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Friday, October 18, 2024
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The yellow smokes erupted more from the pipe every second as both remained helplessly unconscious in the room.

Two minutes went by, and there’s still no hope for survival, then blood began escaping their noses.

Immediately Kristen’s blood touched the ground, a loud thud sounded on the door, like someone is trying to break it.

“Alfredo!” Abel’s voice shouted.

“Alfred!, Kristen!” Clinton’s voice came afterwards.

The thuds kept hitting the door till the third minute, and the door broke down violently.

Abel made to step in, but Clinton stopped him.

“The smoke is dangerous” he said.

“But they’re dying!” Clinton replied.

“Wait” Abel covered his nose with his fingers and stepped in.

He located the pipe easily and plugged it back to the wall.

Surprisingly, the smokes dissipated immediately, and Clinton stepped in with him.

Abel carried Alfred while Clinton got Kristen.

They rushed out of the building and got them in their cars, driving them to the nearest hospital where they were admitted.

“What if we didn’t follow Alfredo’s car?, They could have died!” Abel said.

“I knew the fans would do something like this, I should have warned Alfred” Clinton replied, and Abel sighed before sitting.

“So what are we doing?, I badly wanna catch those punks and make them regret coming alive” he gritted.

“I have a CCTV in front of my house, it would have caught their faces during the kidnap” Clinton replied.

“Good, I’ll go check” Abel said.

“No, you stay with them. I’ll go check and give you updates” Clinton replied, and Abel nodded as he left.

He actually branched at Clinton’s place on his way to work, and immediately he saw the speed at which Alfred left, he knew everything wasn’t ok.

His thought was that something is up at home, only for him to trail with Clinton and find them in the death zone.

He inhaled and was about to sit when someone held him.

“Yvonne?” He said surprisingly.

“Abel, what are you doing here?” She smiled.

“Some fans attacked Alfred and his maid. They’re in with the doctors” he replied.

“What!, Rita’s fans?, OMG what the hell!” She screamed shockingly.

“What are you doing here by the way?” Abel asked.

“Oh, i brought Queen for colostomy, she couldn’t go to school cos of the pains” she replied.

“Oh…” Abel sighed.

“They’ll be fine, trust me” she said, taking his right hand.

He looked at the hand slowly before speaking.

“I know, thanks”

She gave the hand a slight squeeze before letting go.

“I’ll see you around” she smiled.

“Sure” he replied as she walked away.

Abel gave her backside a long stare before sitting eventually, then the doctors came out of the ward.

“They’re stable, right?” He spranged up.

“How come they inhaled that much chemical?, We almost lost them!”

“But they’re ok already, right?”

“Sure, they’ll wake once they exhale the ones left in their system” the doctor replied, and Abel sighed in relief.

The doctor left, and he entered the ward

“Alfred!!!” Tamara came rushing in.

“Yvonne is a newscaster” Abel smiled as Tamara hugged Alfred in bed.

His head was bandaged round cos the bottle left concussions and bruises.

Kristen’s forehead was plastered too.

“The beautiful maid too?, Oh my gawd I wanna ki||!!!” She screamed dramatically when she saw Kristen.

“Who the hell did this!!!”

“Yvonne didn’t tell you that part?, Obviously Rita’s fans” he replied.

“What!, I was thinking his enemies in the company” she replied.

“You know how toxically dangerous her fans can be. They’re still acting over the video she posted” Abel replied.

“I swear it I’m gonna ki|| Rita and shred her flesh, then I’ll hang them on any available clothing line!” Tamara thr_@tened and stormed out of the ward.

Abel’s phone dinged immediately, a message from Clinton. He actually sent the video on his CCTV.

It caught the faces of the three guys clearly.

“Y’all are so dead” he smirked, dialling the number of his Hitman.

“Hey Alphonse, I’m sending a video of these guys right now. Capture them before tonight” he said.


Rita was still walking angrily out of the hospital when Metawin suddenly blocked her, and she scowled.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

“I actually followed from home. Heard when Yvonne was talking to you about Alfred and his maid, are they ok?” He asked worriedly.

“None of your business. Can you please stay away?” She said harshly and tried to leave, but he grabbed her.

“I’m sorry if you’re angry about it, but I was just worried” he said, and Tamara blinked once before releasing herself.

She left without another word, and Metawin followed her in his car.


Models from different agencies flooded the large dressing room as they prepared for the runway show coming up in ten minutes.

Everyone is busy with their makeup artists and dressers, getting fitted in dresses of different brands.

Rita is in the middle of the room with almost ten dressers surrounding her, together with her makeup artist.

A different dresser is putting on her shoes for her while a different one is also wearing her jewelries.

One is reshaping her nails and another is busy with her hair, just to make her stand out as usual.

She’s modelling for the new gown design from SWITCH.

“No mistakes, or you’re fired” she said arrogantly, scaring the dressers more.

Their hands began shaking.

“I can never like her. Even if she later becomes a pastor Mrs, I’d become a terrorist and bomb her church” one of the models said.

They’re all staring spitefully at her.

“You just said my mind” another one replied.

“Always behaving like some god” another said.

“Time up!, It’s starting now!” The director came in, and everyone stood.

Rita was the last to stand, and she pushed everyone away from her way as she walked past them.

“You stand out as always, star of the industry” the director said.

“I know, right?” She smiled pleasingly.

The door opened, and she was the first to step out while others followed behind as they stepped on the runway.

They’re eight in number, but cameras focused mainly on her as usual, and that’s driving her crazy, making her give ki||er poses, showing off the gown.

She’s madly obsessed with the spotlight.

It was still ongoing when the second door opened, and Tamara barged into the hall.

She smirked as the director ran to her.

“What the hell are you doing?, This is a runway show Tamara!” He said.

“I don’t care if I get suspended, but you see this Rita girl?, I’ll make sure she runs whenever she sees me” she replied and pushed him out of the way.

“Rita!!!!!” She screamed, rushing to the runway as everyone turned to her.

She jumped on a chair, and from there, she landed in front of her.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Rita glared.

Tamara slapped her twice on the same cheek before tearing her gown in the front, revealing her bra.

?️ Has she gone crazy?

?️ What’s going on!

?️ Tamara!

“How dare you send your idiotic fans to hurt my brother!, It’s enough that you posted that video to destroy him and the company. It’s enough that they threw eggs at him, so what else do you want shameless prostitute!” Tamara screamed, and everyone began gasping.

“You’ve surely gone mad, f-__-k you idiot!” Rita spat and made to return the slaps, but Tamara went down, so the hand flew past her.

Immediately she stood, she punched Rita hard on the face, sending her to the ground.

She fainted immediately.

?️ Someone stop her!

?️ Help!!!

?️ Tamara!

Tamara was about to punch unconscious Rita again when cops rushed in.

One of them grabbed her roughly, pulling her away from Rita.

“Let me go!” She yelled.

Another one grabbed her other hand, and they started dragging her out.

“Let go of me!!!”

Metawin rushed in that moment.

“How dare you hold my wife that way!” He said angrily, rushing to them.

He pushed the cops away from her and pulled her to his side.

“Rita deserved wh@ťěver she did to her, so get the hell away from my wife” he said authoritatively before starting to take Tamara out.

Tamara was staring at his angry face till they got out, and he hugged her immediately they got beside the car.

“Win” she said surprisingly.

“Good job, my wife” he replied, and her eyes widened again.


A loud pool party is going on. Marcel is the host together with Cassandra.

She actually gave Rita an excuse that she’s sick so she could be here. The fun is to die for.

“Everybody scream Marcel Money!” The MC shouted as Marcel entered the place.

?️ Marcel Money!!!

“Of course, I’m a cool millionaire right now, and more is still coming!” Marcel shouted.

?️ Whoaaaaaa!!!

“And everyone, meet my baby. The only one who owns my heart, Cassandra!” He hailed, pulling Cassandra out of the crowd.

She was blushing as he kissed her, groping her butty in the bikini.

?️ f-__-k!!!!!

“I love you” he said immediately he broke it.

“Much more baby” she replied before picking a bottle of champagne.

She shook it before popping it loudly.

?️ Yessss!!!!

“C’mon guys, let’s parryy!!!!” She screamed, and the song resumed playing as everyone started dancing again.

Marcel’s phone rang, and immediately he saw Rita on screen, he hissed and threw the phone in the pool.

Cassandra started twerking for him, and he began moving with her.

“f-__-k!, I love you baby!!!!”


Rita threw away her phone after dialling Marcel’s line for the second time. It’s off.

“Where’s he?, I need him right now” she said.

Empress Elsa came in immediately, and she made displeased faces.

“Leave, don’t wanna see no one”

“Rita I’m sorry…

“First was your son, and now it’s your daughter!, Are they planning to ki|| me or what?, Look what she did to my f-__-king face!” She shouted.

“I’ll make sure she gets punished, just pardon me this once and don’t let the news get to your father. Yunno how much I love you, i wouldn’t wanna lose you to another family” Elsa sat beside her, stroking her hair

“My dad is not prehistoric, he reads the news too so tell me how it won’t get to him in Italy” she rolled eyes.

“I know you can do it, and I promise to do wh@ťěver you want” Elsa smiled, and she looked at her.

She made a sour face before looking away.


The air has been awkward since they returned from the fight.

Tamara has been in her room, thinking of what to do to compensate him for what he did.

She h@ťěs owing a favor, so she needed to repay.

She finished applying facials after her shower, then she came down in the usual Șëx¥ bum shorts and thin singlet.

Metawin is in the living room, working from home on his laptop.

She stood behind him for long before going closer.

“Hey” she said awkwardly, and he looked up.

He removed his glasses and smiled.

“Yes?, Wifey?”

Tamara prevented herself from blushing immediately she heard those, and she cleared her throat.

“So….I want to…. repay you for….what you did…. I’m thinking of….

“You don’t have to repay me, you’re my wife” he replied.

“Can you stop saying wife? It creeps me out” she said, and he smiled handsomely before standing.

“Should I kiss you instead?”

“Are you crazy?” She rolled eyes, and he laughed.

Lopez was smiling as she watched them from the stairs.

“What are you paying with?” Metawin asked curiously, and Tamara bit her pouty lips before trying to talk, but the doorbell interrupted

“Yes?” Lopez rushed to the door, and immediately she opened it, president Billy rushed in.

“Were you and Alfred sent to destroy my company?, How could you do that to Rita!” He yelled, waltzing angrily to her.

Metawin quickly blocked her from him.

“Out of the way” Billy glared.

“I don’t mind hitting my father-in-law if he touches what’s mine” Metawin said.

“What!” Billy blinked.

“Heck yeah, so please leave my house” Metawin replied.

“She’s my daughter!”

“And she’s my wife!” Metawin shouted back.

Tamara smiled behind him and stuck out her tongue at Billy.

“Dad, you may now leave. My husby can fight well” she said, hugging him from behind .

Billy huffed in anger before stepping back.

He left as fast as he came, and Tamara quickly unwrapped her arms from Metawin.

Before he could face her, she began running upstairs.

“You have two things to pay me for , Tamara!” He shouted.

No answer came.

“Husby?, Sounds cute” he smiled, walking back to his laptop.


Abel stepped in gallantly, looking dangerous with his gun in hand.

His men are in, all of them.

A fire is burning in the middle of the room, and three guys were tied up to a pole, their bodies dangling.

The three foolish fans.

“I owe you a car, Alphonse” he said, and the hitman smiled.

“Thanks boss”

“So, y’all are the rats who hurt my friend” Abel said, walking around the dangling guys.

Their faces are bloody, together with their shirtless bodies. They obviously received tortures from his men.

“Huh?, Y’all are the f-__-king rats” he said, raising the chin of the one in the middle with his gun nozzle.

“You look like an highschool student, how old are you?”

“Eight…een” he stuttered, and Abel hit him viciously on the face.

“Spare me!!!” He cried loudly.

“You’re highschool students?, And you had the guts to do that to my friend and his maid?” Abel smirked, staring at his gun.

“I can lay low even about myself, but I always wanna $h00t if anyone touches my friends, so take this as an example” he said and shot the one in the middle on the forehead.

The other two started crying immediately, peeing in their trousers.

“Dispose his body, and free the other two” Abel ordered.

“Yes boss” Alphonse said as Abel walked out.


Alfred was the first to wake up, and he spranged up in bed immediately.

“Kristen!” His eyes widened, and he was about to rush out of the ward when she saw her on the second bed.

“Kristen!” He gasped, rushing down from his bed

His bandaged head made some noise, and he held it tight.

“f-__-k!” Be groaned, enduring the pains for a minute before moving to Kristen finally.

“I’m so sorry I couldn’t do anything even when I came. Sorry for being weak and useless, miss clumsy” he said, stroking her hair gently.

Her phone vibrated on the stand, and he took it

He saw MASTER on the ID, and he picked curiously.

“Get me the golds tonight!” Rocky’s voice shouted.

“Golds?” Alfred said in confusion, and Rocky hung up immediately.

“Mr Jenkins” Kristen’s voice turned his face to her.

She was already awake.

“Kristen!” He smiled, dropping the phone to help her sit up.

“Your head!, It’s all bandaged. It must hurt a lot I’m so sorry!, I never meant to make this happen but the thugs caught me before I could even fight back, I’m so…

Alfred hugged her before she could finish, and she blinked once as he stroked her hair again.

“All that matters is that you’re alive. I’m the weakling” he said, pressing her body closer to his.

Slowly, Kristen hugged him back, and he smiled.

“Clumsy Kristen” he called, and she smiled.

“Yes, Mr Jenkins”

“Are you mad at me for saying those words to you?, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have directed my anger towards you” he whispered.

“You were right though, I’m just a maid” she replied, and he broke the hug to hold her shoulders.

“You’re my maid, the MY made it special” he said, and she smiled prettily.

“Forgive me” he said, and she nodded.

Clinton who has been watching from the door smiled and left.

“How are you gonna handle the company?, It’ll be hard” Kristen said worriedly.

He brought his right hand to her cheek and caressed it shortly before looking at her plastered forehead.

“Mr Jenkins…

“My clumsy maid is hurt because of me, how can I think about a company right now?” He replied.


“I can’t stand seeing you get hurt” he whispered, and she looked him in the eye slowly.

“Don’t look at me that way, I might just kiss you again” he said silently.



TB Continued…

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