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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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The Vampire prince ( two worlds)

Episode 27& 28
Unveiling the unknown
Alicia POV
I smiled as the vampires hailed us and for the first time I was proud to be a vampire.
“ you are like a god”. I said to Ryan after the ceremony
He looked at me and smirked
“ I am a god”. He said
“Is that why they addressed you as Dracula?”. I asked
He nodded
I watched a little girl run around in her vampire form
“ Ryan”. I called
“ yes”. he responded without looking at me
“ I want to turn to a vampire”. I said whining
He looked and me and smiled
“ I thought you never wanted to be a monster?”. He asked
“ I said that because I was confused”. I replied
He nodded
“ can you please teach me to be a vampire?”. I said
“ no”. He said
“ how can I know I am a vampire when I don’t seem like one?”. I asked him
“ is that really what you want?”. He asked me
I nodded
“ alright”. He said , take off the chain
I removed the chain gently as it blinked
“ close your eyes and think of who you are”. He said
I closed it and opened it
“ nothing happened”. I said
“ you will never learn”. He said giving me a playful punch
“ Ryan, please teach me”. I pleaded
“ I don’t need to teach you, it is who you are”. He said
“ fine”. I said
I closed my eyes and focused myself on turning and when I opened my eyes i screamed
All the vampire nearby turned to look at me
“ The Vampire Princess finally turned to her vampire form”. I heard them say
I touched my fangs and stared at my claws
“ is this really me?”. I asked myself
Ryan looked at me and laughed
“ of course it is you”. He said, you just look a bit prettier in your Vampire form
“ how can I change back?”. I asked him
“ the same way you turned”. He said
I closed my eyes and immediately changed back to human Alicia
“ wow, it is magical”. I said
He nodded
“ how can I learn to use my powers?”. I asked
“ I can see you are ready, I will start teaching you how to use your powers because it is obvious you didn’t read the book”. He said
“ I want to be like you”. I told him
“ you can’t be like me”. He said
“ why?”. I asked him
“ Because I am Dracula”. He said
“ Greetings Vampire Princess”. a lady greeted walking towards us
I looked at her, it was the same lady that was friendly to me the first time I was here .what is her name again?………..Mara
“ hello”. I greeted her
“Dracula”. She greeted Ryan who just nodded
“ congratulations”. She said to me
“ Thanks”. I said smiling
She bowed her head and took her leave …
I looked at Ryan and he was staring at her as she went
“ Ryan”. I called in anger
He turned to look at me
“ do you like her?”. I asked him
“ don’t get close to her”. He said ignoring my question
“ what do you mean?”. I asked him
“ just do as I say”. He said
“ okay”. He said
I nodded
“ wait here”.he said and headed to the shrine
“ why is he like that?”.i said scoffing…
Unknown POV
I watched the vampires hailed The prince and his girl
“ That position belongs to me, I was the late king favourite
“ the gentle and easy going prince”
Prince Ryan publicly announced he had no business in ruling affairs after he was made to abandon the girl he loves because she was a human
Prince Theo was a tyrant and a fool and I knew he would not make a good king
I was bracing myself for the throne and all my plans ruined when my handsome Nephew became Dracula
“Greetings Prince Ron”.a lady greeted me distracting me from my thoughts
I turned around and smiled when I saw it was Mara
“ Mara”. I called
“ My prince, I need your help?”. She pleaded
“ what is it?”. I asked her
“ I need to get rid of Alicia, I can’t bear to see her wear the crown”. She said with desperation
I smirked
“ please help me one last time”. She pleaded
I looked and her and smiled
“ alright, i will help you”. I promised her
She sighed with relief
“ what should I do?”. She asked
“ firstly you have to get Alicia to trust you”. I told her , can you do it?
She nodded
“ be careful of Ryan, he reads the mind and eyes”. I advised her
“ I clearly understand”. She said
“ you get close to Alicia only when Ryan is not around her”. I instructed her
“ what will happen after that?”. She asked
“ I will tell you when You win Alicia trust”. I told her
She nodded and was about leaving when I called her
“ don’t tell anyone about me including your personal maid or guard”. I warned
“ fine”. She said and left
I will use her to get my revenge and when I am done with her I will ki|| her
I am prince Ron the true vampire prince…..
Elder Tam POV( Mara Father)
I watched my daughter as she danced happily
“ why this sudden change? She was so gloomy when the Vampire prince announced his princess
I hope she is not cooking up any plan, I really regret raising her hopes high on being the Vampire Princess
“ Mara”. I called
She looked at me and smiled
“ father”. She called back
“ The son of Elder Ban is interested in you”. I told her , he is very handsome and rich
“ I am not interested in him”. She yelled, I don’t even want to know him
“ what is wrong with him?”. I asked her
She glared at me and stormed out of the room ignoring my question
“ what is wrong with her?” I asked myself

Funny Alicia, she wants to turn to vampire by force
Hmmmh So prince Ron is a pretender
What is wrong with Mara?

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