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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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The Vampire prince ( two worlds)

Episode 25&26

Alicia POV
I sat down on the bed sobbing , I could not believe I was now a vampire
” what will happen to me now?”. I yelled at Ryan who was beside me
” Nothing will happen to you, you will still be the Alicia that I know”. He said
” really. I scoffed , why did you do it?”. I asked
” that was the only way to save you”. He replied
” you could have just let me die”. I screamed
He looked at me blankly without uttering a word
” I can’t believe I am a Monster”. I yelled
” is that how you see me “.He said with a low voice
” yes”. I yelled
” you should be at least happy that you got another chance to live”. He said
” you could have just let me die”. I sobbed
” I never knew it will turn out like this , when you were lying down on that bed at the point of death, the only thing I could think of was how I will live without you by my side but I guess you didn’t see it that way”.He said
I kept quiet
” Alicia”. He called, I know it is all my fault? You can keep on blaming me , I will accept everything”. He said as he stormed out of the room
” he is right, I would have done the same thing also but how will I cope with it?
Ryan POV
I sat down in the Vampire garden thinking about Alicia harsh words when prince Ron , my uncle walked up to me
“Nephew”. He called
I looked at him and gave himself weak smile
“How is she doing?”. He asked
” she is fine “. I replied
He nodded
” Theo has been buried”. He said , I know he deserved it but he is still my brother
” he asked for it”. I replied
He smiled and stood up
” I just wanted to come check on you”. He said
I smiled looking directly into his eyes but he quickly looked away and left
“What is that?.. I saw fear , jealousy and something like hatred in his eyes….
Unknown PoV
All my plans are failing , Prince Theo is dead and Alicia is now a vampire
I underestimated the Vampire prince , I never knew he was this powerful
Should I back out and bow to him or should I try and strike him back…..
Alicia POV
I put on a clean beautiful gown after freshening up
I came out of the room and ate little of the pancakes kept for me beside my table. The door opened and a man with keen resemblance to Ryan walked in
” how are you doing dear?”. He asked
” I am fine, are you Ryan father?”. I asked
He nodded
” wow !!”. I exclaimed, he looks a lot like you
” only physically”. He said
“What do you mean?”. I asked
” I never had the same courage Ryan had, I was always a coward”. He replied
” how?”. I asked
” I could not even fight for the person I love “. He said shaking his head dejectedly . Ryan loves you so please do not push him out”. He said standing up
” I have to go now before he meets me here”. He said
” why?”. I asked
” he has not yet forgiven me which I hope he will do so someday
” he will”. I assured him
It was soon time for me to go back home
” I will miss you”. a little girl who I later got to know is The Elder daughter said
” I will miss you too also”. I said bending down to touch her cheeks
” will you come back here?”.she asked
I smiled without replying her
” you belong here”.she said
The door opened and Ryan walked in
” let us go”. He said
I nodded and followed him
I met the smiling faces of thousands of vampires when I came out
They all bowed to Ryan when he walked past
” he is really a king”. I thought
A very beautiful girl soon came out to greet Ryan
” Greetings my prince”.she said
Ryan nodded without looking at her
She suddenly faced me
” Hi Alicia , I am Mara”. She said stretching her hands
” Nice to meet you”.i said shaking her hands
She flashed me a smile and I smiled back. I turned to look at Ryan and his gaze was on the strange girl.
” can we go now?”. I said obviously jealous
He nodded
” does he like her?” I thought
” hold my hands”. He said and when I did , we disappeared
We appeared in front of my house and I was scared to go in
” what will I tell my parent?”. I thought within
” I have already explained everything to them”. He said
” really”. I asked and he nodded
” I will take my leave now”. He said and turned to go
” Ryan”. I called
He turned back to look at me
” i am really ……………”
” we will see in school tomorrow”. He said cutting me short
I nodded
” why does he get angry easily”
I took a deep breathe before knocking the door
There was no response
I knocked again and my mum opened it
” Alicia”. She called hugging me, i really miss you
I walked into the house and my siblings came running to hug me
“I really miss you Alicia”. Tony said
” me too “. Tyra said and I smiled
” Alicia”. My dad called standing from the sofa to hug me. I was loved and I knew it
” go and rest dear”. My dad said ,we will get you wh@ťěver you want
I got into my room and sat down on the bed
” oh, I really miss my bed”
I saw my phone on the the table beside my bed and switch it on
The phone beeped and I clicked on the message, it was from Brenda asking me why did not come to school
I smiled and replied her telling her I would be in school tomorrow
My phone beeped again and this time it was from Ryan , I immediately clicked on it
” always wear the golden chain I gave you, it will help you ”
I smiled when I read and soon drifted off to sleep
I woke up the next morning feeling a little bit relieved, I glanced at the wall clock
“d@mn”. I cursed, I am running late
I rushed to the bathroom to freshen up and soon came out. I went over to my wardrobe and brought out a short purple gown
“ This will be perfect “. I said
I stared at my reflection in the mirror and I liked what I saw
I put on my white sneakers and packed my hair into a loosed bun.
I opened my drawer and brought out the gold necklace and wore it
“ it is so beautiful”. I muttered
I climbed down the stairs and met my family already in the dinning
“ Good morning mum, Good morning Dad”. I greeted
“ morning princess”. My dad replied while my mum gave me a smile
“Come and have breakfast”. She said
“ I will pass mother”. I said , I will buy food from the cafeteria
“ do you have enough money?”. She asked
“ I still have some cash on me”. I told her
“ ok fine, let me know whenever you need anything”. She said
I nodded

I walked into my class and met Ryan already in class
“ Ryan”. I called moving closer to him
Good morning Alicia”. He greeted
“I am sorry for everything I said yesterday”. I apologised
“ it is alright”.He said, it is normal for you to react like that
“ I called you a monster”. I said
“I called myself a monster also”He said smiling
“ so what next?”. I asked
He brought out a book from his bag
“ here take this, it will help you”. He said
I collected the book and read the cover
“ Everything you need to know about a vampire”.
“Cool”. I said smiling
“Alicia”. He called
I looked at him
“ I love you and don’t ever forget that”. He said
“ I love you too Ryan”
Ryan POV
I felt completely relieved seeing Alicia adapting to her new self
I will never forget the blood on her face that night. I will find out who is behind it and hurt the person twice as more
With Alicia beside me , I am ready to accept the throne…………
Thank God they are now in good terms

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