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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“What the hell are you f-__-king doing in my dressing room!” Alfred yelled angrily, his eyes getting redder as he began taking slow steps to trembling Kristen.

“I’m…. I’m actually…

He was already in front of her before her stuttering could finish. He squatted over the fallen jewelries and picked a wristwatch from it, looking at it like it’s not real.

Kristen shifted back as he looked up, and he stood as slowly as he squatted.

“You stole these?, Huh?” He said, not hiding the disgust in his voice.

“Kristen!!!” He yelled, and she fell on her butt immediately. Tears rushed out of her eyes.

“I’m so sorry Mr Jenkins, I….I was….I…

Alfred’s eyes suddenly widened, and he ran to a particular show-glass.

He opened it, and his eyes widened again when he couldn’t find what was supposed to be inside.

He started searching frantically for it inside the other glasses, but he couldn’t find it.

“Don’t…. don’t tell me you touched the ring” he muttered shockingly, and Kristen stood with teary face.


She could only say that much when Alfred dashed to another section of the room where he pressed a button on the wall.

Surprisingly, a door opened, and he went into the small room where he checked the installed cameras.

He saw how she came in and stole things right from her first day till today, but the most important is that he saw her taking the ring two days ago.

He ran out of the room and rushed to her, grabbing her collar so hard.

“Where the f-__-k did you take the ring to! I don’t care about any other thing you f-__-king stole!, But find me the Ruby Ring!” He shouted.

Tears streamed out of Kristen’s face again, but that even seems to infuriate him more.

“Do you know what I h@ťě most even more than my darn parents?, Thieves!!, Unfaithfulness and bloody lies!, Why did you do it?, Why!!!” He yelled, and Kristen’s lips began shaking as she made to talk. She couldn’t.

What’d she probably say? She could already see the layers of molten hatred in his eyes as he glared at her.

What would a darned thief like her have to say???

“Tell me why?, I’d gladly give you everything in here if you asked. All except that ring!, Why did you steal?” He asked again, and that was when Rita came in.

“Steal?” She said, blinking shockingly as she stared at crying Kristen.

“Wait….I better check my dressing room too” she said and rushed out.

It only took two minutes before she rushed back, and she gave Kristen a big hit on the face immediately, making her fall back on the ground.

“You stole numerous jewelries from my dressing room too, where did you take them?, Where are they!!!” She barked.

Kristen only cried more, so she slapped her again two times on both cheek.

“I’m sorry!!!” Kristen cried out, holding her face as hot tears rushed out of her regretful eyes.

Rita smirked and dragged her up, then her eyes met with Alfred’s.

The eyes which were always filled with admiration and warmth is now filled with pure hatred, and that made her h@ťě herself too…. To the core.

“Find the Ruby Ring” he said the four words before walking out of the room, leaving her at the mercy of Rita.

Rita hit her back on the glass rack, and it cracked, hurting her piercingly.

“Your savior h@ťěs you now. How does it feel?” She smiled hauntingly, and Kristen sniffed as she felt snot coming out of her nose.

“Eew!, I knew you’re a Ɓîtçh who doesn’t deserve to even work here cos you’d eventually show how much you love the d**ch, and it eventually happened. You have just tommorow to return everything. If you fail to do it tommorow, then I’mma get you arrested” she said and pushed her away.

Kristen fell on the ground heavily, hurting her hip bone as she landed.

Rita kicked her in the face, and her head hit on the glass.

“Up!!!” She yelled.

Kristen scrambled up to her feet and ran out of the house.


“How much have you earned from the stolen jewelries?” River asked as he played Go with Rocky in the a small stuffy room.

The smokes from their cigar formed a thick cloud in there.

“9.5” Rocky grinned.


“Billions!, f-__-king billions man!, They have the most crazily expensive collection of jewelries!” Rocky shouted, his grill teeth making him look hideous.

“How much do I get?” River raised a brow.

“We’ll talk about it once I sell the next batch” Rocky replied, blowing on his cigar again.

“Boss!” One of the thugs rushed in.

“Why the f-__-k are you ruining the fun?” Rocky glared.

“Dante is here” he reported.

“That f-__-king old man?” Rocky replied, and Dante came in, chewing gum as he walked to them.

“Who’s he?” River asked.

“Isn’t it obvious?, Father of my Ɓîtçh” Rocky replied.

Dante took the cigar from Rocky and puffed for long before laughing.

“You know what I’m here for”

“Another loan?, Are you f-__-king high?” Rocky shouted.

“But my daughter is here, you can make her do everything you want or even ki|| her and sell her organs, just give me some money!” Dante shouted.

Rocky signalled at the thug, and he threw him a bag.

He got some bails of cash from it and threw them at Dante who caught it happily.

“Finally some money!”

“That’s a million, and like you said, your daughter is paying for it again” Rocky said.

“Of course, she’s all yours” Dante laughed.

Kristen rushed in immediately, and her eyes widened when she saw Dante.


“Be a good girl, I’ll be on my way” Dante stood and started leaving after tucking the money into his bag

“How could you do this to me!!!” Kristen cried out, and he stopped.

“Did you come to collect another money using me as collateral again?, Do you even have a conscience?, How could you do this to your only daughter!!!, How could you!!!” She cried loudly.

“Shut the hell up!” Dante snapped.

“I hope you die on your way out!!!, I hope you…

Dante slapped her before she could land, then he grabbed her hair and pushed her roughly.

She fell blindly on the board of Go on the table, hurting her arms.

“Go to hell, Ɓîtçh!” Dante spat and walked out.

“Dad!!!!” Kristen yelled tearfully.

“Now, why the hell did you appear out of the blue?” Rocky asked, and she scurried to her knees.

She knelt in front of him and started rubbing her palms together.

“There’s a Ruby Ring among the things I stole for you, please can I have it back?, You can shave my hair in exchange for it, or…

“Wait a minute… Did you get caught?” Rocky interrupted, and she sniffed, releasing another tear.

“I can….

“You got caught?” Rocky stood, and she shifted back on her knees.

“I f-__-king told you not to get caught!, I warned you wench!!!” He barked angrily, grabbing her hair.

He forced her face up, and his own hovered above.

“You’re dead! Say what? … You’re dead!” He spat and hit his hard forehead on hers.

Her head made a straight noise as blood ran out of her nostrils. Her eyes turned on their own as he dragged her up and took her out of the room.

He dragged her to the next room which has heavy rogues boxing in a ring.

He plunged her down, and whips were provided with buckets of chilled water.

“Strip!” Rocky ordered, and her blood dried up.



Alfred gulped the fourth cup of alcohol and dropped the cup loudly on the table, then he rested back on the couch.

Everything that happened is still like a dream to him, and he still can’t wrap his small head around it to get it right.

Kristen would never turn out to be a thief in his imagination. He’d never imagine such, but it actually happened.

He saw it clearly on the camera, how she took all the jewelries she stole.

He drank the fifth cup and sighed, then his mind went to the other time at the hospital when he picked a call on her phone.

Someone actually told her to bring the golds that night. Does that mean she’s working for someone?

His head banged, and he drank the sixth cup. He doesn’t wanna believe, but what’s there to doubt when he saw it all.

“f-__-k” he muttered, burying his face in his palms.

“Uncle Alfred!” Bright shouted, coming in with Abel.

He looked up slowly, Abel squeezed his face.

“What’s that disgusting boring look on your face?, And why the hell are you drinking again?” He asked, settling beside him.

“He’s down, maybe something happened” Bright said.

“Really?” Abel blinked.

“I actually…. I caught…. My maid… She stole from my dressing room, including the Ruby Ring from nanny Ana” he replied.

“What!, Your most cherished property?” Abel gasped.

“I kept it in a special show-glass in the room cos I was scared I might lose it if I wore it around, and now….now it’s gone” Alfred replied sadly.

“Where’s the maid presently?” Abel asked.

“I dunno”

“Did you just said she stole?” Clinton said, coming in slowly.

“Who the f-__-k made you come out!” Abel held his chest.

“Did you say Kristen stole?” Clinton asked impatiently.

“You heard right” Alfred replied.

“I’m sure she needed money for something, she kept asking me for money at every game we played too. What if she needed it” Clinton said.

“Then she should have asked!, I’d have given her all the jewelries in that room except my Ruby Ring” Alfred replied.

“The Ruby Ring too?, You almost ki||ed me when I touched it last year” Clinton said.

“So… What are we gonna do?” Abel asked.

“I think she’s working for someone” Alfred replied.


“I once picked a call on her phone, and I heard someone talking about golds”

“Where did she come from?” Clinton asked.

“Only Rita knows” Alfred replied and stood.

He fell back on his sit tipsily.

“I’ll drive you home” Clinton offered.

“No, I’m fine” Alfred replied and stood.

“Find out from Rita and send me the location, I’ll help” Abel said.

Alfred staggered out, and Clinton sighed.

‘Will she be ok?’


Rita was in the living room, chatting with Minaj about Aphrodite when Alfred came in.

He was staggering, so she rushed to hold him, but he shoved her away.

“You’re drunk!” She remarked.

“Where did she come from?, Who recommended her?” He asked.

“Who?, Stinky thief?” Rita replied.

“Her name is Kristen” Alfred replied.

“Wh@ťěver. She came from a gambling house or something, heard she works for one Rocky guy” she replied, and he nodded once before starting to climb the stairs.

He staggered again and almost fell, but she grabbed his arm and hung it on her shoulders, taking him upstairs.

He was already dozing off when they arrived.

She dropped him on the bed and took off his shoes.

Her eyes widened when she saw his foot. It’s red and soft like a baby’s, so cute.

She pressed it and smiled, caressing it gently.

“How can a man’s foot look like a new born baby’s?” She chuckled before covering him with the duvet.

“It shouldn’t have been you…. Kristen” he whispered from his sleep, and she squinted.

“But it’s her. A thief” she muttered and sat beside him.

She touched his face and smiled again.

“Forgive me for not realizing how handsome you were, till now”


Alfred woke up late, but he’s got no early schedule today luckily.

He entered his bathroom, and immediately he stepped in, he imagined Kristen standing under the shower.

Blouse wet, sticking on her body, n**ples pointing out.

He shut his eyes and sighed before walking in.

He had her in mind throughout the bath, and that made him conclude that he’s surely going mad.

Is he missing her despite what she did?

He finished up in the bathroom and dressed up for work.

He made to knot his tie, but how she stood on her toes to knot it hit his head, and he closed his eyes again

He threw down the tie and left the room.

Surprisingly, Rita is in the dinning room, placing meals on the table.

For a second, he imagined her as Kristen, then she spoke up.

“I made noodles, let’s eat” she said, walking to her.

“Did you say she came from a gambling house bossed by Rocky?” He asked.

“Yes, sure” she nodded, and he began walking out.

“The noodles!” She quickly said.

“I’m not interested” he replied and left.

Rita sighed sadly before sitting to eat alone, but after two forklifts, she pushed away the plates angrily.

“Why is he not looking at me?”


“What!, Rocky’s gambling house?” Abel gasped when Alfred told him.

He dropped Bright in school already.

“You know the place?” Alfred asked.

“Rocky is a hardened criminal who has gone to jail many times. He manipulates people to work for him, and he borrows loans to people who won’t be able to pay back, then he takes something precious from them if they can’t pay” Abel replied.

“What!” Alfred shouted shockingly.

“f-__-k!” Abel said and dialled Alphonse’s line.

“Boss!” His voice came.

“How many men are on standby?”

“Twelve” Alphonse replied.

“Gather them, we might be raining bullets this morning at Rocky’s” Abel said and hung up.

They left the house at once and met Clinton just arriving.

“Found out her history. She’s from Rocky’s gambling house, and her father’s name is Dante. He sold her to Rocky to pay a debt of fifty million, I guess that’s why she needed money’ he said breathlessly.

“Rocky” Alfred muttered, getting in his car.

“Get out of the driver’s seat, you don’t even know the place” Abel said, and he came out.

Abel drove them out of the house, and after a long twenty minutes journey, they arrived at the gambling house.

Abel’s men were already waiting out, led by Alphonse.


Kristen was laying on the bare ground. She’s in only her singlet and pants. Her gown is off, and her body is full of wounds already.

She was wet with chilled water and then whipped mercilessly by the thugs.

She’s almost lifeless right now, and she’s in unbearable pains. She couldn’t move.

Apart from the pains she received from the whips, the pain she received from her own dad is even worse.

To him, she’s just a tool to alleviate his poverty.

She was crying silently on the ground she’s laying on, and when her mind went to how she betrayed Alfred again, she cried harder.

“You interested in f-__-king a p@zzy?, Three guys” Rocky suddenly said, and the thugs began fighting each other for who’ll go forward.

“Silence!, Just three!” Rocky shouted, and three guys stepped out one by one.

“Make her scream” Rocky smiled, sitting on a chair.

Kristen didn’t bother to struggle as she was made to lay on her back.

What strength would she fight with?, And what would she fight for?, Her irritating body?

The three guys started unbolting their belts at once, obviously for a foursome.

“Start!” Rocky shouted, and they started taking off her singlet and P@ŋtîēṣ, the only things covering her nudity.

“Boss!!!!” A thug ran in, and Rocky faced him.

“The one-man Mafia!, He’s here!” He reported, and Rocky spranged up

“Abel Keys?, What the f-__-k is that bastard doing here?”

“He ki||ed everyone already!” The thug reported again.

“What!” Rocky’s eyes widened, but it widened more when the door suddenly broke down from the frame, and Abel came in with Clinton and Alfred, then Alphonse and the rest of his men.

The first thing Alfred saw was Kristen, laying down with three men whose hands were all over her body.

His eyes widened, and he immediately snatched Alphonse’s gun from him.

Without breathing, he pulled the trigger on the one touching her B-__-bs first, and immediately he went down, he shot the other two… straight on their chests.

“Holy f-__-k!” Rocky shouted shockingly, and Alfred blessed his right eye with a bullet.

Rocky’s eyeball flew out.

“Alfredo!” Abel gasped.

“Alfred” Clinton muttered…



TB Continued…

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