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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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The Vampire prince ( two worlds)

Episode 29
Alicia POV
I got home the next morning and knocked
“ can someone please open this door fast”
I knocked again and there was still no response
“ d@mn! I cursed, are they still asleep?
I knocked for the third time and immediately my mum opened
“ Good morning mum”. I greeted walking inside
“ morning Alicia”. She responded with her arms folded on her chest
“ what is it mom?”. I asked
“ nothing”. She said
“ fine I need to prepare for school”. I said and was about climbing the stairs when she called me
“ yes mom “. I answered turning back to meet her
“ you chose to live with him right?”. She asked with streaks of tears flowing down her eyes
“Mom”. I called moving closer to her
“You will go with him to his kingdom and stay there with him forever?”. She repeated sobbing
“Mum”. I called taking her hands into mine. I love everyone of you so much and I also love Ryan, you told me I should only make decision i won’t regret and I did just that”. I explained
“ oh”. She gasped
“ I am not leaving my family, I will always be around you”. I said wiping her tears
“ I love very much princess”
“ I love you also mother”. I said smiling
“ so , what happened last night?”. She asked laughing
I looked at her in surprise
“ is this really my strict mother trying to make a conversation with me”
“ Nothing mother “. I replied laughing
“ are you sure Alicia”. She asked giving me a”. I don’t believe you look”.
“ Mum, Nothing happened between me and Ryan last night”. I replied her
“ I believe you”. She said , run along and prepare for school so you won’t be late
“ okay mom”. I said as I climbed up the stairs
I walked into my room and stared at my reflection in the mirror, there were hickeys on my neck
“ Ryan is something else,
I pulled off my clothes and went into the bathroom to go freshen up

I was soon done dressing and I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs
I met my mom and siblings in the dinning having breakfast
“ what of dad?”. I asked as I sat down beside Tyra
“ he went to work early”. My mom replied
“ Good”. I said picking a slice of bread and stopped when I felt their stares
“ what?”. I asked looking at them
“ are you really going to eat that?”. Tony asked me
“ why, is it not food?”. I asked
“ you hardly eat the food we eat and prefer to drink only blood”. Tyra chipped in
“ Ryan asked me to start edible food before I get skinny “. I said
“ oh, you are doing all this for Ryan so he wont dump your @zz”. She said with an evil grin
“ what”. I huffed
“ Ryan is handsome and I can bet he doesn’t like skinny girls”. She explained
“ can you girls both stop?”. My mom said laughing
I glared at Tyra and scoffed
“ will Ryan still like me if I become too skinny”. I thought and immediately began munching the bread till I almost finished all
“ see , she doesn’t want to get dump”. Tyra observed laughing
“ where were you last night?”. She suddenly asked
“ I was at Ryan’s if that is what to hear”. I told her still angry
“ Good”. She said , mom can you take us to school now, we are running late
“Okay baby”. My mom said standing up


“ see you later”. I waved at my mom and siblings a my mom drove off
“ Alicia”. Someone called and I smiled when I saw Brenda running towards me
“ morning”. I greeted
She nodded and we headed to our class together
I met Ryan in class flirting and laughing with some girls as usual
“ have he slept with them”
“ Ryan”. I called walking towards him with Brenda tailing behind me
I looked at the girls and glared at them
“ he looked at me and flashed me a smile “Why didn’t you wake me before leaving this morning?”. He asked .
I saw the girls and Brenda gasped
“ can you please excuse us”. Ryan said to the girls
They nodded and glared at me before leaving
“ wow, so you both spent the night together on the same bed?”. Brenda asked whispering
“ yes, she is my girlfriend”. Ryan said to her
“ sure”.she nodded and immediately walked over to her seat
“ why do your like flirting with those girls?”. I asked him
“ I am not flirting, they are my friends”. He replied giving me a funny look
“ really”. I said
“ what is wrong with you Alicia?”. He asked me
“ nothing”. I said giving him a smile and went over to Brenda seat
“ I will find out from her”
“ Brenda, I called
“ yes”. She replied looking at me
“Can you help me point out the girls Ryan slept with before dating me ?”. I asked
She remained quiet
“ Brenda”. I called
“ I dddont kknow “. She stammered
I looked at her and studied her
“ Did Ryan f-__-k you also?”. I asked her
She remained quiet
“ Brenda”. I called
“ it was long before you came”. She blurted out
“ what! I exclaimed why didn’t you tell me?”. I asked her
“ you were so into him”, So I could not
“Who else again?”. I asked her
“ She pointed to three more girls”
“Interesting”. I said so he slept with four girls from the same class
“ Five”. She corrected
“ who is the last one?” I asked her
“ Andra”. She said
“ what!!!!!!”
I walked over to Ryan seat boiling in rage
“ are you done with your findings?”. He asked immediately I got close to him
“ is that what you will say?”. I asked him
“ Alicia, all these happened before I met you, it doesn’t change anything”. He defended him self
“ it change everything Ryan”. I screamed and the whole class turned to look at me
“ This is really crazy”. I said and ran out of the class
Ryan POV
“ what is wrong with Alicia?”. I went after her as she ran out from the class.
She ran to the rooftop and I followed her. I saw her kneeling on the floor crying
“ Alicia”. I called running over to her
“ don’t come near me”. She shouted
“really”. I huffed . I moved closer to her and bent down
“I love you So much”. I said
She looked at me without saying a word
“Can’t you forget my past?”. I asked wiping her tears
“ but……….
“ shuuuuush, no but”. I cut her short placing a finger on her lips
“ what if you get tired of me the same way you get tired of then?”. She asked
I looked at her and smiled
“ she is really so innocent “.
“ I can never get tired of my Queen”. I assured her smiling
“ even if I get skinny?”. She asked
“ I love you just the way you are”. I said smiling
“ I love you too Ryan ”. She said and hugged me as I held her tight
“ don’t forget you still got something to do for me”. I whispered into her ears
“ what is that?”. She asked
“ Mara, I want you to play along with her”. I reminded her
“ sure, I will do that”. She said
“ Good”. I muttered
I have a suspicion she is up to something and I will make sure I will pay her back with her own coin “

Seems Alicia is a little bit insecure

Hmmmmh, Mara

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