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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The ringing of Alfred’s phone made his eyes open slowly, then he realized a Ɓîtçh is beside him.

When did he enter the room last night? When did the Ɓîtçh get here?

He squinted slightly before taking the ringing phone. It’s Abel.

He picked lazily and sat up.

“You enjoyed the Ɓîtçh?” Abel said naughtily.

“When did she get here last night?” Alfred squinted again.

“I sent her immediately you left the lounge, so she probably got to the estate some minutes after you. Don’t worry you’ll get the memories soon” Abel replied.

“Right” Alfred replied and hung up.

He made to get down from the bed, but when he realized he’s still naked. He picked his trousers from where it’s lying on the ground and put it on.

The Ɓîtçh suddenly hugged him from behind, stopping him from leaving.

“You were so active last night. I screamed your name throughout” she whispered, rubbing his chest slowly.

“Let go of me” Alfred breathed.

“You f-__-ked me so hard that I forgot my origin. You’re the best man I’ve ever f-__-ked” she continued talking, and Alfred had to roughly untangle her arms from himself.

He stood and got his wallet.

No cash, so he threw her a debit card.

“You should leave” he said and left the room without giving her another glance.

He went downstairs and saw Rita watching the models TV with all her attention. She wasn’t aware of when he even came down.

He could already smell scrambled eggs in the air, so he entered the kitchen.

Kristen is in, stirring scrambled eggs on the pan.

Immediately he came in, she turned to him, and he could see the expectant look on her face.

“Good.. morning… Mr Jenkins” she stuttered awkwardly.

He replied with a simple nod before walking to the freezer where he got himself a bottle of warm water.

He was about to drink when he remembered he actually entered this kitchen last night when he came home drunk.

The problem now is he doesn’t remember what happened afterwards.

He looked at Kristen and found her staring at him, but she quickly turned back to the pan immediately their eyes met.

She took the spoon to continue stirring, but her finger got burnt.

“Ah!” She gasped, stepping back from the pan.

Alfred was unaware of when he ran to her and took the hand.

“You should have been more careful!” He scolded, and she bit her lip slightly.

“I’m sorry”

“Stay here” he said, walking out of the kitchen.

He came back shortly with a small bottle and patch.

He opened the bottle and dipped the burnt finger into the liquid.

He looked so worried as he handled it, and Kristen found herself staring at him again, remembering what happened last night.

She smiled prettily as he took the finger out of the bottle, then he attached the plaster to it.

She was expecting him to talk about last night, but he took the bottle and left the kitchen.

“Mr Jenkins!” She suddenly called, and he stopped by the door.


“Oh…. nothing” she said awkwardly, and Alfred left eventually.

“Did he not remember?” She muttered, and her nose suddenly caught burning smell.

She turned to the pan and her eyes widened when she saw the egg got burnt already.

“$h|t!” She cursed, putting off the cooker immediately.

Rita stormed into the kitchen, then she walked straight to the pan.

“The fact that we’re rich doesn’t give room for wastage you Stinky thing!” She shouted, hitting Kristen across the face.

Kristen smiled nevertheless, then she faced her.

“I’m sorry miss, I’ll make another” she said simply and got new eggs.

Rita huffed angrily and walked out of the kitchen.

The fact that Kristen looks fearless is only aggravating her anger.

How could she look ok after the slap she received?, Wasn’t she support to cry?

What the hell is happening???

Cassandra’s call rang on her phone, and she quickly picked.

“Empress Elsa worked everything out for Tamara” Cassandra said, and Rita smiled before hanging up.

“Now you’re done for” she said, smiling satisfactorily.

Minutes later, Kristen served the breakfast of scrambled eggs on the dinning table. It’ll go with bread.

Rita settled down to eat, and immediately she had the first taste, she spit it out.

“It’s f-__-king salty!, Wanna get me ki||ed?” She said exaggeratedly, grabbing a cup of water which she poured on her face.

“I’m sorry, I’ll make another” she said simply.

“Stop saying sorry!, f-__-king stop!” Rita yelled and took the plate of eggs.

She was about to pour that on her too when Alfred came downstairs, fully dressed for work.

He held her hand and took the plate away, then he faced Kristen.

He gave her wet face a cursory look, down to her chest. The water made her singlet stick to it seductively, giving out her pointed n**ples as expected.

His throat moved hungrily, then he looked away from her chest.

“Go upstairs and change, you can’t get cold” he said.

She left after a bow, and Rita rolled eyes at him as he sat and began eating.

“Idiots!” Rita opened the bowl of butter and scooped some in her hand, then she threw it at his hair and face.

“Stop” Alfred said slowly.

“I don’t want to” she replied and threw another at his shirt.

He stood at once and took the bowl from her, then he made to throw it at her too, but it’s finished already.

Rita laughed in mockery, and he suddenly grabbed her neck, pushing her to the chair.

He was choking her so hard, ready to ki|| her, and she was struggling.

“I recorded the video so clearly” Cassandra said, coming in with her phone.

She captured everything.

Alfred let go of her neck, and Rita stood with a red neck.

“You’re going viral today, trust me he-goat” she smirked and pushed him out of the way before going upstairs with Cassandra.

Alfred sighed and closed his eyes slowly, fighting back his tears.

What the hell has he gotten himself into?, A marriage or a hellhole???


Tamara was already dressed up as she climbed down the stairs, ready to go for her $h00ts.

She got her phone and started making a live video on TikTok.

“Way to go Tamara Jirawat!, I’m having the time of my life this week!, On mah way to my photo$h00ts. Get ready for shockers as this pretty lady would be blessing your screens soon!”

She smiled as love reactions and sweet comments started pouring in from fans.

She was so engrossed with the live video that she was unaware of when her heels missed a stair, and the phone slipped off her hand.

She started falling too, her eyes like a frozen fish’s as she got ready to land on the ground, but an hand grabbed her arm and waist, pulled her back to her feet.

Her weight made her bump on the person, and they went down together on the stairs.

“You ok?” Metawin’s voice asked, and her eyes flew open.

His arms are still on her waist!

She quickly stood from him and started rearranging her scattered hair.

Metawin stood and hid his arm from her.

He actually got wounded as a result of how she fell on him.

Without a word, Tamara rushed to get her fallen phone, then she ran out of the house.

Metawin looked at his wounded arm and sighed.

Since she slapped her the other day, they haven’t said a word to each other, and strangely, he feels bad.

He went upstairs, and Lopez came out from the base of the stairs.

She smiled gladly, hoping it continues like this.


Tamara got down from her car in front of the building, and she sighed heavily.

What Metawin did got her thinking throughout her drive here.

They h@ťě each other, so why didn’t he leave her to fall? Why did he save her.

If she had fallen, then she’d have to cancel her photo$h00ts, and that’d have been disastrous.

“Do I owe him gratitude now?, f-__-k” she muttered and walked into the building.

Immediately she stepped in, confetti and roses fell on her from the stairs.

A champagne was even popped as her model friends began screaming her name. Yvonne is their leader.

?️ To hell with Rita!!!

?️ Tamara is the real deal now!

?️ It’s you baby!

?️ I love you so much!

?️ You deserve it!”

?️ I’m so proud of you!

“Aww!, You guys are making me emotional” Tamara covered her eyes with her palms.

“Scream Tamara Jirawat!” Yvonne shouted.

?️ Tamara Jirawat!!!!

Tamara smiled brightly as they began handing her congratulatory flowers.

“Go dress up Tamara, the first session is in an hour” the director said.

Tamara handed the flowers to Yvonne before entering the dressing room.

After close to an hour, she came out fully dressed in the flowing red gown.

“Whoa!, You’re so Șëx¥ baby!” Yvonne screamed, and the others began screaming too, but that was when Rita came in with Cassandra.

Everyone went silent as she walked straight to Tamara.

“You don’t have shame?, So you figured out you won’t be able to beat me originally, then you told your momma to buy you the runways and brand photo$h00ts” she said.

“What!” Tamara’s eyes widened.

“Don’t act innocent. You’re incompetent, take it or go die!” Rita shot.

Tamara pushed her out of the way and started running out of the building.

“Tamara!” Yvonne ran after her, but she was already in her car, driving wildly out of the place.

She rode to Jenkins palace and stormed out of the car, ignoring the greetings of the guards and maids till she got to the relaxation shed where Elsa is sitting with a smoke between her lips.

“What the hell did you do?” She questioned.

“I only payed the higher-ups to get you what you need, did I do wrong?”

“Did I ever ask you to do it for me?, All I’ve ever wanted to be since I was a kid was a model!, I wanted it out of passion and that’s why I kept going despite the fact that Rita is always ahead of me!, I want the first place too but I’m planning to earn it with my efforts, not with your bribery!” She cried.

“You want me to stay still and watch my only daughter below that Italian girl?, Come back to your senses!” Empress yelled.

“I’m never gonna do those photo$h00ts, I’m not walking the runways you bought with your money! I’d rather stay where I am. It’s enough that you choose a man for me, leave my modelling career for me please!” Tamara sniffed and wiped her tears before walking out of the place.


Kristen got a text from Alfred, telling her to go see Clinton.

Since she’s not bringing food to him today, she wondered why.

She got there at 11, and the door is widely opened.

Immediately she went in, Beyonce came downstairs with Clinton.

She actually slept here last night, and like she requested, Clinton s*xed her when his cravings came. They had several rounds before daybreak.

Immediately she saw Kristen, she smirked.

“Who’s she?”

“Alfred’s maid. Don’t worry I’m fine” Clinton replied, and Beyonce rolled eyes at Kristen before leaving the house.

“Welcome, rabbit” Clinton smiled shortly at Kristen.

“My name is Kristen” she replied.

“I know, but your slippers is rabbit” he replied, walking to the drawing board.

He picked a pen and began putting finishing touches to his drawing.

Kristen went closer and bent beside him.

She noticed he moved away from her immediately, and she wondered why.

He’s drawing a wild goose and her chicks.

“Did you study this in school?” She found herself asking.

“Nope, natural gift” he replied, and she nodded.

“What about you?” He faced her.

“Natural gift” she said, and they both chuckled.

“The shadow you gave to the crescent moon the other time” he said.

“Oh… That?”

“Can you teach me?” He asked.


“Just… wanna know how to” he replied, and she spread her palm forward.

“What?” He asked in confusion.

“Pay me first. Fifty thousand dollars” she said.

Clinton looked at her for a while before starting to laugh heartily.

Kristen wondered why, till he stopped laughing.

“You’re funny” he said, and she smiled.

“I’ll pay you triple” he replied, and she fainted funnily on the ground.



It has been hectic as usual since Alfred resumed today, but it’s extra hectic today.

The fact that he’s exhausting much glucose in trying to remember what happened in the kitchen last night, and the physical stress.

He lessened the grip of his tie and rested back on his chair, closing his eyes.

He stopped thinking for three minutes, and immediately he opened his eyes, his head banged.

The memory came back fresh.

He did something crazy immediately, smashing his lips on Kristen’s.

It didn’t end there, cos he grabbed her round B-__-bs, touching the succulent flesh gently as he continued kissing her hard.

He was caressing her n**ples softly, and Kristen’s wide eyes went shut immediately, forgetting everything else that moment.

It’s not her first kiss anyways. The rogues who R@P£D her kissed her forcefully, but this is different.

He wasn’t touching her roughly or violently. He was doing it so tenderly that she wants to melt completely into him. Her knees are jelly right now, she’s really melting.

Alfred traced his tongue on her mouth walls before shoving into her throat, deepening the smooch hotly.

He tastes exactly like the alcohol he had. VODKA, So strong and intoxicating.

“Mr … Mr Jenkins” Kristen gasped senselessly into his mouth, and he smirked against her lips before groping her B-__-bs again.

He gently broke the kiss, then he smiled drunkenly at her, his lips f-__-king wet from the kiss.

“Told you not to tempt me” he whispered and was about to capture her lips again when the door opened in the living room.

The Ɓîtçh came in, and Kristen quickly released herself from him.

It was the Ɓîtçh who took him out of the kitchen to his room where they f-__-ked senselessly till the early hours of the morning.

“What!” Alfred spranged up from his chair.

“f-__-k!, What the hell!” He shouted and grabbed his car keys.

He rushed out of the company, but when he got out, he met reporters outside.

His eyes widened as they surrounded him immediately.

?️ Are you really a woman beater?

?️ Why did you do that to your wife?

?️ Have you always choked her that way?

?️ Do you always beat her like Rita claimed?

Alfred was looking so dumbfounded as he squeezed himself into his car, thanks to the guards who appeared.

He got his phone first and saw she really posted the video of how he choked her in the morning, then pictures of her red neck.

She claimed he’s a woman beater who should be ki||ed cos he treats her like an animal everyday.

Alfred threw the phone to the backseat immediately, then he drove home angrily.

Little did he know that more is coming.

Rita’s fans were already waiting in front of the house. Many of them, and immediately he got down from the car, they started throwing eggs at him.

The first one hit his hair, then it kept coming to every part of his body.

?️ Abuser!

?️ Woman beater!

?️ How could you grab her neck that way!

?️ We don’t joke with our idol!

?️ You’re wicked!

?️ You’re worse!

They kept saying harsh things as the raw eggs kept coming.

He’s already wet with it, and no guards in sight.

He suddenly sighted Rita on the other side of the road. She’s with Marcel.

“f-__-k you” she smiled and got in her car with Marcel, driving away.

The mansion door opened, and Kristen came out.

Her eyes widened at the scene, and she quickly ran to Alfred. She covered him from the coming eggs.

“Go in Mr Jenkins” she said as the eggs started landing on her instead.

Alfred grabbed her hand instead, then he started pushing the toxic fans out of the way till he got to the door.

He pulled her in and shut the door hard, letting go of her.

“I’ll help you clean your face” Kristen grabbed his hand, but he broke free.

“You need to clean the egg off your face” she said, grabbing his hand again, but he broke free roughly this time.

“Learn to know when to stop” he said.

“Huh?” She looked him in the eye.

“You’re just a maid and nothing more. Just a maid” he said coldly, and she swallowed hard.

“The fact that I mistakenly kissed you last night meant nothing. You don’t expect me to ask you to be my girlfriend, it’s never gon’ happen” he said.

“What?” She muttered hurtfully.

“Get over yourself and know your place. You mean nothing” he said without blinking, then he walked past her, going upstairs.

Kristen squatted on her spot as tears came out of her eyes.

She has been hearing that words hurts than thousands snake bites, now she got a verification.

It hurts… A lot.



TB Continued…

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