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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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Episode 26
The Vampire Princess
Alicia POV
I woke up on a Saturday morning feeling very happy
I checked my phone and I smiled when I saw a message from Ryan
“Good morning baby”
I dropped the phone on my bed and went into the bathroom to freshen up.
I headed downstairs and met only the twins in the sitting room
“ Good morning Alicia”. Tony greeted
“ morning”. I replied him and glanced at Tyra who totally ignored me
“ where is Mum?”. I asked
“ she went to the grocery store “. He replied
“ Good”. I said and headed back upstairs angry that none of them remembered my birthday even Ryan
“Alicia”. My mom called from downstairs
“d@mn”,I must have fallen asleep
“ Alicia”. She called again
I clumsily stood up from the bed and dragged my feet as I headed downstairs
“ what is ?…………… I wanted to say but stopped when i saw everyone in the sitting room including Ryan and Brenda
“Happy birthday Alicia”. they all chorused
I stared at them in surprise
“ I thought no one remembered my birthday”. I said trying to stop the tears from falling
“ why won’t we remember Alicia , you are special to us?”. My dad said walked towards me and gave me a hug
“Thanks dad”. I muttered
“ you should be thanking Tyra, it is all her idea”. He said
I looked and my little sister and smiled
“ yes, she asked us to invite Ryan and a close friend of yours”. My mum chipped in
“ Thanks Tyra”. I walked over to her and hugged her
“ Why did you come down like that, you really look ugly”. She said whispering in my ears
“ what?”. I asked her touching my face
“I was just kidding you, you look beautiful”. She said laughing
I smiled, this is the first time my sister told me I was pretty”
I walked over to Brenda and she stood up to hug me
“ Happy birthday friend”. She said
“ Thanks dear”. I said giving her a smile
I went over to Ryan and sat beside him
“ I thought you forgot about my birthday”. I said to him
“ why would I?”. He asked
“ Thanks”. I muttered
“ I want to take you out for dinner”. He said
“ is that my birthday gift or a date?”. I asked him
“ you can choose any of the two”. He replied smiling
“ when?”. I asked
“ This evening”. He said , I will come pick you by 5
“ I had so much fun”. Brenda said as she was about to leave
“ Thanks to you”. I said laughing
“ happy birthday once again”. She said
I nodded and waved to her as she left .
Ryan left earlier, he told me he had some things to take care of and reminded me of the dinner
I walked over to the sitting room where my parent were sitting watching television
“ mum , dad”. I called
They looked at me
“ I will be going on a date with Ryan this evening”. I told them
“ That is great”. My mum said
I looked at her in surprise, I was expecting her to object to it
“ have fun with your boyfriend but be very careful”. My dad said
“ how did you know he is my boyfriend?”. I asked my dad
“ Ryan told us himself”. He said ,
“Ryan did that!”. I repeated
“ yes”. He said
“You are 18 now, you are free to make a decision”. My mum said holding my hands, but make a decision you won’t regret
I looked at them confused
“ Go and get ready for the date”. My mum said
“ Thanks Mum”. I said as I headed upstairs……
Ryan POV
“ Mum, I am scared she will turn me down”. I said
“ baby, you have to ask her first?”. She said
“ okay”. I sighed , wish me luck
I walked outside and got into the car my mum recently bought for me and drove to Alicia house
I knocked on the door and it was opened immediately by Tyra
“Ryan”. She called opening the door
“ how are you?”. I greeted her
She nodded
“ is Alicia ready?”. I asked her
“ No, she is upstairs painting her face”. She said
I laughed , Alicia does not use much makeup
“ here she comes”.Tyra said pointing to the stairs and I gasped in awe
“ She looked so beautiful with her long white gown
She walked towards me smiling
“ you look beautiful”. I said complimenting her
“ Thanks”. She said
“ can we go now?”. I asked her
“ sure”.she said
I held her hands as we walked outside
“ wow, is this your car?”. She asked
I nodded
“ it is beautiful”. She said
“ I can get one for you if you want”. I told her
“ I can’t drive “. She said
“ then I will have to teach you first”. I replied
We got into the car and drove off
We walked into an eatery
“ I don’t have appetite for anything here”. She said
“ You can’t be feeding on blood everyday”. I told her .try and eat something
She nodded
“ I have been living like a human since you gave me the bite, is it because of the chain?”. She asked touching the chain
I nodded
“ what will happen if I take off the chain?”. She asked
“ nothing “. I said
“ Then why am I wearing it?”. She asked
“ The chain is helping you control your powers or do you want to turn to a vampire in broad day light”.I asked her
“ No”. She said
“ you have to wear it till your power is under control”. I told her
“ and when will that be?”. She asked
“ I will let you know “. I told her
“ The food is good but blood is better”. Alicia said after eating
I smiled at her
“ Alicia”. I called her
She looked at me
“I am a vampire prince and you know that right”.i started
She nodded
“ I am the chosen one and the next to the throne, you know that right”. She nodded
“ I left early during your birthday because I got a signal from the elder
“ What did he say?”. She asked
“ The Vampire king is dead and the throne needs me”. I told her
She looked at me
“ I need a Vampire princess to rule with me”. I said
She looked at me in surprise
“ Will you be My Queen?”. I asked her
She was lost in thought for a while
“ Alicia”. I called
“ will you?”. I asked
“ yes”. She said I will be your Queen , I will be the vampire princess
Vampire kingdom
Mara POV
I watched Ryan and Alicia pay their homages to the late king
Ryan leaned towards her and whispered something to her which made her laugh.
“ i really h@ťě this girl “
I watched The Elder walk over to Ryan and whispered something to his ears
“. How I wish I was the one beside him”
The Elder walked towards the front to make an announcement
“ The coronation of the new Vampire king will be held in a week time at the sacred shine”. He said ,we will be crowning him together with the Vampire Princess Alicia”
“ what!!. I exclaimed as the whole vampires cheered them on
“Hail the Dracula and his mate “
I looked over at Prince Ron and when his gaze met mine , it was without emotions……..
The Vampire Princess is Alicia

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