leg on the tree, he flipped then pointed his sword on Damon’s neck, Drusilla smiled.

“You are weak, do you think you can win me.., no way” Drusilla frowned.

“ki|| me” Damon muttered.

Immediately Gold saw Drusilla pointing his sword on Damon’s neck, he commanded the guards to stop fighting.

“You can never win me, Damon… goodbye” Drusilla said.

Damon gave Gold an eye signal to three his sword at him, Gold threw the sword at him and he caught it, he flipped backwards and hit the sword on Drusilla’ hand, he stabbed him.

“And who are you to say I can’t win you” Damon said, pointing the sword at him.

Drusilla chuckled.

“You can ki|| me, I can’t stop you now” Drusilla said.

Damon was about to cut off his neck when Vesper’s mom ran down stairs, he stood in front of Damon.

“Ma’am, let me ki|| him” Damon said with a frown.

“You can’t ki|| him, Damon” She said, breathing heavily.

“Guards” Damon called and the guards pointed their sword at her.

“Stop all this, I don’t need your sympathy” Drusilla said, gazing at Vesper’s mom.

“Don’t say rubbish, how could you do this to me?” She said in tears.

Drusilla rolled his eyeball.

“Are you doing this because I already found out who you are to me… since all these days you lied that I am Vesper’s uncle and Vesper’s dad is my brother. You guys lied to me, how could you…mother” Drusilla shouted.

Damon was shocked at what he heard.

“What did you say?” Damon asked with anger.

“She is my mother” Drusilla half yelled.

“When… did… you find… out?” She stuttered.

“Don’t ask me foolish questions, do you think I was happy when I found out when I didn’t come back from the war, you didn’t even bother to find me because you found a new family… how could you mother” Drusilla yelled.

“I didn’t mean to lie to you but I had no choice. Eighteen years ago, I was forced to marry a guy in my world which is human world, I had no choice then to marry who my parents asked me to marry, we got married and I got pregnant when he find out I was pregnant for him, he started maltreating because he didn’t want me to be pregnant for him, he have someone he loves but our parents forced us to marry each other. One days I ran out of the Mansion and ran into the bush then I got into this Vampires World, that was when I met Enyo for the first time, he told me this is vampires World and not human world, I was shocked and scared but he told me not to be scared of him because he doesn’t feed on human. As times goes we fall in love and I told you I was pregnant for a guy in my world, he accepted the pregnancy and told me after you are born he will took you to his aunt so that she can take care of you, we lie to you that you are their last born because we didn’t want anyone to know you are a human so that the vampires won’t find out you are from another world…”

Her sentence was interrupted.

“What?” Drusilla exclaimed.

“A few months later, I got pregnant because Enyo Andre turned me into a vampire so that the child I am gonna give birth to should be a vampire and that is Vesper so Drusilla I didn’t mean to lie to you… I did that to protect you even though I don’t love your father, I love you because you were my first born and I cherish you a lot” She said as tears rolled down her cheek.

“So you are Drusilla’s mother” Damon said and she nodded slowly.

“I still don’t care… you should have let me know” Drusilla shouted.

“Guards, take Drusilla to the dungeon” Damon ordered.

Immediately the soldiers heard what Damon said, some of them ran away while some were captured and was took away.

“No, you can take him… please” She pleaded.

“I won’t ki|| him but I will torture for ever he did and we still need to question him for somethings” Damon said.

“Please leave him” She said.

“Guards, take her to her room” Damon commanded and left.

He followed Drusilla to the dungeon when they got inside, he locked the door on him.

“Do you think locking me up will make me answer the question you wanna ask” Drusilla said.

“I know but I planned something for you… guards toe him on the chair and tortured him” Damon said as he stood up.

“Don’t you want to know how I became a vampire… I know you are curious to know so don’t pretend as if you aren’t” Drusilla said and groaned.

“When I am ready to know, I will let you know” Damon smirked then left.


The ⬅️
Vampires ?‍♂️
World ?

Subtle: Two world, two lives

Theme; His Bride

By: Ghaniyah.M?

➡️ Chapter 48 ⬅️

>The Feelings<

When Vesper woke up it’s already too late because Drusilla was caught and was put in the dungeon. Vesper was so angry at the soldiers, he knew immediately he had lost the battle but he is still angry at Drusilla for knocking him out.

“But how am I gonna rescue my mother and sister” He thought.

He was lost in his thoughts when one of the soldiers entered and dropped a glass cup filled with blood on the table, he took it and gulped then inhaled and exhaled.

“Can you tell me everything that happened when I passed out yesterday?” He asked and the soldier nodded.

He narrated everything to him, he was shocked when the soldier was done, he hit his hand on the table with anger.

“You mean Drusilla is my brother?” He asked with anger.

The soldier nodded, he ran speedily towards the soldier and strangled his neck, choking him.

“Pl…ease…leave…me” The soldier stuttered, trying to free himself from his grip but couldn’t.

He ki||ed the soldier and threw him on the floor, he rubbed his on his hair, pacing round the tent.

“What? Why didn’t my mother tell me I have a step brother… I thought Drusilla was my uncle, I didn’t know it was a lie” He thought.

“Master” Another soldier called, walking him.

He greeted him and was about to give him his sword when he spotted the soldier Vesper ki|| laying on the floor.

“Pack his corpse and throw him in the stream” He commanded.

The soldier nodded and did as he commanded, immediately after the soldier left he poured himself another glass cup of blood.

“Damon, I’m coming for you… even though Drusilla is not my biological brother but a step brother, I will continue the war because your father ki||ed my father to become the King” He gritted.

He sat down on the floor, thinking of the plan when one popped into his mind.

“But I don’t think that will work out because Damon had already taken her to a safe place” He muttered.

“Vesper” Someone called.

He recognized the voice immediately, he stood and went out of the tent, he met Melinda sitting on the benches outside, he glanced around and saw the soldiers training.

“Why did you come here tonight? Are you happy that I lose the battle and Damon won” He asked, gazing at her.

“Vesper, why would I be happy that Damon won the battle? I came here because I know you are sad that you lost everything” She said, sadly.

“You came because of me? I don’t believe it, I know you only care about Damon… you even teamed up with me because I promise you to ruin the life of the girl he loves” He smirked.

“I know but Vesper I changed my mind because I realised that I am in love with you” She said.

He glanced at her.

“You love me? Are you out of your mind or what? Stop fooling me, I know you very well… Why would you love me? You only care about Damon, how come you developed feelings for me?” He scoffed.

“I know you thought I was lying but I mean it… Vesper, I want to tell you something “ She said and he faced her.

“What is it?” He asked.

“Vesper, I am… Pregnant for you” She said.

He was shocked.

“Pregnant for me? How? When ?” He questioned with a frown.

“Do you remember the last time we got drunk, we made out on that day… you were even the one that forced yourself on me because I refused” She said, staring into his eyes.

“It’s just a one night stand” He muttered.

“Yes, don’t you know it can lead to pregnancy… Vesper, I love you” She said and was about to kiss him when he pushed her away.

“Do you think because you are carrying my child…what am I even saying, I don’t even know if you are lying. How could you get pregnant for me, I don’t even have any feelings for you” He said as he stood up.

“But Vesper, I love you” She said.

“Melinda, can you please leave before you see my other side,,, I’m not in for this, right now I wanna ki|| Damon and Drusilla” He said.

“No” She said in tears.

He ordered one of the soldiers to take her out and warned him not to allow her in the forest again then he went inside.


“Babe, I don’t we can go home tonight again” Amanda said and gulped her drink.

“Why?” He asked.

“We are both drunk and moreover you can’t drive in this state” She said and he nodded.

They both stood up from their seats and ordered a room, the receptionist gave them a key to their room. Getting inside Ramon held Amanda’s hand and pulled her closer to him, he kissed her then she reciprocated, they lay down on the bed and continued kissing. Ramon undressed her clothes, she was naked, he kissed her from her neck down to her abdomen, she Mõ@ɲed softly pulling him more closer to herself, he fondle with one of her B-__-bs and took it in. She kept Mõ@ɲing and calling his name, she rubbed his hand on his hair, without thinking twice Ramon pulled off his trouser, he got on top of her and squeezed her Ɲīpplës.

“Ramon” She called.

Ramon drilled her faster, making her scream. Some minutes later, he pulled out and kissed her again, she Mõ@ɲed into his mouth.

“Should I continue?” He asked, staring at her.

“Why are you asking? You are the one that started so you have to finish” She smiled.

He stared at her exposed B-__-bs and kissed her again, he lean closer and took one of her B-__-be in and fondle with the other one.

“Babe, go faster” She shouted as he drilled her.

After he was satisfied, he stopped and kissed her then they lay down on the bed together staring at the ceiling.

“You look more pretty every time I set my eyes on you” He said and kissed her on the lip.

She reciprocated.


By: Ghaniyah.M

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