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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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Episode 28

The Vampire kingdom
Mara POV
I studied Alicia movement when she comes to the Vampire Kingdom and I noticed she do spend most of her time in the garden alone looking at the beautiful flowers while Ryan would be at the shrine with The Elder
“ I must gain her trust today”. I thought within
I went to the garden pretending I never knew she was there
“Oh I never knew you were here”. I said turning to leave and as expected she called me back
“ you can sit with me”. She said
“ thank you my princess”. I said as I sat down beside her
“ why did you come here?”. I asked her
She looked at me and smiled
“ I just love this place”. She said
“ oh”. I said
“ why do you Come here?”. She asked
“ it reminds me of my boyfriend”. I lied and started crying
“ who is he?”. She asked
“ His name is Theo, he is Your boyfriend uncle”. I replied
“ where is he?”. She asked
“He is dead”. I said
I looked at her in surprise
“ so Ryan never told her anything about Theo,this will make my plan easier”.
“What ki||ed him?”. She asked
“ he was a traitor”. I said faking the tears, that is why Ryan h@ťěs me, he thinks I am the same”. I said
“ oh, now I understand “. She said
“ understand what?”. I asked her
“ never mind”. She said
“He doesn’t want you to be friends with me right”. I said
She remained quiet
“ it is alright. everyone avoids me”. I said standing up
“ No, it is alright, I will be your friend”. She said
“ really”. I said
She nodded. “ I will also talk to Ryan to forgive you”. She said
“ thank you”. I said , you are really a good friend
She smiled,
“ can we talk again tomorrow?”. I asked her
“ sure”. She said
“ we are now friends right”.
She nodded
“ I will be going now”. I said and took my leave

I went over to Prince Ron chambers and walked in without knocking
I met him banging an underage girl and they both froze in shock when they saw me
“ can’t you knock?”.Prince Ron asked
“ I am sorry”. I apologised bowing
“ wait for me outside”. He said and I immediately walked out
I waited for him and he soon came out, he held my hands and drag me to the back of his chambers
“ I told you not to let anyone see us together”. He said
“ how will I know you were inside f-__-king a child”. I said
“ stop that”. He said cautioning me, she is matured in the right places
“ oh really”. I said scoffing
“ what brings you here?”. He asked
“ I have completely gained her trust”. I said
He looked at me obviously doubting me
“Just like that”. He said
“ yes, she is too dumb”. I said, she was even begging for my friendship”. I boasted
“ really”. He said flashing me a smile
“ what is the plan?”. I asked him
“ it is a plan using poison”. He said
“ how do you mean?”. I asked in confusion
“ I will drop the poison inside a jar of blood and you will give it to her”. He said
“ is that all”. I asked
“ you must make sure both she and Dracula drinks it”. He said
“ what!! I exclaimed, I don’t want Dracula dead, I want him to be mine
He smiled
“ he is Dracula, he cant die”. He said
“ what do you mean by that?”. I asked , poison ki||s all
“ There is a Connection between The Dracula and Alicia, the poison will ki|| Alicia and ki|| the connection between them if Dracula drinks it”. He explained
“really, I said nodding my head
“ yes , he replied
“ how will I get this poison?”. I asked him
“ come to my place late at night and I will give you the poisoned blood”. He said
“ Thanks very much”. I said smiling
“ I can’t wait to get rid of that Ɓîtçh “

Prince Ron POV
I watched Mara as she left
“ she is a fool to believe the poison will ki|| only Alicia.
The poison will ki|| both The Dracula and Alicia and after that I will ki|| her also
“ i can’t wait to be the Vampire King”
I went back inside to continue banging the girl….

Alicia POV
I left the garden and headed to the shrine
Ryan smiled at me immediately he saw me
“ you really like sitting there”. He said
“ I love the garden, it is so beautiful”. I said
“ that is the reason why you plead with me to come here everyday”. He said shaking his head
“ it is your home and also my home”. I replied and both him and the Elder looked at me
“ what?”. I asked
“ nothing”. He said
“ can we go home now?”. I asked
He nodded
“ we will take our leave now”. He said facing The Elder
“After the coronation, this becomes your home”. The Elder said smiling
We appeared in front of Ryan house
“ I will stay here with you”. I said to Ryan
“ why?”. He asked
“ I just want to spend the night with you”. I replied
“ fine”. He said walking over the door and knocked
His mum opened it immediately
“hello ma”. I greeted
“ Alicia”.she called and hugged me.
We walked into the room with Ryan holding my hands
“ we will be going upstairs mum”. He told him mom
“ is she spending the night here ?”.She asked
He nodded
“Good, let me quickly prepare something for Alicia or do you need blood?”. She asked me
I wanted to say yes but Ryan told her we were okay
“ d@mn”. I cursed silently
“ Good night mom”. He said and gave her a peck
He held me hands and we both climbed the stairs

“ I still need blood Ryan, why did you stop me?”. I asked immediately we got inside his room
“ you had enough of it today, try and eat edible food”. He said
“ I didn’t ask you to turn me to a vampire” I muttered
“ I heard that clearly”. He said walking towards the bathroom
He soon came out putting on his trousers only
I gasped in shock when I saw him with his bare chest
“ Ryan go and put on a shirt”. I told him closing my eyes
I heard him scoffed and as he sat down on the bed
“ are you going to remain shirtless”. I asked opening my eyes
“ call your parent and tell them you are with me”. He said ignoring my question
I brought my phone from my bag and dialled my dad number
“ hello dad”. I said as soon as he picked it
“ hello princess”. He said , where are you ?”. He asked
“ I am at Ryan’s and won’t be coming home this night”. I told him
“ okay, be careful”. He said
“ Goodnight dad”. I said and ended the call
Ryan was surfing the internet by the time I was done calling
“ what can I change into?”. I asked him
“change into any of my pyjamas you like”. He said without looking at me
I went over to his wardrobe and settled for a blue pyjamas
I went inside the bathroom to freshen up and soon came out wearing the oversized pyjamas without any undergarments
“ Ryan”. I called , it looks big on me
He turned to look at me and I felt his eyes on my B-__-bs
I looked at the pyjamas
“ d@mn”. I cursed, I never knew it was transparent
“ I will just change it”. I said and was about going to the wardrobe when he caught me by my arm
“ you look beautiful in it”. He said pulling me closer to him
I felt his warm lips on mine and hungrily kissed him back, he soon started kissing my body giving me hickeys
I Mõ@ɲed loudly
He removed the pyjamas shirt and kissed my body before taking my Ɲīpplës into his mouth and started sucking it hungrily
I wriggled my body in pleasure
“ i want more”. I screamed holding his head
I felt his boner and touched it through his trousers
He was so huge
“ Alicia”. He called
“ yes”. I answered in pleasure
“ are you a virgin?”. He asked
“ yes”. I replied and he immediately stopped
“ what is it?”. I asked
“ I will wait till out coronation night”. He said , that is when you will be fully mine
He gave me a light kiss
“ put on your shirt”. He said as he continued with his phone
“ are you a virgin?”. I asked him
He looked at me . “ No”. he said
“ really, I asked in surprise
“ my mum does not know about it, she still thinks I am a virgin”. He said
“ so who is the girl?”. I asked
“ girls, not girl”. He replied smirking
“ wow!! I exclaimed
“ I was a player before I met you but being with you changed me”. He explained
“ so who are the girls?”. I asked
“ you wouldn’t want to know”. He said
“Tell me”. I said insisting
“ can we please not talk about it please?”. He said pleading
“ fine”. I said
I suddenly remembered my conversation with Mara and decided to talk to Ryan about it
“ who is Theo?”. I asked
He turned to look at me
“ how did you know that name?”. He asked
“ Mara told me about him”. I replied
“ I thought I warned you never to get close to her”. He yelled in anger
“ why?”. I asked him
“ just do as I say”. He said
“ can’t you tell me the reason why?”. I yelled, don’t you trust me?
He suddenly became calm
“ I trust you Alicia”. He said and I am sorry for shouting
“ it is alright”. I said
So what else did she say?. He asked me
“ she asked if I can be her friend”. I said
Shayne looked at me and laughed
“ she is a Ɓîtçh , she dumped Theo and tries seducing me”. He said
“ really”. I asked in surprise
“ I am also suspecting she is behind your attack”. He explained
“ she is really a beast”. I said in anger
“ it is just a suspicion”. He said laughing
“ I will avoid her whenever I see her”. I said
“ No, don’t”. He said
“ what do you mean?”. He asked
“ keep on with the pretence and let’s see what she is up to”. He instructed
I nodded
“ tell me wh@ťěver she tells you”. He said Let us see what she got up her sleeves..
I nodded
“ can we sleep now”. I said yawning
“ he nodded and drew me closer to him
I felt his hands under my clothes
“ Ryan”. I called him, you said you will wait”. I reminded him
“ Let us stay like this”. He said as he continued playing with my Ɲīpplës


Glad Alicia was smart enough to tell Ryan
Mara is a fool for believing Prince Ron

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