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Friday, October 18, 2024
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The door opened in the main room, and someone entered.


He actually broke the room door when he heard the screams coming from inside.

He rushed to the bathroom door and saw it’s locked too, then he started pushing with his leg, trying to break too.

Marcel stopped struggling with Kristen immediately, lessening his grip on her.

That gave her the chance to knock him off her body, then she got a towel which she wrapped around herself.

He came closer and tried to grab her again, but she spun and gave him her kick, sending him to the ground.

“AHHH!” He groaned immediately, getting wounded on the forehead.

Alfred finally opened the door and ran in.

His eyes widened madly.

Naked Marcel on the bathroom floor with a condom on his Ďïčk!

Kristen who has just the towel around her body with wounds all-over her face and back!

He understood immediately.

“What the hell!” He spat and rushed to Marcel.

He dragged him up and punched him eight times repeatedly till his blood painted his face completely.

“What right do you have to come into my house and attempt to rape my maid!, Bastard!” He shouted at his face and started raining punches on him again.

After the tenth, he gave him a kick on the Ďïčk, and that made him fall on his back.

“Ohhhhh!!!” He growled painfully, grabbing his Ďïčk as he rolled around the ground .

Alfred faced Kristen who still has tears on her face and rushed to her, then he held her bare shoulders.

“He didn’t do anything yet, sure?” He asked breathlessly, and she shook her head.

“No, he didn’t” she said with her wounded lips, and Alfred scanned her teary bloody face briefly before getting his phone.

He was about to dial the cops when Rita came in.

“What’s going on in here?” She asked, one step at a time.

Alfred smirked as he faced her.

“I’m getting your rapist of a boyfriend arrested!” He said, and that’s when Rita saw naked Marcel on the ground.

“Baby!” She gasped, running to him.

“Babe….I swear I only came to pick you up since you said you’d be coming home to get changed for our lunch date, but when I arrived, she gave me a drvgged juice and I slept off, then I found myself in this bathroom. She was trying to rape me. She even wore condom on my Ďïčk already, believe me she did, she’s a slut” he said pathetically, shedding fake tears.

“What!” Rita gasped.

“I was bathing in here when you came in and tried to rape me you ugly son of a snake!, You tried to rape me so why turning it the other way round, animal!!!” Kristen shouted in tears again.

“Babe, you know I’d never lie to you. This unfortunate girl really tried to rape me, and this bastard didn’t even let me explain when he arrived, he made my face like this” Marcel said, and Rita removed her jacket.

She covered him with it and stood.

She started walking to Kristen angrily, but Alfred covered her.

“How dare you try to rape my man you bloody fool!, How dare you!, I’ve always known you’re a prostitute!, I saw the way you were staring at him the last time he came here!, I should have known you’re after the Ďïčk I cherish so much!, I’ll ki|| you!!!” She shouted, trying to get to her, but Alfred pushed her back.

“I can see you’re really blindly in love like they’re saying, you believe everything he tells you?, Do you share a brain with your unborn kids or something?” He said.

“How dare you raise your hands on my baby too!, How dare you hit him for this Stinky thing!” Rita shouted, trying to attack him, but he pushed her again, and she almost fell, but Marcel stood and caught her fast.

“Your IQ is equivalent to one over one, trust me you’re a fool, and someday… I hope you regret this” Alfred said and took Kristen’s hand, taking her out of the bathroom.

“You ugly animal!, Come back here bastard!!!” Rita screamed, trying to rush after him, but Marcel held her.

“Just leave him alone and attend to me” he said, and she faced him.

“You’re badly hurt, gosh…your face” she said, holding the face gently.

“I love you very much” he said.

“I love you more than anything Marcel, let’s get you to the hospital” she replied, pulling him out of the bathroom.


Kristen was dressed in a simple gown already, and she met Alfred waiting by her door when she came out.

“Mr Jenkins” she said surprisingly, and he came closer.

He felt her temperature by touching her forehead, and she stood still.

“You don’t have a fever, I’m glad” he muttered.

“But I still need to get you to the hospital, your back is full of redness, we should get that treated” he said and took her hand.

He was already pulling her out when she talked.

“Why are you so nice to me?”

He stopped walking and looked at her, then he smiled.

“I h@ťě when a lady gets hurt, I can’t stand it” he said simply, and Kristen smiled lightly.

He stroked her hair twice, and she smiled wider, then he noticed the redness on her neck.

“He grabbed your neck too?” He asked, and she blinked.

“Huh?… Oh… it’s…yes” she replied awkwardly.

“Hospital” he said, taking her out.


“I just can’t stand her, how dare she talk to me that way” Tamara said as she descended the stairs.

She’s on a call with Yvonne.

“That’s why I joined the fight, I h@ťě what I don’t like” Yvonne replied.

“I love you so much bestie!”

“I love you too Tammy, but it’s all-over the internet already” Yvonne said.

“Really?, I’ll call you back!” Tamara quickly hung up and rushed downstairs.

She got her laptop from the center table and settled on a sofa, checking out the news.

It’s indeed all-over the internet, the video was posted as well.

HASHTAG: Violence in REGALIA today as popular model Rita Jenkins got entangled in a fight with two other influential models… Tamara Jirawat and Yvonne Stevie.

Tamara grabbed the bowl of popcorn, eating from it as she read comments on each post.

Most of the comments were criticizing her and Yvonne, saying they’re jealous of Rita, and that only drove Tamara crazy.

“What!, Jealous?, Me?” She dropped the laptop and started laughing like she’s possessed.

“I’m the top 2 female model in regalia, and I’m content with that, so why?, Her fans are f-__-king toxic!, d@mn!” She said, picking the laptop again.

“To think that I’m now Tamara Jirawat instead of Jenkins, Metawin has a ugly surname I swear” she muttered, and Metawin came in with wounds on his face.

She wanted to act like she doesn’t care as usual, but she couldn’t.

She spranged up and rushed to him.

“What the hell is up with your face?, Did earthquake happen today?” She asked, trying to touch the face, but he hit her hand away and glared h@ťěfully at her.

“Do I know you?, Let’s continue acting like we do…. please” he replied and pushed her out of the way before climbing upstairs.

Tamara smirked, standing on her spot for a while before rushing after him.

“You think I care?, Huh?, Come back here and let me punch you too jerk!”


“Daaadd!, A kitty teddy!” Bright said happily when he sighted it on on the teddies shelf.

They’ve been shopping since an hour ago, and Bright never got tired.

“Thought you h@ťěd furry things” Abel smiled, crouching beside him.

“But this one is cute, or should I get a real kitty?, Right!, I want a kitty, I’ll name it Choco” he said.

“Fine, I’ll get you a kitty tommorow, can we go now?” Abel replied.

“I love you daaadd!” Bright smiled, and Abel stroked his hair before carrying him.

He was walking to the counter to pay for the things they got when he saw the news about Tamara and Rita on TV.

“They never get tired of daily fights” he muttered, suddenly bumping into someone.

“f-__-k!, I’m so sorry!” He quickly said, and the lady smiled as she stood straight.


“Oh!… The lady on TV!” Bright said.

“Yvonne Stevie?, Tamara’s bestie” Abel said.

“Wait… Abel Keys!… Alfred’s friend” Yvonne replied.

“Sorry for bumping” he smiled.

“It’s ok” she replied, darting her eyes to Bright.

“Hey cutie!”

“You’re so pretty” Bright replied.

“Aww!, Thanks cutie” she smiled.

“Saw you on TV, nice dragging ski||s” Abel said, and Yvonne laughed.

“Rita needs it”

“I know” he replied.

“See ya some other time!” Yvonne said, leaving hurriedly.

“You didn’t ask for her number” Bright said.

“Why would I?” Abel blinked.

“She’s pretty, you love pretty ladies”

“Oh please…” Abel laughed as he walked to the counter.



Alfred is currently driving home in his car with Kristen. They left the hospital ten minutes ago after getting her wounds treated.

None said a thing to each other throughout, and it’s rather awkward, till Kristen decided to talk.

“Thanks” she said slowly.

“Don’t thank me, I get flattered easily” he replied, and she chuckled.

“To be sincere, no one has ever been as kind as you’ve been, so…I just feel thankful” she said.

“It’s fine” he smiled, stopping in front of a castle-like mansion.

“Where are we?” She asked, and he stepped out.

“Come out” he said, and she did.

He grabbed her hand and took her into the house.

It was lined with guards and maids in every angle, heavily guarded.

They were bowing for Alfred as he walked past them.

Kristen’s eyes widened when she got it.

Jenkins palace!

Empress Elsa is in the large living room, receiving massage from several maids.

“Greetings master!” The maids chorused, and Empress Elsa opened her eyes.

“Why didn’t you bring Rita along?” She asked coldly.

“I’m not here to sit around and play, look what her so-called boyfriend did to our maid!” Alfred replied hotly, showing her the bruises on Kristen’s body.

“So what?” Empress Elsa replied without emotions, and Kristen gulped.

She could feel chills on her skin.

“What!, This means nothing to you?, She’s a human too!, He almost R@P£D her and…

“If you have nothing else to say, then leave” Empress cut him off.

“Let’s get a divorce!, Cancel the marriage!, It’s unwanted and unnecessary!, Rita is a demon!” He shouted.

“Not even the appearance of God on Earth can make a divorce happen, you both are hooked forever and she’s not complaining!, So just leave and stop ranting!” Empress shouted.

“I’m disappointed in you” Alfred replied, and Empress stood.

She came closer to Alfred and smirked.

“Get this godforsaken filthy maid out of my house!” She said heartlessly, and Alfred scoffed.

“I should have known it’s useless talking to you, you’ve never acted like a mother to I and Tamara anyways” he muttered and pulled Kristen out of the house.

Immediately they got back into his car, he started driving roughly and angrily down the road.

Kristen started picking on her nails as he drove, not knowing what to say to calm him.

The rumours about Empress Elsa and president Billy were true after all.

If Empress is this worse, then how worse would the president be???

Alfred finally arrived at home, and he didn’t bother to stop the engines.

“Go in” he said.

“What about you..

“Go in!” He snapped, and she quickly got down.

He drove out of the house again, and Kristen sighed.

She walked to the door and made to open, but she couldn’t.

The password obviously got changed by Rita

She rang the doorbell, but it wasn’t answered.

She rang more than ten times, it’s still the same.

Instead, she started hearing Mõ@ɲs from inside.

Rita’s Mõ@ɲs. She’s apparently getting f-__-ked by Marcel.

Kristen bit her lip slightly before sitting by the door, and as if the heavens are against her, it started raining.


“Are you gonna draw all night too?, C’mon let’s have some fun!” Beyonce said like a baby, snatching the pen from Clinton.

He has been on the drawing since afternoon, and he’s determined to finish it. The peach tree.

“I have to finish it, give me the pencil” he stood.

“I’m bored. Come to think of it we haven’t really talked since I arrived, and you didn’t even budge when I told you to let’s go visit Alfred. You didn’t seem happy too when I told you I’ll be spending the night here, should I enter the rain and leave your house?” She said.

Clinton sighed and faced her.

“What do you want?”

“Go take your night shower first” she smiled, and he sighed again before climbing upstairs.

“So cute!, I can never get over him” she gushed, climbing the stairs too.

She entered his room, and shockingly, she met him bending beside the bed, face in the laps.

“Clinton!” She rushed to him, but immediately she touched him, he looked up slowly, his eyes so red.


She didn’t say the rest before he stood and grabbed her, pushing her to the bed.

“Clinton!, What are you….

He clipped his lips on hers, kissing her fiercely, like a mad person.

This is surely not the original Clinton, it’s a new person entirely.

He suddenly pulled the elastic shorts down her @zz, and before she knew it, his Ďïčk penetrated into her.

“Clinton…. ohhhhh!”


Abel was helping Bright with his assignments in the study when Alfred came in, drenched in the rain.

“Dude!, What the hell!” Abel rushed out of the study.

“I’m passing the night here” Alfred replied.

“Why the hell are you soaked?” Abel said, going upstairs with him.

Alfred changed into one of his shirts and pants before falling on his bed.

“I think I’m gonna die soon, Rita and her boyfriend will ki|| me” he muttered.

“What are you saying?” Abel said in confusion.

“He tried raping our maid today, and she believed him when he told her it was the other way round”

“What the…. f-__-k!, You should have ki||ed him and go to jail!” Abel shouted.

“Are you insane?” Alfred rolled eyes.

“Sorry, but this is serious bro” Abel sat beside him.

Alfred’s eyes widened when he remembered he senselessly dropped Kristen home, and he spranged up.

“I need to go now!” He said and rushed out of the room.

“Alfredo!” Abel ran after him, but he was already out.


Alfred arrived and rushed out of the car into the rain, then he ran to the door where he met Kristen sitting.

She’s completely drenched, shaking so badly.

“Why didn’t you go in!” He shouted.

“The….the… Passcode got changed” she stuttered.

“What!” He said and got his phone.

Thankfully, it’s waterproof, so he was able to dial Rita’s line in the rain, but she didn’t pick throughout the three rings.

“$h|t!” He spat, looking at shivering Kristen again. He’s already wet too.

The drive to Abel’s place is 15 minutes, to Clinton’s place is same, so he decided to do the best thing.

“Come with me” he pulled her up, and she followed him with shaky limbs till they got to the car.

He drove them to he nearest hotel which took just five minutes.

He requested for new clothes at the lobby after booking a room.

He was given the key and the clothes, and he quickly entered the elevator with Kristen who was still dripping with water.

They got to their floor, and immediately they entered their room, he faced her.

“Take off your clothes, you need to change” he said, and she nodded once.

She was still shaking as she tried to take off the gown, and Alfred quickly turned his back on her.

She managed to take it off at last, then she picked one of the new clothes.

It’s an orange coloured shirt with ash stripes, same with the shorts.

She put it on and sneezed, making Alfred turn back to her.

He came closer and felt her temperature.

It’s hot!

“You’ve got fever, I’ll get you to the hospital” he said.

“No I’ll be fine, I just need to rest” she replied and climbed the bed, laying flat on it.

Alfred covered her with the duvet before going into the bathroom to change his clothes too.

He came back and his phone buzzed on the stand.

He checked and saw a message from Rita.


He sighed and dropped the phone, then he climbed the bed with Kristen.

Immediately he lay beside her, she tried shifting back, but he pulled her closer instead, getting under the duvet with her.

His arms snaked around her waist as their bodies pressed under the duvet.

“Mr Jenkins…” She whispered, still shaking slightly.

Their eyes got hooked.

“Only for tonight, let me cuddle you till you fall asleep… please” he whispered back.



TB Continued…

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