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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Mmm” she Mõ@ɲed out, right on his lips.

Alfred’s hands suddenly grabbed her hips, and her eyes flew open when he started trailing down her @zz.

She quickly broke the kiss and spranged up, leaving him confused.

He stood, and she stepped back, avoiding his eyes.


She rushed upstairs before he could finish, and he touched his lips lightly, smiling as he reminisced about the kiss.

Is she suddenly feeling shy?, Why did she break it when he wanted to touch her more??

Was she unconformable with it?

He sighed when he got no answer to the questions, then he faced the food on the table.

He sat back and began eating, but after the third spoon, he smiled again.

“Funny how the food isn’t even as delicious as her lips” he giggled.


Kristen shut the door and backed it, breathing hard as she played the kiss in her head.

It was longer and hotter than the one they had when he was drunk, then sweeter cos she was able to have his real taste.

She raised her finger to her lips and touched it slightly, then her n**ples throbbed on her chest.

She looked down at them and bit her lip gently, then she ran to the front of the mirror.

She took off her gown and turned her disfigured @zz to the mirror, looking at it pitifully.

“I can’t let him see this, it disgusts me myself. I can imagine how much he’d puke if he sees this” she muttered sadly, walking to the bed.

She sat and felt tears wetting her eyes, then she began wiping them slowly, sobbing gently.

She began replaying how Rocky pressed her with the iron, and her tears got louder, reaching Alfred’s ears.

He rushed upstairs and stood by her door, listening to the sounds of her cries.

“Kristen” he called gently.

No reply.

“Kristen” he called again, and she quickly wiped her tears.

“Kristen are you ok?” He asked again.

“I’m fine!, Sure!” She replied from inside.

“Open the door, need to confirm” he said.

“I’m…. I’m… About to enter the bathroom, I’ll meet you downstairs soon!” She replied and entered the bathroom.

Alfred sighed worriedly, walking away from the door.

He’s sure he heard her cry earlier, is she ok?

Was it because of the kiss???


Rita pulled up roughly in front of the house and stepped out fast, shutting the car door loudly before rushing to the door.

She was determined to ki|| Marcel and Cassandra today no matter what happens, but she met the door locked.

She began banging loudly on it, kicking it with her shoes at the same time.

“Marcel!!!” She yelled, kicking it again.

“Miss Rita?” An old man said behind her, and she faced him swiftly.

“I knew it’s you, are you here for Marcel?, He left the country with his girlfriend this morning” he said.

“What!” Her eyes widened.

“Yes, is there any problem?’ he asked as her arms dropped.

She began walking like a living dead to her car, her shoes skipping on the ground. She was staggering like she’s drunk.

She almost fell when she got to her car, but she held the roof for support.

“Miss Rita are you ok?’ the man tried to hold her up, but she faced him with a teary face.

“Miss Rita…

“I’m ok” she managed to mumble before entering her car.

She started crying bitterly as she drove home devastatingly.


“I love Saturdays like this cos you get to stay home with me all day” Bright said as Abel cooked breakfast in the kitchen.

He’s standing on the counter, watching him from there.

“Not only because of that, but also because you get to stay home all day too” Abel replied, and he laughed.

“You got me daaadd”

“I knew it” Abel laughed, adding salt to the food on fire.

“What was mum’s cooking like?” Bright suddenly asked, and Abel stopped moving.

He could still remember cooking meals with Hazel in this same kitchen when Bright was still a toddler.

While he crawled around the living room, they’d play around while cooking in the kitchen.

He smiled and looked at the counter. He could still remember bending her over it, f-__-king the hell out of her ćƖĩť right there.

“Oh my bells!” Her Mõ@ɲs resounded in his ears, and he quickly turned away from the counter.

“Dad?” Bright said, and that brought him back to his senses.

“Huh!, Oh…. Hazel’s cooking?, She cooks delicious dishes but not as delicious as mine” he quickly replied.

“I knew it!” Bright said happily and stuck hands with him.

The doorbell rang immediately, and Bright jumped down the counter.

“I’ll go check” he said and rushed out of the kitchen.

He stood on a stool before checking the intercom.

His eyes widened when he saw Yvonne and Queen, and he quickly opened the door.

“Bright!” Yvonne squatted and hugged him immediately.

“Miss Yvonne” he smiled, hugging her back.

“Hey Young Thug!” Queen waved at him.

“Hey Young Queen” he waved back, and they smiled at each other.

“Yvonne?” Abel came out of the kitchen.

“Abel!” She smiled, walking to him.

Before he knew it, she hugged him.

“Was working in the kitchen, I still smell like veggies” he said.

“It’s fine” she replied, breaking the hug.

“Good to see you this morning” he said, and she nodded.


“Oh! Heard you stay home with Bright during the weekend, so I brought Queen to stay. I have too many photo$h00t sessions today” she replied.

“It’s fine, I’ll be home all day, and even if I’m going out, I’ll go with them” he replied.

“I’m glad I brought her then, I need to go” she said quickly

“Bye” he smiled, and she waved at him as she rushed to Queen.

“I’ll come pick you up at 7, ok?” She said.

“I’ll be a good girl till you’ll be back” she smiled, and she kissed her hair.

“I love you baby”

“I love you mum!” She hugged her, and Yvonne rushed out of the house immediately.

“Feel at home” Abel said.

“I know, it’s common sense” Queen replied.

“Don’t tell me you’re 6 too” Abel laughed.

“I’m seven” she replied.

“But still, you’re just as bad-mouthed as someone I know” Abel replied, and Bright coughed.

“I’ll go make breakfast fast” Abel laughed as he entered the kitchen.

“You have a dog?, So cute!” Queen pointed at Choco who was sitting beside a couch.

“What’s the use when I can’t even touch it?, I’m allergic to furry things so I can’t go close to any furry animal or teddy” Bright said.

“Really?, Same here!, I’m allergic too!” Queen replied.



“Why are you just telling me now?, You should have informed me since last night!” Metawin yelled at his secretary on phone as he ascended the stairs.

“I called, but you didn’t pick, so I sent a mail” she replied.

“f-__-k!, You should have rejected it!, So how do I attend two meetings at once?, Cancel one” he said.

“If we do, then take stakeholders might get upset” she replied.

“Maya!” He yelled.

“I’m so sorry sir” she replied, and he hung up angrily.

“Any problem?” Tamara asked behind him, and he turned slowly.

“I’ve got two meetings scheduled for the same time” he said slowly.


“I can’t do it” he replied, and she walked to him.

“Can I go to the second one in your place?”

“Huh?” His eyes widened.

“Can I?” She replied.

“You’re not joking?”

“Should I forget it?” She rolled eyes, and he carried her immediately, swaying her around.

“Drop me jerk!” She laughed, but he kept swaying till he was satisfied, then he dropped her slowly.

He removed the strands of hair on her face, slipping it behind her ear.

Tamara’s heart was racing like his, but she was trying her best to keep it low so it won’t echo in his ears.

He smiled and leaned in, then he planted a kiss on her hair.

“What should I get you on my way back?” He asked, but she wasn’t even hearing him. She was still staring.

For the first time since their marriage, she noticed the dimple under his chin, and it’s so beautiful.

“Wifey?” Metawin called, and that brought her back.


“What should I get you on my way back?” He asked, and she blinked.

“Anything” she replied, and he took a good look at her.

“I think I know what to get” he smiled naughtily.

“What?” She smiled.

“Secret” he replied, walking to his room already.

“Tell me!” She ran after him.

“If you enter my room, I’ll make you Com” he said immediately she got to his door, and she froze.

“So go dress up, Șëx¥ wifey” he winked and shut the door.

Tamara blinked thrice before realizing she’s still standing by his door.

She smiled before knowing it, then she rushed into her room.


Clinton was reading a book as he from the pizza he ordered.

It’s weird to crave pizza in the morning, but he just couldn’t help it, so he had to order and satisfy his craving.

His mind went to Kristen, and he stopped reading for a while.

He even slept beside her on the table last night, and he didn’t get the urge to s*x.

Does that mean he’s not attracted to her at all?, Or…. Is there something more to it?

He curiously hot his phone and rang his doctor.

“Mr Clinton Johnson!” The doctor said loudly.

“I need to consult you over something, when should I come today?” He asked.

“5pm, no extra time” the doctor replied, and he hung up straight.

Beyonce came in, and he quickly turned away from her. She’s almost naked cos she’s wearing a extra short net gown.

“Beyonce, this won’t work out well” he said, standing up.

“You weren’t home last night, I missed you” she replied, going closer to him.

“Can’t you just try to understand me?, I can’t continue using you to satisfy myself when I feel nothing for you!, You’d get hurt!” He shouted loudly.

“I really don’t care, you’ll like me eventually anyways” she replied.


“So let’s make up for what we missed last night, I’m so ready” she smiled, taking off the thin straps of her goen.

Clinton started walking into the room, but she suddenly hugged him from behind, grabbing his Ďïčk in his pants.

He lost himself immediately.

“f-__-k me, please” Beyonce begged as she felt his Ďïčk hardening in her palm.


Kristen came out of the taxi with the jewelries she stole from Rita’s dressing room again. Rocky was already waiting.

He literally snatched the package from her and tore it open. A big smile covered his face when he saw the treasures.

“Good girl, your salary will come soon and I’ll buy you something from it if you continue like this” he said and started leaving.

“Master!” She suddenly called, and he looked back.


“Can I…. Stop stealing from them… For now?” She asked silently, and his face turned deadly as he walked to her.

“Say what?”

“I… I… I…

She began stuttering, and he suddenly grabbed her neck.

“Master!!!” She cried.

“Say that sentence again, and I’ll send you to hell!” He barked, throwing her on the ground.

She landed roughly on it , hurting her palms.

He drove away in his car, and Kristen kept crying on the road.

What would Alfred think of her when he finds out???

She’s dying already.


“Shall we?” Abel said when he came out of the car.

“Yes!!!” Queen and Bright shouted, and he helped them out of the car.

They actually got bored at home after much video games, so he suggested they go out.

“What should we ride first?” He asked, standing in their middle.

“Let’s get ice cream first!” They chorused, and he carried them both in his arms to the ice cream stand.

“Cuties?, What flavor?” The vendor asked.

“Chocolate!” They said at once, and Abel blinked.

“Telepathy or what?” He laughed as their ice cream cones were handed to them.

He went to the merry-go-round and placed them on the ride, then he climbed behind them as it moved.

“So enjoyable!” They shouted at once, and he sighed.

“This is so boring, a whole me on a merry-go-round” he muttered.

He stopped thinking suddenly, then he felt a presence behind them.

He looked back slowly, but no one in sight.

He raised a brow and sighed.

“Who’s it?, My instincts don’t deceive”


Alfred smiled widely when he came out of the car, then he got a shopping bag.

Everything is settled with the shareholders, investors and the public, all thanks to Kristen.

He owes her a lot, and he’s already thinking of ways to pay her back.

He stepped into the house and met her in the living room, sitting in front of the TV.

“Mr Jenkins” she stood and smiled lightly.

She tied an handkerchief to her neck to conceal the redness Rocky made.

“Are you….ok?” Alfred asked worriedly when he saw her mood.

“I’m fine” she smiled, moving her neck painfully.

Alfred gave her the shopping bag, and when she opened it and saw different dresses, her eyes widened.

“Remember you’re fired if you thank me” he quickly said.


“You can just hug me instead” he interrupted, and she took a step forward to him, but she stopped and made to step back…

Alfred pulled her to himself, hugging her tight.

Immediately it happened, his hand went to the hanky on her neck, and he removed it.

He broke the hug, and he held her shoulders as he stared at the redness.

“Did Rita did this?” He asked angrily.

“No!, No it’s not her!” She quickly replied.


“I went out to get groceries, and I was attacked my thieves” she replied.


“But I’m fine, the cops took care of them” she smiled, and he sighed.

“I’ll apply treatments, come with me” he held her hand.

“No Mr Jenkins, you need to go shower and come have dinner, you must he tired” she said.


“I’ll be fine” she smiled.

“After dinner?” He asked.

“After dinner” she replied, and he went upstairs.

He had his shower and changed into black long pants and white shirt, but he suddenly took off the shirt.

The night is warm, no need to cover up excessively.

He went down the stairs shirtlessly, and Kristen’s eyes widened when she saw him.

How can a human skin look like milk?, He’s so white, and the porcelain look is ki||ing.

His packs, abs and joint movements, it’s mad!

She swallowed hard as he walked to the freezer and got himself a bottle of water.

He must be feeling so thirsty cos he drank directly from it.

Some of the water trickled down his throat, to his chest, and the way his throat was moving… f-__-k!

At the same time, Rita was just coming downstairs.

She has been crying silently in her room since she came back from Marcel’s in the morning, but now that she decided to come out, she saw this!

Her eyes and mouth widened at the same time, and she stared so hard that she lost concentration.

How can a man be so…. Beautiful???

Has he always been this beautiful? Huh?

He did the worse by pouring some of the water in his hair, then he shook his head, making the sticky long hair sway around gorgeously.

Rita’s breath seized immediately, and she forgot she’s climbing down the stairs.

She took the next step without looking at the stairs, and her foot missed the stair

She slipped gasped as she began falling.

“Oh! … Ohh!”

She was expecting a miracle to happen so Alfred would appear and grab her, but it never happened.

She fell heavily on the stairs, and she began rolling down funnily.




TB Continued…

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