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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ Into°The°Bad°Land.. }

By Felix Peter ✍

Chapter 22 ♥



★ ^ ★

Rhema packed her bags locked her door and left.

Few minutes Rhema is seen carrying one of her bags on her head and the other on her right hand.

She doesn’t know where to go or whom to run to, she walked for hours, saw a tree and sat under it.

” This life is full of many things. I brought this upon myself”

Hot tears rushed down her eyes, memories of her sweet time with carol coupled her mind.

She recalled the accident and the last words of Carol.

The warning words of the goddess queen reminds her of the mistake she did.

She regretted her past mistakes hoping that they won’t back to her.

She sighted a sachet water hawker, called and bought one, she poured the cold water on her head hoping that it will ease her pains and agony.

” Where will I go from here, who will I run to? I have been thrown out like a trash with no future? I think that suicide is the best option for me, no that’s not necessary ” She laughed madly.

Different strange voices whisper into her ears urguing her to commit suicide.

” You ki||ed your fiance who gives you everything ” First voice said.

” Your mother died because of your stubbornness ” Second voice said.

” You murdered innocent people, their blood cries for vengeance and that will get ” Third voice said.

Immediately Rhema stood up screaming and closing her ears.

” Don’t you dare judge me ” Rhema cried bitterly.

Passerby looked at her in disbelief believing that she is mad.

” I didn’t ki|| my fiance ” Rhema strickled.

” You this foolish girl, even in death he regret ever knowing you ” Second voice said.

” Stop it, you are driving me crazy” Rhema screamed.

” That’s what you deserve, nothing else. The blood of your mother seeks vengeance on you ” First voice said.

” Leave me alone, I don’t want to hear”

Rhema wept bitterly, people looked at her in pity thinking that she is mentally sick.

” I am warning you, don’t say that again ” She said.

” We will say more then that, nobody can save you from our captivity” Forth voice lowbred.

Rhema kept on running and screaming scaring people away.

Some murmured that she’s possessed by an evil spirit while others said that she’s mad.

Rhema got tired of running and stopped at the bridge she looked down on the bridge as tears rushed down her eyes.

” I have to end this now, I can no longer live under this ignominy of being pregnant for a man that is dead. His people doesn’t want this pregnancy what I living for when the people that matters to me are no more. My own hamlet ostracized me for a crime I didn’t commit ”

She looked up as tears continued gushing out of her eyes.

” Carol my love, I have to end this now, I don’t think I can keep to the promise that I made to you in your dead bed”

She climbed on the bridge as people looked at her in shock, a voice spoke from the crowd urguing her not to take her own life.

” Stop!!! Why do you want to take your own life” Mrs Chelsea shouted.

” What is life? I don’t have a life, so allow me to take away this outrage and rest in peace” She wept.

” Please don’t take your life, think about the future of your unborn baby ” Mrs Chelsea said.

” It seems my pregnancy is now out for public view. I cannot continue in this shame. I have to end it now”

” I am a woman like you and I know what you are going through. Your life and that of your child are very important and I promise that I will train you and your child” Mrs Chelsea said.

” No one likes me and you’re joking right? ”

” I don’t joke on a serious situation, you are getting us embarrassed calm down ”

Rhema looked at her for some time and came down. The kind woman walked to her.

” Don’t ever put on that act again, it looks like you are homeless ” Mrs Chelsea advised.

Rhema nodded like a child.

” Let’s go home ”

” Thank you so much”

She followed the woman to her car, both entered the car.

” My daughter suicide is never the best option. The life and future of your unborn child is vital and shouldn’t be taken for granted”

” Thanks so much” She wept.

” Please wipe your tears” The zoomed off.


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